Russell McMahon

Russell E. McMahon

Assoc Professor - Emeritus

Professional Summary

Russell McMahon has been teaching IT related subject matter since 1980 and has been a faculty member in the School of Information Technology at the University of Cincinnati since 1999.  In 2014, he spent 6 months working at three universities in three different countries (Rwanda, Kenya, and South Africa) in Africa doing IT curriculum development and giving talks on creative problem solving. In the past 2 years, he has given workshops on improvisation for scientist and technologist to enhance their communication and teamwork skills. He spoke at the 2018 eLearning Africa conference held in Kigali and he was a keynote speaker at the 2019 Congreso Internacional de Ingeneria de Systems (CIIS) in Lima, Peru. In February-2019 served as a Fulbright Specialist at Miras University in Shymkent, Kazakhstan where he worked with the computing faculty to help with their technical English and teaching. In 2022, he traveled to Uzbekistan as a Fulbright Scholar to work at the Tashkent University of IT (TUIT). In 2023, he returned to Kazakhstan to teach cybersecurity concepts to four partner universities on a UniCEN grant that he and Dr. Murat Ozer won. He also taught an Arduino programming class at the International IT University. In 2024, he became a Peace Response Volunteer and served as a visiting professor at the University of the Philippines Los Banos.

He currently serves as a commissioner with the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET which is the international accrediting organization for engineering, technology, computing, and natural science. When he was in Uzbekistan, he helped TUIT with their initial ABET preparation. 

Technologies that I have learned since my foray into computing:
BASIC Programming Language Versions: BASICA, GW-BASIC, TRS-80 BASIC, AppleSoft BASIC, North Star BASIC, PET-BASIC, Visual BASIC.latin (versions 3-6), Visual BASIC.NET
Progamming Languages: PL1, FORTRAN, COBOL, JAVA, C, C++, C#, R, IBM-360 Assembler, 6502-Assembler, 80386-Assembler, JCL, EasyTrieve Plus, Data-Xpert, BMS/GT, ICU, LOGO, Pascal, Prolog, HTML, CSS, QMF, MDX, DMX, SAS, SAS-Graph, Mantis
Office Related: MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Lotus, Paradox, WordPerfect, DisplayWrite, CorelDraw, NotePad++, Open Office
OS-Related: ISPF, ROSCOE, ROS-Procs, RPF, CICS, CMS, VAX, North Star NSDOS, Apple-DOS, MS-DOS, CP/M, Novell Netware, PowerShell, Linux
SQL Server Services: SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
Cincom Software Tools: TOTAL Database, TIS Database, SUPRA-v1 Database (non-SQL based) which used a query language called Spectra, SUPRA-v2 Database (SQL-based), Mantis programming language
Other DBs besides those I learned at Cincom: Oracle, DB2, MS-Access, MongoDB
He is currently an adjunct professor at UC Blue Ash campus.

Positions and Work Experience

- Associate Professor, Information Technology, University of Cincinnati, 341B TC

Research Support

Investigators:McMahon, Russell; Ozer, Mustafa 02-01-2023 -01-31-2024 American Councils for International Education American Councils Central Asia University (UniCEN) US-Kazakhstan University Partnerships grant Role:PI 24000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit


Book Chapter

(2018 ) A Brief History of Computing at the University of Cincinnati From the Temple of Zeus to the Hyperloop .University of Cincinnati Press


Invited Presentations

Russ McMahon (9/3/2012 12:00:00 AM. ) Database Security .Cincinnati ISACA Chapter Meeting, Cincinnati. Level:Local

Russell McMahon (09-05-2019. ) Improvisation for All .University of Lima, Lima, Peru. Conference. . Level:International

Russell McMahon (03-23-2020. ) Applied Improvisation and the Creative Problem-Solving Process .virtual, Macau, China. Workshop. . Level:International

Russell McMahon (06-23-2020. ) An examination of IT-related meetups on .virtual, Cincinnati, Ohio. Professional Meeting. . Level:Local

Russell McMahon (08-09-2019. ) Teaching Improvisation at Miras University, Kazahkstan .Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York. Conference. . Level:National

Russell McMahon (09-26-2018. ) Improv for Team Development .Kigali Conference Center, Kilgali, Rwanda. Conference. . Level:International

Courses Taught

-IT-2060C DATABASE MGT I Level:Undergraduate

Faculty Development Activities

09-2013 -04-2014 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Workshop on doing research in teaching, UC UC Type:Workshop

Other Information

50 Years of Computing at UC Recognition and Exhibit, June 4, 2008; organized a conference to 2-day conference recognizing UC’s first 50 years of computing on November 10-11, 2008.  I was the organizer of this conference and chair of the planning committee.,