Sherry Ann Long
Assoc Professor
CC West Woods Acad Cntr
CC Education - 0162
M.A.: Salem International University Salem, WV, 2010 (Educational Leadership License)
ED.D.: University of Phoenix Phoenix, AZ, 2009 (Curriculum and Instruction/Leadership)
M.A.: Muskingum College New Concord, OH, 2001 (Gifted and Talented Education (ages 5-22) )
B.S.: Ohio University Athens, OH , 1999 (• Grades 1-8 • Mathematics Concentration • Social Studies Concentration )
A.A.: Ohio University Athens, OH, 1999 (Applied Mathematics Arts and Humanities )
Research and Practice Interests
My research interests include studying the effect of different instructional methods on achievement of students, including subgroups; gifted and talented education; brain-based learning; pedagogy/best practices; rural education, and technology.
Positions and Work Experience
2014 -To Present Associate Professor, Teach courses in the education program including: Introduction to Education, Technology in the Classroom, Cooperative Learning, Child Guidance in the Context of Play, and Critical Pedagogy, University of Cincinnati – Clermont , Batavia, OH
2014 -2018 Area Coordinator of Education, • Scheduled and staffed courses • Oversaw textbook orders • Developed, reviewed, and updated curriculum, course descriptions, check sheets, and marketing materials • Created and maintained education program reviews and evaluations , University of Cincinnati – Clermont, Batavia, OH
2010 -2014 Education Chair/Assistant Professor, • Chair of the Education Division • Chair of the Education Department • Chair of the Teacher Education Committee • Chair of the Institutional Research Committee • Oversaw faculty, program compliance, curriculum, assessment, collaborations, and budget • Supervised student teachers • Courses taught: Foundations of Education; Reading Foundations; Content Area Literacy; Middle and Secondary Curriculum & Instruction; Children's Literature; Language Arts for the Elementary Teacher; Health, Nutrition, & PE for the Elementary Teacher; Technology in the Classroom; and Social Studies for the Elementary Teacher , Alice Lloyd College , Pippa Passes, KY
2013 -2016 Adjunct Instructor, • Taught online graduate courses • Courses taught: Theories of Teaching and Learning; The Ethical Educator; Educational Research; and Thesis Capstone , Concordia University Online , Portland, OR
2005 -2010 Adjunct Instructor, • Taught graduate level courses in gifted education • Supervised, mentored, and advised teachers • Courses taught: Characteristics and Assessment; Curriculum and Instruction; Guidance and Counseling; Reading Strategies for Advanced Readers; and Collaborative Partnerships , Muskingum College, New Concord, OH
2002 -2009 District Coordinator of Gifted Services and Assessment, • Tested, identified, and placed gifted students in appropriate educational services and settings • Conducted on-going evaluation of the effectiveness of gifted education services and compliance with Ohio's Gifted Operating Standards • Provided training for administrators, teachers, and parents concerning characteristics and educational needs of gifted students • Created curriculum for gifted students • Wrote and secured grants for gifted services • Taught gifted students in grades 2-5 two times a week in a resource room (Aug 2002-May 2005) • Created a district assessment map including timeline, rationale, responsible parties, and evidence • Ordered, delivered, and shipped all state and district assessments • Trained as a District Value Added Specialist • Created and maintained a database containing longitudinal trends for 1900 individual students, 5 schools, and district • Provided training for teachers and administrators concerning data , West Muskingum Schools , Zanesville, OH
2001 -2002 Gifted and Talented Teacher, • Taught identified gifted students in grades 6 through 8 • Collaborated with language arts teachers • Wrote and implemented individualized educational plans for gifted students • Taught an advanced math enrichment course for gifted students , West Muskingum Schools, Zanesville, OH
1999 -2001 Gifted and Talented Teacher, • Taught gifted students in grades 3 through 8 in a resource room setting • Tested and identified gifted students • Created and maintained gifted records , Caldwell Exempted Village School District, Caldwell, OH
Peer Reviewed Publications
Long, S. (2021. ) Tech breaks increase student attentiveness in the college classroom .Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, ,
Long, S. (2013. ) Instructional impact on achievement of economically and learning disadvantaged students at two Ohio middle schools .Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, , 1 (2 ) ,71
Long, S. (2023. ) Teachers’ perceptions of readiness and support of online instruction in rural school settings .Voices of Reform, , 6 (1 ) ,
Long, S. (2022. ) Throw me a life jacket; I am swimming in student e-mails .Journal of Education & Social Policy, , 9 (4 ) ,
Long, S. (2019. ) Tech breaks increase student attentiveness in the college classroom. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, , 10 (1 ) ,
Other Publications
Boggs, P., Long, S., & Schmelzer, C (2022. ) Eastern Ohio summit (EOS): Program for gifted middle school students - review .
Book Chapter
Long, S. (2016 ) A case study in introduction to education The flipped college classroom: Conceptualized and re-conceptualized .New York, Springer
Long, S. Executive functioning and the multiple means of expression principle of universal design for learning (UDL) Promoting evidence-based neuroinclusive teaching, course design, and student support in higher education . (Author)
Invited Presentations
Long, S. (2018. ) Lifelong learning: Learning through experiences .CBDD District Advocacy Conference, Mason, OH. Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Long, S. (2015. ) Tech break increases student attentiveness in a college classroom .3T Conference , Batavia, OH. . Level:Local
Long, S. (2023. ) Capstone Project Changes Lead to an Increase in Student Success .Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges (OATYC) Conference, Elyria, OH. .
Paper Presentations
Long, S. (2013. ) Instructional impact on achievement of economically and learning disadvantaged students at two Ohio middle schools .Scottsdale, AZ. Conference. Level:International
Long, S. (2015. ) Tech break increases student attentiveness in a college classroom .Philadelphia, PA. . Conference. Level:National
Long, S. (2015. ) Multiple intelligences in the college classroom .Zanesville, OH.. Conference. Level:Regional
Long, S. (2016. ) Tech break increases student attentiveness in a college classroom. Scottsdale, AZ. Conference. Level:International
Long, S. (2020. ) Throw me a life jacket: I’m drowning in student e-mails .Charleston, SC (virtual). Conference. Level:International
Long, S. (2020. ) ). Increase student participation and learning through formative assessments .Ft. Lauderdale, FL.. Conference. Level:National
Long, S. (2022. ) Teachers’ perceptions of readiness and support of online instruction in rural school settings . Cincinnati, OH..
Long, S. (2022. ) Technology for engagement in the classroom .Highland Hills, OH..
Long, S. (2024. ) Creating Presence in the Online Classroom .Ft. Lauderdale, FL. .
Long, S. (2024. ) Are Executive Functioning Skills the Key to Unlocking Student Motivation? .Lima, OH.
Event Organized
Eastern Ohio Summit (EOS)Eastern Ohio Summit (EOS) Other 2001 2021 Salt Fork Lodge Lore City, OH Level:Regional
Professional Affiliation
1999 -To Present: Member American Educational Research Association (AERA) Midwest Educational Research Association (MWERA) Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) Ohio Association for Gifted Children Higher Education Division International Reading Association (IRA) Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society