Bachelor of Science: University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, 1968 (Mechanical Engineering)
Master of Science: University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, 1971 (Industrial Engineering)
PhD: University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, 1980 (Industrial Engineering)
Research Support
Grant: #5-R03-DE-017089-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Ludke, Robert 08-15-2005 -07-31-2008 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Development of an Oral Health Literacy Instrument Role:PI $151,696.38 Closed Level:Federal
Investigators:Ludke, Robert 01-01-2003 -12-31-2004 Anthem Foundation of Ohio Evaluation of Floride in Various Applications Role:PI $30,627.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #C-1-91-256-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Ludke, Robert 07-01-1999 -06-30-2001 Trustees for the Bowling-Pfizer Heart Valve Settlement Funds Bjork-Shiley Convexo-Concave Heart Valve Research Evaluation Project Role:PI $494,198.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #HFGC-15-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Ludke, Robert 09-01-1999 -08-31-2000 Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Mandatory Managed Medicaid Study Role:PI $20,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #5-R21-HD-40050-01-A1-S0-E0 Investigators:Ludke, Robert 08-03-2001 -01-31-2006 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Children at Risk: A County-Based Study of Interventions Role:PI $776,201.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #2002-UC-16-Anthem-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Ludke, Robert 08-15-2001 -06-30-2008 Anthem Foundation of Ohio Evaluation of Preventive Oral Health Care Initiative Role:PI $170,703.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 005059 Investigators:Brown, M. Kathryn; Horner, Ronnie; Ludke, Robert; Ritchey, Phillip; Szaflarski, Magdalena; Ying, Jun 07-10-2007 -06-30-2008 Cincinnati, City of Data Collection to Eliminate Health Disparities in Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $76,657.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Grant: #SRS 005884 Investigators:Ludke, Robert; Weber, Debra 08-01-2009 -07-31-2011 Anthem Foundation of Ohio Evaluation of the Early Childhood Oral Health Initiative Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R03 HS018245 Investigators:Elder, Nancy; Jacobson, Roy; Ludke, Robert; Regan, Saundra; Smucker, Douglas 09-30-2009 -06-30-2011 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety in Hospice Care Role:Collaborator $93,781.00 Closed Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nabors, Laura A; Kockritz, Jennifer L; Ludke, Robert L; Bernstein, Jonathan A (2012. ) Enhancing school-based asthma education efforts using computer-based education for children.The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma, , 49 (2 ) ,209-12 More Information
Ludke, Robert L; Smucker, Douglas R (2007. ) Racial differences in the willingness to use hospice services.Journal of palliative medicine, , 10 (6 ) ,1329-37 More Information
Guo, Jeff J; Ludke, Robert L; Heaton, Pamela C; Moomaw, Charles J; Ho, Mona; Cluxton, Robert J (2004. ) Characteristics and risk factors associated with high-cost Medicaid recipients. Managed care interface, , 17 (10 ) ,20-7
Booth, B M; Ludke, R L; Fisher, E M (1998. ) Inappropriate hospital care and severity of illness: results from a nationwide study. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality, , 13 (1 ) ,36-43
Booth, B M; Blow, F C; Ludke, R L; Ross, R L (1996. ) Utilization of acute inpatient services for alcohol detoxification. Journal of mental health administration, , 23 (4 ) ,366-74
Briggs, L W; Rohrer, J E; Ludke, R L; Hilsenrath, P E; Phillips, K T (1995. ) Geographic variation in primary care visits in Iowa. Health services research, , 30 (5 ) ,657-71
Hendryx, M S; Wakefield, D S; Murray, J F; Uden-Holman, T; Helms, C M; Ludke, R L (1995. ) Using comparative clinical and economic outcome information to profile physician performance. Health services management research : an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration / HSMC, AUPHA, , 8 (4 ) ,213-20
Booth, B M; Ludke, R L; Fisher, E M (1994. ) Reliability of a utilization review instrument in a large field study. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality, , 9 (2 ) ,68-73
Vaughan, M; Hilsenrath, P; Ludke, R L (1994. ) The contribution of hospitals to a local economy: a case study in Iowa and Illinois. Health care management review, , 19 (3 ) ,34-40
Ludke, R L; Booth, B M; Lewis-Beck, J A (1993. ) Relationship between early readmission and hospital quality of care indicators. Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing, , 30 (1 ) ,95-103
Wakefield, D S; Ludke, R L; Rohrer, J E; Booth, B M; Breese, S; Moen, A; Fortney, J; Zeitler, R (1992. ) Shifting the financial burden: the VA ambulatory care discharge policy. Health services management research : an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration / HSMC, AUPHA, , 5 (3 ) ,162-72
Ludke, R L; Westhoff, L J; Flood, B M (1992. ) Rural hospitals' viability and strategic responses. Health progress (Saint Louis, Mo.), , 73 (4 ) ,49-53, 75
Wakefield, D S; Pfaller, M; Ludke, R L; Wenzel, R P (1992. ) Methods for estimating days of hospitalization due to nosocomial infections. Medical care, , 30 (4 ) ,373-6
Booth, B M; Ludke, R L; Wakefield, D S; Kern, D C; du Mond, C E (1991. ) Relationship between inappropriate admissions and days of care: implications for utilization management. Hospital & health services administration, , 36 (3 ) ,421-37
Ludke, R L (1991. ) Surviving in rural America. Providers must adapt to the changing healthcare environment. Health progress (Saint Louis, Mo.), , 72 (7 ) ,60-4
Ludke, R L; MacDowell, N M; Booth, B M; Hunter, S A (1990. ) Appropriateness of admissions and discharges among readmitted patients. Health services research, , 25 (3 ) ,501-25
Wakefield, D S; Ludke, R L (1988. ) Developing an ambulatory care risk management (ACRM) program. The Journal of ambulatory care management, , 11 (4 ) ,77-87
Ludke, R L; Levitz, G S (1983. ) Referring physicians: the forgotten market. Health care management review, , 8 (4 ) ,13-22
Ludke, R L; Curry, J P; Saywell, R M (1983. ) The community survey and the health services provider. Journal of health care marketing, , 3 (4 ) ,39-52
Ludke, R L; Kuder, J M; Levey, S (1983. ) New reimbursement environment to challenge Iowa hospitals. Journal of the Iowa Medical Society, , 73 (9 ) ,349-54
Goeldner, L M; Ludke, R L; Kuder, J M (1983. ) The impact of some proposed policy changes on the nursing home system. The Journal of long term care administration, , 11 (1 ) ,1-9
Saywell, R M; McHugh, G J; Bean, J A; Ludke, R L; Redman, R W (1983. ) Practicing physician and house staff performance of patient histories and physical examinations. QRB. Quality review bulletin, , 9 (2 ) ,48-62
Ludke, R L (1982. ) An examination of the factors that influence patient referral decisions. Medical care, , 20 (8 ) ,782-96
Saywell, R M; Bean, J A; Redman, R W; Ludke, R L (1981. ) Examination of physician team performance in six processes of care. QRB. Quality review bulletin, , 7 (12 ) ,6-14
Saywell, R M; Bean, J A; Ludke, R L; Redman, R W; McHugh, G J (1981. ) An examination of the relationships between physicians' clinical and hospital-utilization performance. Health services research, , 16 (3 ) ,285-303
Saywell, R W; Studnicki, J; Bean, J A; Ludke, R L (1980. ) A performance comparison: USMG-FMG house staff physicians. American journal of public health, , 70 (1 ) ,23-8
Saywell, R M; Studnicki, J; Bean, J A; Ludke, R L (1979. ) A performance comparison: USMG-FMG attending physicians. American journal of public health, , 69 (1 ) ,57-62
Ludke, R L; Stauss, F F; Gustafson, D H (1977. ) Comparison of five methods for estimating subjective probability distributions. Organizational behavior and human performance, , 19 (1 ) ,162-79
Gustafson, D H; Kestly, J J; Ludke, R L; Larson, F (1973. ) Probabilistic information processing: implementation and evaluation of a Semi-PIP diagnostic system. Computers and biomedical research, an international journal, , 6 (4 ) ,355-70
Contact Information
4244 Stetson Building
260 Stetson Street
Ohio, 45219
Phone: (513) 558-2757