Farrah Jacquez

Farrah Jacquez , Ph.D.


Associate Professor

Professional Summary

Research program focused on partnering with communities to develop interventions to promote health equity. Current projects target Latino immigrant health and participatory research with immigrants and refugees in Cincinnati. For complete list of publications, see Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=YALiPW8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate


Ph.D.: Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN,

M.A.: University of Notre Dame South Bend, IN,

B.A.: Marshall University Huntington, WV,

Research and Practice Interests

Broadly, I am interested in utilizing community-engaged research methods to address health disparities. Currently, I have two major strains of research. First, I am working with the Latino immigrant community investigating links between social connection and health outcomes. Second, I work with Cincinnati-area immigrants and refugees to promote civic engagement. See my Google Scholar profile for recent publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=YALiPW8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

Research Support

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez & Becky Basford 05-01-2010 -04-30-2011 CTSA Community Health Grant Increasing Physical Activity in a Rural Appalachian Community Role:Academic Investigator $22,634 Active Type:Grant

11-01-2009 -10-31-2010 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department Characteristics of Newly-Immigrated, Spanish Speaking Latinos Who Use CCHMC’s Pediatric Emergency Department Role:Co-Investigator Type:Grant Level:Local

Investigators:Nancy Jennings, Farrah Jacquez, & Judy Murnan 08-31-2009 -09-01-2010 Healthy Habits for Kids: A School-based Intervention to Improve Children’s Physical and Eating Habits. Role:Co-Principal Investigator 25,000 Type:Grant Level:University

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez and the Adams County Health and Wellness Coalition 12-01-2011 -06-01-2011 US Department of Health and Human Services Healthy People 2020 The Adams County Health and Wellness Coalition Community-based Healthy Eating Project Role:Academic Principal Investigator $9,200 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Mary Brydon-Miller, Lisa Vaughn, & Farrah Jacquez 08-01-2011 -08-01-2012 Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST) Developing a Framework to Guide Structured Ethical Reflection in Community-Based Participatory Research Projects Role:Co-investigator $10,000 Active Type:Grant Level:Local

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez and the Cincinnati chapter of LULAC 07-01-2011 -06-30-2013 Ford Foundation & National Office of the League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC Cincinnati’s Vision 20-20 for Success – A Community-Academic Partnership to Reduce Latino Dropout Role:Principal Academic Investigator $25,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Maria Piombo, Psy.D. & Farrah Jacquez, Ph.D. 03-2012 -03-2013 Center for Clinical and Translational Science & Training (CCTST) Exploring and eradicating barriers to accessing mental health services by providing a “bridge” with the Latino community Role:Academic Investigator $10,000 Active Type:Grant Level:Regional

Grant: #NSF # - 1263142 Investigators:Rachel Kallen (PI) and Heidi Kloos (Co-PI) 08-2012 -08-2015 National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Complex Psychological Systems Role:Senior Personnel $320,577 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez, Melinda Butsch-Kovacic, Lisa Vaughn 01-2014 -12-2014 American Psychological Foundation Physical and Mental Aspects of Stress and Resilience in Vulnerable Youth Role:PI $20,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #SMA-1263142 Investigators:Holden, John; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven; Jacquez, Farrah; Kallen, Rachel; Kloos, Adelheid; Mcleish, Alison; Richardson, Michael; Riley, Michael; Shear, Paula; Whitton, Sarah 02-15-2013 -01-31-2016 National Science Foundation REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Complex Psychological Systems Role:Collaborator $255,714.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #133329 \ 22-FY13-543 Investigators:Bessett, Danielle; Jacquez, Farrah; Liu, Lin; Malat, Jennifer 07-01-2013 -12-31-2013 March of Dimes March of Dimes Prematurity Research Center at CCHMC Role:Collaborator Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez & Lisa Vaughn 08-2013 -08-2014 United Way of Greater Cincinnati Community Engagement for Policy and Intervention Development Role:PI $20,000 Active Type:Contract Level:Regional

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez & Lisa Vaughn 03-2013 -03-2014 United Way of Greater Cincinnati Social Network Analysis of Latino Service Providers in Cincinnati Role:Prinicipal Investigator $2000 Active Type:Grant Level:Regional

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez & Jennifer Malat 09-2014 -09-2016 NIH's Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Quality of Latino Healthcare in a Metropolitan Non-Traditional Destination Area Role:Co-PI 443,202 Denied Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez 09-01-2014 -08-31-2015 UC LEAF Intervention Development with Immigrant Latinos Role:PI $3000 Active Type:Grant

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez 03-01-2014 -03-01-2015 Interact for Health Physical Activity Infrastructure for Adams County Residents Role:Academic PI $50,000 Active Type:Grant Level:Regional

Grant: #CS for MoD award Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah; Malat, Jennifer 01-01-2015 -12-31-2015 Cincinnati Children CCHMC SUPPLEMENT TO MALAT'S March of Dimes Prematurity Research Center Ohio Collaborative Theme 5 Role:Collaborator $19,526.00

Investigators:Jacquez, F.M. & Malat, J. 09-2015 -09-2016 Center for Clinical and Translational Science & Training (CCTST) Comprehensive Measurement of Lifetime Stress among Women Role:Co-PI $9200 Type:Grant

Investigators:Jacquez, F.M. 09-2015 -05-2016 UC Forward Community Psychology course collaboration with Sociology and the Cincinnati Health Department Role:PI $10,000 Active

Investigators:Farrah Jacquez, Lisa Vaughn, & Camille Graham 03-01-2013 -03-01-2014 Pediatric Healthcare Utilization in Cincinnati Latinos Role:Co-PI $20,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #URC Mid- and Late-Career Faculty Research Program Awards AY2014-15 Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah 05-01-2015 -04-30-2016 UC Measuring Comprehensive Lifetime Stress in Women Role:PI $12,000.00 Active

Investigators:Jacquez, F.M. & Malat, J. 05-2015 -10-2015 UC Provost's Office, through the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement Comprehensive Lifetime Stress in Women $2131

Investigators:Jacquez, F.M. 09-2015 -05-2016 UC President's Diversity Council & UC LEAF STEMs with Latin Roots Role:PI $13,200 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #Visionary Grant Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah 01-16-2014 -01-15-2015 American Psychological Association Physical and Mental Aspects of Stress and Resilience in Vulnerable Youth Role:PI $20,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #NSF HRD #1209169 Investigators:Ono, S., Hardcastle, V.G., Kallen, R.W., Furst-Holloway, S., & Jacquez, F. M. 11-2015 -09-2017 NSF ADVANCE Grant Leadership, Empowerment, and Advancement for STEM Women Faculty at UC Role:Co-PI $3,749,336

Investigators:Peteet, B. & Jacquez, F. National Institutes of Health Ethnic Minority Enrichment in Research and Graduate Education Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program Role:Co-PI $1,433,044 Denied Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #MoD study Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah; Malat, Jennifer 01-01-2016 -12-31-2016 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Sociobiology of Racial Disparities in Preterm Birth Role:PI $46,943.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #73883 Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah 09-01-2016 -08-31-2019 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation A Community-Partnered, Place-based Approach to Early Childhood Wellness Role:PI $75,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #PORA16 Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah 07-01-2016 -06-30-2018 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Subaward: Headstart Navigator Intervention for Development Testing Role:PI $7,872.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #R25OD023763 Investigators:Hardcastle, Valerie; Jacquez, Farrah; Maglo, Koffi; Malat, Jennifer; Maynard, Kathie; Montgomery, La'trice 09-15-2017 -07-31-2022 Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health GROWING COMMUNITY CHANGE RESEARCHERS Role:PI $255,443.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #138975 / PCORI 4014-CHMC Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah 01-01-2017 -12-31-2018 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Building a Community-Based Research Network Block by Block Role:PI $6,439.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #OPEN Investigators:Bessett, Danielle; Chang, Lenisa; Jacquez, Farrah; Norwood, Carolette 04-01-2018 -03-31-2021 Foundation OPEN: The Ohio Policy Evaluation Network Role:Collaborator $458,515.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #R25GM129234 Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah; Malat, Jennifer; Maynard, Kathie; Montgomery, La'trice 08-01-2018 -07-31-2022 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Growing Community Change Researchers in STEM Role:PI $253,661.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #CNCS 18REHOH001 Investigators:Dutt, Anjali; Jacquez, Farrah 10-01-2018 -09-30-2020 Corporation for National and Community Service Civic Action for Refugee Empowerment in Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $99,730.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #Americorps 22REAOH001 Investigators:Dutt, Anjali; Jacquez, Farrah 10-01-2022 -09-30-2025 Corporation for National and Community Service Civic Action for Refugee Empowerment in Cincinnati (CARE Cincinnati): Building Sustainable Infrastructure Role:Collaborator 0.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #R25MD019150 Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Jacquez, Farrah; Maynard, Kathie; Watts Taffe, Susan 07-05-2023 -01-31-2028 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities NIH SEPA: Growing and Sustaining Community Change Researchers in STEM Role:Collaborator 264356.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #TP230311 Investigators:Basu, Ishita; Foreman, Brandon; Hartings, Jed; Jacquez, Farrah; Ngwenya, Laura; Shear, Paula 04-01-2024 -03-31-2027 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Early Neuromodulation for Cognitive Recovery and Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury Role:Collaborator 810000.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #APA Undergrad Funding Investigators:Hardy-Besaw, Jamie; Jacquez, Farrah 05-01-2024 -04-30-2025 American Psychological Association Backdoor Kuali Funding Received:0.Impact of CEnR: Immigrant Co-researcher Experiences and Recommendations Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Non Profit

Abbreviated Publications

Book Chapter

Delamater, A. M., Jacquez, F. M., & Patino-Fernandez, A. M. (2009). Type 2 Diabetes in Youth. In O'Donohue, W. & Tolle, L. (Eds.), Behavioral Approaches to Chronic Disease in Adolescence New York: Springer.

Seroczynski, A. D., Jacquez, F. M., & Cole, D. A. (2003). Depression and suicide during adolescence. In Adams, G. R. & Berzonsky, M. (Eds.), Blackwell Handbook on Adolescence (pp. 550-572). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Mooney, J., Jacquez, F. M., & Scott, W. (2014). Public health and academic partners and how to address infant mortality. In R. Caron & J. Merrick (Eds.) Public health: Improving health via inter-personal professional collaborations. New York: Nova Science.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Jacquez, Farrah, Stout, Stacey, Alvarez-Salvat, Rose, Fernandez, Michelle, Villa, Manuela, Sanchez, Janine, Eidson, Margaret, Nemery, Robin, & Delamater, Alan. (2008). Parent perspectives of diabetes management in schools. The Diabetes educator, 34(6), 996-1003.

Cole, David A, Jacquez, Farrah M, Truss, Alanna E, Pineda, Ashley Q, Weitlauf, Amy S, Tilghman-Osborne, Carlos E, Felton, Julia W, & Maxwell, Melissa A (2009). Gender differences in the longitudinal structure of cognitive diatheses for depression in children and adolescents. Journal of clinical psychology, 65(12), 1312-26.

Vaughn, Lisa M, Jacquez, Farrah, & McLinden, Daniel (2013). The use of concept mapping to identify community-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health. Health promotion practice, 14(5), 675-85.

Dallaire, Danielle H, Pineda, Ashley Q, Cole, David A, Ciesla, Jeffrey A, Jacquez, Farrah, Lagrange, Beth, & Bruce, Alanna E (2006). Relation of positive and negative parenting to children's depressive symptoms. Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53, 35(2), 313-22.

Bruce, Alanna E, Cole, David A, Dallaire, Danielle H, Jacquez, Farrah M, Pineda, Ashley Q, & LaGrange, Beth (2006). Relations of parenting and negative life events to cognitive diatheses for depression in children. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 34(3), 321-33.

Jacquez, Farrah, Vaughn, Lisa M, & Wagner, Erin (2013). Youth as partners, participants or passive recipients: a review of children and adolescents in community-based participatory research (CBPR). American journal of community psychology, 51(1-2), 176-89.

Jacquez, Farrah, Cole, David A, & Searle, Barbara (2004). Self-perceived competence as a mediator between maternal feedback and depressive symptoms in adolescents. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 32(4), 355-67.

Cole, David A, Tram, Jane M, Martin, Joan M, Hoffman, Kit B, Ruiz, Mark D, Jacquez, Farrah M, & Maschman, Tracy L (2002). Individual differences in the emergence of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents: a longitudinal investigation of parent and child reports. Journal of abnormal psychology, 111(1), 156-65.

Jacquez, Farrah, & Ghantous, Stephanie (2013). Community-partnered needs assessment: a strategy to teach college students about health disparities. Journal of prevention & intervention in the community, 41(2), 68-74.

Cole, D A, Maxwell, S E, Martin, J M, Peeke, L G, Seroczynski, A D, Tram, J M, Hoffman, K B, Ruiz, M D, Jacquez, F, & Maschman, T. (2001). The development of multiple domains of child and adolescent self-concept: a cohort sequential longitudinal design. Child development, 72(6), 1723-46.

Vaughn, Lisa M, Wagner, Erin, & Jacquez, Farrah. (2013). A review of community-based participatory research in child health. MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing, 38(1), 48-53.

Cole, D. A., Ciesla, J., Dallaire, D., Jacquez, F., Pineda, A., LaGrange, B., Bruce, A., Folmer, A., Tilghman-Osborne, C., & Felton, J. (2008). Emergence of attibutional style and its relation to depressive symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117, 16-31.

Cole, D. A., Jacquez, F., & Maschman, T. L.  (2001). Social origins of depressive cognitions: A longitudinal study of self-perceived competence in children.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 25, 377-395.

Dallaire, D.H., Cole, D.A., Smith, T.M., Ciesla, J.A., LaGrange, B., Jacquez, F.M., Pineda, A.Q., Truss, A.E., & Folmer, A.S. (2008). Predicting children's depressive symptoms from community and individual risk factors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 830-846.

Vaughn, L. M., Jacquez, F. M., & Baker, R. C. (2009). Cultural health attributions, beliefs, and practices: effects on healthcare and medical education. The Open Medical Education Journal, 2, 64-74.

Cole, D.A., Jacquez, F. M., LaGrange, B., Pineda, A., Truss, A. B., & Folmer, A. S. (2011). A longitudinal study of cognitive risks for depressive symptoms in children and young adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence , 31, 782-816.

Valenzuela, J., Jacquez, F. M., Pendery, R., Niemes, L., Huddleston, D. & Mitchell, M. (2011). The Impact of a Community-based Activity and Nutrition Program for Children. Journal of Intervention and Prevention in the Community, 39, 182-193.

Bignall, W. J. R.*, Jacquez, F., & Vaughn, L. M. (2015). Attributions of mental illness: an ethnically diverse community perspective. Community Mental Health Journal, 51(5), 540-545.

Jacquez, F. M., Vaughn, L. M., Pelley, T.* & Topmiller, M.* (2015). Health and healthcare experiences of Latinos in a nontraditional destination area. Journal of Community Practice, 23, 76-101.

DeJonckheere, M. J.*, Vaughn, L. M., & Jacquez, F. (2014). Latino Immigrant Youth Living in a Nontraditional Migration City A Social-Ecological Examination of the Complexities of Stress and Resilience. Urban Education, DOI: 10.1177/0042085914549360.

Topmiller, M. *, Jacquez, F. M., Vissman, A., Raleigh, K. & Miller-Francis, J. (2015). Partnering with Youth to Map Perceptions of their Neighborhood Environments:
A Multi-Layered GIS Approach. Family and Community Health, 38(1), 66-76.

Jacquez, F. M. (2014). Demonstrating Impact as a Community-Engaged Scholar Within a Research University. Metropolitan Universities, 25(2).

Mooney, J., Jacquez, F., & Scott, W. (2015). Establishing partnerships between public health and academic partners to address infant mortality. International Public Health Journal, 7(1), 25-33.


Vaughn, L. M. & Jacquez, F. M. (2011). Pediatric prevention and intervention in the community. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 39, 177-181.

Encyclopedia Article

Jacquez, F. M. & Raglin, W. (2013). Family Aggregation. In Gelman, M. & Turner, J. R. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. New York, New York: Springer.


Invited Presentations

Farrah Jacquez (07-07-2011. ) Mobilizing the Village: Community-based Participatory Research .Health Psychology Summer Institute, University of Southern Maine,; Portland, ME. Other Institution. . Level:National

Farrah Jacquez and Becky Basford (04-2011. ) The Adams County Health and Wellness Coalition: A Community-Academic Partnership to Address Obesity in Rural Children .Appalachian Health Summit, University of Kentucky; Lexington, KY. Conference. . Level:Regional

Seifer, S., Gust, S., Jacquez, F.M., Brentley, A., Parr, W., Ludke. R. (04-2011. ) Grand Rounds Panel Discussion: The Why and How of Sustaining Community-Academic Health Research Partnerships .Grand Rounds, University of Cincinnati Medical School. UC. . Level:Local

Farrah Jacquez (02-2011. ) Principles, Pitfalls, and Profits of Community-Based Participatory Research .Family Medicine Residency Training Program Meeting, UC Medical School. Level:University

Norris, K., Jones, L., Ludke, R., Jacquez, F., & Lang, M. (10-2011. ) Panel Discussion: Building on Assets to Improve Health in Our Communities. Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST) Community Forum, United Way of Greater Cincinnati; Cincinnati OH. Level:Local

Jacquez, F.M., Topmiller, M., & Vaughn, L.M. (08-2012. ) Jacquez, F. M., Topmiller, M., & Vaughn, L. M. (2012, August). A Picture of Latino Health in Ohio: Results from a 2011 LULAC Convention Health Survey. Ohio Latino Health Summit; Columbus, OH. Ohio Latino Health Summit, Columbus, OH. Level:State

Jacquez, F. M. (09-2013. ) Community-Engaged Research and Teaching as Early Career Faculty. .Annual Lynton Colloquium on the Scholarship of Community-Engaged Research and Teaching, Boston, MA. Level:National

Jacquez, F. M. (10-2013. ) Promoting Health Equity through Community-Partnered Scholarship. Annual Conference of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Louisville, KY. Level:National

Jacquez, F. M. (06-2013. ) Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Child Health Disparities. .University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine. Level:National

Farrah Jacquez (10-2013. ) Promoting Health Equity through Community-Partnered Scholarship. Annual Conference of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Louisville, KY. Level:National

Poster Presentations

Raglin, W.*, Jacquez, F.M., & Vaughn, L.M. (06-18-2010. ) The Development of the Mental Health Cultural Health Attributions Questionnaire .Society for the Study of Ethnic Minority Issues Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. . Conference. . Level:National

Raglin, W.*, Jacquez, F., & Vaughn, L. (02-2011. ) Do Cultural Attributions contribute to mental health disparities? .Third Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference, Chicago, IL. . Conference. .

Jacquez, F., Vaughn, L., & Lang, M. (03-2011. ) Understanding the Health of Minority and Immigrant Youth Via a Participatory School-Wide Needs Assessment. .Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Health Behavior, Hilton Head, SC. . Conference. . Level:National

Raglin, W., Jacquez, F.M. & Vaughn, L.M. (02-2012. ) Raglin, W.*, Jacquez, F., & Vaughn, L. (February, 2012). A qualitative analysis of racial and ethnic differences in mental health attributions. Poster presented at the 4th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Paper Presentations

Jacquez, F. M., Villa, M., Formoso, D., Patino-Fernandez, A. M., Sanchez, J. Nemery, R. & Delamater, A. (04-2008. ) A community-based overweight intervention program for low-income Latino children. Miami, FL.

Delamater, A., Jacquez, F. M., Villa, M., Patiño-Fernández, A. M., & Sanchez, J. (08-2009. ) A community-based family intervention for overweight low-income Hispanic children. .Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Conference. Level:International

Sharp, M., Jacquez, F., Sonnenberg, E., & Wallace, B. (11-2010. ) Losing Control and Liking It: Service Learning Myths Debunked. .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University

Hall, W., Jacquez, F., Sharp, M., & Sonnenberg, E., & Woeste, M. J. (04-2011. ) Design for and Learn from Diversity: Strategies to Shape the Classroom and Beyond .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University

Jacquez, F.M. & Vaughn, L.M. (02-2012. ) Jacquez, F. & Vaughn, L. (2012, February). Beyond SES: The Role of Race and Ethnicity in Sociobehavioral Barriers to Healthcare. Presentation at the Minority Health in the Midwest Conference, Chicago, IL. Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National

Jacquez, F., Vaughn, L., Pelley, T., Bruck, D., & DeJonckheere, M. (06-2013. ) Youth as Partners, Participants, or Passive Recipients: The Role of Children and Adolescents in Community Based Participatory Research. .Miami, FL. Level:International

Farrah Jacquez, (06-2014. ) Improving Research Quality through Immigrant Community Research Teams .Eugene, OR.. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Farrah Jacquez, Jenny Zhen Duan, and Lisa Vaughn (02-2014. ) Establishing Community Research Teams with Latino Immigrant Communities. .Chicago, IL. Conference.

Farrah Jacquez, Da Bologna, Brian Eiler, & Lisa Vaughn (06-2014. ) A Social Network Analysis of Latino Service Providers .Eugene, OR.


Jacquez, F.M., Sonnenberg, E., Sharp, M. & Wallace, B. (11-03-2010. ) Losing Control and Liking It: Service Learning Myths Debunked .Cincinnati, OH. UC. Level:University

Jacquez, F. M. & Basford, B. (06-2013. ) The Adams County Health & Wellness Coalition: a Community-Academic Partnership. Miami, FL. Level:International

Jacquez, F. M. & Ghantous, S. (06-2013. ) Community-Partnered Needs Assessment: A Strategy to Teach College Students about Health Disparities. .Miami, FL. Level:International

Honors and Awards

04-01-2010 -04-01-2011 Giving Voice to Immigrant Children: Community-Engaged Teaching, Research, and Service at UC Collaborative Faculty Development Grant University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Council Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant

12-15-2009 -03-15-2010 Health Needs Assessment at the Academy for Multi-lingual Immersion Studies Ohio Campus Compact Pay It Forward Grant Status:Recipient Level:Regional

12-15-2010 -03-15-2011 Addressing Health Disparities through Service Learning Ohio Campus Compact Pay It Forward Grant Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Grant

12-2011 -03-2012 Addressing Health Disparities among Latinos in Greater Cincinnati Ohio Campus Compact Pay It Forward Grant Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Grant

11-2012 Academic-Community Research Partnership Award Award given to outstanding academic-community research partnership in Greater Cincinnati area. Awarded to the Adams County Health & Wellness Coalition; Role: Academic Partner Center for Clinical & Translational Science & Training (CCTST) Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition

06-2012 Health Equity Leadership Institute (HELI) Scholar National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence at the University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship

09-2013 -09-2014 Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty The annual Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty recognizes a faculty member who connects his or her teaching, research, and service to community engagement. To see more about the award: http://www.nerche.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1317&Itemid=506 New England Resource Center for Higher Education and the Coalition of Urban & Metropolitan Universities Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition


(Diversity Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-01-2008

(Introduction to Psychology Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-01-2008

(Merit Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 11-01-2010 -12-31-2010

Society of Pediatric Psychology (Task Force on Children in the Media ) Co-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 09-15-2008 -12-01-2011

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) (University Relations ) Committee Chair Type:Community Service Level:Regional 05-01-2010 -12-31-2011

Center for Community Engagement (Service Learning Advisory Board ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

Action Research Center (Research Committee ) Co-Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University

Latino Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati Member Type:Other Level:Regional

Center for Clinical and Translational Science & Training (CCTST) (Community-Engaged Research ) Co-Chair Type:Other Level:Regional 01-2011

Hamilton County Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Board Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 09-2011

City of Cincinnati (Human Services Advisory Board ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Regional 06-2012

Post Graduate Training and Education

2006-2008 Postdoctoral Fellow in Pediatric Psychology, Funded by the NIH Training Grant for Health Behavior Research in Minority Populations, University of Miami, , Miami, FL

Professional Affiliation

American Psychological Association Division 54: Society for Pediatric Psychology

American Psychological Association Division 53: Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

American Psychological Association

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

11-2012: Society for Community Research & Action (SCRA)

Courses Taught

34-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH III Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-334 DIVERSITY & HEALTH Level:Undergraduate



34-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH III Level:Undergraduate

34-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH III Level:Undergraduate

34-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH III Level:Undergraduate

34-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH III Level:Undergraduate

Diversity and Health Level:Undergraduate

Cliinical Practicum Level:Graduate

Clinical Practicum Level:Graduate

Special Topics - Diversity and Health Level:Undergraduate

34-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH III Level:Undergraduate

Diversity & Health Level:Undergraduate

Research Capstone - Child Health Level:Undergraduate

Clinical Practicum Level:Graduate

Clinical Practicum Level:Graduate

Clinical Practicum Level:Graduate

Clinical Practicum Level:Graduate

Research Capstone in Child Health Level:Undergraduate

Clinical Practicum for Graduate Students Level:Graduate

-PSYC-5051 RESMETH: COMMUNITY Level:Undergraduate


Faculty Development Activities

05-11-2010 -05-15-2010 Campus Community Partnerships for Health International Conference Campus Community Partnerships for Health Portland, OR Type:Conference Attendance

04-06-2010 Taking it to the Curbside: Engaging Communities in Sustainable Research Campus Community Partnerships for Health Boston, MA Type:Workshop