Barry L. Isaac


Professor Emeritus

Professional Summary

From 1983 to 2000, Dr. Barry L. Isaac served as editor of Research in Economic Anthropology, a series that published both an annual volume (a mixture of ethnology and archaeology) and occasional supplements (thematic volumes devoted to archaeology). Throughout his editorial tenure, Dr. Isaac’s goals were, first, to further the development of economic anthropology as a subdiscipline of anthropology in the fullest (cross-cultural and cross-temporal) sense and, second, to encourage the equal participation of ethnologists (sociocultural anthropologists) and archaeologists in economic anthropology, which in the past had been identified almost exclusively with ethnology. His current research concerns Aztec ethnohistory, especially political and economic processes, and present-day social stratification in Central Mexico.


PhD: U Oregon 1969


(Emeritus) Culture change, economic anthropology, cross-cultural comparison; Latin America.