Glenn C Markle , Ed.D. Science Education
Professor, Science Education
Professional Summary
Glenn Markle received his doctorate in science education from the University of Georgia in 1974. He is a Professor of Education and serves as coordinator of the Curriculum and Instruction Program. Dr. Markle teaches graduate-level courses on instructional methods and educational research. His research focuses on the impact of instructional approaches and curriculum on student learning and attitudes. He has published numerous articles on teaching and learning and regularly presents papers at professional meetings.
Ed.D.: University of Georgia Athens, GA, 1974 (Science Education)
M.Ed.: University of Georgia Athens, GA, 1968 (Science Education)
B.S. Education: California University of Pennsylvania California, PA, 1965 (Physics, Mathematics, General Science)
Research Support
Grant: #ESI-0552126 Investigators:Markle, Glenn 09-06-2005 -09-05-2007 National Science Foundation Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignment to NSF for Professor Glen Markle Role:PI $378,778.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #0000136635-2 NCE Investigators:Markle, Glenn 07-10-2001 -11-01-2002 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Electrical Safety Curriculum Role:PI $24,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #DT-S1-2001 Investigators:Markle, Glenn 06-01-2002 -05-31-2004 Ohio Department of Education Diversifying the Teaching Force Role:PI $190,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSP00104 Investigators:Markle, Glenn 02-01-1999 -09-01-2001 Ohio's Systemic Initiative - Discovery Designing and Pilot Testing Inquiry Oriented Courses for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Role:PI $85,000.00 Closed Level:Institution of Higher Education
Grant: #ODE HQT-1 Investigators:Fowler, Thaddeus; Markle, Glenn 09-01-2007 -08-31-2009 Ohio Board of Regents Ohio Core Support Role:Collaborator $643,250.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #EEC-0808696 Investigators:Abot, Jandro; Breiner, Jonathan; Koehler, Catherine; Kukreti, Anant; Lu, Mingming; Maltbie, Catherine; Markle, Glenn; Rutz, Eugene; Shanov, Vesselin; Sorial, George; Wei, Heng 06-01-2009 -05-31-2014 National Science Foundation Sustainable Engineering for Urban Needs: Research Experiences for Middle and High School Teachers Role:Collaborator $455,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bethany Vice Bowling, Erin Acra, Lihshing Wang, Melanie Myers, Gary Dean, Glenn Markle, Christine Moskalik, Carl Heuther (2008. ) Development and Evaluation of a Genetics Literacy Assessment Instrument for Undergraduates .Genetics, , 178 (1 ) ,15
Bowling,B., Huether,C., Lihshing,W., Myers,M., Markle,G., Dean,G., Acra,E., Wray,F., and Jacob,G. (2008. ) Genetic literacy of undergraduate non-science majors and the impact of introductory biology and genetics courses .Bioscience, , 58 (7 ) ,654 -660
Pultorak,Edward G., Markle,Glenn C. (2008. ) Snapshots of Chinese Classrooms Illustrate Disparities .Phi Delta Kappan, , 90 (1 ) ,45 -49
Hott,Adam M.; Huether,Carl A.; McInerney,Joseph D.; Christianson,Carol; Fowler,Robert; Bender,Harvey; Jenkins,John; Wysocki,Annette; Markle,Glenn; Karp,Richard (2002. ) Genetics content in introductory biology courses for non-science majors: theory and practice .Bioscience, , (11 ) ,1024 -1035
Markle,Glenn (1982. ) Generating Good Vibrations for Science .Science Teacher, , 49 (4 ) ,
Markle,Glenn C. (1978. ) Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Subject Preference Inventory with Preservice Elementary Teachers .Journal of Research in Science Teaching, , 15 (6 ) ,519 -522
Markle,Glenn, Capie,William (1976. ) The Effect of the Position of Inserted Questions on Learning From an Activity-Centered Science Module .Journal of Research in Science Teaching, , 13 ,167 -170
Invited Presentations
Markle, G. (03-2004. ) A physics instructional design to improve cognitive skills and scientific reasoning .Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC.
Markle, G. (02-2004. ) Alternative teacher certification: Does it promote quality and professionalism? .Paper presented at the Association for Teachers Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
science education, instruction, attitudes