Patrick McSwiggen

Patrick D McSwiggen


Associate Professor Emeritus


PhD: University of California, Berkeley 1990

AB: University of California, Berkeley 1981

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

K. Meyer (2008). Conjugate phase portraits of linear systems. Amer. Math. Monthly, 115, 581-676.

Meyer, K. (2003). The evolution of invariant manifolds in Hamiltonian-Hopf bifurcations. J. Diff. Equ., 189, 538-555.

(2001). Geometric implications of linearizability. J. Dyn. & Diff. Equ., 13, 133-146.

(2000). Invariant jets of foliations along hyperbolic sets. Ergod. Th. & Dyn. Sys., 20, 1187-1214.

(1998). A geometric characterization of partial linearizability. Mich. Math. J., 45, 3-29.

(1996). A geometric characterization of smooth linearizability. Mich. Math. J., 43, 321-335.

(1995). An inverse function theorem with application to dynamical systems. J. Diff. Equ, 118, 194-217.

(1995). Diffeomorphisms of the k-torus with wandering domains. Erg. Th. Dyn. Sys., 15, 1189-1205.

(1995). Unique integrability of continuous plane fields. Proc. AMS, 123, 1951-1954.

(1993). Diffeomorphisms of the torus with wandering domains. Proc. AMS, 117, 1175-1186.

K. Meyer & X. Hou (2010). Bifurcations of Heteroclinic Orbits. J. Dyn. & Diff. Equ., 22, 367-380.


Invited Presentations

(03-2001. ) Evolution of invariant manifolds in the restricted 3-body problem .HamSys Conference, Mexico.

(09-22-2000. ) Evolution of invariant manifolds in the restricted 3-body problem .Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference,

(03-22-1997. ) Numerical calculations for a family of torus maps .Special session: Dynamical Systems and Fractal Geometry, AMS Spring Meeting, Memphis.

(11-17-1996. ) A Geometric Characterization of Partial Linearizability .Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference,

(09-12-1996. ) A Geometric Characterization of Smooth Linearizability .Colloquium, U. Western Ontario,

(08-22-1996. ) A Geometric Characterization of Smooth Linearizability .Colloquium, Colorado State U..

(05-09-1995. ) A Geometric Characterization of Smooth Linearizability .Seminar, Northwestern Univ..

(03-17-1995. ) A Geometric Characterization of Smooth Linearizability .AMS Spring Meeting, Orlando.

(03-1993. ) Diffeomorphisms of the Torus with Wandering Domains .Colloquium, Colorado State U..

(04-1991. ) The Dynamics of Circle Maps .Taft Postdoctoral Lecture, U. Cincinnati.

(03-1991. ) Diffeomorphisms of the Torus with Wandering Domains .Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference,

(02-1991. ) Diffeomorphisms of the Torus with Wandering Domains .Colloquium, U. Cincinnati.

(01-1991. ) An Inverse Function Theorem with Application to Dynamical Systems .AMS Winter Meeting,

(01-1991. ) A Dynamicists’ View of The Calculus .Colloquium, Oberlin College.

(10-1990. ) Filling in Stable Laminations .Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference,

(09-1990. ) Filling in Stable Laminations .Seminar, U. C. Berkeley.

(04-1990. ) Infinitesimal Foliations .Colloquium, Wright State U..

(10-1989. ) Invariant Sets and Invariant Manifolds .Colloquium, U. Cincinnati.

(09-1988. ) Jets of Foliations along Stable Manifolds .Seminar, U. C. Berkeley.


(A&S STEM Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2010 -06-2011

Mathematical Sciences Other Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2010 -06-2011

(A&S Computer Committee ) Department Liaison Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2010 -06-2011


Dynamical Systems

Courses Taught

15-MATH-252 CALCULUS II Level:Undergraduate

15-MATH-256 CALC II LAB Level:Undergraduate

15-MATH-253 CALCULUS III Level:Undergraduate

15-MATH-257 CALC III LAB Level:Undergraduate

15-MATH-252 CALCULUS II Level:Undergraduate