David Byer Nash



Research Support

1999 -2008 Warren County, Ohio Shaker Creek Aquifer Investigation

1998 Ohio EPA Education Grant

1984 -1985 USGS Seismic Hazards Research Contract

1981 -1984 National Research Council Resident Research Associateship

1979 -1981 USGS Seismic Hazards Research Contract

1976 -1977 Institute for Environmental Quality Fellowship

1975 -1976 Hobbs Fellowship

1971 -1975 Rackham Fellowship

1970 NSF Research Assistantship

Grant: #OSP99120 Investigators:Nash, David 10-01-1998 -09-30-1999 Warren County Hydrogeological Investigation of the Shaker Creek Aquifer, Warren and Butler Counties, Ohio Role:PI Closed 002807-001 Level:Local Government

Grant: #GMGWO Investigators:Nash, David; Townsend-Small, Amy 01-14-2014 -01-13-2016 Duke Energy Year 1 DUKE funds for GMGWO Role:Collaborator $125,000.00 Awarded Level:Industry

Abbreviated Publications

Other Publication

Beljin, Milovan, Bowers, Mark T., Nash, David, and and Webb, George C., 2002. Final Report of Ground Water Monitoring Pilot Study North College Hill Cincinnati, Ohio.

Nash, David, 2000, A pilot I/I study of an area of frequent SSO’s within the Cincinnati MSD: Sanitary Sewer Overflow Remediation via I/I abatement.

Maynard, J.B., Lowell, T.V., and Nash, D.B., 2004, Geological and geochemical appraisal of the Shaker Creek Aquifer in the Vicinity of the Mason OH Wellfield.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Nash, David and Beaujon, James S., 2006, Modeling degradation of terrace scarps in Grand Teton National Park, USA: Geomorphology, no. 75, p. 400-407.

Nash, David, 2005, A general method for morphologic dating of hillslopes: Geology, no. 33, p. 693–695.

Nash, D. B., 1988, Detection of a Buried Horizon with a High Thermal-Diffusivity using Thermal Remote-Sensing: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 54, no. 10, p. 1437, 1446.

Nash, D. B., 1985, Detection of Bedrock Topography Beneath a Thin Cover of Alluvium using Thermal Remote-Sensing: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 51, no. 1, p. 77, 88.

Kahle, A. B., Shumate, M. S., Nash, D. B., 1984, Active Airborne Infrared-Laser System for Identification of Surface Rock and Minerals: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 11, no. 11, p. 1149, 1152.

Nash, D. B., 1984, Morphologic Dating of Fluvial Terrace Scarps and Fault Scarps Near West Yellowstone, Montana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, no. 12, p. 1413, 1424.

Nash, D. B., 1981, Fault - a Fortran Program for Modeling the Degradation of Active Normal-Fault Scarps: Computers & Geosciences, v. 7, no. 3, p. 249, 266.

Nash, D., 1980, Forms of Bluffs Degraded for Different Lengths of Time in Emmet-County, Michigan, Usa: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 5, no. 4, p. 331, 345.

Nash, David B., 1994, Effective sediment-transporting discharge from magnitude-frequency analysis: Journal of Geology, v. 102, no. 1, p. 79, 95.

Nash, David B., 1986, Morphologic dating and modeling degradation of fault scarps: Active tectonics, p. 181, 194.

Nash, David B., 1985, Detection of bedrock topography beneath a thin cover of alluvium using thermal remote sensing: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 51, no. 1, p. 77, 88.

Kahle, Anne B., Shumate, Michael S., Nash, David B., 1984, Active airborne infrared laser system for identification of surface rock and minerals: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 11, no. 11, p. 1149, 1152.

Kahle, Anne B., Gillespie, Alan R., Abrams, Michael J., Bartholomew, Mary Jane, Nash, David B., Palluconi, Frank D., Paylor, Earnest D., II, Shumate, Michael S., 1984, Discrimination of age and compositional units of alluvial fans in Death Valley, CA: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 16, no. 6, p. 553.

Nash, D. B., 1983, Analytical modeling of fault scarp degradation; an homage to G. K. Gilbert: EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 64, no. 45, p. 859.

Published Abstract

Nash, David, DeJong, Kees, Cicci, Gisela, and Reverman, Rebecca, 2007, Corduroy terrain near Cincinnati: mega-scale glacial grooves?: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 503.

Bullard jr., Reuben G. and Nash, David, 2006, Three-dimensional modeling of the degradation of Civil War earthworks: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, no. 209-06.

Nash, David, 2003, Fine tuning morphologic dating of hillslopes: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, no. 6, p. 23.


Bright, Daniel J., Nash, David B., Martin, Peter, 1997, Evaluation of ground-water flow and solute transport in the Lompoc area, Santa Barbara County, California: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States, p. 113.

Bright, David J., Stamos, Christina L., Martin, Peter M., Nash, David B., 1992, Ground-water hydrology and quality in the Lompoc area, Santa Barbara County, California, 1987-88: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States, p. 77 1 sheet.

Mayer, L., Nash, D., 1987, Catastrophic flooding, p. 410.

Nash, David B., 1981, Fault scarp morphology; indicator of paleoseismic chronology: U. S. Geol. Surv., Libr., Reston, VA, United States, p. 8.

Courses Taught

Geomorphology Level:Graduate

Other Information

New Page 2

 Hillslope evolution: I am particularly interested in changes in the morphologic changes in simple hillslopes developed unconsolidated materials as the slopes degrade with time. Most of the work has been funded by the USGS and has led to the application of the diffusion model of hillslope evolution to hillslopes formed by wave and fluvial undercutting, and by normal faulting. The work has led to the development of SLOPEAGE, a popular computer program for the morphologic dating of hillslopes. Much of this work is summarized in Nash (1986).
 Fluvial sediment transport: Fluvial processes dominate the formation of our local geology. Several of my graduate students have studied the influence of base-level rise on channel aggradation patterns (i.e., do downstream factors influence base level in upstream reaches of a fluvial system?). I have also re-evaluated the Wolman and Miller Magnitude-Frequency analysis as it applies to the transport of suspended sediment (Nash, 1994).
 Ground-Water Geology

 I hold a faculty part-time appointment with the California District of the USGS, WRD as a ground-water hydrologist. I was involved in a major ground-water flow and solute transport model of the Lompoc basin (Bright, Nash., and Martin, 1997) and am currently working on a ground-water flow model for the Menlo Park area.
 Most of my current graduate students are involved in ground-water studies of the local area (e.g., Kris Field’s thesis). A topic of particular relevance to the local ground-water system is the interaction of surface water and ground water in alluvial aquifers. One of my students is conducting a study in cooperation with the City of Springfield, Ohio on the interaction of Mad River with the well field. As a class project in Well-Head Protection, my students, colleagues, and I worked on a ground-model and well-head protection area delineation for various public water suppliers in Warren County, Ohio.
 Remote Sensing
 I developed an interest in thermal infrared geologic remote sensing while a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. My worked involved the feasibility of using thermal remote sensing to detect thinly buried geologic features (a simple, non-geologic example of the concept may be found here). This work is summarized in Nash (1988) (which received the,