John Martin
McMicken Professor Emeritus. Areas of Specialty: Formal Semantics, History of Logic, Environmental Ethics.
Professional Summary
Areas of Specialization
Formal Semantics, History of Logic, Environmental Ethics
Click here for Martin's HOMEPAGE
Ph.D.: Univerity of Toronto Toronto, Canada, 1973 (Philosophy)
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Martin, John N. (1975). A Syntactic Characterization of Kleene's Strong Connectives with Two Designated Values. Zeitschrift fürMathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 21(4), 181-184.
John N. Martin (1975). Facts and the Semantics of Gerunds. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 4(2), 439-454.
John N. Martin (1975). Karttunen on Possibility. Linguistic Inquiry, 4(2), 339-341.
John N. Martin (1976). The Rehabilitation of Nature. Teaching Philosophy, 1(3), 253-258.
John N. Martin (1977). A Fregean Interpretation of the Quantifiers. Logique et Analyse, 20(2), l22- l28.
John N. Martin (1977). An Axiomatization of Herzberger's Two-Dimentional Presuppositional Semantics. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 18, 378-382.
John N. Martin (1979). Montague's Methodology. Semantikos, 3(1), 41-54.
John N. Martin (1979). The Concept of the Irreplaceable. Environmental Ethics, 1, 3l-48.
John N. Martin (1981). Facts and Events as Semantic Constructs. Theoretical Linguistics, 8(2), 259-285.
John N. Martin (1982). Negation, Ambiguity, and the Identity Test. Journal of Semantics, 1(1), 25l-274.
John N. Martin (1984). Epistemic Semantics for Classical and Intuitionistic Logic. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 25(2), 105-116.
John N. Martin (1985). Some Formal Properties of Indirect Semantics. Theoretical Linguistics, 19(4), 1-32.
Martin, John N. (1989). A Tense Logic for Boethius. History and Philosophy of Logic, 10(4), 203-212.
John N. Martin (1991). Order Theoretic Properties of Holistic Ethical Theories. Environmental Ethics, 13(3), 215-234.
Martin, John N. (1995). Existence, Negation, and Abstraction in the Neoplatonic Hierarchy. History and Philosophy of Logic, 16(2), 169-196.
John N. Martin (1996). Should Logic Satisfy the Humanities Requirement. Teaching Philosophy, 19(4), 385-396.
Martin, John N. (1997). Aristotle's natural deduction reconsidered. History and Philosophy of Logic, 18, 1-15.
Martin, John N. (2001). Proclus and the Neoplatonic Syllogistic. J. of Philosophical Logic, 30(3), 187-240.
Martin, John N. (2003). All Brutes are Subhuman: Aristotle and Ockham on Privative Negation. Synthese, 134, 429-461.
Martin, John N. (2003). Lukasiewicz Many-Valued Logic and Neoplatonic Scalar Modality. History and Philosophy of Logic, 164(1), 31-51.
John N. Martin (2004). Ecthesis and Existence in the Syllogistic. Themes in Neoplatonic and Aristotelian Logic: Order, Negation and Abstraction (London: Ashgate Publications, November, 2004) ), 19-24.
Martin, John N. (2008). The Lover of the Beautiful and the Good: Platonic Foundations of Aesthetic and Moral Value. Synthese, 164(1), 31-51.
Martin, John N. (2011). Existential import in cartesian semantics. History and Philosophy of Logic, 32(2), 211-239.
Martin, John N. (2013). Distributive Terms, Truth, and The Port Royal Logic. History and Philosophy of Logic, 34(2), 133-154.
John N. Martin (2014). Malebranche's Neoplatonic Semantic Theory. The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 8:1, 33-71.
“Privative Negation in The Port Royal Logic,” Review of Symbolic Logic, 23 pp., in press.
“The Structure of Ideas in The Port Royal Logic,” The Journal of Applied Logic, 19 (2016), pp. 1-19.
“A Note on ‘Distributive Terms, Truth, and The Port Royal Logic,’” History and Philosophy of Logic, 37:4 (8 Feb., 2016), pp. 391-392.
Peer Reviewed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
John N. Martin (1976). "Classical Indeterminacy, Many-Valued Logic, and Supervaluations. Sixth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Logan, Utah, Utah State University, May, l976
John N. Martin (1977). Many-Valued Logic, Classical Logic, and the Horizontal. Seventh International Symposium on Multiple-valued Logic, Charlotte, N.C., University of North Carolina, I.E.E.E., May 1977..
John N. Martin (1980). The Emergent Nature of Coherence and the Possibility of Truth-functional Logic. Tenth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Evanston, Ill.,Northwestern University, June, l980 (I.E.E.E., l980).
John N. Martin (1982). The Role of Negation in Presupposition Theory. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Paris, May, l982 (I.E.E.E.), l982.
Martin, John N. (1987). Elements of Formal Semantics. (Orlando: Academic Press, May, 1987, x + 350 pp
Martin, John N. (2004).Themes in Neoplatonic and Aristotelian Logic: Order, Negation, and Abstraction in the Neoplatonic Hierarchy. (London: Ashgate Publications, November, 2004), xiii +203 pp.
Book Chapter
Martin, John N. (2012). Existential commitment and the cartesian semantics of the Rort Roral Logic, in Jean-Yves Beziau and Gillman Payette,eds. The Square of Opposition: A General Framework For Cognition (Bern: Peter Lang, 2012), pp. 61-97.
John N. Martin (2012). Proclus the Logican, in Alexamder Hall, ed. Categories, and What Is Beyond, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012; reprint of Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 2(3), 2001, 187-240.
“The Transcendentalist Deduction of Goodness from Beauty,” in Richard Hall, ed., Johnathan Edwards and the Environment, The Relevance of the Thought of Johnnathan Edwards to Our Current Environmental and Ecological Concerns. (Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2016), pp.57-85.
Peer Reviewed Publications Martin, John N. (2014), with John Franco, “A History of Satisfiability” (book chapter) in Armin Biere, Hans van Maaren, and Toby Walsh, eds., Handbook of Satisfiability, ISO Press, 2009.
Invited Presentations
(2007. ) The Lover of the Beautiful and the Good .International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, Helsinki.
(2002. ) Proclus and the Ineffable .Society for Mediaeval Logic and Metaphysics, American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2001. ) Ockham on the Semantics of Privative Negation .E.A. Moody Medieval Philosophy Workshop, U.C.L.A..
John N. Martin (11-17-2016. ) Necessity as a Mass Quantity in the Neoplatonic Tradition .Logic Workshop, Pontifical Catjolic University, Saniago, Chile. Level:International
Paper Presentations
John N. Martin (11-07-2008. ) Conceptual Relations and Existential Commitment in the 16th Century .Brussels, Belgium.
John Martin (11-05-2007. ) “The Transcendentalist Deduction of the Good from the Beautiful”, .Northampton, MA.. Conference. Level:National
John Martin (06-14-2007. ) "The Lover of the Beautiful and the Good" .Helsinki, Finland. Conference. Level:International
John Martin (06-01-2007. ) "Existential Commitment and the Semantics of the Port-Royal Logic” .Montreux, Switzerland. Conference. Level:International
John N. Martin (06-03-2000. ) The Logic of Proclus .University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
John N. Martin (06-2010. ) The Rationalist Response to the Theological Disquietude Caused by the Application of Subalternation to Essential Definitions .Corte, Corsica. Conference. Level:International
John N. Martin (06-2011. ) Malebranche’s Neoplatonic Semantic Theory .Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Conference. Level:International
John N. Martin (06-2012. ) Distributive Terms, Truth, and The Port Royal Logic .American University of Beirut, Beirut. Conference. Level:International
John N. Martin (04-2013. ) Leibniz’s Conception of Modal Necessity .Rio de Janeiro. Conference. Level:International
John N. Martin (05-05-2014. ) The Structure of Ideas in The Port Royal Logic .The Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican City.
John N. Martin (11-15-2016. ) Extension in The Port Royal Logic .Rapa Nui, Chile. Professional Meeting.
Formal Semantics, History of Logic, Environmental Ethics