Robert Luke
Medical Sciences Building
Room 1053D
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0557
Phone 513-558-0325
Fax 513-558-0852
Professional Summary
Dr. Luke was Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine from 1988 - 2004. A native of Scotland, he has been in academic medicine in the US since 1968, working at Yale, Lexington, and Birmingham prior to coming to Cincinnati. As a nephrologist, he has a major interest in fluid and electrolytes, acid-base, and hypertension. He is actively engaged in the teaching of house staff and medical students especially in these areas.
Bachelor's Degree: Glasgow University 1959 (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery )
House Surgeon : Southern General Hospital 1960
House Physician : University of Glasgow 1960
Senior House Officer : Glasgow Royal Infirmary 1962
Fellowship : Glasgow Royal Infirmary 1964 (Renal)
Renal Research Fellowship: Yale Med School (Nephrology)
Clinical Interests
Research and Practice Interests
Renal Control Acid Base, Electrolyte Metabolism
Positions and Work Experience
1966 -1968 Lecturer in Medicine, Renal Disease, University Medical Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland
1968 -1974 Associate Professor of Medicine, Director, Renal Division, Department of Medicine, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY
1975 -1976 Sabbatical year with Dr. G. Giebisch, Department of Physiology, Yale Medical School, New Haven, CT
1974 -1979 Professor of Medicine; Director, Renal Division, Acting Chief, University of Kentucky Medical Service - 1979, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY
1979 -1988 Professor of Medicine; Director, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine; Director, Nephrology Research and Training Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
1988 -2004 Taylor Professor of Medicine, Director and Chairman, Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
2004 -To Present Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #AM 26698 04-01-1986 -08-31-1990 NIH Continuation Grant Studies of Renal Chloride and Bicarbonate Transport Role:PI $597,830
Grant: #1T32 AMO7427 07-01-1982 -06-30-1988 NIH Nephrology Training Program UAB NRTC Program in Renal Physiology and Disease Role:Program Director $309,288
Grant: #1 P50DK39258-01 07-01-1987 -06-30-1992 George M. O'Brien Kidney and Urological Research Centers Program - NIH NIADDKD Mechanisms and Consequences of Renal Hypertension Role:Program Project Director $2,933,712
Grant: #2R55DK26698-11A2 Investigators:J Galla 09-30-1992 -09-29-1994 NIDDKD Studies of Renal Chloride and Bicarbonate Transport Role:Co-I $80,000
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kennedy AC, Luke RG, Linton AL, Eaton JC, Gray MJB (1963. ) Results of hemodialysis in sever acute tubular necrosis .Scot Med J, , 8 ,97-108
Kennedy AC, Linton AL, Luke RG, Renfrew S. (1963. ) Electroencephalographic changes during hemodialysis .Lancet, , 12 ,408-411
Kennedy AC, Luke RG, Campbell D, Renfrew S. (1963. ) Combined renal and respiratory failure after trauma .Lancet, , 12 ,1304-1307
Watson WC, Luke RG, Inall JA (1963. ) Beeturia: Its incidence and a clue to its mechanism .Br Med J, , ii ,971-973
Luke RG, Watson WC. (1963. ) Anaphylaxis with beeturia .Br Med J, , ii ,980-981
Luke RG, Kennedy AC. (1964. ) Methyldopa in treatment of hypertension due to chronic renal disease .Br Med J, , 1 ,27-30
Kennedy AC, Luke RG, Dinwoodie AJ, Linton AL (1964. ) Fructose and glucose tolerance in uraemia .Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc, , 1 ,165-171
Luke RG, Lees W, Rudick J (1964. ) Appearances of the stools after the introduction of blood into the caecum .Gut, , 5 ,77-79
Kennedy AC, Linton AL, Luke RG, Renfrew S, Dinwoodie A (1964. ) The pathogenesis and prevention of cerebral dysfunction during dialysis .Lancet, , 4 ,790-793
Linton AL, Luke RG, Speirs I, Kennedy AC (1964. ) Forced diuresis and hemodialysis in sever barbiturate intoxication .Lancet, , 5 ,1008-1010
Luke RG, Dinwoodie AJ, Linton AL, Kennedy AC (1964. ) Fructose and glucose tolerance in uremia .J Lab Clin Med, , 64 ,731-740
Luke RG, Kennedy AC, Stirling WB, McDonald GA (1965. ) Renal Artery stenosis, hypertension and polycythaemia .Br Med J, , 1 ,164-166
Luke RG, Linton AL, Briggs JD, Kennedy AC (1965. ) Mannitol therapy in acute renal failure .Lancet, , 5 ,980-982
Beaumont JE, Kotchen TA, Galla JH, Luke RG (1977. ) Failure of loading with sodium bicarbonate to protect against acute renal failure induced by mercuric chloride in the rat .Clin Sci Molec Med, , 53 ,149-154
Kennedy AC, Luke RG, Briggs JD, Stirling WB (1965. ) Detection of renovascular hypertension .Lancet, , 11 ,963-968
Black WP, Luke RG, Briggs JD, Kennedy AC (1965. ) Post-partum isotope renogram studies in hypertensive toxaemia of pregnancy .J Obstet Gynaec, , 72 ,970-975
Short DW, Kennedy AC, Luke RG, Mackey WA (1965. ) Renovascular Hypertension in aortic arch syndrome due to Takayasu's arteritis .Br J Surg, , 52 ,963-965
Luke RG, Briggs JD, Kennedy AC, Stirling WB (1966. ) The isotope renogram in the detection and assessment of renal artery stenosis .Quart J Med, , 35 ,237-260
Luke RG, Levitin H (1966. ) The renal and electrolyte response to respiratory acidosis in the adrenalactomized rat .Yale J Biol Med, , 39 ,27-37
Kennedy AC, Briggs JD, Young LN, Luke RG, Gray M (1966. ) Renal function following acute tubular necrosis .Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc, , 225-259
Briggs JD, Buchanan KD, Luke RG, McKiddie MT (1967. ) Role of the insulin in glucose intolerance in uraemia .Lancet, , 3 ,462- 465
Luke RG, Levitin H (1967. ) Impaired renal conservation of chloride and the acid-base changes associated with potassium depletion in the rat .Clin Sci, , 32 ,511-526
Briggs JD, Kennedy AC, Young LN, Luke RG, Gray M (1967. ) Renal function after acute tubular necrosis .Med J, , 3 ,513-516
Linton AL, Luke RG, Briggs JD (1967. ) Methods of forced diuresis and its application in barbiturate poisoning .Lancet, , 8 ,377-380
Lindsay RM, Briggs JD, Luke RG, Boyle IT, Kennedy AC (1967. ) Gynaecomastia in chronic renal failure .Br Med J, , 4 ,779-780
Luke RG, Briggs JD, Fell GS, Kennedy AC (1968. ) Proteinuria associated with D-penicillamine therapy of cystinuria .J Urol, , 99 ,207-210
Linton AL, Luke RG, Briggs JD, Kennedy AC (1968. ) Hemodialysis in the treatment of sever barbiturate intoxication .Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc, , 4 ,293-296
Luke RG, Kennedy AC, Briggs JD, Struthers NW, Watt JK et al (1968. ) Results of surgery in hypertension due to renal Artery stenosis .Br Med J, , 2 ,76-80
Luke RG, Kennedy AC, Briggs JD, Struthers NW, Stirling WB (1968. ) Results of nephrectomy in hypertension associated wit unilateral renal disease .Br Med J, , 3 ,764-768
Lawson DH, Linsay RM, Sawers JD, Luke RG, Davidson JF, Wardrop CJ, Linton AL (1968. ) Acute renal failure in the cold-agglutination syndrome .Lancet, , 9 ,704-705
Luke RG (1968. ) Proteinuria during penicillamine therapy for cystinuria .Postgrad Med J, , (Suppl 2) ,21-23
Kennedy AC, Linsay RM, Briggs JD, Luke RG, Young N, et al (1969. ) Successful treatment of three cases of very severe barbiturate poisoning .Lancet, , 5 ,995-998
Luke Rg, Allison MEM, Davidson JF, Duguid WP (1969. ) Hyperkalemia and renal tubular acidosis due to renal amyloidosis .Ann Intern Med, , 70 ,1211-1217
Luke Rg, Briggs JD, Allison MEM, Kennedy AC (1970. ) Factors determining response to mannitol in acute renal failure .Am J Med Sci, , 259 ,168-174
Luke RG, Warren Y, Kashgarian M, Levitin H (1970. ) Effects of chloride restriction and depletion on acid-base balance and chloride conservation in the rat .Clin SCi, , 38 ,385-396
Warren Y, Luke RG, Kashgarian M, Levitin H (1970. ) Micropuncture studies of chloride and bicarbonate absorption in the proximal renal tube of the rat in respiratory acidosis and in chloride depletion .Clin Sci, , 38 ,375-383
Luke RG, Siegel RR, Talbert W, Holland N (1970. ) Heparin treatment for post-partum renal failure with microangiopathic haemolytic anemia .Lancet, , 10 ,750-753
Luke RG, Koepke JA, Siegel RR (1971. ) The effect of immunosupressive drugs and uremia on automated leukocyte counts .Am J Clin Path, , 46 ,503-507
SImon D, Luke RG (1971. ) Rate of rise of blood urea nitrogen in acute renal failure: Effect of acidosis .Proc Soc Exper Biol Med, , 13 ,1073-1074
Salama F, Luke RG, Hellebusch AA (1970. ) Carcinoma of the kidney producing multiple hormones .J Urol, , 106 ,820-822
Aquion HC, Preston Df, Luke RG (1971. ) 99mm pertechnetate uptake in the transplanted kidney .Proc Dial Transplant Assoc, , 1 ,83-88
Siegel RR, Luke RG, Hellebusch AA (1972. ) Reduction of toxicity of corticosteroid therapy after renal transplantation .Am J Med, , 53 ,156-159
Hellebusch AA, Walton KN, Griffen, Jr. WO, Siegel R, Luke RG, et al (1972. ) A renal transplantation program: Its new development in a new medical center .Southern Med J, , 65 ,933-936
Jarboe TM, Penman RW, Luke RG (1972. ) Ventilatory failure due to metabolic alkalosis .Chest, , 61 ,61S-63S
Penman RW, Luke RG, Jarboe TM (1972. ) Respiratory effects of hypochloremic alkalosis and potassium depletion in the dog .J Appl Phyisol, , 33 ,170-174
Bennett NM, Nennett D, Holland NH, Luke RG (1972. ) Serum fibrin degradation products in the diagnosis of transplantation .Transplantation, , 14 ,311-316
Kennedy AC, Burton JA, Luke RG, Briggs JD, Lindsay RM, et al (1973. ) Factors affecting the prognosis in acute renal failure .Quart J Med, , 42 ,73-86
Luke RG (1973. ) Natriuesis and chloruresis during hydropenia in the rat .Am J Physiol, , 244 ,13-20
Aquino HC, Luke RG (1973. ) Respiratory compensation to potassium-depletion and chloride-depletion alkalosis .Am J Physiol, , 225 ,1444-1448
Simon D, Luke RG (1973. ) Plymorphonuclear leucocytosis and lymphopenia in acute renal failure and metabolic acidosis in the rat .Clin Sci Molec Med, , 45 ,397-402
McQuillen MP, Procopis PG, Luke RG (1973. ) Nerve excitability in chronic renal disease .Transact Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, , 19 ,337-339
Luke RG, Rees ED, Winternitz LWW, Burchett T (1973. ) Abnormal metabolism of amino acids in uraemia .Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc, , 10 ,152-159
Khanh BT, Leonard CD, Luke RG (1973. ) Successful intravenous pyelography for end state kidneys following transplantation .Transplantation, , 16 ,559-601
Desai SG, McRoberts JW, Hellebusch AA, Luke RG (1974. ) Conservative non-operative management of ureteral fistulas following renal allografts .J Urol, , 112 ,572-576
Luke RG (1974. ) Effect of adrenalectomy on the renal response to chloride depletion in the rat .J Clin Invest , , 54 ,1329-1336
Maull KI, Rees D, Luke RG, Kotchen T (1974. ) The influence of calcium on renin release .Surg Forum, , 25 ,193-195
Kotchen TA, Maull KI, Luke RG, Rees D, Flamenbaum W (1974. ) Effect of acute and chronic calcium administration on plasma renin .J Clin Invest , , 54 ,1279-1286
Siegel RR, Aquino HC, Luke RG, Schmidt RD (1974. ) Minimizing the risks of treating acute allograft rejection .Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc, , 11 ,351-356
Blackburn WE, McRoberts JW, Bhathena D, Vasquez M, Luke RG (1975. ) Severe vascular complications in oxalosis after bilateral nephrectomy .Ann Intern Med, , 82 ,44-46
Desai SG, Kotchen TA, Luke RG, McRoberts JW (1975. ) Reduction of renal renin content by hypothermic pulsatile perfusion .Transplantation, , 19 ,272-273
Beaumont JE, Luke RG, Galla HJ, Rees ED, Siegel RR (1975. ) Normal serum-lipid in renal transplant patients .Lancet, , 3 ,599-605
Miller WV, SChmidt RD, Luke RG, Caywood BE (1975. ) Effect on cytotoxicity antibodies in potential transplant recipients of leucocyte-poor blood transfusions .Lancet, , 4 ,893-894
Leonard CD, Luke RG, Siegel RR (1975. ) Parental essential amino acids in acute renal failure .Urol, , 6 ,154-157
Padfiel PL, Allison MEM, Brown JJ, Ferriss JB, Luke RG, et al (1975. ) Response of plasma aldosterone to fludrocortisone in primary hyperaldosteronism and other forms of hypertension .Clin Endo, , 4 ,493-500
Padfiel PL, Allison MEM, Brown JJ, Lever AF, Luke RG, et al (1975. ) Effect of intravenous frusemide on plasma renin concentration: Supression of response in hypertension .Clin Sci Molec Med, , 49 ,353-358
Siegel RR, Mazey RM, Curtis JJ, Lucas BA, Luke RG (1975. ) Steroid schedule and survival after transplantation .Proc Dial Transplant Assoc, , 40-46
Khanh BT, Bhathena D, Vazquez M, Luke RG (1976. ) Role of Heparin therapy in the outcome of adult hemolytic uremic syndrome .Nephron, , 16 ,292-301
Curtis JJ, Bhathena D, Leach RP, Galla JH, Lucas BA, Luke RG (1976. ) Goodpasture's syndrome in a patient with the nail-patella syndrome .Am J Med, , 61 ,401-406
Curtis JJ, Galla JH, Kotchen TA, Lucas B, McRoberts JW, Luke RG (1976. ) Prevalence of hypertension in a renal transplant population on alternate-day steroid therapy .Clin Nephrol, , 5 ,123-127
Ernst CB, Daughtery ME, McRoberts JW, Luke RG (1976. ) Renal transplant arterial stenosis: Amelioration of hypertension and improvement of transplant function after revascularization .Am Surg, , 42 ,319-325
Kotchen TA, Galla JH, Luke RG (1976. ) Failure of NaHCO3 and KHCO3 to inhibit renin in the rat .Am J Physiol, , 231 ,1050-1056
Khanh Bt, Luke RG (1976. ) Chloride depletion and hypochloraemia as a cause of renal sodium and water loss in the rat .Clin Sci Molec Med, , 51 ,353-362
Bullock WE, Luke RG, Nuttall CE, Bhathena D (1976. ) Can mannitol reduce Amphotericin B nephrotoxicity? Double-blind study and description of a new vascular lesion in kidneys .Antimicrob Agents Chem, , 10 ,555-563
Luke RG, Khanh BT, Schmidt RD, Galla JH (1977. ) Natriuresis in rats acutely depleted of chloride .Clin Sci Molec Med, , 52 ,23-31
Galla JH, Kotchen TA, Luke RG (1977. ) Failure of sodium iodide loading to inhibit renin in the rat .Proc Exper Biol Med, , 154 ,30-32
Galla JH, Maull KI, Kotchen TA, Luke RG (1977. ) Effect of calcium gluconate infusion on renin in the dog .J Lab Clin Med, , 89 ,181-189
Kotchen TA, Galla JH, Luke RG (1977. ) Effect of calcium on renin and aldosterone in the rat .Am J Physiol, , 232 ,E388-E393
Galla JH, Beaumont JE, Luke RG (1977. ) Effect of volume expansion with NaCI or NaHCO3 on nephron fluid and CI transport .Am J Physiol, , 233 ,F118-F125
CUrtis JJ, Brathena D, Kucas BA, McrRoberts JW, Luke RG (1977. ) Hyperacute rejection: due to perfusion injury .Clin Nephrol, , 7 ,120-124
Beaumont JE, Rees ED, Luke RG (1977. ) Insulin resistance in uremia: Amino Acid metabolism .Nephron, , 19 ,322-327
CUrits JJ, Lucas BA, Snieckinski I, Luke RG (1977. ) Outcome of second renal transplants .Proc Dial Transplant Forum, , 7 ,121-125
Kotchen TA, GAlla JH, Luke RG (1978. ) Contribution of chloride to the inhibition of plasma renin by sodium chloride in the rat .Kidney Int, , 13 ,201-207
Galla JH, Beaumont JE, Curtis JJ, Rees ED, Luke RG (1978. ) Alternate-day corticosteroid effect on lipid metabolism .J Lab Clin Med, , 92 ,123-126
Bhathena DB, Bullock WE, Nuttall CE, Luke RG (1978. ) The effects of amphotericin B therapy on the intrarenal vasculate and renal tubules in man .Clin Nephrol, , 9 ,103-110
Weiss JH, Bhathena DB, Curtis JJ, Lucas BA, Luke RG (1978. ) The possible relationship between Henoch-Schonlein syndrome and IgA nepropathy (Bergers Disease) .Nephron, , 22 ,582-591
Luke RG, Wright FS, Fowler N, Kashgarian M, Giebisch GH (1978. ) Effects of potassium depletion of renal tubular chloride transport in the rat .Kidney Int, , 14 ,414-427
Curtis JJ, Galla Jh, Woodford SY, Rees ED, Luke RG (1978. ) Effects of renal transplantation on hyperlipidemia and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) .Transplantation, , 26 ,364-366
Kirchner KA, Kotchen TA, Galla JH, Luke RG (1978. ) Importance of chloride for acute inhibition on renin by sodium chloride .Am J Physiol, , 234 ,F444-F450
Bhathena DB, Holland NH, Weiss JH, Lucas BA, Luke RG et al (1978. ) Morphology of course renal scars in reflux associated nephropathy in man .Pro Conf Reflux Nephrop, , 23 ,240-249
Lucas BA, McRoberts JW, Curtis JJ, Luke RG (1979. ) Controversy in renal transplantation: Antireflux versus non antireflux ureteroneocystostomy .J Urol, , 121 ,156-158
Curtis JJ, Wyatt RJ, Bhathena D, Lucas BA, Holland NH, Luke RG (1979. ) Renal transplantation for patients with Type I and Type II membranoproloferative glomerulonephritis .Am J Med, , 66 ,216-225
Abboud HE, Luke RG, Galla JH, Kotchen TA (1979. ) Stimulation of renin by acute selective chloride depletion in the rat .Circ Res, , 44 ,815-821
Kirchner KA, Galla JH, Curtis JJ, Luke RG (1979. ) Hemodialysis and kidney transplantation in a patient with glucose phosphate isomerase deficiency .Transplantation, , 28 ,316-317
Galla JH, Luke RG (1979. ) Volume expansion-induced alterations in proximal tubule chloride gradient in the rat .Am J Physiol, , 237 ,F473-F478
Work J, Baehler RW, Kotchen TA, Talwalkar R, Luke RG (1980. ) Effect of prostaglandin inhibition on sodium chloride reabsorption in the diluting segment of the conscious dog .Kidney Int, , 17 ,24-30
McMorrow RG, Curtis JJ, Luke RG (1980. ) Renal vein thrombosis in IgA nephropahty .Arch Intern Med, , 140 ,700-702
Bhathena DB, Weiss JH, Hollan NH, McMorrow RG, Curtis JJ, Lucas BA, Luke RG (1980. ) Focal and segmental glomerular sclerosis in reflux nephropathy .Am J Med, , 78 ,886-892
Galla JH, CUrtis JJ, Woodford SY, Rees ED, Somes GW, Luke RG (1980. ) Effect of prednisone dose spacing on plasma lipids .J Lab Clin Med , , 95 ,801-807
Kotchen TA, Krzyaniak KE, Anderson JE, Ernst CB, Galla JH, Luke RG (1980. ) Inhibition of renin secretion by KCI related to chloride in both dog and rat .Am J Physiol, , 239 ,F44-F49
Kirchner KA, Galla JH, Luke RG (1980. ) Factors influencing chloride reabsorption in the collection duct segment of the rat .Am J Physiol, , 239 ,F552-F559
McMorrow RG, Curtis JJ, Lucas BA, Williams C, McRoberts JW, Luke RG (1980. ) Does vesicoureteric reflux result in renal allograft failure? .Clin Nephrol, , 14 ,89-91
Abbound HE, Galla JH, Lucas BA, Curtis JJ, Luke RG (1981. ) Acute renal failure due to seminoma metastatic to the kidneys .Nephron, , 27 ,101-103
Curtis JJ, Lucas BA, Kotchen TA, Luke RG (1981. ) Surgical therapy for persistent hypertension after renal transplantation .Transplantation, , 31 ,125-128
Weiss JH, WIlliams RH, Galla JH, Gottschall JL, Rees ED, Bhathena D, Luke RG (1981. ) Pathophysiology of acute Bence Jones protein nephrotoxicity in the rat .Kidney Int, , 20 ,198-210
Galla JH, Kirchner KA, Kotchen TA, Luke RG (1981. ) Effect of hypochloremia on loop segment chloride and solute reabsorption in the rat during volume expansion .Kidney Int, , 20 ,569-574
Curtis JJ, Galla JH, Woodford SY, Saykayly RJ, Luke RG (1981. ) Comparison of daily and alternate-day prednisone during chronic maintenance therapy: A controlled crossover study .Am J Kidney Dis, , 1 ,166-171
Curtis JJ, Diethelm AG, Whelchel JD, Jones P, Luke RG (1981. ) Survivial of patients returning to chronic dialysis after a failed renal transplant .Transplantation, , 32 ,451-453
Kirchner KA, Smith RM, Gockerman JP, Luke RG (1982. ) Micro-angiopathetic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal insufficiency occurring in consecutive generations .Nephron, , 30 ,28-30
Luke RG, Lyerly RH, Anderson J, Galla JH, Kotchen TA (1982. ) Effect of potassium depletion on renin release .Kidney Int, , 121 ,14-19
McMorrow RG, Galla JH, Luke RG (1982. ) Quantitative urinary protein excretion in chronic renal failure .Am J Nephrol, , 2 ,208-212
Galla JH, Luke RG (1982. ) Influence of aortic constriction on proximal chloride reabsorption during volume expansion .Mineral Electrol Metab, , 8 ,13-20
Galla JH, Luke RG (1982. ) Influence of aortic constriction on proximal chloride reabsorption during volume expansion .Mineral Electrol Metab, , 8 ,13-20
Curtis JJ, Galla JH, Woodfords DY, Lucas BA, Luke RG (1982. ) Effect of alternate-day prednisone on plasma lipids in renal transplant recipients .Kidney Int, , 22 ,42-47
Whelchel JD, Shaw JF, Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Diethelm AG (1982. ) Effect of pre-transplant stored donor-specified blood transfusions on early allograft survival in one-haplotype living related transplants .Transplantation, , 34 ,326-329
Whelchel JD, Alison DV, Luke RG, Curtis J, Diethelm AG (1983. ) Successful renal transplantation in hyperoxaluria - A report of two cases .Transplantation, , 35 ,161-164
Kotchen TA, Luke RG, Ott CE, Galla JH, Whitecarver S (1983. ) Effect of chloride on renin and blood pressure responses to sodium chloride .Ann Intern Med, , 98 ,817-822
Kotchen TA, Luke RG, Ott CE, Galla JH, Whitecarver S (1983. ) Effect of chloride on renin and blood pressure responses to sodium chloride .Ann Intern Med, , 98 ,817-822
Kotchen TA< Guthrie Jr. GP, Galla JH, Luke RG, Welch WJ (1983. ) Effects of NaCI on renin and aldosterone responses to potassium depletion .Am J Physiol, , 244 ,E164-169
Galla JH, Bonduris DN, Lke RG, (1983. ) Correction of acute chloride-depletion alkalosis in the rat without volume expansion .Am J Physiol, , 244 ,F217-F221
Booker BB, Williams RH, Luke RG (1983. ) Effect of volume expansion and plasma chloride on function of loop segment .Am J Physiol, , 245 ,F41-47
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Whelchel JD, DIethelm AG, Jones P, et al (1983. ) Inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme in renal-transplant recipients with hypertension .New Engl J Med, , 308 ,377-381
Reed JR, Williams RH, Luke RG (1983. ) The renal hemodynamic response to diatrizoate in normal and diabetic rats .Invest Radiol, , 18 ,536-540
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Dustan HP, Kashgarian M, Whechel JD, et al (1983. ) Remission of essential hypertension after renal transplantation .New Engl J Med, , 309 ,1009-1015
Galla JH, Bonduris DN, Dumbauld SL, Luke RG (1984. ) Segemental chloride and fluid handling during correction of chloride-depletion alkalosis volume expansion in the rat .J Clin Invest , , 73 ,96-206
Whelchel JD, Curtis JJ, Barger BO, Luke RG (1982. ) Effect of pretransplant stored donor-specific blood transfusions on early renal allograft survival in one-haplotype living related transplants .Transplantation, , 34 ,326-329
Galla JH, Bonduris DN, Sander PW, Luke RG (1984. ) VOlume-independent reductions in glomerular filtration rate in acute chloride-depletion alkalosis in the rat: Evidence for mediation by tubuloglomerular feedback .J Clin Invest , , 74 ,2002-2008
Holland MD, Galla JH, Sanders PW, Luke RG (1985. ) Effect of urinary Ph and diatrizoate on Bence-Jones protein nephro-toxicity in the rat .Kidney Int, , 27 ,46-50
Whelchel JD, Curtis JJ, Kohaut EC, Barger BO, Luke RG, et al (1985. ) Imporved renal allograft survival in patients receivign one-haplotype related transplants and pretransplant-stored, donor-specific blood transfusions .Transplant Proc, , 17 ,1077-1079
Luke RG, Curtis JJ, Jones P, Whelchel JD, Diethelm AG (1985. ) Mechanisms of post-transplant hypertension .Am J Kidney Dis, , 4 ,A79-A84
Luke RG, Booker BB, Galla JH (1985. ) Effect of potassium depletion on chloride transport in the loop of henle in the rat .Am J Physiol, , 248 ,F682-F687
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Jones P, Diethelm AG, Whelchel JD (1985. ) Hypertension after successful renal transplantation .Am J Med, , 79 ,193-200
Barber WH, Curtis JJ, Whelchel JD, Luke RG, Diethelm AG (1985. ) Outcome of second kidney allografts following failure of transplants from living-related donors .Transplantation, , 40 ,225-228
Rostand SG, Work J, Luke GR (1985. ) Effect of reduced chloride reabsorption on renin release in the isolated rat kidney .Pfuger Arch, , 405 ,46-51
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Diethelm AG, Whelchel JD, Jones P (1985. ) Benefits of removal of native kidneys in hypertension after renal transplantation. Lancet, , 10 ,739-742
Work J, Galla JH, Booker BB, Schafer JA, Luke RG (1985. ) Effect of ADH on chloride reabsorption in the loop of Henle of the Brattleboro rat .Am J Physiol, , 249 ,F698-F703
Craig DM, Galla JH, Bonduris DN, Luke RG (1986. ) Importance of the kidney in the correction of chloride depletion alkalosis in the rat .
Herrera GA, Alexander RW, Cooley CF, Luke RG, Lelly DR, Curtis JJ, Gockerman JP (1986. ) Cytomegalovirus glomerulopathy: A controversial lesion .Kidney Int, , 29 ,725-733
Galla JH, Booker BB, Luke RG, (1986. ) Role of loop segment in the urinary concentrating defect of hypercalcemia .Kidney Int, , 29 ,977-982
Galla JH, Bonduris DN, Kirk KA, Luke RG (1986. ) Effect of dietary NaCl on chloride uptake in rat collecting duct segment .Am J Physiol, , 251 ,F454-F459
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Dubovsky E, Diethelm AG, Whelchel JD, Jones P (1986. ) Cyclosporine in therapeutic dose increases renal allograft vascular resistance .Lancet, , 8 ,477-479
Holland MD, Galla JH, Dubovsky EV, Luke RG, (1987. ) Predictive value if bedside effective renal plasma flow for renal recovery in sever acute renal failure .Renal Failure, , 10 (2 ) ,83-89
Galla JH, Bonduris DN, Luke RG (1987. ) Effects of chloride and extracellular fluid volume on bicarbonate reabsorption along the nephron in metabolic alkalosis in the rat: A reassessment of the classical hypothesis of the pathogenesis of metabolic alkalosis .J Clin Invest , , 80 ,41-50
Barber WH, Deierhoi MH, Julian BA, Curtis JJ, Luke RG, et al. (1987. ) Renal transplantation in sickle cell anemia and sickle disease .Clin Transplant, , 1 ,169-175
Dubovsky EV, Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Jones P, Edward M, et al (1987. ) Catoprol as a predictor of curable hypertension in renal transplant recipients .Cont Nephrol, , 56 ,117-123
Wall, BM, Byrum GV, Galla JH, Luke RG (1987. ) Importance of chloride for the correction of chronic metabolic alkalosis in the rat. .Am J Physiol, , 253 ,87-95
Rosen RA, Julian BA, Dubovsky EV, Galla JH, Luke RG (1988. ) on the mechanism by which chloride correct metabolic alkalosis in man .Am J Med, , 84 ,449-458
Diethel, AG, Blackstone EH, Naftel DC, Hudson SL, Barber WH, Deierhoi MH, Barger BO, Curtis JJ, Luke RG (1988. ) Importance risk factors of allograft survival in cadaveric renal transplantation .Ann Surg, , 207 ,538-548
Deierhoi MH, Barber WH, Curits JJ, Julian BA, Luke RG, et al (1988. ) Treatment of acute rejection monoclonals; a comparison of OKT3 monoclonal antibody and corticosteroids in the treatment of acute renal allograft rejection .Am J Kidney Dis, , 10 ,86-89
Dustan HP, Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Rostand SG (1987. ) Hypertension and the kidney in black patients .Am J Cardiol, , 60 ,73i-77i
Barger BO, Shroyer TW, Hudson SL, Deierhoi MH, Luke RG, et al Early graft loss in cyclosporine A-treated cadaveric renal allograft recipients receiving retransplants against previous mismatched HLA-A, -B, -DR donor antignes .Transplant Proc XX , , 170-172
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Jones P, Diethelm AG (1988. ) Hypertension in cyclosporine-treated renal transplant recipients is sodium dependent .Am J Med, , 85 ,134-138
Thorstad BL, Russell CD, Dubovsky EV, Keller FS, Luke RG (1988. ) Case Report: Abnormal captopril renogram with a technetium-labeled hippuran analog .J Nucl Meg, , 29 ,170-173
Laskow D, Curtis JJ, Luke RG ,et al (1988. ) Cycloporine impairs the renal response to volume depletion .Transplant Proc XX , , 568-571
Barger BO, Shroyer TW, Hudson SL, Deiehoi MH, Barber WH, Luke RG, et al. (1989. ) Successful renal allografts in recipients with a positive standard, DTE negative crossmatch .Transplant Proc, , 21 ,746-747
Barger BO, Shoyer TW, Hydson SL, Deierhoi MH, Barber WH, Curtis JJ, Julian BA, Luke RG, Diethelm AG (1989. ) Successful renal allografts in recipients with crossmatch-positive, dithioerythritol-treated negative sera .Transplantation, , 47 ,240-245
Galla JH, Bonduris DN, Luke RG (1989. ) Superficial distal and deep nephrons in the correction of metabolic alkalosis .Am J Physiol, , F107-F113
Gifford JD, Sharkins K, Work J, Luke RG, Galla JH (1990. ) Total CO2 transport in rat cortical collecting duct in chlordie-depletion alkalosis .Am J Physiol, , 258 ,F848-F853
Laskow DA, Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Julian BA, Jones P, et al (1990. ) Cyclosporine-Induced changes in glomerular filtration rate and urea excretion .Am J Med, , 88 ,497-501
Gifford JD, Galla JH, Luke RG, Rick R (1990. ) Ion concentrations in the rat cortical collecting duct: differences between cell types and effect of alkalosis .Am J Physiol, , 259 ,F778-F782
Walters EA, Rome L, Galla JH, Luke RG (1991. ) Absence of a regulatory role of angiotension II in acute chloride-depletion alkalosis in the rat .Am J Physiol, , 30 ,F741-F745
Qualheim RE, Rostand ST, Kirk KA, Rustsky EA, Luke RG (1991. ) Changing patterns of end-stage renal disease due to hypertension .Am J Kidney Dis, , 18 ,336-343
Yingling K, Hattemer C, Rouan GW, Luke RG (1991. ) Internal Medicine Residents' monitoring of their colleagues moonlighting activities at University of Cincinnati .Acad Med, , 66 ,705-706
Verlander JW, Madsen KM, Galla JH, Luke RG, Tisher CC (1992. ) Response of intercalated cells to chlordie depletion metabolic alkalosis .Am J Physiol, , 31 ,F309-F319
Curtis JJ, Laskow DA, Jones PA, Julian BA, Gaston RS, Luke RG (1993. ) Captopril-induced fall in glomerular filtration rate in cyclosporine-treated hypertensive patients .J Am Soc Nephrol, , 3 ,1570-1574
Gifford JD, Ware MW, Luke RG, Galla JH, (1993. ) HCO3 transport in rat CCD: rapid adaptation by in vivo but not in vitro alkalosis .Am J Physiol, , 33 ,F435-F440
Byrne C, Negelmen J, Luke RG, (1994. ) Race, Socioeconomic status and the developemtn of end stage renal disease .Am J Kidney Dis, , 23 ,16-22
Galla JH, Rome L, Luke RG (1995. ) Bicarbonate transport in collecting duct segments during chloride-depletion alkalosis .Kidney Int, , 48 ,52-55
Luke RG, Boyle JA (1998. ) Renal effects of amphotericin B lipid complex .Am J Kidney Dis, , 31 ,780-785
Rouan GW, Luke RG, Galla JH, Tsevat J, Wones R, Dorfmeister JW (1999. ) Rewarding teaching faculty with a reimbursement plan .J Gen Intern Med, , 14 ,327-332
Luke RG, Briggs JD (1968. ) The role of the isotope renogram in investigation of the hypertensive patient .Urol Dig, , 7 ,23-31
Luke, Robert G; Galla, John H (2012. ) It is chloride depletion alkalosis, not contraction alkalosis.Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, , 23 (2 ) ,204-7 More Information
Luke, Robert G (2011. ) Comments on the Affordable Care Act and the future of clinical medicine.Annals of internal medicine, , 154 (2 ) ,142-3; discussion 14 More Information
Luke, Robert G (2007. ) Richard W. Vilter, M.D.,MACP 1911-2006. Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, , 118 ,lxxv-lxxviii
Luke, Robert G (2007. ) President's address: salt-too much of a good thing? .Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, , 118 ,1-22
Invited Publications
Luke RG, Kennedy AC (1967. ) Prevention and early management of acute renal failure .Postgrad Med J, 43 ,280-289
Lindsay RM, Boyle IT, Luke RG, Kennedy AC (1969. ) The endocrine status of the regular dialysis patient .Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc, (5 ) ,230-238
Luke RG (1970. ) Acute renal failure .Hosp Med, (6 ) ,62-75
Luke RG (1970. ) Renal hypertension .J Kentucky Med Assoc, (68 ) ,639-642
Luke RG (1973. ) When the kidney fails: How to recognize it early .Consultant, (12 ) ,23-25
Luke RG (1975. ) Managament of chronic renal failure .Consultant, (15 ) ,145-149
Luke RG (1976. ) Diagnostic possibilities in acute renal failure .Geriatrics , (31 ) ,92-101
Kotchen TA, Galla JH, Guthrie GP. Luke RG (1976. ) Regulation of renin release by chloride .Cardiovasc Med, (4 ) ,475-496
Preston DF,Luke RG (1979. ) Radionuclide evaluation of renal transplants .J Nucl Meg, (20 ) ,1095-1097
Luke RG (1979. ) Overview of renal transplantation. .Invited paper for National Center for Health Care Technology,
Luke RG (1981. ) Reflux nephropathy - not "Chronic Pyelonephritis" .Kidney, (14 ) ,46-49
Robinson RR (Chairman) Luke RG ,et al (1984. ) Analgesic-Associated Kidney Disease .JAMA, (251 ) ,3123-3125
Luke RG (1986. ) Chronic renal failure: Will restrict protein intake retard disease? .Consultant, (26 ) ,36-49
Luke RG (1987. ) Hypertension in renal transplant recipients (Nephrology forum) .Kidney Int, (31 ) ,1024-1037
Luke RG (1989. ) Cardiovascular complication in patients with ESRD. Report on the Workshop on Therapeutics Intervention in End-stage Renal Disease .NIH,
Luke RG (1989. ) Mid-term report on "AJKD" .Am J Kidney Dis, (4 ) ,1
Luke RG (1990. ) Clinical Research, NIH workshop on kidney disease and hypertension in blacks .
Luke RG (1991. ) Cation metabolism in hypertension .The Principals and Practice of Nephrology, 509-511
Luke RG (1991. ) Mechanism of cyclosporine-induced hypertension .Am J Hypertens, (4 ) ,468-471
Luke RG (1991. ) Pathology and treatment of post-transplant hypertension .J Am Soc Nephrol, (2 ) ,S37-S44
Galla JH, Gifdford JD, Luke RG, Rome L (1991. ) Adaptations to chloride-depletion alkalosis .Am J Physiol, 261
Luke RG (1992. ) Essential hypertension - a renal disease? .Hypertension, (21 ) ,380-390
Luke RG (1991. ) Can renal failure due to hypertension be prevented ? .Hypertension, 18 (3 ) ,139-141
Luke RG (1992. ) Common and uncommon mechanisms of cyclosporine-induced hypertension .Hypertension: Index & Reviews , (2 ) ,1-16
Luke RG (1992. ) Hypertension and the kidney: what are we doing wrong? .Focus on Hypertension, 1 (2 ) ,5-11
Luke RG (1992. ) Can we prevent ESRD due to hypertension or to diabetes mellitus ? .JAMA, (268 ) ,3110-3120
Luke RG (1993. ) The society pages: University of Cincinnati .J Lab Clin Med, (122 ) ,479-482
Luke RG, Terwillinger J, Ibrahim T (1993. ) Beyond the 50 % solution .Am J Med, (95 ) ,83-85
Luke RG, Terwillinger J, Ibrahim T (1993. ) Developing a strategy for providing federal GME support .Am J Med, (95 ) ,I-IV
(1994. ) Panel Member of NIH Consensus Development Conference Statement "Morbidity and Mortality of Dialysis" .Ann Intern Med, (121 ) ,62-70
Luke RG, Terwillinger J, Ibrahim T (1995. ) AMP's statement to the physician payment review commision .Am J Med, (98 ) ,1-4
Luke RG (1995. ) Can departments of medicine survive in the new health care system? .J Lab Clin Med, (126 ) ,7-12
Luke RG (1996. ) The future role of subspecialists in departments of internal medicine .Am J Med, (100 ) ,1-9
Luke RG, Galla JH (1996. ) Metabolic alkalosis .Current Therapy in Internal Medicine 4th edition,
Luke RG (1998. ) Transplant view .Nephrol Dial Transplant , (13 ) ,852-853
Luke RG (1998. ) Our seed corn .J Am Soc Nephrol, (9 ) ,500-505
Luke RG, Wones RG, Galla JH, Rouan GW, Tsevat J, Dorfmeister JW (1999. ) Development and implementation of a teaching practice plan in a department of medicine .Transactions of the Clinical and Climatological Association,
Luke RG (1999. ) Hypertensive nephrosclerosis: pathogenesis and prevalence .Nephrol Dial Transplant , (4 ) ,2271-2278
Luke RG, Beck LH (1999. ) Gerontologizing nephrology .J Am Soc Nephrol, (10 ) ,1824-1827
Luke RG (2000. ) Do residents need unions? .Am J Med, (108 ) ,264-266
Luke RG, Galla JH (2000. ) Economics of an academic renal division: an approach .Sem in Neph, 20 (6 ) ,556-564
Oreopoulos DG, Hazzard WR, Luke RG (2000. ) Proceedings of the Conference on Integrating Geriatrics into Nephrology .Nephrology and Geriatrics Integrated,
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Ritz E (2000. ) Milestones in Nephrology (Remission of Essential Hypertension after Renal Transplantation) .J Am Soc Nephrol, (12 ) ,2404-2412
Galla JH, Luke RG (2011. ) We come to Bury : Contraction Alkalosis: Not Praise it .NephSAP: Nephrology Self- Assesment Program, 10 (2 ) ,91-95
Luke RG, Galla JH (2012. ) It is Chloride Depletion Alkalosis, Not Contraction Alkalosis in JASN . (23 ) ,204-207
Other Publications
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Whelchel ID, DIethelm AG, Jones P, Dustan HP (1983. ) Captopril and renal insufficiency (letter) .New Engl J Med, 309 (11 ) ,667
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Dustan HP, Whelchel JD, Kashgarian M, et al (1984. ) Reply to letter on "remission of essential hypertension after renal transplantation" .New Engl J Med, 310 (13 ) ,854-855
Luke RG (1985. ) A proposed new role for the insurance industry in biomedical research funding (letter) .New Engl J Med, 310 (25 ) ,
Curtis JJ, Luke RG, Jones JP, Diethelm AG (1989. ) Cyclosporine associated hypertension (letter) .Am J Med, (86 ) ,640
Luke RG, Galla JH (1989. ) Does chloride play an independent role in the pathogenesis of metabolic alkalosis .Sem Nephrol, (9 ) ,203-205
Galla JH, Luke RG (1989. ) Primary lactic alkalosis (letter) .Am J Med, (87 ) ,250
Luke RG, Galla JH, Gifford JD (1991. ) Effect of dietary chloride intake and the ability of the kidney to excrete a base load .J Am Soc Nephrol, 1 (11 ) ,1259
Sostok MA, Rouan GW, Luke RG (1995. ) Confronting the cost of ambulatory-care training .Acad Med, (70 ) ,949
Luke RG (1995. ) Freeze the number of Medicare-subsidized graduate medical education positions (editorial reply) .JAMA, (274 ) ,682
Luke RG (2000. ) Renal terminology (letter) .Nephrol Dial Transplant , 115
Luke RG (2006. ) Hypertensive nephrosclerosis (letter) .Kidney Int, 1383
Book Chapter
Kennedy AC, Luke RG, Linton AL (1964 ) Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome Acute Renal Failure .(pp. 65-79).Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications
Luke RG, Briggs JD, McKiddie MT, Kennedy AC (1968 ) Studies on carbohydrate metabolism in renal failure Nutrition in Renal Disease .(pp. 170-187).London,
Luke RG, Briggs JD, Struthers NW, Kennedy AC, Stirling WB (1969 ) The isotope renogram in renovascular hypertension . Radioisotopes in the Diagnosis of Diseases of the kidney and the Urinary Tract .(pp. 245-248).Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica Foundation
Luke RG, Briggs JD, Struthers NW, Kennedy AC (1969 ) The contribution of the isotope renogram to the assessment and management of calculi in the renal pelvis and ureter Radioisotopes in the Diagnosis of Diseases of the kidney and the Urinary Tract .(pp. 348-352).Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica Foundation
Luke RG (1977 ) Further comments o nthe diagnosis and management of acute renal failure Management of the Critically Ill Medical/Surgical Patient .(pp. 77-79).Canada, University of West Ontario
Luke RG (1979 ) Can we improve the persisting high mortality rate in acute renal failure? Controversies in Nephrology .(pp. 635-644).Washington DC, Georgetown University, Nephrology DIvision
Luke RG (1982 ) Adult hemolytic uremic syndrome - The case for heparin Controversies in Nephrology .(pp. 308-315).Washington DC, Georgetown University, Nephrology DIvision
Galla JH, Weiss JH, Williams RH, Gottschall JL, Rees ED, Brathena D, Luke RG (1983 ) Pathogenic mechanisms of acute Bence Jones protein nephrotoxicity The Pathogenicity of Cationic Proteins .(pp. 365-366).New York, Raven Press
Luke RG (1985 ) Dialysis Cecil Textbook of Medicine .(pp. 559 -563).Philadelphia, PA, W.B.Saunders
Luke RG (1985 ) Nephrosclerosis Disease of the Kidney .Boston, MA, 3rd edition, Little Brown and Company
Luke RG (1987 ) Chronic Renal Failure Internal Medicine .(pp. 762-793).Boston, Ma, 2nd Edition, Little Brown and Company
Luke RG, Galla JH (1987 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Current Therapy in Internal Medicine .(pp. 1049-1054).Philadelphia, PA, B.C.Decker, Inc
Galla JH, Luke RG (1987 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Textbook of Nephrology 2nd edition .Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins
Luke RG, Galla JH (1987 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Current Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension 2nd edition .(pp. 37-42).Philadelphia, PA, B.C.Decker, Inc
Gala JH, Luke RG (1987 ) Pathophysiology of metabolic alkalosis Hosp Prac. Physiology in Medicine Series .(pp. 123-146).New York, NY, HP Publishing Co.
Galla JH, Luke RG (1988 ) Chloride transport and disorders of acid base balance Annual Review of Physiology .(pp. 50:141-158).Palo Alto, CA, Annual Review, Inc
Bager BO, Hudson SL, Shoroyer TW, Deierhoi HM, Barber WH, Curtis JJ, Julian BA, Luke RG, Diethelm AG (1988 ) Influence of race in renal allograft survival in the pre and post cyclosporine era Transplant .Tissue Typing Lab, University of California, Los Angeles, CA,
Luke RG (1990 ) Dialysis Cecil Textbook of Medicine 18th edition .Philadelphia, PA, W.B.Saunders
Luke RG (1990 ) Chronic Renal Failure Internal Medicine 3rd edition .Boston, MA, Little Brown and Company
Luke RG (1991 ) Hypertension The Principles and Practices of Nephrology .Philadelphia, PA, B.C.Decker, Inc
Luke RG, Gfford JD, Galla JH (1991 ) New Roles for chloride in renal physiology and pathophysiology Transactions of the American Clinical & Climatological Society .(pp. 102:80-95).Baltimore, MD, Waverly Press
Luke RG (1992 ) Dialysis Cecil Textbook of Medicine 19th edition .Philadelphia, PA, W.B.Saunders
Luke RG, Curtis JJ (1993 ) Nephrosclerosis Disease of the Kidney .(pp. 1433-1450).Boston, MA, Little Brown and Company
Luke RG (1993 ) Chronic Renal Failure Internal Medicine 4th edition .Boston, MA, Little Brown and Company
Galla JH, Luke RG (1993 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Textbook of Nephrology 3rd edition .Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins
Luke RG & Reif MC (1994 ) Hypertension and renal disease Textbook of Nephrology 3rd edition .(pp. 121:62-70).Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins
Luke RG (1995 ) Evaluation of the patient with hypertension Current Practice of Medicine 2nd edition .Philadelphia, PA, Current Medicine, Inc
Galla JH, Luke Rg (1996 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Current Practice of Medicine .Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins
Luke RG, Curtis JJ (1996 ) Biology and treatment of transplant hypertension Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management 2nd edition .New York, NY, Raven Press
Galla JH & Luke RG (1996 ) Hypertension and renal parenchymal disease The Kidney 5th edition .Philadelphia, PA, W.B.Saunders
Galla JH, Luke RG (1996 ) Hypertension and renal parenchymal disease The Kidney 5th edition .Philadelphia, PA, W.B.Saunders
Luke RG (1996 ) Evaluation of the patient with hypertension Current Practice of Medicine .Philadelphia, PA, Current Medicine, Inc
Conway GF, Dorfmeister JD, Luke RG (1997 ) Department practice plan to respond to managed care environment American College of Physician Executives .(pp. 7:43-51).
Luke RG, Galla JH (1997 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Current Therapy in Internal Medicine 5th edition .Philadelphia, PA, B.C.Decker, Inc
Luke RG (1998 ) Evaluation of the patient with hypertension Cardiology for the primary care physician 2nd edition .
Galla JH, Luke RG (1998 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Current Practice of Medicine 2nd edition .Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins
Luke RG (1998 ) Evaluation of the patient with hypertension Current Practice of Medicine 2nd edition .Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins
Luke RG (1999 ) Chronic Renal Failure Cecil Textbook of Medicine 21st edition .Philadelphia, PA, W.B.Saunders
Luke RG (1999 ) Chronic Renal Failure Internal Medicine 5th edition .Boston, MA, Little Brown and Company
Luke RG & Reif MC (1999 ) Hypertension Textbook of Nephrology 4th edition .Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins
Galla JH & Luke RG (1999 ) Metabolic Alkalosis Textbook of Nephrology 4th edition .Baltimore, MD, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Galla JH & Luke RG Hypertension and renal parenchymal disease The Kidney 6th edition .Philadelphia, PA, W.B.Saunders
Luke RG (1999 ) Evaluation of the patient with hypertension Current Practice of Medicine Vol 3 .Philadelphia, PA, Current Medicine, Inc
Luke RG and Hazzard WR (2000 ) Epilogue Nephrology and Geriatrics Integrated .Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Luke RG (2000 ) Evaluation and management of the patient with hypertension Cardiology for the primary care physician 3rd edition .Philadelphia, PA, Current Medicine, Inc
Luke RG (2004 ) Evaluation and management of the patient with hypertension Cardiology for the primary care physician 3rd edition .Philadelphia, PA,
Luke RG (2004 ) Chronic Renal Failure Cecil Textbook of Medicine 22nd edition .
Luke RG (2005 ) Metabolic Alkalosis: General Considerations Acid-Base Disorders and Their Treatment .(pp. 16:501-518).Taylor & Francis Group LLC
Galla JH, Luke RG (2005 ) Metabolic Alkalosis: Miscellaneous Causes Acid-Base Disorders and Their Treatment .(pp. 19:685-596).Taylor & Francis Group LLC
Additional Publications
Luke RG (1979. ) Arch Intern Med .(pp. 1091-1092).
Luke RG (1981. ) Uremia and the BUN .(pp. 305:1213-1215).
Luke RG (1983. ) New Engl J Med .(pp. 308:1593-1595).
Luke RG, Galla JH (1983. ) Am J Physiol .(pp. 245:F419-F424).
Luke RG, Greifer I (1985. ) Am J Kidney Dis .(pp. 5:342-343).
Luke RG (1987. ) Am J Kidney Dis .(pp. 9:1-2).
Luke RG (1994. ) New Engl J Med .(pp. 331:393-394).
Luke RG (1998. ) New Engl J Med .(pp. 339:841-843).
Honors and Awards
2003 Dean's Award for "Commitment to and Support of Medical Student Education"
renal, kidney, acid-base, electrolytes, hypertension
Contact Information
Academic - Medical Sciences Building
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Phone: 513-558-0325
Fax: 513-558-0852