Jing-Huei Lee
Department of Biomedical Engineering University of Cincinnati
2901 Woodside Drive, 501E ERC
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0012
Phone (513)558-5676
Fax (513) 556-3474
Email jing-huei.lee@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Jing-Huei Lee is Professor of Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Lee’s current research interests focus on development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/spectroscopy (MRS) methodologies and utilization of these methodologies for studying metabolism, bioenergetics and function of the brain and other organs noninvasively. He is also interested in developing advanced hardware and software for MRI applications. These include the development of active noise control for reducing acoustic noise during MRI scan as well as the development of machine learning algorithms for imaging and spectroscopic data processing and analysis.
B.S.: National Taiwan University Taipei, ROC, 1983 (Chemistry)
Ph.D.: State Univ. of New York Stony Brook, NY , 1993 (Physical Chemistry, Dissertation Title: Magnetic Resonance Studies of Tissue 23Na and 1H2O Signals (Advisor: CS Springer))
Published Abstracts
P. Winter, J. Pearce, Z. Chu, J-H. Lee, and X. Qi (2013. ) Molecular Imaging of Cancer with Paramagnetic Vesicles Targeted to Phosphatidylserine .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 21, 242 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT,
J-H. Lee, M. Norris, E. Fugate, N. Avdievich, and H. Hetherington (2013. ) A novel double tuned 4T 1H/17O head volume coil .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 21, 2784 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT ,
J. Dudley, W-J Chu, M. Norris, E. Fugate, S. Strakowski, and J-H Lee (2013. ) Heterogeneity of phosphorus-containing compounds across gray and white matter in the human brain .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 21, 4001 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT ,
W-J. Chu, M. Norris, T. Northern, J. Storrs, D. Fleck, E. Fugate, J-H. Lee, C. Adler, M. DelBello, H. Nasrallah, and S. Strakowski (2013. ) Correlations Among fMRI, MRS and Working Memory in Healthy, Bipolar and Schizophrenic Subjects .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 21, 3591 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT,
W-J. Chu, M. Norris, T. Northern, J. Storrs, D. E. Fleck, E. Fugate, J.-H. Lee, C. Adler, M. DelBello, H. Nasrallah, and S. Strakowski (2013. ) Relationships between Metabolite Concentrations and Working Memory Performance in Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 21, 3589 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT ,
J. Storrs and J-H Lee (2011. ) Atlas-based online spatial normalization .[Abstract] Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 19, 132 Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Montreal, Canada,
C. Labadie, W.D. Rooney, C.S. Springer, J-H Lee, M. Aubert-Frecon, S. Hetzer, T. Mildner, and H.E. Moller (2011. ) Observation of myelin water at ultra-short echo time by longitudinal relaxographic imaging with spin-echo center-out EPI (DEPICTING) .[Abstract] Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 19, 230 Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Montreal, Canada ,
J. Storrs, M. Jayatilake, W-J Chu, and J-H Lee (2011. ) Grid-based shimming of single-voxel MRS .[Abstract] Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 19, 1453 Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Montreal, Canada ,
M. Li, B.W. Rudd, T.C. Lim, and J-H Lee (2011. ) In-Situ Study of Active Noise Control Applied to MRI Noise .[Abstract] Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 19, 1790 Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Montreal, Canada,
M. Jayatilake, J. Storrs, J. Osterhage, and J-H Lee (2011. ) Construction and optimization of local 3rd order passive shim system for human brain imaging at 4T MRI .[Abstract] Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 19, 3785 Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Montreal, Canada,
M. Jayatilake, J. Storrs, W-J Chu, and J-H Lee (2011. ) Theoretical determination of the dielectric constant for passive RF shimming at high field .[Abstract] Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 19, 3787 Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Montreal, Canada,
J-H Lee, MM Norris, CM Adler, EE Macaluso, W-J Chu, RA Komoroski, and SM Strakowski (2010. ) 4T 7Li MRSI in the brains of bipolar disorder subjects. (oral presentation) .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 18 ,593
J Dudley, W Weber, WJ Chu, MM Norris, M DelBello, C Adler, S Strakowski, and J-H Lee (2010. ) Decreased pHi and [ADP] in anterior cingulate cortex of bipolar disorder: further evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction. (oral presentation) .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 18 ,594
BW Rudd, M Li, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2010. ) Physical Simulation Study of Active Noise Control Up To 5 KHz .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 18 ,1461
M Jayatilake, J Storrs, and J-H Lee (2010. ) A novel localized passive shim technique for optimizing magnetic field of the human orbitofrontal cortex at high field .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 18 ,1541
MC Mahoney, J-H Lee, W-J Chu, JM Pearce, KM Cecil, SM Strakowski, RA Komoroski (2010. ) Choline Metabolite Ratios from NMR as Markers of Human Breast Cancer .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., 18 ,2765
WJ Chu, MM Norris, R Kotwal, C Adler, M-J Kim, J-H Lee, M DelBello, and S Strakowski (2010. ) Clinical 1H MRS Studies of Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in Bipolar Disorder .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 18 ,4367
WJ Chu, A Stover, J Dudley, D Caldwell, A Opasker, M Norris, M Lamy, J Allendorfer, SM Strakowski, J-H Lee, and JC Eliassen (2010. ) Impaired Brain Circuitry and High-Energy Phosphates in Bipolar Disorder .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 18 ,4368
BW Rudd, M Li, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2009. ) In-Situ Active Noise Cancellation Applied to Magnetic Resonance Imaging .[Abstract]Proceedings of 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition,
BW Rudd, M Li, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2009. ) Feedforward Active Noise Cancellation for MRI Utilizing Reference Microphone .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Active 2009 Conference,
J-H Lee, JM Storrs, DM Henkel, JC Eliassen, W-J Chu, N Burton, and AJ Espay (2009. ) Impaired motor Preparation in Parkinson’s patients during a delayed cured finger movement task .[Abstract]NeuroImage, 47 ,
J-H Lee, DM Henkel, JM Storrs, JC Eliassen, W-J Chu, N Burton, and AJ Espay (2009. ) Brain activation of Parkinson’s patients during a delayed cured finger movement task – a preliminary study .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 17 ,3355
J Dudley, W-J Chu, X Wang, MM Norris, and J-H Lee (2009. ) Validation of phantom calibrated metabolite quantification in 31P MRS .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 17 ,4286
BW Rudd, M Li, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2009. ) Experimental Study of Active Noise Control in a 4T MRI Scanner in-Situ .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 17 ,4781
W-J Chu, MM Norris, J-H Lee, KB Jarvis, M-J Kim, MP Delbello, SM Strakowski, CM Adler (2009. ) Abnormal lactate level and impaired neural circuit in Manic, Bipolar Disorder I .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 17 ,3286
M Jayatilake, J Storrs, and J-H Lee (2009. ) Design of a cylindrical passive shim insert for human brain imaging at high field .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 17 ,776
C Labadie, DV Ott, TH Jochimsen, J-H Lee, and HE Moller (2009. ) Comparison of myelin water fraction in cross-regularized T1-relaxgrams of normal white matter at 3T and 7T and of Normal-appearing white matter at 3T .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 17 ,3210
M Li, BW Rudd, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2008. ) Active Noise Control of a High-field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner .[Abstract]Proceedings of the 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 344-349
M Li, BW Rudd, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2008. ) Simulated study of active acoustic noise control of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner response .[Abstract]Proceedings of the National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, 114-116
BW Rudd, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2008. ) Evaluation of MRI compatible headphones for active noise cancellation .[Abstract]Proceedings of the National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, 117-121
C Labadie, J-H Lee, and HE Moller (2008. ) Estimation of the Inversion-Pulse Efficiency in the Context of Multi-Exponential Analysis of Spin-Lattice Relaxation .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 16 ,1418
C Labadie, J-H Lee, S Jarchow, WD Rooney, CS Springer, and HE Moller (2008. ) Detection of the Myelin Water Fraction in 4 Tesla Longitudinal Relaxation Data by Cross-Regularized Inverse Laplace Transofrm .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 16 ,2243
W-J Chu, L Martine, J Eliassen, X Wang, and SM Strakowski, J-H Lee (2008. ) fMRI guided 31P spectroscopy in bipolar disorder .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 16 ,2256
J-H Lee, BW Rudd, M Li, J Osterhage, and TC Lim (2008. ) Experimental Study of Active Acoustic Noise Control with MRI Compatible Headphones and Microphones in a 4T MRI Scanner .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 16 ,2964
X Wang and J-H Lee (2008. ) IRIS-HSVD for automatic MRS data quantification [93943] .[Abstract]Proc. IEEE CCECE, Art. No.4564861 ,1827-1830
X Wang and J-H Lee (2008. ) Automatic 31P MRS Quantification in the human brain based on OASIS-HSVD Algorithm .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 16 ,3181
J-H Lee, W-J Chu, M-J Kim, CM Adler, and SM Strakowski (2008. ) 2-D 1H MRSI Study of Prefrontal Cortex in the Brain of First-Episode Psychosis Patients .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 16 ,3549
J-H Lee, M Li, BW Rudd, and TC Lim (2007. ) Feedback Controllers for Suppression of Acoustic Noise Response of a 4T MRI Scanner .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 15 ,3303
JB Allendorfer, M. Lamy, JC Eliassen, J Adams, NP Mills, CM Adler, MP DelBello, J-H Lee, SM Strakowski (2006. ) Attentional and emotional networks differ in manic bipolars compared to healthy controls. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts .[Abstract]
JC Eliassen, DP Bullard, M Lamy, J-H Lee, SM Strakowski (2006. ) Experience dependent and task-familiarity dependent changes in brain activation differ during visual-motor associative learning .[Abstract]Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 32:000.0,
Z Peng*, X Cai, W Wee and J-H Lee (oral presentation) (2006. ) 3D Method of Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Local Information to Segment MR Brain .[Abstract]ICIAR (2) ,660-671
X Cai, Y Hou, C Li, J- Lee*, W Wee (2006. ) Evaluation of Two Segmentation Methods on MRI Brain Tissue Structures .[Abstract]Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2006;1:3029-32,
Z Peng, W Wee and J-H Lee (2006. ) Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Markov Random Field Approach .[Abstract]2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW'06), 80
D Olson, A Ross, S Strakowski, S Gruber, E Jensen, J Eliassen, W-J Chu, J-H Lee, C Adler, E Bain, M Kujawa, GM Gharabawi, P Renshaw,D Yurgelun-Todd (2006. ) Brain Metabolites Are Altered in Frequently Relapsing Bipolar Patients Treated with Long-Acting Risperidone .[Abstract]Biological Psychiatry , 59 ,228
JC Eliassen, CM Adler, D Yurgelun-Todd, J-H Lee, PF Renshaw, S Gruber, D Olson, B Frederick, EE Bain, M Kujawa, G Gharabawi, SM Strakowski (2006. ) Changes in fMRI brain activation in frequently relapsing bipolar patients treated with long-acting injectable risperidone .[Abstract]Biological Psychiatry , 59 ,314
DP Olson, A Ross, SM Strakowski, SA Gruber, EJ, JC Eliassen, W-J Chu, J-H Lee, CM Adler, EE Bain, M Kujawa, G Gharabawi, PF Renshaw, DA Yurgelun-Todd (2006. ) Altered Metabolite Concentrations in the Brains of Frequently Relapsing Bipolar Patients Treated with Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) Risperidone .[Abstract]
W-J Chu, SM Strakowski, HP Hetherington, MP DelBello, CM Adler and J-H Lee (2006. ) Reginal T1 Relaxation Time and Tissue Content Changes of Hippocampus in Bipolar Disorder .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 14 ,956
M Li, TC Lim and J-H Lee (2006. ) Simulation Study of Active Noise Control in a 4T MRI scanner .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 14 ,2049
W-J Chu, SM Strakowski, HP Hetherington, X. Wang, CM Adler, MP DelBello, JN Adams, NP Nills, Y Gao, KB Javis and J-H Lee (2006. ) Hippocampal Neurochemical Findings in Medication-Free, Euthymic Bipolar Disorder: 1H MRSI Study .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 14 ,2077
NI Avdievich, K Bradshaw, J-H Lee and HP Hetherington (2006. ) 4T Split TEM Volume Head and Knee Coils for Improved Sensitivity and Patient Comfort .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 14 ,2609
Y Gao, SM Strakowski, SJ Reeves, HP Hetherington, W-J Chu and J-H Lee (2006. ) Fast and High Resolution MRSI Without Aliasing Using Online SFAS and Multiple Regions of Support .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 14 ,2637
M Li, TC Lim, CK Holland, SE Boyce and J-H Lee (2006. ) Structure-Acoustic Analysis, Identification and Control of a 4T MRI scanner .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 14 ,3547
J Szaflarski*, S Page, B Kissela, P Levine, J-H Lee (oral presentation) (2005. ) Use-Dependent Cortical Reorganization After Modified Constraint-Induced Therapy The International Stroke Conference 2006 .[Abstract]Stroke, 36 (2 ) ,422
Z. Peng, J. Zhong, W. Wee and J-H. Lee (2005. ) Automated Vertebra Detection and Segmentation from the Whole Spine MR Images .[Abstract]Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2005, 7 ,2527-2530
Szaflarski JP, Osterhage J, Southers B, Holland SK, Sands SF, Schmithorst VJ, Privitera MD, Lee JH, Strakowski SM (2005. ) Localization of alpha rhythm generators using EEG-triggered fMRI (EEG-fMRI) at 4T .[Abstract]Neurology, 64 ,A156
Eliassen JC, Lee JH, Strakowski (2005. ) SM. Reward and punishment processing in trial-and-error arbitrary visual-motor associative learning .[Abstract]Soc Neurosci Abstr , 30 ,710-715
Z Peng, W Wee, J-H Lee (2005. ) MR brain imaging segmentation based on spatial Gaussian mixture model and Markov random field .[Abstract]Image Processing, ICIP (1) ,313-316
SM Strakowski*, J Eliassen, CM Adler, MP DelBello and J-H Lee. (oral presentation) (2005. ) The neural basis of impulse dyscontrol in mania: an fMRI study of a stop-signal task .[Abstract]Bipolar Disorders , 79 (2 ) ,25
Y Gao*, SM Strakowski, W-J. Chu, H. P. Hetherington and J.-H. Lee (oral presentation) (2005. ) Fast chemical shift imaging by online optimal sparse k-space acquisition and projection onto convex set reconstruction (Gao received a student stipend award) .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 13 ,284
J.P. Szaflarski, S.K. Holland, S.F. Sands, V. J. Schmithorst, J.-H. Lee, S.M. Strakowski, M.D. Privitera, and J.C. Elissen (2005. ) Searching for the source of alpha rhythm: EEG-triggered fMRI at 4T .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 13 ,1251
Z. Peng, W. Wee and J.-H. Lee (2005. ) A New Model Based Method to Automatic MR Brain Image Segmentation .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 13 ,2342
J. M. Storrs*, J.C. Eliassen, S.M. Strakowski and J.-H. Lee (oral presentation) (2005. ) Real-time fMRI-guided NM Spectroscopy (Storrs received a student stipend award) .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 13 ,2769
J. Szaflarski*, S. Page, B. Kissela, P. Levine, Lee J-H., S.M. Strakowski (2005. ) Use Dependent Cortical Reorganization After Modified Constraint-Induced Therapy .[Abstract]Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 86 ,E16
JC Eliassen, J-H Lee, and SM Strakowski (2004. ) Reward and punishment processing in trial-and—error arbitrary visual-motor associative learning .[Abstract]Society for Neurocience Abstracts, 5 ,710
S.R. More, T.C. Lim, C. K. Holland and J.-H. Lee (2004. ) Characterization of the acoustic noise response of a 4T MRI scanner .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 12 ,1660
Z. Peng, W. Wee, J. Zhong, and J.-H. Lee (2004. ) Segmentation of B1 inhomogeneity MR brain image using mixture Gaussian model and Markov random field .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 12 ,2231
J.W. Pan, L. Krupp, J-H. Lee, P. Melville, and H. Hetherington (2002. ) Spectroscopic Measures of Cognitive Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 10 ,1202
T. E. Yankeelov, W.D. Rooney, X. Li, J-H. Lee, and C.S. Springer (2002. ) Pharmacokinetic Analysis is Affected by Fast-Exchange-Limit (FXL) Departure during Bolus CR Passage .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 10 ,2116
H.P. Hetherington*, J-H. Lee, M. K. Sammi, and J.W. Pan (oral) (2001. ) Quantitative Spin Echo 31P Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Brain: Determination of the Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,217
J.W. Pan*, J-H. Lee, F. Telang, I. Gabriely, Robin De Graaf, M. K. Sammi, D. T. Stein, D.L. Rothman and H.P. Hetherington (oral) (2001. ) Measurement of Human Brain -hydroxybutyrate in Acute Hyperketonemia .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,384
J-H. Lee*, F.W. Telang, C. S. Springer, Jr., and N.D. Volkow (oral) (2001. ) 4T fMRI Evaluation of Cerebral Blood Vessel Function in Cocaine-Dependent Subjects .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,433
J-H. Lee*, D.C. Medina, X. Li, F.W. Telang, P.L. Micca, J.A. Coderre, and C. S. Springer, Jr. (oral) (2001. ) Deuterium Quenching of 1H2O Relaxation in the Living Rat Brain .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,529
J-H. Hwang, J.W. Pan, J-H. Lee, B. Balent, H.P. Hetherington, and D. T. Stein (2001. ) Relationship Between Carnitine and Intramyocellular Lipids in Three Human Muscles Observed by 1H Spectroscopic Imaging at 4T .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,1075
D. T. Stein, J-H. Hwang, J-H. Lee, B. Balent, H.P. Hetherington, and J.W. Pan (2001. ) Monitoring the Changes of Intramyocellular Lipids in Response to the Suppression of Substrate Availablity Using 1H Spectroscopic Imaging at 4T .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,1076
J-H. Lee (2001. ) Saturation Steady-State Weighting of MRI Intensity: Tracking Instantaneous T1 Changes .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,2254
J.W. Pan*, D. T. Stein, F. Telang, J-H. Lee, S. Heydari, G. Mason, D.L. Rothman and H.P. Hetherington (oral) (2000. ) Gray and White Matter Metabolic Rate in Human Brain by Spectroscopic Imaging .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 8 ,419
R.A. de Graaf*, J.W. Pan, F. Telang, J-H. Lee, P. Brown, E.J. Novotny, and H.P. Hetherington (oral) (2000. ) Differentiation of Glucose Transport in Human Brain Gray and White Matter .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 8 ,599
J-H. Lee*, J. M. Brener, J. M. Sniffen, G. Hudson and C. S. Springer (oral) (2000. ) The fMRI Responses Associated with Static Force Contractions in the Human .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 8 ,608
J. Logan*, A. Levy, J-H. Lee, F. Hode, C. A. Felder, M. K. Sammi, D. L. Alexoff, J. S. Fowler, D. D. Volkow, and C. S. Springer, Jr. (oral) (2000. ) The Intimate Combination of Low- and High Resolution Image Data: II. Fourier Space PET and 1H2O MRI, PEMRI .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 8 ,676
M.F. Ochs, R.S. Stoyanova, T.R. Brown, W.D. Rooney, X. Li, J-H. Lee, and C.S. Springer (2000. ) Differences in T1 Distributions Between Normal Volunteers and MS Patients Identified by Bayesian Decomposition Relaxographic Imaging .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 8 ,1183
J-H. Lee, M. K. Sammi and C. S. Springer (2000. ) Flow Relaxographic Angiography .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 8 ,1828
J. Logan, A. V. Levy, J-H. Lee, F. Hode, C. A. Felder, DL Alexoff, J. S. Fowler, and C. S. Springer (1999. ) Properties of images produced from the combination in Fourier space of low resolution PET with high resolution 1H2O MR .[Abstract]Journal of Nuclear Medicine , 40 (5 ) ,A1301
J.W. Pan*, G.F. Mason, J. Shen, F. Telang, J-H. Lee, P. Brown, G.I. Shulman, D.L. Rothman and H.P. Hetherington (oral) (1999. ) Spectroscopic Imaging of Glutamate C4 Turnover in Human Brain in Photic Stimulation .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 7 ,296
W. D. Rooney*, G. Johnson, J. Tanabe, X. Li, J-H. Lee, M. E. Wagshul, H-F. Li and C. S. Springer. (oral) (1999. ) Relaxometric Relaxographic Imaging of human Brain .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 7 ,609
J.-H. Lee (1999. ) PURR-TURBO: A Novel Pulse Sequence for Relaxographic Imaging .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 7 ,1636
J.-H. Lee, X. Li, M. K. Sammi, and C. S. Springer (1999. ) Flow Relaxivity .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 7 ,2009
M. K. Sammi, C. A. Felder, J. S. Fowler, J-H. Lee, A. V. Levy, X. Li, J. Logan, I. Plyka, W. D. Rooney, N. D. Volkow, G-J. Wang and C. S. Springer Jr. (1999. ) The Intimate Combination of Low- and High-Resolution Image Data: Real-Space PET and 1H2O MRI (PETAMRI) .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 7 ,2196
C.S. Landis, A. Gifford, J.-H. Lee, M. K. Sammi, Xin Li, N. D. Volkow and C. S. Springer, Jr. (1998. ) fMRI and 18FDG Imaging Studies of Intracranial Electrode Stimulations in Rodents .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 6 (1416 ) ,
J.-H. Lee, X. Li, M. K. Sammi and C. S. Springer, Jr. (1998. ) Flow Relaxography .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 6 ,2152
C.S. Landis, I. Palyka, X. Li, G. Vetek, L.L. Latour, S.L. Dewey, J.-H. Lee, and C. S. Springer, Jr. (1997. ) Programmed Infusion of CR for the Discrimination of Intra- and Extracellular 1H2O Signals in vivo by Relaxographic Imaging .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 5 ,1614
G. Navon*, I. Ronen, J.-H. Lee, H. Merkle, K. Ugurbil, Y.-Q. Song, T. Room, S. Appelt, R.E. Taylor, and A. Pines (invited oral) (1996. ) Proton MRI Detection of Solute Nuclei Through Relaxation Coupling .[Abstract]
G. Vetek, M. K. Sammi, J.-H. Lee, and C. S. Springer, Jr. (1996. ) Dynamic NMR Relaxography .[Abstract]
G. Vetek, M. K. Sammi, J.-H. Lee, and C. S. Springer, Jr. (1996. ) Equilibrium Exchange Effects in Relaxographic Imaging: Quantitative Analysis .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 4 ,1560
I. Palyka, J.-H. Lee, K. Ugurbil, M. Garwood, and C. S. Springer, Jr. (1996. ) ‘Natural’ Segmentation in Efficiently Computed Relaxographic Images .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 4 (1642 ) ,
G. Navon, J.-H. Lee, H. Merkle, I. Ronen, and K. Ugurbil (1995. ) Imaging H217O Distribution Using Proton MRI .[Abstract]
P. Erhard, W. Chen, J.-H. Lee, and K. Ugurbil (1995. ) A Study of Effects Reported by Subjects at High Magnetic Field .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 3 ,1219
J.-H. Lee, A.M. Gordon, D. Flament, S.-G. Kim, T.J. Ebner, and K. Ugurbil (1995. ) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cortical Motor Area During Sequential Typing Movements .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 3 ,1327
J.-H. Lee, D. Flament, S.-G. Kim, J.P. Strupp, T.J. Ebner, and K. Ugurbil (1995. ) Changes in Motor Cortical and Subcortical Activity Investigated Using fMRI During the Acquisition of Motor Skill in a Learning Task .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 3 ,1330
A.M. Gordon, D. Flament, J.-H. Lee, K. Ugurbil, S.-G. Kim, and T.J. Ebner (1995. ) Functional MRI of Cortical Motor Area During Sequential Typing Movements .[Abstract]
D. Flament, J.-H. Lee, K. Ugurbil, and T.J. Ebner (1995. ) Changes in Motor Cortical and Subcortical Activity, During the Acquisition of Motor Skill, Investigated Using Functional MRI (4T, Echo Planer Imaging) .[Abstract]
J.-H. Lee, R. Menon, P. Andersen, C. Truwit, M. Garwood and K. Ugurbil (1994. ) High Contrast and Fast 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging at High Fields .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 2 ,554
J.-H. Lee, J. Wike, H. Merkle, K. Fox, G.L. Wilcox and K. Ugurbil (1994. ) Functional Imaging of the Rat Brain Using Facial Whiskers Stimulation .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 2 ,705
J.-H. Lee*, C. Labadie, G. Vetek and C.S. Springer, Jr. (oral) (1993. ) Relaxographic Discrimination of Water Spaces in Cell Suspensions .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 12 ,140
P. Winter, J. Pearce, Z. Chu, J-H. Lee, and X. Qi (1993. ) Molecular Imaging of Cancer with Paramagnetic Vesicles Targeted to Phosphatidylserine .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , 21 ,242
J.-H. Lee, C. Labadie, C.S. Springer, Jr. and G.S. Harbison (1992. ) Two-dimensional Inverse Laplace Transform NMR: Altered Relaxation Times allow Detection of Exchange Correlation .[Abstract]
M.S. Albert, J-H. Lee, W. Huang, and C.S. Springer, Jr. (1992. ) Susceptibility Contrast with a Bolus Saline Injection .[Abstract]Magn Reson Imaging , 2 ,143
C. Labadie, J.-H. Lee, G. Vetek, I. Palyka, and C.S. Springer, Jr.* (oral) (1992. ) Longitudinal Relaxographic Imaging with Ultrafast Sampling .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 11 ,887
M.S. Albert*, W. Huang, J.-H. Lee and C.S. Springer, Jr. (oral) (1992. ) Susceptibility-Induced Contrast Enhancement During the Rapid Repetition of Dilution Bolus Injections .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 11 ,1124
J.-H. Lee, C. Labadie, and C.S. Springer, Jr.* (oral) (1992. ) Relaxographic Analysis of 23Na Resonance .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 11 ,2214
Y. Seo, J.-H. Lee and M. Murakami (1992. ) The 23Na Relaxation Mechanism of the Na Ion in Agar Gel Analyzed by 23Na Double-Quantum Filter NMR and 23Na Pulsed Field Gradient NMR .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 11 ,2217
J.-H. Lee, Y. Seo, M. Murakami, C. Labadie, and C.S. Springer, Jr. (1992. ) SR-Free Discrimination of Compartmental 23Na Resonances by Relaxographic Analysis: Erythrocyte Suspensions .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 11 ,2222
J.-H. Lee, M.S. Albert, W. Huang and C.S. Springer, Jr. (1991. ) 23Na CSI of the Rat Brain In Vivo at 9.4 T: on the Impermeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier to Shift Reagents .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 10 ,440
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M.S. Albert, J.-H. Lee and C.S. Springer, Jr. (1990. ) The Use of TmDOTP5-as a 23Na Shift Reagents in Living Rat Studies at 9.4 T .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, 9 ,1269
Peer Reviewed Publications
Dudley JA, Chu W-J, Macaluso EE, Lee J-H (2014. ) Tissue Dependent Metabolism in the Human Brain Suggested by Quantitative Phosphorus-31 MRSI .Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics , ,
Chu, Wen-Jang; Delbello, Melissa P; Jarvis, Kelly B; Norris, Mathew M; Kim, Mi-Jung; Weber, Wade; Lee, Jing-Huei; Strakowski, Stephen M; Adler, Caleb M (2013. ) Magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging of lactate in patients with bipolar disorder.Psychiatry research, , 213 (3 ) ,230-4 More Information
Weber, Wade A; Dudley, Jonathan; Lee, Jing-Huei; Strakowski, Stephen M; Adler, Caleb M; Delbello, Melissa P (2013. ) A pilot study of alterations in high energy phosphoryl compounds and intracellular pH in unmedicated adolescents with bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 150 (3 ) ,1109-13 More Information
Chen, Ye; Storrs, Judd; Tan, Lirong; Mazlack, Lawrence J; Lee, Jing-Huei; Lu, Long J (2013. ) Detecting brain structural changes as biomarker from Magnetic Resonance images using a local feature based SVM approach.Journal of neuroscience methods, , More Information
Adler, Caleb M; DelBello, Melissa P; Weber, Wade A; Jarvis, Kelly B; Welge, Jeffrey; Chu, Wen-Jang; Rummelhoff, Emily; Kim, Mi-Jung; Lee, Jing-Huei; Strakowski, Stephen M (2013. ) Neurochemical effects of quetiapine in patients with bipolar mania: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 33 (4 ) ,528-32 More Information
Pearce, John M; Mahoney, Mary C; Lee, Jing-Huei; Chu, Wen-Jang; Cecil, Kim M; Strakowski, Stephen M; Komoroski, Richard A (2013. ) 1H NMR analysis of choline metabolites in fine-needle-aspirate biopsies of breast cancer.Magma (New York, N.Y.), , 26 (3 ) ,337-43 More Information
Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb; Norris, Matthew; Chu, Wen-Jang; Fugate, Elizabeth M; Strakowski, Stephen M; Komoroski, Richard A (2012. ) 4-T 7Li 3D MR spectroscopy imaging in the brains of bipolar disorder subjects.Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 68 (2 ) ,363-8 More Information
Li, S Kevin; Hao, Jinsong; Liu, Hongshan; Lee, Jing-huei (2012. ) MRI study of subconjunctival and intravitreal injections.Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, , 101 (7 ) ,2353-63 More Information
Eliassen, James C; Lamy, Martine; Allendorfer, Jane B; Boespflug, Erin; Bullard, Daniel P; Smith, Matthew S; Lee, Jing-Huei; Strakowski, Stephen M (2012. ) Selective role for striatal and prefrontal regions in processing first trial feedback during single-trial associative learning.Brain research, , 1458 ,56-66 More Information
Strawn, Jeffrey R; Patel, Nick C; Chu, Wen-Jang; Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb M; Kim, Mi Jung; Bryan, Holly S; Alfieri, David C; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; Nandagopal, Jayasree J; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2012. ) Glutamatergic effects of divalproex in adolescents with mania: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 51 (6 ) ,642-51 More Information
Fleck, D E; Eliassen, J C; Durling, M; Lamy, M; Adler, C M; DelBello, M P; Shear, P K; Cerullo, M A; Lee, J-H; Strakowski, S M (2012. ) Functional MRI of sustained attention in bipolar mania.Molecular psychiatry, , 17 (3 ) ,325-36 More Information
B Rudd, TC Lim, M Li, and J-H Lee (2012. ) In-Situ Active Noise Cancellation Applied to Magnetic Resonance Imaging .ASME J Vibration Acoustic , , 134 ,011017-(1-7)
Li, Mingfeng; Rudd, Brent; Lim, Teik C; Lee, Jing-Huei (2011. ) In situ active control of noise in a 4 T MRI scanner.Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, , 34 (3 ) ,662-9 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; Eliassen, James C; Lamy, Martine; Cerullo, Michael A; Allendorfer, Jane B; Madore, Michelle; Lee, Jing-Huei; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P; Fleck, David E; Adler, Caleb M (2011. ) Functional magnetic resonance imaging brain activation in bipolar mania: evidence for disruption of the ventrolateral prefrontal-amygdala emotional pathway.Biological psychiatry, , 69 (4 ) ,381-8 More Information
JM Bryson, KM Fichter, W-J Chu, J-H Lee, L Li, LA Madsen, PM McLendon, TM Reineke (2009. ) Polymer Beacons for Luminescence and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of DNA Delivery .Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , , (106 ) ,16913-16818
Wang, Xin; Lee, Jing-Huei (2009. ) IRIS-HSVD algorithm for automatic quantitation of in vivo 31P MRS.Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), , 196 (1 ) ,23-32 More Information
Li, Mingfeng; Lim, Teik C; Lee, Jing-Huei (2008. ) Simulation study on active noise control for a 4-T MRI scanner.Magnetic resonance imaging, , 26 (3 ) ,393-400 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; Adler, Caleb M; Cerullo, Michael A; Eliassen, James C; Lamy, Martine; Fleck, David E; Lee, Jing-Huei; DelBello, Melissa P (2008. ) Magnetic resonance imaging brain activation in first-episode bipolar mania during a response inhibition task.Early intervention in psychiatry, , 2 (4 ) ,225-33 More Information
JM Bryson, W-J Chu, J-H Lee, TM Reineke (2008. ) A -Cyclodextrin “click cluster” decorated with seven paramagnetic chelates containing two water exchange sites. Bioconjugate Chem, , (9 ) ,1505-1509
J-H Lee, B Rudd, M Li, and TC Lim (2008. ) Sound reduction technologies for MRI scanners .Recent Patents on Engineering , , (2 ) ,72-79
M Li, TC Lim, and J-H Lee (2008. ) Simulation study on active noise control for a 4 Tesla MRI Scanner .Magn Reson Imaging , , (26 ) ,292-400
NI Avdievich, K Bradshaw, J-H Lee, AM Kuznetsov, and HP Hetherington (2007. ) 4T Split TEM Volume Head and Knee Coils for Improved Sensitivity and Patient Comfort .J Magn Reson , , (187 ) ,234-241
H Dave, F Gao, J-H Lee, M Liberatore, C-C Ho, C Co (2007. ) Self-assembly in sugar-oil complex glasses .Nature Materials , , (6 ) ,287-290
Dave, Hiteshkumar; Gao, Feng; Lee, Jing-Huei; Liberatore, Matthew; Ho, Chia-Chi; Co, Carlos C (2007. ) Self-assembly in sugar-oil complex glasses.Nature materials, , 6 (4 ) ,287-90 More Information
Szaflarski, Jerzy P; Page, Stephen J; Kissela, Brett M; Lee, Jing-Huei; Levine, Peter; Strakowski, Stephen M (2006. ) Cortical reorganization following modified constraint-induced movement therapy: a study of 4 patients with chronic stroke.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 87 (8 ) ,1052-8 More Information
Gao, Yun; Strakowski, Stephen M; Reeves, Stanley J; Hetherington, Hoby P; Chu, Wen-Jang; Lee, Jing-Huei (2006. ) Fast spectroscopic imaging using online optimal sparse k-space acquisition and projections onto convex sets reconstruction.Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 55 (6 ) ,1265-71 More Information
More, Shashikant R; Lim, Teik C; Li, Mingfeng; Holland, Christy K; Boyce, Suzanne E; Lee, Jing-Huei (2006. ) Acoustic noise characteristics of a 4 Telsa MRI scanner.Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, , 23 (3 ) ,388-97 More Information
Cai, X; Hou, Y; Li, C; Lee, J-H; Wee, W G (2006. ) Evaluation of two segmentation methods on MRI brain tissue structures.Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, , 1 ,3029-32 More Information
X Cai, Y Hou, C Li, J-H Lee, WG Wee (2006. ) Evaluation of two segmentation methods on MRI brain tissue structures .Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, , (1 ) ,3029-3032
JP Szaflarski, SJ Page, B Kissela, J-H Lee, P Levine, S Strakowski (2006. ) Cortical reorganizations following modified constraint-induced therapy: A study of 4 patients with chronic stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, , (87 ) ,1052-1058
Y Gao, SM Strakowski, SJ Reeves, HP Hetherington, W-J Chu, and J-H Lee (2006. ) Fast spectroscopic imaging using online optimal sparse k-space acquisition and projections onto convex sets reconstruction .Magn. Reson. Med., , (55 ) ,1265-1271
SR More, TC Lim, M Li, CK Holland, SE Boyce, and J-H Lee (2006. ) Acoustic Noise Characteristics of a 4 Tesla MRI Scanner .J Magn Reson Imaging , , (23 ) ,388-397
Z Peng, J Zhong, W Wee, J-H Lee (2005. ) Automated Vertebra Detection and Segmentation from the Whole Spine MR Images .Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc , , (3 ) ,2527-2530
TE Yankeelov, WD Rooney, W Huang, JP Dyke, X Li, A Tudorica, J-H. Lee, JA Koutcher, CS Springer, Jr. (2005. ) Evidence for shutter-speed variation in CR bolus-tracking studies of human pathology .NMR Biomed, , (18 ) ,173-185
Peng, Zhigang; Zhong, Jia; Wee, William; Lee, Jing-Huei (2005. ) Automated Vertebra Detection and Segmentation from the Whole Spine MR Images.Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, , 3 ,2527-30 More Information
Lee, Jing-Huei; Springer, Charles S (2003. ) Effects of equilibrium exchange on diffusion-weighted NMR signals: the diffusigraphic "shutter-speed".Magnetic resonance in medicine : official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 49 (3 ) ,450-8 More Information
J-H. Lee, F.W. Telang, C. S. Springer and N.D. Volkow (2003. ) Abnormal brain activation to visual stimulation in cocaine abusers .Life Science, , (73 ) ,1953-1961
J-H. Lee, and C. S. Springer (2003. ) Effects of equilibrium Exchange on Diffusion-Weighted NMR Signals: The Diffusigraphic “Shutter-Speed” .Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , (49 ) ,450-458
P.K. Thanos, N.B. Taintor, D. Alexoff, J. Logan, D.K. Grandy, Y. Fang, J.-H. Lee, J.S. Fowler, and N.D. Volkow (2002. ) In Vivo Comparative Imaging of Dopamine D2 Knockout and Wild-Type Mice with (11)C-Raclopride and MicroPET .The Journal of Nuclear Medicine , , (43 ) ,1570-1577
M. D. Silva, K. G. Helmer, J-H. Lee, S. S. Han, C. S. Springer, and C. H. Sotak (2002. ) Deconvolution of Compartmental Water Diffusion coefficients Using Combined T1 and Diffusion Measureements .Journal of Magnetic Resonance , , (156 ) ,1-12
J.W. Pan, F. Telang, J-H. Lee, R. A. DeGraaf, D. L. Rothman, H. P. Hetherington (2001. ) Measurement of beta-hydroxybutyrate in acute Hyperketonemia in human brain .Journal of Neurochemistry , , 79 ,539-544
R. A. DeGraaf, J.W. Pan, F. Telang, J-H. Lee, P. Brown, E.J. Novotny, H. P. Hetherington, D. L. (2001. ) Differentiation of Glucose Transport in Human Brain Gray and White Matter .Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism , , 21 ,483-492
J. W. Pan, D. T. Stein, F. Telang, J-H. Lee, S. Heydari, J. Shen, P. Brown, G. Cline, G. F. Mason, G. I. Shulman, D. L. Rothman and H. P. Hetherington (2000. ) Spectroscopic Imaging of Glutamate C4 Turnover in Human Brain .Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 44 ,673-679
N.D. Volkow, G-J. Wang, J.S. Fowler, W.D. Rooney, C.A. Felder, J-H. Lee, D.J. Schlyer, J. W. Pan, S.J. Gatley and C. S. Springer (2000. ) Resting Brain Metabolic Activity when Subjects are Exposed to a 4 Tesla Magnetic Field .Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 44 ,701-705
W. D. Rooney, J-H. Lee, X. Li, G-J. Wang, D. Franceschi, C. S. Springer, N. Volkow (2000. ) 4.0 T Proton T1 Relaxation Times in Normal Human Brain and During Acute Ethanol Intoxication . Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, , 24 ,830-836
J-H. Lee (2000. ) PURR-TURBO: A Novel Pulse Sequence for Longitudinal Relaxographic Imaging .Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , , 43 ,773-777
M. K. Sammi, C. A. Felder, J. S. Fowler, J-H. Lee, A. V. Levy, X. Li, J. Logan, I. Palyka, W. D. Rooney, N. D. Volkow, G-J. Wang, C. S. Springer (1999. ) The Intimate Combination of Low- and High-Resolution Image Data: I. Real-space PET and 1H2O MRI, PETAMRI .Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , , 42 ,345-360
J-H. Lee, X. Li, M. K. Sammi, and C. S. Springer (1999. ) Using Flow Relaxography to Elucidate Flow Relaxivity .Journal of Magnetic Resonance , , 136 ,102-113
A. M. Gordon, J-H. Lee, D. Flament, K. Ugurbil, and T.J. Ebner (1998. ) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Motor, Sensory and Posterior Parietal Cortical Areas during Performance of sequential Typing Movements .Experimental Brain Research , , 121 ,153-166
I. Ronen, J-H. Lee, H. Merkle, K. Ugurbil, G. Navon (1997. ) Imaging H217O distribution in a phantom and measurement of metabolically produced H217O in live mice by proton NMR .NMR in Biomedicine, , 10 ,333-340
J-H. Lee, C. Labadie, C.S. Springer, Jr. and G.S. Harbison (1993. ) Two-dimensional Inverse Laplace Transform NMR: Altered Relaxation Times allow Detection of Exchange Correlation .Journal of the American Chemical Society , , 115 ,7761-7764
M.S. Albert, W. Huang, J-H. Lee, J.A. Balschi, and C.S. Springer, Jr. (1993. ) Aqueous Shift Reagents for High-Resonance Cation NMR. VI. Titration Curves for In Vivo 23Na and 1H2O MRS Obtained from Rat Blood .NMR in Biomedicine , , 6 ,7-20
P.-L. Wang, J-H. Lee and L.-P. Hwang (1987. ) NMR Relaxation Study on the Formation of Outer-Sphere Complexes Between Chloroform and Tris(acetylacetonato)chromium(III) in Solutions .Journal of Physical Chemistry , , 91 ,4856-4860
P.-L. Wang, J-H. Lee, S.-M. Huang and L.-P. Hwang (1987. ) Proton Relaxation in Solutions of the Complex Tris(acetylacetonato)chromium(III) .Journal of Magnetic Resonance , , 73 ,277-286
Zhou, Zilan; Kennell, Carly; Jafari, Mina; Lee, Joo-Youp; Ruiz-Torres, Sasha J; Waltz, Susan E; Lee, Jing-Huei (2017. ) Sequential delivery of erlotinib and doxorubicin for enhanced triple negative Breast cancer treatment using polymeric nanoparticle.International journal of pharmaceutics, , 530 (1-2 ) ,300-307 More Information
Lee, Jing-Huei; Tucker, Zachary; Mongan, Maureen; Meng, Qinghang; Xia, Ying (2017. ) Magnetic resonance imaging study of eye congenital birth defects in mouse model. Molecular vision, , 23 ,572-578
Strakowski, Stephen M; Fleck, David E; Welge, Jeffrey; Eliassen, James C; Norris, Matthew; Durling, Michelle; Komoroski, Richard A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Weber, Wade; Dudley, Jonathan A; Blom, Thomas J; Stover, Amanda; Klein, Christina; Strawn, Jeffrey R; DelBello, Melissa P; Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb M (2016. ) fMRI brain activation changes following treatment of a first bipolar manic episode.Bipolar disorders, , 18 (6 ) ,490-501 More Information
Dudley, Jonathan; DelBello, Melissa P; Weber, Wade A; Adler, Caleb M; Strakowski, Stephen M; Lee, Jing-Huei (2016. ) Tissue-dependent cerebral energy metabolism in adolescents with bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 191 ,248-55 More Information
Labadie, Christian; Lee, Jing-Huei; Rooney, William D; Jarchow, Silvia; Aubert-Frécon, Monique; Springer, Charles S; Möller, Harald E (2015. ) Erratum to Myelin water mapping by spatially regularized longitudinal relaxographic imaging at high magnetic fields (Magn Reson Med 2014;71:375-387).Magnetic resonance in medicine, , 74 (5 ) ,1503 More Information
Sun, Guohua; Li, Mingfeng; Rudd, Brent W; Lim, Teik C; Osterhage, Jeffrey; Fugate, Elizabeth M; Lee, Jing-Huei (2015. ) Adaptive speech enhancement using directional microphone in a 4-T MRI scanner.Magma (New York, N.Y.), , 28 (5 ) ,473-84 More Information
Dudley, Jonathan A; Lee, Jing-Huei; Durling, Michelle; Strakowski, Stephen M; Eliassen, James C (2015. ) Age-dependent decreases of high energy phosphates in cerebral gray matter of patients with bipolar I disorder: a preliminary phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging study.Journal of affective disorders, , 175 ,251-5 More Information
Winter, Patrick M; Pearce, John; Chu, Zhengtao; McPherson, Christopher M; Takigiku, Ray; Lee, Jing-Huei; Qi, Xiaoyang (2015. ) Imaging of brain tumors with paramagnetic vesicles targeted to phosphatidylserine.Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, , 41 (4 ) ,1079-87 More Information
Komoroski, Richard A; Lee, Jing-Huei; Welge, Jeffrey A; Dudley, Jonathan A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Mahoney, Mary C (2020. ) 1H MR Spectroscopy of Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Specimens for the Discrimination of Breast Cancer.Radiology. Imaging cancer, , 2 (6 ) ,e200033 More Information
Jacob, Shawna N; Shear, Paula K; Norris, Matthew; Smith, Matthew; Osterhage, Jeff; Strakowski, Stephen M; Cerullo, Michael; Fleck, David E; Lee, Jing-Huei; Eliassen, James C (2015. ) Impact of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner noise on affective state and attentional performance.Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, , 37 (6 ) ,563-70 More Information
Bohmer, Margaret; Bhullar, Abhjeet S; Weitao, Tao; Zhang, Long; Lee, Jing-Huei; Guo, Peixuan (2023. ) Revolving hexameric ATPases as asymmetric motors to translocate double-stranded DNA genome along one strand.iScience, , 26 (6 ) ,106922 More Information
Borgelt, Logan; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; Weber, Wade; Eliassen, James C; Komoroski, Richard A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; Rummelhoff, Emily; Tallman, Maxwell; Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb M (2019. ) Neurophysiological effects of multiple mood episodes in bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 21 (6 ) ,503-513 More Information
Kaynak, Ahmet; N'Guessan, Kombo F; Patel, Priyankaben H; Lee, Jing-Huei; Kogan, Andrei B; Narmoneva, Daria A; Qi, Xiaoyang (2023. ) Electric Fields Regulate In Vitro Surface Phosphatidylserine Exposure of Cancer Cells via a Calcium-Dependent Pathway.Biomedicines, , 11 (2 ) , More Information
Li, Xin; Mangia, Silvia; Lee, Jing-Huei; Bai, Ruiliang; Springer, Charles S (2019. ) NMR shutter-speed elucidates apparent population inversion of 1 H2 O signals due to active transmembrane water cycling.Magnetic resonance in medicine, , 82 (1 ) ,411-424 More Information
Kaynak, Ahmet; Davis, Harold W; Kogan, Andrei B; Lee, Jing-Huei; Narmoneva, Daria A; Qi, Xiaoyang (2022. ) Phosphatidylserine: The Unique Dual-Role Biomarker for Cancer Imaging and Therapy.Cancers, , 14 (10 ) , More Information
Huang Y.P.; Bhalla K.; Chu H.C.; Lin Y.C.; Kuo H.C.; Chu W.J.; Lee J.H. (09-01-2021. ) Wavelet K-Means Clustering and Fuzzy-Based Method for Segmenting MRI Images Depicting Parkinson’s Di.International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, , 23 (6 ) ,1600-1612 More Information
Singh P.; Huang Y.P.; Chu W.J.; Lee J.H. (10-11-2020. ) A Fuzzy-Entropy and Image Fusion Based Multiple Thresholding Method for the Brain Tumor Segmentation.Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, , 2020-October ,2446-2451 More Information
Labadie C.; Lee J.H.; Rooney W.D.; Jarchow S.; Aubert-Frécon M.; Springer C.S.; Möller H.E. (11-01-2015. ) Erratum: Myelin water mapping by spatially regularized longitudinal relaxographic imaging at high ma.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 74 (5 ) ,1503 More Information
Sun G.; Li M.; Rudd B.W.; Lim T.C.; Osterhage J.; Fugate E.M.; Lee J.H. (01-01-2015. ) In-situ adaptive speech enhancement using directional microphone applied to magnetic resonance imagi .INTER-NOISE 2015 - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, ,
Labadie C.; Lee J.H.; Rooney W.D.; Jarchow S.; Aubert-Frécon M.; Springer C.S.; Möller H.E. (01-01-2014. ) Myelin water mapping by spatially regularized longitudinal relaxographic imaging at high magnetic fi.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 71 (1 ) ,375-387 More Information
Rudd B.; Lim T.; Lee J.; Li M. (01-01-2013. ) Evaluation of MRI compatible headphones for active noise control.Noise Control Engineering Journal, , 61 (1 ) ,41-49 More Information
Lee J.; Komoroski R.; Chu W.; Dudley J. (01-01-2012. ) Methods and applications of phosphorus NMR spectroscopy in vivo.Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, , 75 ,115-160 More Information
Rudd B.W.; Lim T.C.; Li M.; Lee J.H. (01-01-2012. ) In situ active noise cancellation applied to magnetic resonance imaging.Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, , 134 (1 ) , More Information
Li M.; Rudd B.W.; Lim T.C.; Lee J.H. (05-01-2011. ) Active control of magnetic resonance imaging response using inverse modeling.Noise Control Engineering Journal, , 59 (3 ) ,268-277 More Information
Li M.; Rudd B.W.; Lim T.C.; Lee J.H. (12-01-2010. ) Active noise control of magnetic resonance imaging scanner using inverse modeling technique .24th National Conference on Noise Control Engineering 2010, Noise-Con 10, Held Jointly with the 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, , 1 ,99-107
Rudd B.W.; Li M.; Lim T.C.; Lee J.H. (01-01-2010. ) In-situ active noise cancellation applied to Magnetic Resonance Imaging.ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings, , 15 ,193-198 More Information
Li M.; Rudd B.; Lim T.; Lee J. (01-01-2010. ) Active noise control of simulated magnetic resonance imaging response.Noise Control Engineering Journal, , 58 (1 ) ,35-42 More Information
Hu X.; Peng H.; Kesker J.; Cai X.; Wee W.G.; Lee J.H. (12-01-2009. ) An improved adaptive smoothing method.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), , 5716 LNCS ,757-766 More Information
Bryson J.M.; Fichter K.M.; Chu W.J.; Lee J.H.; Li J.; Madsen L.A.; McLendon P.M.; Reineke T.M. (10-06-2009. ) Polymer beacons for luminescence and magnetic resonance imaging of DNA delivery.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 106 (40 ) ,16913-16918 More Information
Rudd B.W.; Lim T.C.; Lee J.H. (12-01-2008. ) Evaluation of MRI compatible headphones for active noise cancellation .Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, , 2 ,748-753
Li M.; Rudd B.W.; Lim T.C.; Lee J.H. (12-01-2008. ) Simulated study of active acoustic noise control of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner response .Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, , 2 ,742-747
Wang X.; Lee J.H. (09-22-2008. ) IRIS-HSVD for automatic MRS data quantification.Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, , 1827-1830 More Information
Lee J.H.; Rudd B.; Li M.; Lim T.C. (06-01-2008. ) Sound reduction technologies for MRI scanners.Recent Patents on Engineering, , 2 (2 ) ,72-79 More Information
Bryson J.M.; Chu W.J.; Lee J.H.; Reineke T.M. (01-01-2008. ) A ?-cyclodextrin "click cluster" decorated with seven paramagnetic chelates containing two water exc.Bioconjugate Chemistry, , 19 (8 ) ,1505-1509 More Information
Avdievich N.I.; Bradshaw K.; Lee J.H.; Kuznetsov A.M.; Hetherington H.P. (08-01-2007. ) 4 T split TEM volume head and knee coils for improved sensitivity and patient accessibility.Journal of Magnetic Resonance, , 187 (2 ) ,234-241 More Information
Peng Z.; Wee W.; Lee J.H. (12-21-2006. ) Automatic segmentation of MR brain images using spatial-varying Gaussian mixture and Markov Random f.Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, , 2006 , More Information
Peng Z.; Cai X.; Wee W.; Lee J.H. (01-01-2006. ) 3D method of using spatial-varying Gaussian mixture and local information to segment MR brain volume.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), , 4142 LNCS ,660-671 More Information
Peng Z.; Zhong J.; Wee W.; Lee J.H. (12-01-2005. ) Automated vertebra detection and segmentation from the whole spine MR images .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 7 VOLS ,2527-2530
Peng Z.; Wee W.; Lee J.H. (12-01-2005. ) Mr brain imaging segmentation based on spatial Gaussian mixture model and Markov random field.Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, , 1 ,313-316 More Information
Yankeelov T.; Rooney W.; Huang W.; Dyke J.; Li X.; Tudorica A.; Lee J.; Koutcher J.; Springer C. (05-01-2005. ) Evidence for shutter-speed variation in CR bolus-tracking studies of human pathology.NMR in Biomedicine, , 18 (3 ) ,173-185 More Information
Lee J.; Telang F.; Springer C.; Volkow N. (08-29-2003. ) Abnormal brain activation to visual stimulation in cocaine abusers.Life Sciences, , 73 (15 ) ,1953-1961 More Information
Thanos P.; Taintor N.; Alexoff D.; Vaska P.; Logan J.; Grandy D.; Fang Y.; Lee J.; Fowler J.; Volkow N. (11-01-2002. ) In vivo comparative imaging of dopamine D2 knockout and wild-type mice with 11.Journal of Nuclear Medicine, , 43 (11 ) ,1570-1577
Silva M.D.; Helmer K.G.; Han S.S.; Sotak C.H.; Sotak C.H.; Sotak C.H.; Lee J.H.; Springer C.S.; Springer C.S. (01-01-2002. ) Deconvolution of compartmental water diffusion coefficients in yeast-cell suspensions using combined.Journal of Magnetic Resonance, , 156 (1 ) ,52-63 More Information
Pan J.W.; Telang F.W.; Lee J.H.; De Graaf R.A.; Rothman D.L.; Stein D.T.; Hetherington H.P. (11-14-2001. ) Measurement of ?-hydroxybutyrate in acute hyperketonemia in human brain.Journal of Neurochemistry, , 79 (3 ) ,539-544 More Information
De Graaf R.A.; Pan J.W.; Telang F.; Lee J.H.; Brown P.; Novotny E.J.; Hetherington H.P.; Rothman D.L. (01-01-2001. ) Differentiation of glucose transport in human brain gray and white matter.Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, , 21 (5 ) ,483-492 More Information
Lee J.H. (01-01-2000. ) PURR-TURBO: A novel pulse sequence for longitudinal relaxographic imaging.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 43 (5 ) ,773-777 More Information
Rooney W.; Lee J.; Li X.; Wang G.; Franceschi D.; Springer C.; Volkow N.
(01-01-2000. )
4.0 T water proton T
Volkow N.D.; Wang G.J.; Fowler J.S.; Rooney W.D.; Felder C.A.; Lee J.H.; Franceschi D.; Maynard L.; Schlyer D.J.; Pan J.W.; Gatley S.J.; Springer C.S. (01-01-2000. ) Resting brain metabolic activity in a 4 Tesla magnetic field.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 44 (5 ) ,701-705 More Information
Pan J.W.; Stein D.T.; Telang F.; Lee J.H.; Shen J.; Brown P.; Cline G.; Mason G.F.; Shulman G.I.; Rothman D.L.; Hetherington H.P. (01-01-2000. ) Spectroscopic imaging of glutamate C4 turnover in human brain.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 44 (5 ) ,673-679 More Information
Sammi M.K.; Felder C.A.; Fowler J.S.; Lee J.H.; Levy A.V.; Li X.; Logan J.; Pályka I.; Rooney W.D.; Volkow N.D.; Wang G.J.; Springer C.S. (01-01-1999. ) Intimate combination of low- and high-resolution image data: I. Real- space PET and 1<.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 42 (2 ) ,345-360 More Information
Lee J.; Li X.; Sammi M.; Springer C. (01-01-1999. ) Using Flow Relaxography to Elucidate Flow Relaxivity.Journal of Magnetic Resonance, , 136 (1 ) ,102-113 More Information
Lee J.H.; Garwood M.; Menon R.; Adriany G.; Andersen P.; Truwit C.L.; Ugurbil K. (01-01-1995. ) High contrast and fast three?dimensional magnetic resonance imaging at high fields.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 34 (3 ) ,308-312 More Information
Labadie C.; Lee J.; Vetek G.; Springer C. (10-01-1994. ) Relaxographic Imaging.Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B, , 105 (2 ) ,99-112 More Information
Lee J.H.; Labadie C.; Labadie C.; Springer C.S.; Harbison G.S.; Lee J.H.; Springer C.S.; Harbison G.S. (08-01-1993. ) Two-Dimensional Inverse Laplace Transform NMR: Altered Relaxation Times Allow Detection of Exchange .Journal of the American Chemical Society, , 115 (17 ) ,7761-7764 More Information
Albert M.S.; Huang W.; Lee J.?.; Balschi J.A.; Springer C.S. (01-01-1993. ) Aqueous shift reagents for high?resolution cation NMR. VI. Titration curves for in vivo 2.NMR in Biomedicine, , 6 (1 ) ,7-20 More Information
Albert M.; Haung W.; Lee J.; Patlak C.; Springer C. (01-01-1993. ) Susceptibility changes following bolus injections.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, , 29 (5 ) ,700-708 More Information
Book Chapter
J.-H. Lee, C. Labadie, and C.S. Springer, Jr. (1993 ) Relaxographic Analyses of 23Na and 1H2O Magnetic Resonances: Simulation and Results Molecular Environment of Intra- and Extracellular Sodium .(pp. 19-22).Okazaki, Japan, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Z. Peng, X. Cai, W. Wee, and J.-H. Lee (2006 ) 3D Method of Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Local Information to Segment MR Brain Volumes Lecture Notes in Computer Science .(pp. 660-671).Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Springer
J-H Lee, R Komoroski, W-J Chu, and J Dudley (2012 ) Methods and Applications of Phosphorus NMR Spectroscopy In Vivo Annual reports in NMR Spectroscopy - Volume 75 .(pp. 115-160).ARNMR, UK, Academic Press
Center for Imaging Research (UCCOM ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2002 -To Present
Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Imaging Research Center ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2002 -To Present
(The BME graduate studies ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2003 -To Present
The BME graduate studies (BME Department Graduate Qualifying Examination Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2003 -To Present
(Chair of UCCIR Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2003
(Chair of UCCIR Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2004
The BME graduate studies (Graduate admissions Committee ) Type:Departmental Service 2005 -To Present
Radiology Department (Scientific Advisory Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2007 -2009
BME (ARPT committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2008 -2010
Center for Imaging Research (UCCOM ) Co-Director Type:University/College Service 2002 -To Present
College of Engineering (College computing policy committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2002 -2006
College of Medicine (Due-admission program committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2002
UCCOM (Search committee of the millennium scholar in cellular and molecular imaging ) Other Type:University/College Service 2003
The neurobiochemistry journal club Other Type:University/College Service 2003 -2004
U. of Cincinnati Bipolar Disorder Imaging & Treatment Research Center (BITREC) bimonthly seminar series Other Type:University/College Service 2008 -To Present
BME Department seminar series Other Type:University/College Service 2009 -To Present
University Research Council (grant review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2008
Colleges of Engineering and Medicine (BME Department Head Search committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2009
School of Energy, Environment, Biological and Medical Engineering, Colleges of Engineering (SEEBME workload committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2009 -2010
Colleges of Medicine (Radiology Department Vise Chair of Research Search committee ) Vice-Chair Type:University/College Service 2010
Brain Imaging Center (Lindner Center of HOPE at Mason ) Other Type:University/College Service 2009 -To Present
(Search Committee for new Faculty ) Other Type:University/College Service 2003 -2006
subcommittee Life Sciences (University Research Council ) Council Member Type:University/College Service 2009 -2011
(Faculty Senate Research and Scholarship Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2009 -2011
Professional Affiliation
1988 -1989: President; Sinorama Society State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY
1991 -1994: Member; Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Berkeley, CA
1995 -To Present: Member; International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (combined SMRM and SMRI) Berkeley, CA
1996 -To Present: Member; Organization for Human Brain Mapping Cambridge, MA
2000 -To Present: Member, Science Advisory Board Arlington, VA
2006 -To Present: Member; IEEE-Society of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Piscataway, NJ
2007 -2009: The founder of the IEEE Cincinnati Section of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Chapter; and the elected Vice Chair for 2007-2008, the elected Chair for 2008-2009 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Patents and Inventions
UC 105-024 A Novel Method (Pulse sequence) for 2D Fast Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging J-H Lee, Y Gao, and SM Strakowski, 04-15-2005
UC 108-004 A novel Neuronal MRI contrast Agent Theresa M. Reineke, Christopher Gulgas, Jing-Huei Lee, Wen-Jang Chu, 07-26-2007
UC 108-022 Active Noise Control for MRI Jing-Huei Lee, Teik C. Lim, Mingfeng Li, Brent Rudd, 09-24-2007
Contact Information
Academic - Department of Biomedical Engineering University of Cincinnati
2901 Woodside Drive, 501E ERC
Ohio, 45221-0012
Phone: (513)558-5676
Fax: (513) 556-3474