Irene Ivanova Ivantcheva-Merjanska , Ph.D.
Assoc Professor - Educator
Professional Summary
Associate Professor Educator
Ph.D. : U of Cincinnati 2011 (French and Francophone literature)
Ph.D. : Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2001
Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies : U of Cincinnati 2009
Teaching Online Certficate: Quality Matters USA, 2022 (Teaching Online)
Research and Practice Interests
Foreign Language Teaching, Active Learning, French Language, Literature and Cinema, Francophone Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Cultural Studies, Women’s Studies, European Studies, Slavic Literatures.
Positions and Work Experience
2011 - Adjunct Assistant Professor of French , U of Cincinnati,
2017 -2019 Educator Assistant Professor and French Coordinator, RALL department,
2019 -2024 Undergraduate Studies Director, RALL, Advising: majors, minors, certificates - French, Spanish, Italian.,
2022 - Educator Associate Professor ,
2003 -2008 Instructor of French, RALL department,
Abbreviated Publications
Bregove na chuvstvoto. Glasove na jeni v balgarskata poesia.[Women’s voices in Bulgarian Poetry] -Sofia: Sofia University Publishing House, 1995.
Ecrire dans l’autre langue : Assia Djebar et Julia Kristeva. Collection : Critiques littéraires. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2015. 270 p.
Glasove na jeni v balgarskata poesia. Aspekti na intertextualnostta [Women’s voices in Bulgarian Poetry.Aspects of Intertextuality]. Sofia: Porsveta, 2015. 460 p.
Pieces. Poems and Fragments. Билингва/ Bilingual edition. Sofia, Polis, 2021. ISBN 978-954-796-086-2
Peer Reviewed Publications
“Entre l’Algérie et la France: Saisies des seuils culturel et racial dans L’amour, la fantasia et Vaste est la prison d’Assia Djebar.” Cincinnati Romance Review31 (2011): 57-74. [Special Issue: Assia Djebar : Ecrivaine entre deux rives]
“Between Algeria and France: Assia Djebar’s Appropriations of Cultural and Racial Thresholds in Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade and So Vast the Prison.” - Cultural Dynamics of Gobalization and African Literature. Trans. Janice Spleth. Eds. Sandra Dixon and Janice Spleth. African Literature Association Annual Series. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2016, 155-182.
“Penser en nomade et dans l’autre langue le monde, la vie psychique et la littérature. ”
Interview with Julia Kristeva (in collaboration with Michèle E. Vialet). Special Issue Kristeva in Process: The Fertility of Thought. Cincinnati Romance Review 35 (Spring 2013): 158-189.
“Cheminements vers l’identité européenne : l’autre langue, la psychanalyse, le dialogue et le roman dans Meurtre à Byzance et dans des essais de Julia Kristeva. Special Issue Kristeva in Process: The Fertility of Thought. Cincinnati Romance Review 35 (Spring 2013): 49-74.
Peer Reviewed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
“The dialectics between romantic and anti-romantic in the film A Heart in Winter by Claude Sautet.” Proceedings of the First Global Virtual Conference. Vol. 1, issue 1. Zilina: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina (ISBN 978-80-554-0679-4), 2013, 227—229.
Paper Presentations
Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska (2009. ) “La notion de liberté, la psychanalyse et le roman: cheminements vers l’identité européenne dans l’œuvre de Julia Kristeva” .Institut für Romanistik, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
(2015. ) “Le regard multidimensionnel sur la maternité et les langues dans le roman Possessions de Julia Kristeva.” .The 35th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, April 9-11, 2015..
(2013. ) “The dialectics between romantic and anti-romantic in the film A Heart in Winter by Claude Sautet.” .
(2008. ) “Visage de l’autre dans le génocide rwandais à travers des textes du programme littéraire Devoir de mémoire” . The 34th Annual Conference of the African Literature Association (ALA), the Western Illinois University (WIU), Macomb, Illinois, April 22-27, 2008. .
(2008. ) “Studying Works of Black American Women Writers through the Symbolism of Space,” .The West Virginia Association of College English Teachers Spring Conference (WVACET),West Virginia University at Parkersburg, March 14-15, 2008. .
(2006. )
(2009. ) Entre l’Algérie et la France: Saisies des seuils culturel et racial dans L’amour, la fantasia et Vaste est la prison d’Assia Djebar,” . The 62nd Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference (KFLC), University of Kentucky, April 16 –18, 2009..
(2012. ) “Leurs Etats-Unis: le regard existentialiste et marxiste de Simone de Beauvoir et le regard postmoderne de Thérèse-Migraine George,” . The 32nd Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, May 5, 2012..
Honors and Awards
2010 -2011 Distinguished Dissertation Completion Fellowship by the Graduate School of the University of Cincinnati
2008 University Research Council Award Graduate Student Grant Type:Monetary
2006 University Research Council Award Graduate Student Grant
Taft Conference Travel Grant for presenting at Humboldt University, Berlin Presenting paper “La notion de liberté, la psychanalyse et le roman: cheminements vers l’identité européenne dans l’œuvre de Julia Kristeva” – International Colloquium "Kristeva in Process" - 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2009, Institut für Romanistik, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Cincinnati Romance Review Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 05-10-2007 -05-12-2007
Coordinator Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-01-2017
Ohio Department of Education (TAG Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:Other Educational Service Level:State 08-01-2017
Contact Information