Kathryn Lorenz

Kathryn M. Lorenz


Educator Professor

Professional Summary

Kathryn Lorenz is an Educator Professor Emerita of French in the Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures Department of the University of Cincinnati.   She specializes in Medieval French Literature and taught a variety of courses such as Reading French for Graduate Students, Paris and Basic French.  Kathryn also serves on the Loveland City School District Board of Education and the Great Oaks Institute of Technology and Career Development Board of Directors.


PhD: University of Cincinnati 1991

MA, French: Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado, 1973 (French Secondary Education)

BA: Ursinus College Collegeville, PA, 1971 (French Secondary Education)

Research and Practice Interests

The main focus of an Educator Professor is teaching and pedagogy.  Kathryn Lorenz also engages in research, with particular interest in Medieval Literature and the connection to that literature found in the Harry Potter novels.  In addition, she participates in presentations concerning language teaching with a particular interest in distance learning.

Positions and Work Experience

2004 -2012 Educator Associate Professor, Teaching language and subject area courses in French., University of Cincinnati, Clifton Campus

2004 -2013 Director, Curriculum, Administrative responsibility for course scheduling and articulation. Assist in resource allocation, textbook decisions, syllabus creation, semester conversion., University of Cincinnati, Clifton Campus

2009 -2013 Director, Language Instruction, Facilitate coordination among Basic Languages taught at the University of Cincinnati. Plan and execute professional development opportunities for language instructors. Coordinate semester conversion for language courses., University of Cincinnati, Clifton Campus

2008 -2013 Faculty Advisor, Consult and advise on the use of publisher online language teaching tools. , Pearson Publishing,

2012 -2017 Educator Professor, French, Teach French classes, work in administration of department and basic languages in College of Arts and Science of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Clifton Campus

2013 -2014 Mentor, Dual enrollment French classes taught at Oak Hills and Loveland High Schools,

Research Support

Investigators:Jennifer Kelley-Thierman, German Studies and Nuria Lopez-Ortega, Romance Languages 2005 University of Cincinnati Jump Start Grant $3000

2002 University of Cincinnati Success Challenge Grant $9000+

2000 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant $4000 Type:Grant Level:International

1990 University of Cincinnati NEH Summer Seminar Type:Grant

1985 -1987 University of Cincinnati Taft Fellow $10,000 Type:Grant Level:Department

1985 -1986 University of Cincinnati Research Grants for structural studies of Welsh tales and computer study of the Lais of Marie de France Type:Grant Level:International

1985 University of Cincinnati Grants from the offices of the President, Provost and Graduate School Dean for the Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures Type:Grant

Abbreviated Publications

Teaching and Resource Materials

Instructor Resource Manual, Points de Départ, 2nd edition, Pearson Publications, January 2012.

Testing Program, Paroles, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2005

Internet Activities and Tutorials, Bravo, 5th edition, Heinle and Heinle, 2004.  Ancillary to Bravo text series.

Peer Reviewed Publications

"The Harry Potter Stories and French Arthurian Romance." with Heather Arden.  Arthuriana 13.2, Summer 2003: 54-68.

"Intermediate Conversation and composition courses: What Makes Them successful?"  Foreign Language Annals 28.2 (Summer 1995):274-285 (With Davidheiser and olson)

Invited Publication

"The Ambiguity of the Outsider in the Harry Potter Stories and Beyond". Proceedings of the Conference on the Image of the Outsider in Literature, Media, and Society.  Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery,  Ed. by Will Wright and Steven Kaplan. (2002): 430-434.


Dans un quartier de Paris software review.  Modern Language Journal, 85.1 (Spring 2001):158-9.

Review Paroles, Magnan.  Modern Language Journal, 84.3 (Fall 2000): 457-8.


Invited Presentations

Kathryn Lorenz (03-2006. ) Paris Today and Tomorrow .Ohio Foreign Language Association Conference, Toledo, Ohio. Level:State

Lorenz, Kathryn (11-09-2010. ) Faculty Hours .ACTFL Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Professional Meeting. . Level:National

UC International (2010. ) Best Practices in Study Abroad .University of Cincinnati, UC. . Level:University

Paper Presentations

(05-2008. ) The Completeness of Arthurian reference in Harry Potter .Kalamazoo, MI.

(04-2008. ) How to Bridge the Culture Chasm .Cincinnati, OH.

(03-2006. ) Paris Today and Tomorrow .Toledo, OH.

(07-2005. ) From Perceval to Potter: Sheltered Youth Seeking Answers .Leeds, England, UK.

(03-2005. ) Paris Today and Tomorrow and Foreign Language Articulation .Columbus, OH.

(05-2010. ) Online French and Spanish Courses .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:Department

(11-2008. ) Online Language Learning .Orlando, Florida. Conference. Level:National


Kathryn Lorenz (BAD DATE. ) Study Tour Course Redesign Institute .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University

(9/17/0201 12:00:00 AM. ) New York Times Schools for Tomorrow .New York City. Conference. Level:National

Event Organized

Teaching World Languages

Teaching World Languages Workshop BAD DATE University of Cincinnati Level:University

Honors and Awards

2000 Ed Allen Distinguished Language Teacher Awarded by Ohio Foreign Language Association

1998 Distinguished Adjunct Award Awarded by College of Arts and Science of Arts and Sciences

2012 Darwin Turner Scholarship Breakfast of Champions Honored as a Champion by the students holding Darwin T Turner scholarships Level:University Type:Recognition

2012 Distinguished Teaching Award Honor awarded by UC Honors Scholars students as the Distinguished Teacher of the 2011-2012 academic year. UC Honors Scholars College Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition


Loveland City School Board of Education Elected Member Type:Public Level:Local 1991 -2015

Great Oaks Institute of Technology and Career Development (Board of Directors ) Elected Member Type:Public Level:Local 2001 -2016

Ohio Education Funding Advisory Council Member Type:Public Level:State 2010 -2011

University of Cincinnati Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Policy and Curriculum Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2008 -2014

University of Cincinnati Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Basic Language Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011

University of Cincinnati College of Arts and Science (Distance Learning Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2006 -2011

University of Cincinnati Provost's Office (Part-time Faculty Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2002 -2012

University of Cincinnati College of Arts and Science (Prospective Student Presentation ) Representative Type:University/College Service Level:College 2008 -2011

Faculty Senate, University of Cincinnati (Governance and Policy ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2012

(University Branding Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2013 -2015

Post Graduate Training and Education

1986Aberystwyth Celtic Summer School, Intensive Course in Welsh language, literature and history, University College of Wales, , Aberystwyth, Wales


Romance Languages, French, Medieval Literature, Harry Potter

Professional Affiliation

1995 -2014: Member, American Association of Teachers of French

1998 -2014: Member, American Association of University Language Supervisors and Coordinators

1991 -2014: Member, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

1994 -2014: Member, International Arthurian Society, North American Branch

1994 -2014: Member, Ohio Foreign Language Association

1991 -2014: Member, Ohio School Boards Association

1996 -2014: Member, International Marie de France Society

2000 -2014: Member, National School Boards Association

Courses Taught

15FREN898 Level:Graduate

15-FREN-188 FRENCH LIT TRANS Level:Undergraduate

15-FREN-468 CONTEMPORARY PARIS Level:Undergraduate

15-FREN-899 READING FRENCH III Level:Graduate

15-FREN-180 WORLD CULT:FRENCH Level:Undergraduate

15-FREN-897 READING FRENCH I Level:Graduate

15-SWLC-751 LANG TEACH METHODS Level:Graduate

15-FREN-468H CONTEMPORARY PARIS Level:Undergraduate

15-FREN-181 WORLD CULT:FRENCH Level:Undergraduate

Reading French for Graduate Students Level:Graduate

15-FREN-181 WORLD CULT:FRENCH Level:Undergraduate

15-FREN-899 READING FRENCH III Level:Graduate

15-FREN-188 FRENCH LIT TRANS Level:Undergraduate

15-SWLC-100 EXPLORING LANG/CULT Level:Undergraduate

Basic French Extended

Reading French for Graduate Students Level:Graduate

Reading French for Graduate Students Level:Graduate

Francophone World Cultures Level:Undergraduate

Paris Gothic to Contemporary Level:Undergraduate

Extended Basic French Level:Undergraduate

Reading French for Graduate Students Level:Graduate

Introduction to Languages and Cultures Level:Undergraduate

Faculty Development Activities

09-2009 -06-2010 Course Redesign Seminar Year-long seminar in course redesign, CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Seminar