Lisa H. Newman
Educator Professor, Department of Communication
Professional Summary
Lisa Newman has focused her career on helping others' to improve their communication skills. She teaches and researches in the areas of Public Relations, Diversity, Interviewing, Organizational, Group, Gender and Nonverbal Communication. Professor Newman is Director of the Department of Communication Undergraduate Program and on the Communication committee for the UC President's Diversity Council and steering committees for the Just Community Initiative, the UC Diversity Conference, the C-Ring Award and the Strategic Enrollment Management Success Committee. She is actively engaged in the First Year Experience, serving as a regular speaker for the Peer Leader program, Freshmen Seminar Instructor and Learning community adviser. She is the recipient of numerous awards including: named as one of the 2013 PR1ZE Mentors of the Year; a 2012 Greater Cincinnati Top 100 Minds Thought Leaders by Loth, Inc.; the 2010-2011 Inaugural Department of Athletics’ Legion of Excellence Student-Athlete Faculty Impact Award, the 2011 Sarah Grant Barber Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award, Four Darwin T. Turner Scholars, Jerome S. Jackson Breakfast of Champions Medals, the 2007 Student Choice Faculty Woman of the Year award, the 2005 National Conference for Community and Justice (NCJJ) award for helping to improve Human Relations in the Greater Cincinnati Region. In 2004, she received the Just Community Faculty Award and the McMicken Dean's Award for Distinguished Service. Ms. Newman puts theory to practice as an organizational communication consultant to area businesses on team-building, interviewing and presentation skills. Founder of Tri-State Litigation Consulting helping attorneys to select juries, prepare witnesses for trial and write opening and closing arguments for area law firms.
MA : Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH, 1983
College Teaching Certification: University of Iowa Iowa City, IA, 1985
Positions and Work Experience
08-1987 -To Present Educator Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2006 -2011 Summer Business Institute Presentation Coach, Miami University , Oxford, OH & Study Abroad Program in London & Paris
Research Support
Investigators:Lisa H. Newman 2005 University of Cincinnati Freshmen Seminar Activity Grant
Investigators:Lisa H. Newman 2002 University of Cincinnati UC Summer Institute Grant
Investigators:Lisa H. Newman 02-1995 University of Cincinnati Provostal OBR Grant for faculty projects $5,000
Investigators:Lisa H. Newman 10-1994 Internal OBR equipment grant $23,496.20
Abbreviated Publications
Lisa H. Newman. Careers in Communication Second Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2007.
Cynthia Berryman-Fink, Deborah Ballard-Reisch and Lisa H. Newman. Communication and Sex Role Socialization. New York, NY: Garland Publishing Company, 1993.
Careers in Communication Third Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2012.
Other Publication
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community Ten Year Anniversary brochure (2006).
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community Freshmen Convocation brochure (2005).
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community information brochure (2004).
"University of Cincinnati." Comm@UC Newsletters Vol.1, Vol. 2 (2000).
"Citizens for Talawanda Tomorrow." Talawanda Tomorrow brochure (2000).
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community Brochure (2007)
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community Brochure (2008)
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community Brochure (2009)
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community Brochure (2010)
"University of Cincinnati." Just Community Brochure (2011)
University of Cincinnati." Just Community Brochure (2011) 2012 U Author
Communiqué Department of Communication Alumni Newsletter (2009)
Communiqué Department of Communication Alumni Newsletter (2010)
Communiqué Department of Communication Alumni Newsletter (2011)
Communiqué Department of Communication Alumni Newsletter (2012)
Invited Presentations
(02-2005. ) Professional Etiquette Diner Presentation .UC RehabCats, University of Cincinnati.
(08-2004. ) Womenspeak: Protecting Your Image in the Workplace .Thompson Hine LLP program Heart and Soul: Your Role as Corporate Caretaker, Cincinnati, OH.
Cynthia Berryman-Fink, Teresa Sabourin and Lisa Newman (10-2004. ) Feminist Mothers and Their Sons: A Study of Reflexive Identities .27th annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Notre Dame, Indiana.
(12-2003. ) Professional Pointers: How to put the “A” in A & S! .University of Cincinnati.
(11-2003. ) A Tribute to Tony Grasha, A Chorus of Voices II: Singing the Joys of Teaching with the Lilly Loyalists .24th Annual Lilly Conference on Teaching in Higher Education, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
(10-2003. ) 26th annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender,
(11-2002. ) Gender Communication Effectiveness for the Courtroom & Office Settings .Cincinnati Bar Association ,
(11-2002. ) 23nd Annual Lilly Conference on Teaching in Higher Education .A Chorus of Voices Singing the Joys of Teaching with the Lilly Loyalists, The Ethics of Student-Faculty Friendships (Continued) with Linc. Fisch, Casting Call for Teachers as Performers with Tony Grasha, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
(02-2002. ) An Evening of Etiquette, Vernon Manor.
Linc. Fisch, Tony Grasha, Wendy Larcher, and Lisa H. Newman (11-2001. ) Untitled Leadership: Do You Need to Wait for a Title to be a Pedagogy Leader?, The Ethics of Student-Faculty Friendships, Sharing Our Insights: Reflecting on Our Experiences; Telling Our Stories, and Extracting Lessons There From, Pedagogy Does Motown .22nd Annual Lilly Conference on Teaching in Higher Education, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
(10-2001. ) Listening with Your Eyes .Cincinnati Bar Association ,
(09-2001. ) Why students should come to UC and choose A & S Communication .UC Admissions staff meeting, University of Cincinnati.
(09-2001. ) Communicating Effectively with Freshmen .A & S faculty meeting for Welcome Week , University of Cincinnati.
(09-2001. ) UC Welcome Week Session, University of Cincinnati.
Tony Grasha, Wendy Larcher, and Lisa H. Newman (03-2001. ) Untitled Leadership: Do You Need to Wait for a Title to be a Pedagogy Leader?, Do You See What I See? A Verbal and Videotape Analysis of Your Lecure Style, We All Teach in a Yellow Submarine .13th Annual Meeting of the Lilly West Conference on College & University Teaching, UCLA Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, CA.
Tony Grasha, Wendy Larcher, Lisa H. Newman (11-2000. ) What You See Is What I Say: Effective Nonverbal Communication Strategies, We All Teach in a Yellow Submarine .20th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(10-2000. ) UC Dialogue on Race , University of Cincinnati.
(10-2000. ) Creating A Successful First Year Experience .Brown Bag Teacher Talk , University of Cincinnati .
(09-2000. ) Opening Session: Great Moments in the Life of a Graduate Student, Leading Classroom Discussion, Dealing with Classroom Problems .UC Graduate Teaching Effectiveness Workshop, University of Cincinnati.
(06-2000. ) Giving Powerful Presentations .UC Student Orientation Leader Training, University of Cincinnati.
(06-2000. ) Excellent Executive Communication: Making Every Second Count .Fidelity Investment Manager Meeting, Covington, KY.
(05-2000. ) Getting Started as a Professional: Interviewing Skills .Future Faculty Seminar Conference,
(05-2000. ) So You Have To Give A Lecture: Don’t Apologize, Do it Right! .University College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati.
Tony Grasha, Wendy Larcher, & Lisa H. Newman (03-2000. ) Bringing Diversity Programs Into the Millennium: Are We Doing Enough?, Walking the Talk: Using Effective Nonverbal Communication Strategies to Make Your Point, Elvis: A Metaphor for Teaching in Higher Education .12th Annual Meeting of the Lilly West Conference on College & University Teaching, UCLA Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, CA.
(03-2000. ) A Readers’ Theatre Contemplation of UC and Me .Making UC and Me The Best We Can Be, Staff Development, University of Cincinnati.
(01-2000. ) Resume Writing .CASE Workshop Presenter,
Tony Grasha, Wendy Larcher, Mitchell Livingston & Lisa H. Newman (11-1999. ) Bringing Diversity Programs Into the Millennium: Are We Doing Enough?, So You Have to Give a Lecture: Don’t Apologize, Do It Right!, Elvis: A metaphor for Teaching in Higher Education .19th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(09-1999. ) Just Community .Floor Meetings Program in UC Residence Halls, University of Cincinnati.
(09-1999. ) Opening Session: Great Moments in the Life of a Graduate Student, Oral Communication Across the Curriculum, Leading Classroom Discussion, Dealing with Classroom Problems .UC Graduate Teaching Effectiveness,
(08-1999. ) Interviewing to Hire, Business Etiquette .Revenue Results Marketplace Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
(06-1999. ) Business Etiquette: Making Every Second Count .Fidelity Investment Manager Meeting, Covington, KY.
(04-1999. ) Nonverbal Communication: It’s More Than Charades .Revenue Results Sales Manager Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Wendy Larcher & Lisa H. Newman (03-1999. ) So You Have to Give a Lecture: Don’t Apologize, Do It Right!, The Last Episode? A Reader’s Theatre Retrospective .11th Annual Meeting of the Lilly West Conference on College & University Teaching, UCLA Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, CA.
(01-1999. ) Developing Nonverbal Acuity .International Society of Event Specialists , Northern Kentucky Convention Center, Covington, KY.
Wendy Larcher & Lisa H. Newman (11-1998. ) So You Have to Give a Lecture: Don’t Apologize, Do It Right!, The Last Episode? A Reader’s Theatre Retrospective .18th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(06-1998. ) Half-Day Public Speaking Workshop for UC Admissions .Representatives Retreat , Erlanger, KY.
(06-1998. ) Giving Powerful Presentations .UC Student Orientation Leader Training, University of Cincinnati.
(11-1997. ) Power Lecturing in Five Easy Steps, Teaching and Learning and Other Dangerous Things II .17th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(09-1997. ) You Have to Give a Lecture: Don’t Apologize, Do it Right .Faculty Development Workshop , Eastern Kentucky University.
(1997. ) Jury Selection and Witness Preparation Workshop .Cincinnati Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Update Conference for attorney’s earning CLE credits,
(11-1996. ) Power Lecturing through Team Teaching, Teaching and Learning and Other Dangerous Things, Who Killed Ivory? .16th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(10-1996. ) Trial Consulting: Assessing Communication Variables .Employment Law classes, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
(09-1996. ) Perfecting the Role of Expert: Personal Videotape Analysis, So You Have to Give a Lecture, Don’t Apologize, Do it Right! .3rd Annual Lilly-New England Conference on College Teaching, New Hampshire.
(02-1996. ) Incorporating Oral Communication into the Psychology Curriculum .Department of Psychology Colloquium Series, University of Cincinnati.
(02-1996. ) Now that I’m Graduating, How do I Interview? .UC Graduate Student Association, University of Cincinnati.
(06-1996. ) Integrating Oral Communication into Your Curriculum…Creating Dialogue in Diverse Disciplines, Trial Consulting Luncheon Speaker for Cincinnati Employment Law Association .Half day workshops presented at the University of Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati.
(11-1995. ) Project Participants Panel on OCAC .All-University Faculty Retreat,
(11-1995. ) Assessing Oral Communication Activities in the Non-Speech Classroom, Who Killed Ivory Tower? .15th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(1995. ) 6 OCAC Syllabi Development Workshops .College of Engineering, College of Applied Science, Raymond Walters College, and Clifton Campus faculty groups, University of Cincinnati.
(03-1995. ) Designing Student Portfolio Assignments .Brown-bag Lunch Workshop given for Writing Across the Curriculum, University of Cincinnati.
(11-1994. ) Putting Oral Communication into Your Curriculum, The Total Quality Management Angel in Higher Education .14th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(07-1994. ) The Successful History of the Department of Communication Assessment Strategies .A & S Department Heads Faculty Retreat, University of Cincinnati.
(05-1994. ) OCAC Resource Clearinghouse Unveiling, University of Cincinnati.
(04-1994. ) How to Develop Excellent Interviewing Skills .Midwest Patricia Roberts Harris Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
(01-1994. ) The Importance of Excellent Oral Communication Skills seminar .Cincinnati Northwest Local Schools Honors Students ,
(11-1993. ) The Top Ten Reasons to Stay in College Teaching .13th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(08-1993. ) The Future of OCAC .Two-day Committee Planning Retreat, Huston Woods.
(02-1993. ) Strategies for Using Oral Communication in the Business Classroom .School of Business Curriculum Committee, Miami University .
(11-1992. ) Oral Communication Across the Curriculum: Creating Dialogue in the Classroom, Beneath the Veneer in Teaching and Learning .12th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(02-1992. ) OCAC Syllabi Retreat workshops, University of Cincinnati.
(02-29-1992. ) Leaping into OCAC, Using Ungraded Speech Activities .OCAC Kickoff , UC College of Applied Science.
(11-1991. ) Beneath the Veneer in Teaching and Learning .11th Annual Meeting of the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Oxford, OH.
(10-1991. ) Bringing Multi-Cultural Diversity to the Classroom: A Model from the University of Cincinnati Department of Communication .14th Annual Conference for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Milwaukee, WI.
(09-1991. ) OCAC: Creating Dialogue in the Classroom .Raymond Walters College Convocation, University of Cincinnati.
(12-1989. ) Writing Exams .Department of Communication Brownbag seminar, University of Cincinnati.
(10-1989. ) What Ever Happens to Communication Majors?: Investigating Relationships Between Academic Experience and Occupational Development of Communication Graduates .Speech Communication Association of Ohio Conference, Columbus, OH.
Lisa H. Newman (01-19-2010. ) Professional Interviewing and Etiquette Diner Presentation. Supply Chain Management Association, .Miami University, Level:Prof. Org.
(03-1995). Colloquium on Assessment Strategies . UC Department of Communication, University of Cincinnati.
Paper Presentations
Berryman-Fink, C., Sabourin, T. & Newman, L.. (2004. ) Feminist mothers and their sons: A study of reflexive identities. .Notre Dame, Indiana. . Conference. Level:National
Newman, Lisa & Weiss, Sarah (04-20-2011. ) Becoming a Voice for Cultural Humility .UC. Level:Local
Newman, Lisa & Weis, Sarah (04-15-2009. ) Stepping out of your Comfort Zone: Understanding Power and Privilege & Privilege .UC. Level:Local
Newman, Lisa & Weis, Sarah (04-15-2009. ) Facing Prejudice in Ourselves & in Our Society - Afternoon Keynote .UC. Level:Local
Event Organized
Communication Alumni Network Wine TastingCommunication Alumni Network Wine Tasting Other The Party Source in Newport, KY Level:Department
The 13th Annual CommCelebThe 13th Annual CommCeleb Other 05-25-2011 TUC Great Hall Level:Department
4th Annual UC Diversity Conference4th Annual UC Diversity Conference Prof. Meeting 04-18-2012 UC TUC Great Hall Level:Regional
the 14th Annual CommCelebthe 14th Annual CommCeleb Other 05-23-2012 UC TUC Great Hall Level:Department
Honors and Awards
11-06-1991 Communication Association Seeking Excellence Outstanding Faculty Member Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition
1994 Department of Communication Showcase “Outstanding Educator” Status:Recipient Level:Department
1995 Department of Communication Showcase “Outstanding Educator” Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition
1995 Project to Improve and Reward Teaching Award Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition
1996 University Faculty Achievement Award Recipient Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
05-03-2001 McMicken Dean’s Award for Distinguished Adjunct Performance Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
05-2004 McMicken Dean’s Award for Distinguished Service College of Arts and Science of Arts & Sciences Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
05-16-2004 Just Community Faculty Award Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
02-03-2005 National Council on Community and Justice (NCCJ) Award for helping to improve Human Relations in the Greater Cincinnati Region Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
2006 1st Honorary Faculty Coach of UC Woman’s Volleyball Status:Recipient Level:Honorary
2007 Nominated by VP Mitchell Livingston for 2007 University Service Award. Status:Nomination Level:University
05-24-2007 Ronald E. McNair Certificate of Appreciation Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
05-2007 Honored by UC Residence Hall Associationfor being a professor who made an impact on student’s lives
04-2007 Inaugural Student Choice Award: Faculty Woman of the Year Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
05-2008 Carl Mills Award for Outstanding Faculty & Student Relations College of Arts and Science of Arts & Sciences Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
10-12-2009 Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Faculty Appreciation Award Status:Recipient
05-19-2010 PR1ZE Mentor of the Year Award Putting Retention 1st in the Zest for Excellence Status:Recipient Level:University
2011 The Darwin T. Turner Scholars, Jerome S. Jackson Breakfast of Champions Medal Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
02-27-2011 Inaugural Department of Athletics’ 2010-2011 Legion of Excellence Student-Athlete Faculty Impact Award Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
06-07-2011 Sarah Grant Barber 2011 Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award UC Undergraduate Academic Advising Association Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Monetary
2010 The Darwin T. Turner Scholars, Jerome S. Jackson Breakfast of Champions Medal Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2008 The Darwin T. Turner Scholars, Jerome S. Jackson Breakfast of Champions Medal Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
01-15-2012 Faculty Senate Award for Exemplary Contribution in Service to the University of Cincinnati Nominee
09-12-2012 Named 100 Minds Greater Cincinnati Thought Leader by Loth Inc. Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
01-15-2013 Faculty Senate Award for Exemplary Contribution in Service to the University of Cincinnati Nominee Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition
04-04-2013 Darwin T. Turner Scholars, Jerome S. Jackson Champion Award Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
04-17-2013 PR1ZE Mentor of the Year Award Putting Retention 1st in the Zest for Excellence Recipient University Outreach Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
Just Community (Just Community ) Co-Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 01-01-2000 -To Present
C-Ring (C-Ring Steering Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
Pr1ze Mentor Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 2011
Public Relations, Internships,Organizational Communication,First Year Experience, Freshmen Seminar, Just Community,Strategic Enrollment Management Success, Diversity, Organizational & Jury Consulting.
Professional Affiliation
International Alliance of Teacher Scholars
The Organization for the Study of Communication, Language & Gender
Central States Speech Communication Association
Courses Taught
15-COMM-344 PUB REL CASE STUDIE Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM 391 Intern in Communication
-COMM-2043 PR WRITING Level:Undergraduate
-COMM-2042 INTRO TO PR Level:Undergraduate
-COMM-2088 INTERVIEWCOMMCAREER Level:Undergraduate