Jeanette Krause
Sr Research Associate
Research Professional
Crosley Tower
A&S Chemistry X Ray - 0172
PhD: The Ohio State University 1989 (Inorganic Chemistry, Crystallography)
MS: The Ohio State University 1987 (Inorganic Chemistry, Crystallography)
BS Chem: University of Michigan 1982 (Chemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology)
Research and Practice Interests
Single-crystal structure determination of small molecules, structure-function relationships of biologically important small molecules; methods of crystal growth, structure-function relationships of inorganic-organometallic synthetic chemistry, intra- and intermolecular interactions; crystallographic education
Research Support
Grant: #CHE-1625737 Investigators:Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Krause, Jeanette 09-01-2016 -08-31-2019 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of a Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer for Chemical Crystallography Research and Training Role:Collaborator $395,090.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #AF 1093 Investigators:Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Krause, Jeanette 09-01-2016 -08-31-2019 Ohio Department of Higher Education OBR ACTION FUND for NSF-MRI: Acquisition of a CMOS Dual- Wavelength Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer for Chemical Crystallography Role:Collaborator $60,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Post Graduate Training and Education
1989-1991 NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Crystallography, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, ,
Chemical Crystallography