John W. Owens
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Media Production
Emery Hall
CCM Media Production - 0003
Professional Summary
John Owens's research activities include presentations at the International Communication Association in Jerusalem, Israel; the Broadcast Education Association in Las Vegas, NV; and the Speech Communication Association in Miami. He has appeared as moderator at the Broadcast Education Association Management and Sales Division and at the National Association of College Broadcasters MidSouth Regional Conference.
His extensive professional experience includes work as producer, host, co-author, on-air talent and news reporter for AM and FM stations. He is also published in the Journal of Sport and Social Issues and Government Video Magazine. He received consecutive first place awards from the Broadcast and Internet Radio Division's research paper competition during the 2002 and 2003 Broadcast Education Association National Convention. In 1998 he was selected as a National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) Conference Fellow and awarded a NATPE Faculty Development Grant in 2001.
Owens was the co-winner of the 2001 CCM Ernest N. Glover Outstanding Teaching Award.
MA and PhD: University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL,
BA: University of Kentucky Lexington, KY,