David Lundgren

David Cramer Lundgren


Professor Emeritus

Professional Summary



BA: Antioch College Yellow Springs OH, 1960 (Psychology)

PhD: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1968 (Social Psychology)

Research and Practice Interests

Social influences upon the self-concept; gender roles and reactions to positive and negative feedback

Research Support

1986 -1988 University of Cincinnati Research Challenge Grant $177,400

1980 Taft Faculty Committee, University of Cincinnati Self and group: Toward an interactionist social psychology $2,000 Type:Grant

1976 University Research Council, University of Cincinnati The social self: Three empirical studies $1,350 Type:Grant

1976 -1977 National Institutes of Health, University of Cincinnati Biomedical Research Fellowship $3,200

1972 -1975 National Science Foundation Developmental stages in human relations training groups $50,300 Type:Grant

1971 Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Cincinnati Group size and consensual views of society $1,000 Type:Grant

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

D. C. Lundgren (2005). Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism . Contemporary Sociology, 34(3), 327-329.

D. C. Lundgren (2004). Social feedback and self-appraisals: Current status of the Mead-Cooley hypothesis. Symbolic Interaction, 27(2), 267-286.

B. T. Cornwell & D. C. Lundgren (2003). Love on the Internet: Involvement and misrepresentation in romantic relationships in cyberspace vs. realspace. Computers in Human Behavior 2001 (17), 197-211.

M. B. Cahoon & D.C. Lundgren (2001). Counterfactual thinking, causal attribution, and the MBTI. Journal of Psychological Type (56), 24-31.

D.J. Rudawsky, D.C. Lundgren, & A.F. Grasha (2000). Competitive and collaborative responses to negative feedback. International Journal of Conflict Resolution, 10(2), 173-191.

D.C. Lundgren & D.J. Rudawsky (2000). Speaking one's mind or biting one's tongue: When do angered persons express vs. withhold feedback in transactions with male and female peers?. Social Psychology Quarterly (63), 253-263.

D.C. Lundgren & D.J. Rudawsky (1998). Female and male college students' responses to negative feedback from parents and peers. Sex Roles, 39(5), 409, 429.

K.H. DeLaere, D.C. Lundgren, & S.R. Howe. The electronic mirror: Human-computer interaction and change in self-appraisals. Computers in HNuman Behavior, 1998(14), 43, 59.

D.C. Lundgren, E.B. Sampson, & M.B. Cahoon (1998). Undergraduate men's and women's responses to positive and negative feedback about academic performance. Psychological Reports, 82, 87, 93.

Book Chapter

D.C. Lundgren & A. Cassedy (1993). Communication and Sex-Role Socialization. In C. Berryman-Fink, D. Ballard-Reisch, and L.H. Newman (Eds.), Girls' and boys' activity patterns in family leisure settings (pp. 27, 47). New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.


Poster Presentations

With M. B. Cahoon and E. B. Sampson (04-30-2004. ) Sex differences; self-esteem; and causal attributions .Midwestern , Chicago, IL. .

Paper Presentations

With R. Gipson (04-20-2002. ) Factors affecting joint vs. private coping with negative self-behavior inconsistencies .Windsor, Ontario.

(04-07-2001. ) Social-interactional and subjective bases of cognitive inconsistencies .Louisville, KY.

Honors and Awards

1986 Mrs. A.B. (Dolly) Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching.


Small groups; interpersonal behavior; self-concept.