J. Maynard

J. Barry Maynard , PhD



Professional Summary

Research career focused on the chemistry of metals at the Earth’s surface, with prinicpal focus in recent years on Mn, Fe, Cu and Pb. Systems studied include Mn-Fe ore bodies, constructed wetlands treating mine drainage, slope stability problems, and corrosion scales in drinking water systems. Supervised 9 PhD and 24 MS students.


PhD: Harvard University 1972

Research and Practice Interests

Our research group is studying the geochemical behavior of sulfur and metals in three settings: sediment-hosted ore deposits, acid mine drainage,and drinking water distribution systems. For sedimentary ores, we have worked on deposits of iron, manganese, gold, uranium, and copper. Current projects include S and Sr isotopic chemistry of the Red Dog deposit in Alaska and similar deposits in Cuba, C-S geochemistry of black shales hosting Cu mineralization in Zambia, and diagenetic evolution of Au-bearing Witwatersrand quartzites in South Africa. We also have a program of research on improving the effectiveness of constructed wetlands used to remediate acid mine drainage. We recently completed an extensive survey of S isotope chemistry of constructed wetlands, and are working on the chemistry of anoxic drain fills. Finally, our research group, under a grant from the American Water Works Association Research Foundation is pursuing problems of Pb and Cu contamination of drinking water arising from dissolution of minerals coating the insides of distribution pipes and household plumbing.

Positions and Work Experience

1972 -1975 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH USA

1975 -1985 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH USA

1985 - Full Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH USA

1979 -1980 Visiting Professor, Memorial University, St Johns Newfoundland Canada

1985 -1990 Head of Department, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH USA

Research Support

2003 -2005 Indiana Division of Reclamation Improving the Performance of Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage: Understanding the Clogging of Anoxic Limestone Drains $20,000 Type:Grant

Grant: #CON0006883 Investigators:Maynard, J Barry 04-17-2005 -11-01-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Contribution of Service Line and Plumbing Fixtures to Lead and Copper Rule Issues Role:PI $75,000.00 Completed

Grant: #WRF4286 Investigators:Process Research Solutions, J B Maynard 01-01-2008 -12-31-2010 Water Research Foundation Distribution System Water Quality Control Demonstration Role:Collaborator $60,000 Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #WRF 4415 Investigators:JB Maynard, Abigail Cantor 01-01-2011 -06-30-2013 Water Research Foundation Assessing Risk of Lead and Copper Consulmption from Drinking Water Role:PI $55,716 Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #OSP03139 Investigators:Maynard, J Barry 05-30-2003 -05-29-2005 Indiana Department of Natural Resources Improving the Performance of Constructed Wetlands Role:PI $19,943.00 Closed Level:Other

Grant: #DNR 006003 Investigators:Maynard, J Barry 03-01-2000 -02-28-2002 Indiana Department of Natural Resources The Performance of Constructed Wetlands for Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage Role:PI $7,000.00 Closed Level:Other

Abbreviated Publications

Book Chapter

Elswick, E. R., and Maynard, J.B. (2014) Bedded Barite Deposits:  Environments of Deposition, Styles of Mineralization, and Tectonic Settings, in MacKenzie, F.T., ed., Treatise of Geochemistry 2nd edition. Volume 9, Sediments, Diagenesis, and Sedimentary Rocks: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 629-655.

Maynard, J.B. (2014) Chapter 15: Manganiferous sediments, rocks, and ores,in MacKenzie, F.T., ed., Treatise of Geochemistry 2nd edition. Volume 9, Sediments, Diagenesis, and Sedimentary Rocks: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 327-349.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Potter, P.E., Maynard, J.B., and Huff, W.D., 2009, Steps in the History of Mudstone Investigations—A Timeline, 1556 Through 2007: Earth Science History, v. 28, p. 84, 107.

Maynard, J.B., 2010, The chemistry of manganese ores through time: a signal of increasing diversity of earth-surface environments: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 535-552.

Gerke, T.L., Scheckel, K.G., Maynard, J.B., 2010, Speciation and distribution of vanadium in drinking water iron pipe corrosion by-products, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 408 -- Special Section: Integrating Water and Agricultural Management Under Climate Change – p. 5845-5853, 

Hein, J.R., Zierenberg, R.A., Maynard, J.B., and Hannington, M.D., 2007, Barite-forming environments along a rifted continental margin, Southern California Borderland: Deep-Sea Research Part II., v. 54, p. 1327-1349.

Liu, T.-B., Alten, J., and Maynard, J.B., 2006, Superheavy S Isotopes from Glacial-Associated Sediments of the Neoproterozoic of South China: Oceanic Anoxia or Sulfate Limitation?: Geological Society of America Memoir, no. 198, p. 205-222.

Gerke, T.L., Stocker, S.R., Davis, J.L., Maynard, J.B., and Dietsch, C., 2006, Sourcing volcanic millstones from Greco-Roman sties in Albania: Journal of Field Archaeology, v. 31, p. 137-146.

Sutton, S.J., and Maynard, J.B., 2005, A fluid mixing model for copper mineralization at Konkola North, Zambian Copperbelt: Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 42, p. 95-118.

Lytle, D., Gerke, T.L., Maynard, J.B., 2005, Geochemistry of sulfur in iron corrosion scales found in drinking water distribution systems: Role of sulfate reducing bacteria: Journal American Water Works Association, v. 97, p. 109-120.

Gerke, T.L., Maynard, J.B., Schock, M.R., and Lytle, D., 2008, Physiochemical characterization of five iron tubercles from a single drinking water distribution system: Possible new insights on their formation and growth:  Corrosion Science, v. 50, p. 2030-2039.  

Algeo, Thomas J.; Ellwood, Brooks B.; Maynard, J. Barry; Rowe, Harry; Thi Kim Thoa Nguyen, 2007,  The Permian-Triassic boundary at Nhi Tao, Vietnam; evidence for recurrent influx of sulfidic watermasses to a shallow-marine carbonate platform: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,  v. 252,  p. 304-327. 

Krekeler, Mark P. S.; Bates, William; Kearns, Lance E.; Maynard, J. Barry; Probst, Pete; Samsonov, Misha; Tselepis, Cynthia M., 2007, Investigation of subsurface flow constructed wetlands and associated geomaterial resources in the Akumal and Reforma regions, Quintana Roo, Mexico: Environmental Geology,  v. 53,  p. 709-726.


Algeo, Thomas J.; Hinnov, Linda; Moser, Jessa; Maynard, J. Barry; Elswick, Erika; Kuwahara, Kiyoko; Sano, Hiroyoshi, 2010, Changes in productivity and redox conditions in the Panthalassic Ocean during the latest Permian: Geology (Boulder). v. 38, p. 187-190 

Algeo, T.J., and Maynard, J.B., 2008, Trace metal covariation as a guide to water-mass conditions in ancient anoxic marine environments. Geosphere. v. 4; no. 5; p. 872-887 

Krekeler, M.P.S., Allen, C.S., Kearns, L.E., and Maynard J.B., 2010, An investigation of aspects of mine waste from a kyanite mine Central Virginia, USA: Environ Earth Sci., v. 61, p. 93-106. 

Flege, A.F., Maynard, J.B., and Elswick, E.R., 2012, Sulfur Isotopes as Indicators of Remediation Efficacy in Constructed Wetlands Receiving Acid Mine Drainage, In John B. Comer, editor, Effects of abandoned mine land reclamation on ground and surface water quality: Research and case histories from Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Special Report 72, 351 p. 

Tankersley.  K. B.,  V. L. Scarborough, N. Dunning, W. D. Huff, J.B. Maynard, and T.L. Gerke, 2011, Evidence for Volcanic Ash Fall in the Maya Lowlands from a Reservoir at Tikal, Guatemala. Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 38, p. 2925-2938. 

Maynard, J. Barry, Sally J. Sutton, Douglas Rumble III, and Andrey Bekker. "Mass-independently fractionated sulfur in Archean paleosols: A large reservoir of negative Δ 33S anomaly on the early Earth." Chemical Geology 362 (2013): 74-81.

Ripley, Edward M.; Li, Chusi; Moore, Craig H.; Elswick, Erika R.; Maynard, J. Barry ; Paul, Rick L.; Sylvester, Paul; Seo, Jun Hun; Shimizu, Nobomichi, 2011,  Analytical methods for sulfur determination in glasses, rocks, minerals and fluid inclusions. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 73, no. 1, p. 9-39. Washington, DC : Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical Society.

Under Review

Gerke, T.L., Scheckel, K.G., Maynard, J.B., (submitted) Strontium Adsorption and Persistence with Iron Corrosion Products from a Model and Actual Drinking Water Distribution System. Water Research.


Sandvig, A., Kwan, P., Kirmeyer, G., Maynard, B., Mast, D., Rhodes Trussell, R., Trussell, S., Cantor, A., Prescott, A., 2008. Contribution of Service Line and Plumbing Fixtures to Lead and Copper Rule Compliance Issues. American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Denver, Colorado, 91 pp w CD-ROM. 

Potter, P.E., Maynard, J.B., and DePetris, P., 2005, Mud and Mudstones: Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Honors and Awards

2002 National Associate of National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Sciences Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Non-Monetary


Greater Cincinnati Water Works (Advisory Board ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 1998

US EPA (Small Business Initiatives ) Committee Member Type:Grant Panel Level:National 2008 -2010


groundwater chemistry; soil chemistry; ore deposits; drinking water

Courses Taught

15-GEOL-105 ENVIRONMENT GEO II Level:Undergraduate

15-GEOL-207 SURFACE PROCESSES Level:Undergraduate


Geology of Eastern Midcontinent Level:Graduate

Elementary Petrology Level:Undergraduate

Geochemistry of Natural Waters Level:Both

Contact Information

Forwarding - Portland
2625 NE 16th Ave
Portland  Oregon, 97212
Phone: 513-505-2279