Lori Pitstick

Lori Beth Pitstick

Principal Research Asst

Cardiovascular Rsrch Cntr


COM IM Pulmonary McCormack Lab - 0564

Research Support

Investigators:Pitstick, Lori 05-01-2021 -04-30-2025 Department of Veterans Affairs VA IPA - Pitstick Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Saito, Atsushi; Nikolaidis, Nikolaos M; Amlal, Hassane; Uehara, Yasuaki; Gardner, Jason C; LaSance, Kathleen; Pitstick, Lori B; Bridges, James P; Wikenheiser-Brokamp, Kathryn A; McGraw, Dennis W; Woods, Jason C; Sabbagh, Yves; Schiavi, Susan C; Altini?ik, Göksel; Jakopovi?, Marko; Inoue, Yoshikazu; McCormack, Francis X (2015. ) Modeling pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis by epithelial deletion of the Npt2b sodium phosphate cotransporter reveals putative biomarkers and strategies for treatment.Science translational medicine, , 7 (313 ) ,313ra181 More Information

Gardner, Jason C; Wu, Huixing; Noel, John G; Ramser, Benjamin J; Pitstick, Lori; Saito, Atsushi; Nikolaidis, Nikolaos M; McCormack, Francis X (2016. ) Keratinocyte growth factor supports pulmonary innate immune defense through maintenance of alveolar antimicrobial protein levels and macrophage function.American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, , 310 (9 ) ,L868-79 More Information