Michael Miller

Michael C Miller




PhD: Michigan State University, Kellog Biological Station BAD DATE

Research and Practice Interests

Aquatic biology and paleolimnology; nutrient and grazer control of lake productivity, whole lake manipulation - top-down (predator) and bottom-up (nutrients), paleolimnology of Amazonia and Beringia (Russia/Alaska)

Research Support

Grant: #OSP 01110 Investigators:Miller, Michael 07-25-2000 -12-31-2000 Ohio Department of Natural Resources An Assessment of Stream Channel Capacity Using a Rosgen Type Morphometric Analysis Role:PI $3,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #OSP 99163 Investigators:Miller, Michael 08-26-1998 -09-30-2000 Thomas More College Impacts of Zebra Mussels on Foods and Feeding of Native Unionid Mussels in the Middle Ohio River Role:PI $14,524.00 Closed Level:Institution of Higher Education

Grant: #14-62913 Investigators:Miller, Michael 05-01-1999 -11-15-1999 Hamilton County Park District A Nutrient Budget, Past and Present, of Miami Whitewater Reservoir Role:PI $4,144.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Grant: #14-62914/17-62916 Investigators:Miller, Michael 05-01-1999 -11-15-1999 Hamilton County Park District A Survey of Eutrophication Status of Hamilton County Park Lakes: An Evaluation of Ohio Lake Management System Survey Methods Role:PI $3,322.00 Closed Level:Local Government

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

O&apos, Brien, W.J., Barfield, M., Bettez, N.D., Gettel, G.M., Hershey, A.E., McDonald, M.E., Miller, M.C., Mooers, H., Pastor, J., Richards, C., & Schuldt, J. (2004). Physical, chemical and biotic effects on arctic zooplankton communities and diversity. Limnology and Oceanography, 49(4), 1250-1261.

Evans, R. L., & M. C. Miller (2006). Nutrients, Eutrophic Response, and Fish Anomalies in the Little Miami River, Ohio. The Ohio Journal of Science, 106(4), 146-155.

Saenger, C., Miller, M., Smittenberg, R.H., & Sachs, J.P. (2006). A physico-chemical survey of inland lakes and Saline ponds: Chirstmas Island (Kiritimati) and Washington Island (Teraina) Republic of Kiribati. Saline Systems, 2(8).

Hershey, A.E., Beaty, S, Forino, K., Keyse, M., Pou, P.P., O&apos, Brien, W.J., Ulseth, A.J., Gettel, G.A., Lienesch, P.W., Luecke, C., McDonald, M.E., Mayer, C.H., Miller, M.C., Richards, C., Schuldt, J.A., & Whalen, S.C. (2006). Effect of landscape factors on fish distribution in arctic Alaskan lakes. Freshwater Biology, 51, 39-55.

Thompson, K., Miller, M., & Culley, T. (2007). Comparison of Plant Species Richness, Diversity, and Biomass in Ohio Wetlands. OHIO JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 107(3), 32.

Book Chapter

White, D., K. Johnston, & M.C. Miller (2005). Ohio River Basin. In Benke, A.C. & C.E. Cushing (Eds.), Rivers of North America (pp. 375, 412). Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Invited Presentations

Michael C. Miller (2009. ) Impact of low head dams and In-river gravel mining on the fish, hydrology and biology of the Great Miami River .Buckeye Fly Fishermen, Cincinnati. Level:Local