Thomas D Mantei
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Electrical and Computer Engineeri - 0030
B.S.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1962 (Electrical Engineering)
Ph.D.: Stanford University 1967 (Electrical Engineering)
M.S.: Stanford University 1963 (Electrical Engineering)
Positions and Work Experience
1991 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1981 -1991 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1968 -1978 Charge de Recherche (Reseach Support), Performed plasma technology research, University of Paris and Ecole Polytechnique, France
1978 -1981 Visiting Assistant Professor, Performed plasma fusion research, Univeristy of Wisconson, Madison
Research Support
Grant: #EEC-0532495 Investigators:Mantei, Thomas 09-15-2005 -08-31-2008 National Science Foundation Integration of Nanoscale Science and Engineering into Undergraduate Curricula Role:PI $175,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP00141 Investigators:Mantei, Thomas 01-01-1997 -10-01-2003 Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Protective Coatings Role:PI $701,964.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #2007 / 204005 Investigators:Mantei, Thomas 05-08-2007 -12-31-2009 The Boeing Company Durable Transparent Coatings Role:PI $173,003.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #ECCS-0722619 Investigators:Jackson, Howard; Klotzkin, David; Kogan, Andrei; Mantei, Thomas; Papautsky, Ian; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh 08-01-2007 -07-31-2008 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of an Inductively-Coupled Plasma Etch Tool Role:PI $300,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #865-Action Fund Investigators:Jackson, Howard; Klotzkin, David; Kogan, Andrei; Mantei, Thomas; Papautsky, Ian; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh 08-01-2007 -07-31-2008 Ohio Board of Regents MRI: Acquisition of an Inductively-Coupled Plasma Etch Tool Role:PI $150,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #SRS 005788 Investigators:Heineman, William; Mantei, Thomas 07-01-2007 -07-01-2011 Ohio Board of Regents Eminent Scholar in Nanobiodevices Role:Collaborator $685,494.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #ECCS-0922682 Investigators:Ahn, Chong; Boyd, Joseph; Halsall, H Brian; Heikenfeld, Jason; Heineman, William; Jackson, Howard; Kogan, Andrei; Mantei, Thomas; Papautsky, Ian; Schaefer, Dale; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh; Yarrison-Rice, Jan 09-01-2009 -08-31-2010 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of a Nanoscale Imprint Lithography System Role:PI $360,468.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OBR AF925 Investigators:Ahn, Chong; Boyd, Joseph; Halsall, H Brian; Heikenfeld, Jason; Heineman, William; Jackson, Howard; Kogan, Andrei; Mantei, Thomas; Papautsky, Ian; Schaefer, Dale; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh; Yarrison-Rice, Jan 09-01-2009 -08-31-2010 Ohio Board of Regents MRI: Acquisition of a Nanoscale Imprint Lithography System Role:PI $180,234.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Peer Reviewed Publications
Z.G. Xiao, T.D. Mantei (2004. ) Plasma-Assisted Growth of Bilayer Silicon-Containing Coatings for Hardness and Corrosion Resistance .Vacuum Science Technology, , A22 (1 ) ,
Honors and Awards
2009 A.B. "Dolly" Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching
1984 Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Professor in Electrical Engineering
1985 Engineering Tribunal Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Engineering
1984 Neil Wandmacher Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Engineering
1981 Outstanding Teacher in Electrical Engineering
Tau Beta Pi Eminent Engineer
University Institute for Nanoscale Science & Technology Director Type:University/College Service Level:University 2004 -To Present
ECECS Department Other Type:University/College Service Level:University 1997 -2004
(MINE Headship Review Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2004
(University Intellectual Property Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 2004 -2006
(University Intellectual Property Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2004 -To Present
(Ohio Eminent Scholar Search Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2009
(First-year Electrical Engineering Student Advisor ) Other Type:University/College Service Level:Department 2008 -To Present
(Accend Student Advisor ) Other Type:University/College Service Level:Department 2009 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
Senior Member IEEE,
Member American Vacuum Society,
Member American Solar Energy Society,
Member Union of Concerned Scientists,
Faculty Development Activities
2004 Making Learning Visible: Peer Review and the Scholarship of Teaching Lincoln, Nebraska Type:Conference Attendance