Joanna Mitro

Joanna Mitro


Professor Emerita


PhD: University of California, San Diego 1977 (Mathematics)

MA: University of California, San Diego 1973 (Mathematics)

BA: Brown University 1971 (Mathematics)

Research and Practice Interests

Areas of expertise: Probability and stochastic processes (especially Markov processes); stochastic modelling.  Interested in actuarial science education.

Positions and Work Experience

1977 -1980 Visiting Lecturer, Post-Doc Position, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

1980 -1985 Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati,

1985 -1992 Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati,

1992 -To Present Professor, Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati,

1986 -1986 Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Technion, Haifa, Israel

1997 -1997 Visiting Scholar, Mathematics, Purdue University,

2008 -2015 Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, A&S, University of Cincinnati,

Research Support

Grant: #DMS-9974257 1999 University of Cincinnati NSF Grant Type:Grant

1999 Taft Conference Grant Type:Grant

1996 Faculty Development Grant Type:Grant

1992 NSF-AWM Travel Grant Type:Grant

06-1991 College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Grant Type:Grant

Grant: #DMS-8710027 1987 -1990 University of Cincinnati NSF Grant Type:Grant

Grant: #DMS-8601042 1986 -1987 University of Cincinnati NSF Grant Type:Grant

1984 University of Cincinnati Taft Summer Grants-in-Aid of Research Grant Type:Grant

1981 University of Cincinnati Taft Summer Grants-in-Aid of Research Type:Grant

1978 -1980 University of Illinois NSF Grant Type:Grant

Grant: #DMS-9974267 Investigators:Mitro, Joanna 06-01-1999 -05-31-2000 National Science Foundation Twenty-First Midwest Probability Colloquium Role:PI $9,310.00 Completed

Grant: #DMS-0830579 Investigators:Bryc, Wlodzimierz; Chakraborty, Ranajit; Mitro, Joanna; Peligrad, Magda 01-01-2009 -12-31-2010 National Science Foundation Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications 2009 Role:PI $20,000.00 Completed

Grant: #OBR / COF 09-06 Investigators:Cook, Cynthia; Escoe, Gisela; Gaffney, James; Hammer, Victoria; Martin, Madeleine; Mitro, Joanna; Whalen, Tina 07-01-2010 -06-30-2014 Ohio Board of Regents Enhancing the Success of Future Health Professionals through Synergistic Cross-Collegiate Programming Role:Collaborator $1,516,500.00 Completed

Grant: #DUE-1035262 Investigators:Fowler, Thaddeus; Jackson, Howard; Meyer, Helen; Mitro, Joanna 09-01-2010 -08-31-2013 National Science Foundation NSF Teaching Fellowships/Master Teaching Fellowships Planning Grant Role:Collaborator $75,000.00 Completed

Grant: #ODHE COFSP 16-66 Investigators:Mitro, Joanna 07-01-2017 -06-30-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Choose Ohio First Template - JOANNA MITRO plus Toledo, Akron and Youngstown (NEED TITLE) Role:PI $15,210.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Abbreviated Publications

Published Abstract

(1985). Duality and Semi-Regenerative Systems [Abstract]. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 19, 18-19.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Konsowa, M. (1991). The type problem for random walks on trees. J. Theoretical Probability, 4, 535-550.

Glover, J. (1990). Symmetries and Functions of Markov Processes. Annals of Probability, 18, 655-668.

Kaspi, H. (1988). Homogeneous Random Measures for Markov Processes: Study via an Entrance Boundary. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 29, 291-308.

(1986). A Discontinuous Time Change for Natural Additive Functionals which Preserves Duality. Prob. Th. Rel. Fields, 72, 463-470.

(1986). A Note on Discontinuous Time Changes for Markov Processes. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 23, 343-348.

(1984). Exit Systems for Dual Markov Processes. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Verw. Geb., 66, 259-267.

(1984). Time Reversal Depending on Local Time. Stochastic Processes Appl., 18, 171-177.

(1983). An Application of Time Reversal to Brownian Local Time. Ann. Prob., 11, 225-226.

(1979). Dual Markov Processes: Construction of a Useful Auxiliary Process. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Verw. Geb., 47, 139-156.

(1979). Dual Markov Functionals: Applications of a Useful Auxiliary Process. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Verw. Geb., 48, 97-114.

Nishan Weragama, Jung Hyun Jun, Joanna Mitro, and Dharma Agrawal (2014). Modeling and Performance of a Mesh Network with Dynamically Appearing and Disappearing Femtocells as Additional Internet Gateways. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Sys. 25(5), 1278-1288.

Other Publication

(1986). A Time Reversal Study of Exit/Entrance Processes. Seminar on Stochastic Processes. Boston: Birkhauser.

(1986). Discontinuous Time Changes and Duality for Markov Processes. Seminar on Stochastic Processes. Boston: Birkhauser.

Atkinson, B. (1983). Applications of Revuz and Palm Type Measures for Additive Functionals in Weak Duality. Seminar on Stochastic Processes. Boston: Birkhauser.


(1991). General Theory of Markov Processes. Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 187-189.

(1991). Probabilites et Potentiel (Ch.XII-XVI). Bulletin (New Series) of the AMS, 471-477.

(1984). Stochastic Models in Operations Research, Vol. I: Stochastic Processes and Operating Characteristics.Industrial Engineering,


Invited Presentations

(1997. ) Markov Functions .Purdue University Probability Seminar,

(09-1991. ) Random Walks on (Random) Trees .Department of Mathematics, University of Louisville.

(03-1990. ) Some probabilistic problems on trees .Combinatorics Seminar, University of Pennsylvania.

(01-1990. ) Symmetries and Functions of Markov Processes .Special Session on Markov Processes and Stochastic Analysis, AMS Meeting, Louisville, KY.

(03-1988. ) Homogeneous Random Measures for Markov Processes .Special Session on Topics in Stochastic Processes, AMS Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee.

(11-1986. ) Discontinuous Time Changes of Markov Processes .Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland.

(09-1985. ) Rearranging the Paths of Markov Processes .Department of Mathematics, University of Florida.

(03-1985. ) A Discontinuous Time Change for Natural Additive Functionals which Preserves Duality .Special Session on Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics, AMS Meeting, Chicago, IL.

(12-1984. ) Discontinuous Time Changes for Markov Processes and Duality .Indiana University Department of Mathematics,

(1982. ) More Applications of the Auxiliary Process .Seminar on Stochastic Processes, Northwestern University.


(06-1988. ) Random Walks on Trees .Haifa, Israel.

(05-1986. ) Time Changes for Dual Markov Processes .Tel Aviv, Israel.

(04-1986. ) Time Changes for Dual Markov Processes .Jerusalem, Israel.

(06-1984. ) Duality and Semi-Regenerative Systems .Gothenberg, Sweden.

(1981. ) Balayage for Dual Processes .Oberwolfach, Germany.


Probability and stochastic processes; stochastic modelling.