Richard Kretschmer

Richard Kretschmer , EdD


Adjunct Professor

Professional Summary

Dr. Krestschmer’s research focus for the past thirty years has been on language development in children with and without special needs. Much of this research attempts to describe ongoing interactions between children and families, other children, and/or school personnel. From this line of research, he has begun to develop a model of what makes for language growth in young children. To test this model, his recent focus has been on second language learning in the 12 month to 6 year group. He has numerous publications in a wide range of journals and has made many presentations, the most recent being in Australia.


Peer Reviewed Publications

Chami-Sather, G.; Kretchmer, R. (2005. ) Lebanese/Arabic and American children’s discourse in group-solving situations .Language and Education, , 19 (1 ) ,10 -31

Kretschmer, R.R.; Kretschmer, L.W. (1995. ) Communication based classrooms .Volta Review, , 97 (5 ) ,1 -18

Brown, M.S.; Bauer, A.M.; Kretschmer, R.R. (1995. ) Social participation and teachers’ lessons .International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, , 13 ,468 -483

Brown, M.S.; Bauer, A.M.; Kretschmer, R.R. (1995. ) Dual agenda: Social participation and teachers’ lessons .Qualitative Studies in Education, , 8 ,265 -280

Messenheimer-Young, T.; Kretschmer, R.R. (1994. ) "can i play?" A hearing-impaired preschooler’s requests to access social interaction .Volta Review, , 96 ,5 -18

Kretschmer, R.; Feng, S. Communication patterns of three mandarin-speaking children: Negotiating an english-only environment .Language and Education, ,

Kretschmer, R.; Kretschmer, L. The discourse patterns of preschool hearing impaired children .Australian Journal of Education for the Deaf, ,

Book Chapter

Kretschmer, L.W.; Kretschmer, R.R. (1996 ) Handbook of early language development Deafness and hearing loss .Albany, NY, Delmar Publishing


Invited Presentations

Kretchmer, R. (10-2002. ) Situated syntax: How syntax functions within selected discourse patterns .Clarke School for the Deaf Mainstreaming Conference, Springfield, Mississippi.

Kretchmer, Richard (10-2001. ) Situated syntax: How syntax functions within selected discourse patterns .Clarke school for the deaf mainstreaming conference, Springfield, MS.

Kretchmer, Richard (08-2001. ) Communication patterns among Mandarin speaking children in an English environment .International Association of Curriculum and Instruction, Madrid, Spain.