Janet Melcher , PhD, MSW, LISW-S
Asst Professor - Adj Ann
BSW Field Coordinator
Health Science Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0108
Phone (513) 556-4627
Fax (513) 556-2077
Email melchej@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Jan Melcher has been the BSW Field Coordinator for the University of Cincinnati School of Social Work since 1990. As Field Coordinator, she arranges field placements for BSW students, follows the progress of BSW students in their placements, and provides continuing education for agency field instructors. She also served as the Campus Coordinator for the School’s Child Welfare University Partnership Program, from 2004 through spring 2015. This program is designed to prepare interested social work students for public child welfare practice.
Dr. Melcher has practiced social work in the areas of public child welfare, rehabilitation services, mental health, and eating disorders. She is the co-author of published work on the subject of social work practice with clients who are considered obese. More recently, she solo authored an article about a way of approaching ethical social work practice in instances where religious or spiritual issues are involved.
Dr. Melcher earned her MSW and Ph.D. degrees at The Ohio State University.
Master's Degree in Social Work: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 1974 (Scoial Work)
PhD: The Ohio State University Columbsu, OH, 2013 (Social Work)
Research and Practice Interests
Interests – Spirituality in social work practice, forgiveness in the context of mental health, moral development, the helping relationship, field education methods, and public child welfare.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Melcher, J., & Bostwick, G.J., Jr. (1998. ) The obese client: Myths, facts, assessment, and intervention. .Health and Social Work, , 23 (3 ) ,195
Melcher, J. (2008. ) Orthodox vs. progressive: An invitation to transform professional consciousness. .Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work , , 27 (1-2 ) ,183
Book Chapter
Melcher, J., & Bostwick, G.J., Jr. (2001 ) The fat client. The Mental Health Desk Reference .(pp. 51 -60).New York, John Wiley & Sons
Contact Information
Academic - Health Science Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267-0108
Phone: (513) 556-4627
Fax: (513) 556-2077