Timothy Pritts

Timothy A. Pritts , MD,PHD

Professor of Clinical

Division Chief of General Surgery

Medical Sciences Building
SRU Room 1577
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-8467
Email timothy.pritts@uc.edu


Bachelor's Degree: Illinois Wesleyan University 1991 (Biology)

Medical Degree: Northwestern University 1995

Fellowship: University of Cincinnati 2000 (Surgical Research)

Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati 2001 (Molecular and Cellular Physiology)

Residency: University of Cincinnati 2003 (General Surgery)

Fellowship: University of Cincinnati 2004 (Trauma and Surgical Critical Care)


American Board of Surgery (Surgery Critical Care) (Certification Date: 10-18-2004 ) - (Recertification Date: to 10-03-2013 )

American Board of Surgery (Certification Date: 05-03-2004 ) - (Recertification Date: to 10-26-2024 )

Clinical Interests

Critical Care Surgery

General Surgery

Abdominal Hernia

Acalculous Cholecystitis


Bile Duct Stones

Biliary Dyskinesia

Billiary Disease

Bleeding in the Small Bowel

Bowel Obstruction




Colonic Diverticulitis

Diverticular Disease


Enterocutaneous Fistula

Femoral Hernia

Fractured Ribs

Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder Inflammation (Cholecystitis)


Groin Hernias


Lung Collapse (Pneumothorax)


Pilonidal Cyst

Pilonidal Dimple

Pilonidal Sinus

Pyloric Stenosis

Traumatic Injury

Umbilical Hernia

Ventral Hernia


Surgery-Critical Care

Research and Practice Interests

General Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, Trauma Surgery, Sepsis, Inflammation

Research Support

Grant: #SMS00005 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Davis, Kenneth; Johannigman, Jay; Pritts, Timothy 04-01-2008 -03-31-2009 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Evaluation of Oxygen Concentrators at Altitude Role:Collaborator $100,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA7014-09-2-0005 (WOUND) Investigators:Dorlac, Warren; Johannigman, Jay; Lentsch, Alex; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2009 -09-29-2011 Department of the Air Force Effect of Altitude on Wound Infection and Changes Seen After Treatment with Supplemental Oxygen and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Role:Collaborator $900,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #K08 GM088589 Investigators:Pritts, Timothy 07-01-2010 -06-30-2013 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Effect of Damage Control Resuscitation on the Inflammatory Response to Hemorrhage Role:PI $396,981.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-11-2-6B05 Task 5 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Caldwell, Charles; Johannigman, Jay; Lentsch, Alex; Pritts, Timothy 11-23-2010 -11-22-2012 Air Force Research Laboratory Determining the Oxygen Requirements Using an Oxygen Concentrator at Altitude Role:Collaborator $776,561.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #HL099010 Investigators:Pritts, Timothy 08-01-2013 -07-31-2014 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Keratin Biomaterial-bases Fluid for Trauma Resuscitation Role:PI $190,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #R01 GM107625 Investigators:Caldwell, Charles; Lentsch, Alex; Pritts, Timothy 02-01-2014 -12-31-2018 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Red blood cell microparticles and lung inflammation after hemorrhage and resuscit Role:PI $313,038.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B20 under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Caldwell, Charles; Lentsch, Alex; Pritts, Timothy 05-23-2014 -05-22-2015 Air Force Research Laboratory Effect of pRBC Cryopreservation on Development of the Storage Lesion and Inflammation Role:PI $247,143.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B21 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 07-01-2014 -06-30-2015 Department of the Air Force Optimal Fluid Use of Hypotensive Resuscitation and Transport Role:PI $296,855.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B35 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Athota, Krishna; Lentsch, Alex; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 07-15-2015 -01-14-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Comparison of Combat Gauze with Fibrin Sealant Patch in Hemorrhage Control after Vascular or Hepatic Trauma Role:PI $231,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G03 (task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 02-22-2016 -02-21-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory A Randomized Controlled Trial for Early Identification and Prevention of Acute Lung Injury After Hemorrhage Role:Collaborator $349,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G05 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Lentsch, Alex; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy; Robinson, Bryce 02-26-2016 -02-25-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Effect of fluid resuscitation strategy during en route care on acute lung injury after hemorrhage and burn injury. Role:PI $396,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G19 (under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Pritts, Timothy 10-24-2016 -10-23-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Targeted Intravascular Therapy to Stop Non-Compressible Torso Hemorrhage Role:PI $570,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #CTA ATB-202 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 01-01-2016 -12-31-2017 Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, study of AB103 as compared to placebo in patients with necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTI) Role:PI $199,892.16 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G26 (Task under FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 03-20-2017 -03-19-2020 Air Force Research Laboratory Attenuation of the red blood cell storage lesion to allow extended use of previously cryopreserved pRBC units in austere environments Role:PI $320,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-18-2-6G31 (under Master Agreement FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 07-17-2018 -09-28-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory REBOA at Altitude: Efficacy and Effects Role:Collaborator $258,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #REVIVE / W911NF-12-C-0066 Investigators:Friedrich, Andrew; Goodman, Michael; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 09-01-2018 -08-31-2020 Department of the Army "REVIVE: Reducting Exsanguination Via In-Vivo Expandable Foam" Role:PI $452,309.31 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #R01 GM107625-06A1 Investigators:Caldwell, Charles; Gulbins, Erich; Lentsch, Alex; Pritts, Timothy 02-01-2014 -03-31-2023 National Institutes of Health Red blood cell microparticles and lung inflammation after hemorrhage and resuscitation Role:PI $352,825.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #Purchase Order US001-0000792601 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael; Hite, Robert; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 07-28-2020 -11-16-2021 Department of the Air Force US AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY COVID-19 BREATH ANALYSIS ACTIVITY Role:Collaborator $228,170.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6285 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Caldwell, Charles; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Lentsch, Alex; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2021 -09-29-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory Expeditionary Medicine, Trauma, and Enroute Care (EMTEC) Research and Technology Development Co-op Agreement Role:Collaborator 49000000.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K01 09-30-2021 -12-29-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Targeted Intravascular Therapy to Stop Non-compressible Torso Role:PI 2082279.15 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K01 09-30-2021 -12-29-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Targeted Intravascular Therapy to Stop Non-compressible Torso Role:PI 2082279.15 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K03 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Heyl, Judith; Pritts, Timothy 10-01-2021 -01-01-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Multiple Patients on a Single Ventilator - Potential Solutions Role:Collaborator 1999988.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K04 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 09-19-2022 -06-19-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Whole Blood Salvage & Ratios Role:PI 2345000.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K10 / Master FA8650-21-2-6285 Investigators:Cancelas Perez, Jose; Pritts, Timothy 12-02-2022 -09-01-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of a Novel Filter Strategy to Reduce Donated Whole Blood Antibody Titers Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-23-2-6K11 Investigators:McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 09-27-2023 -12-26-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Arctic Impact on Medications and Whole Blood Supply Products (AIMWB) Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K14 Investigators:Alquist, Caroline; Cancelas, Jose; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 04-11-2024 -07-10-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of Imlifidase to Reduce Donated Blood Antibody Titers Role:PI 349944.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K16 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 05-01-2024 -04-30-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory Nanomedicine Systems for Targeted Treatment of TBI + Hemorrhagic Shock Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K19 Investigators:Frasier, Lane; Pritts, Timothy 09-20-2024 -09-19-2028 Air Force Research Laboratory Dynamic and Realistic Research with Immersive Operations: Research Developmental Test and Evaluation for Multi-Casualty Care Incidents (DARRIO) Role:PI 6806919.38 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #4987938 / PAR-22-180 Investigators:Pritts, Timothy 05-01-2025 -04-30-3030 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Improving red blood cell storage for trauma resusciation Role:PI 404999.99 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #HITEP220066 Investigators:Frasier, Lane; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Nathwani, Jay; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2022 -09-29-2025 Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response Clinical Integration for the optimal integration, case mix, patient acuity and trauma exposure for the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (C-STARS) cadre embedded at UCMC. Role:Collaborator 442257.28 Hold


Peer Reviewed Publications

Campion, Eric M; Pritts, Timothy A; Dorlac, Warren C; Nguyen, Anjelica Q; Fraley, Sara M; Hanseman, Dennis; Robinson, Bryce R H (2013. ) Implementation of a military-derived damage-control resuscitation strategy in a civilian trauma center decreases acute hypoxia in massively transfused patients.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 75 (2 Suppl 2 ) ,S221-7 More Information

Robinson, Bryce R H; Cotton, Bryan A; Pritts, Timothy A; Branson, Richard; Holcomb, John B; Muskat, Peter; Fox, Erin E; Wade, Charles E; del Junco, Deborah J; Bulger, Eileen M; Cohen, Mitchell J; Schreiber, Martin A; Myers, John G; Brasel, Karen J; Phelan, Herbert A; Alarcon, Louis H; Rahbar, Mohammad H; Callcut, Rachael A (2013. ) Application of the Berlin definition in PROMMTT patients: the impact of resuscitation on the incidence of hypoxemia.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 75 (1 Suppl 1 ) ,S61-7 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Campion, Eric M; Friend, Lou Ann W; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2013. ) Preinjury alcohol exposure attenuates the neuroinflammatory response to traumatic brain injury.The Journal of surgical research, , More Information

Quillin, Ralph C; Pritts, Timothy A; Tevar, Amit D; Hanseman, Dennis; Edwards, Michael J; Davis, Bradley R (2013. ) Students' expectations on the surgery clerkship exceed those of residents and faculty.The Journal of surgical research, , More Information

Yang, Sung H; Gustafson, Josh; Gangidine, Matt; Stepien, David; Schuster, Rebecca; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Remick, Daniel G; Lentsch, Alex B (2013. ) A murine model of mild traumatic brain injury exhibiting cognitive and motor deficits.The Journal of surgical research, , More Information

Sutton, Jeffrey M; Pritts, Timothy A (2013. ) Human beta-defensin 3: a novel inhibitor of Staphylococcus-Produced biofilm production. Commentary on "Human ?-defensin 3 inhibits antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus biofilm formation".The Journal of surgical research, , More Information

Miller, Steven G; Pritts, Timothy A (2013. ) Platelets and Kupffer cells: partners in liver regeneration: Commentary on "Human platelets promote liver regeneration with Kupffer cells in SCID mice".The Journal of surgical research, , More Information

Miller, Steven G; Pritts, Timothy A (2013. ) Linalool: a novel natural anti-inflammatory agent?: Commentary on "Anti-inflammatory effects of linalool in RAW 264.7 macrophages and lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury model".The Journal of surgical research, , More Information

Quillin, Ralph C; Pritts, Timothy A; Davis, Bradley R; Hanseman, Dennis; Collins, Jocelyn M; Athota, Krishna P; Edwards, Michael J; Tevar, Amit D (2012. ) Surgeons underestimate their influence on medical students entering surgery.The Journal of surgical research, , 177 (2 ) ,201-6 More Information

Wang, Quan; Huber, Nathan; Noel, Greg; Haar, Lauren; Shan, Yizhi; Pritts, Timothy A; Ogle, Cora K (2012. ) NF-?? inhibition is ineffective in blocking cytokine-induced IL-8 production but P38 and STAT1 inhibitors are effective.Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.], , 61 (9 ) ,977-85 More Information

Belizaire, Ritha M; Makley, Amy T; Campion, Eric M; Sonnier, Dennis I; Goodman, Michael D; Dorlac, Warren C; Friend, Lou Ann; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Resuscitation with washed aged packed red blood cell units decreases the proinflammatory response in mice after hemorrhage.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 73 (2 Suppl 1 ) ,S128-33 More Information

Prakash, Priya S; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A; Robinson, Bryce R H (2012. ) Human microparticles generated during sepsis in patients with critical illness are neutrophil-derived and modulate the immune response.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 73 (2 ) ,401-6; discussion 40 More Information

Makley, Amy T; Belizaire, Ritha; Campion, Eric M; Goodman, Michael D; Sonnier, Dennis I; Friend, Lou Ann; Schuster, Rebecca M; Bailey, Stephanie R; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Simulated aeromedical evacuation does not affect systemic inflammation or organ injury in a murine model of hemorrhagic shock. Military medicine, , 177 (8 ) ,911-6

Earnest, Ryan E; Sonnier, Dennis I; Makley, Amy T; Campion, Eric M; Wenke, Joseph C; Bailey, Stephanie R; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Supplemental oxygen attenuates the increase in wound bacterial growth during simulated aeromedical evacuation in goats.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 73 (1 ) ,80-6 More Information

Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Belizaire, Ritha M; Friend, Lou Ann W; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Damage control resuscitation decreases systemic inflammation after hemorrhage.The Journal of surgical research, , 175 (2 ) ,e75-82 More Information

Belizaire, Ritha M; Prakash, Priya S; Richter, Jillian R; Robinson, Bryce R; Edwards, Michael J; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Microparticles from stored red blood cells activate neutrophils and cause lung injury after hemorrhage and resuscitation.Journal of the American College of Surgeons, , 214 (4 ) ,648-55; discussion 6 More Information

Davis, Dawn T; Johannigman, Jay A; Pritts, Timothy A New strategies for massive transfusion in the bleeding trauma patient.Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses, , 19 (2 ) ,69-75 More Information

Huber, Nathan L; Bailey, Stephanie R; Schuster, Rebecca; Ogle, Cora K; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A Prior thermal injury accelerates endotoxin-induced inflammatory cytokine production and intestinal nuclear factor-?B activation in mice.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, , 33 (2 ) ,279-85 More Information

Sonnier, Dennis I; Bailey, Stephanie R; Schuster, Rebecca M; Gangidine, Matthew M; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Proinflammatory chemokines in the intestinal lumen contribute to intestinal dysfunction during endotoxemia.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 37 (1 ) ,63-9 More Information

Sonnier, Dennis I; Makley, Amy T; Friend, Lou Ann W; Bailey, Stephanie R; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2011. ) Hemorrhagic shock induces a proinflammatory milieu in the gut lumen.The Journal of surgical research, , 170 (2 ) ,272-9 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Huber, Nathan L; Clarke, Callisia N; Friend, Lou Ann W; Schuster, Rebecca M; Bailey, Stephanie R; Barnes, Stephen L; Dorlac, Warren C; Johannigman, Jay A; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2011. ) Hypobaric hypoxia exacerbates the neuroinflammatory response to traumatic brain injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 165 (1 ) ,30-7 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Lentsch, Alex B; Barnes, Stephen L; Dorlac, Gina R; Dorlac, Warren C; Johannigman, Jay A; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Traumatic brain injury and aeromedical evacuation: when is the brain fit to fly?.The Journal of surgical research, , 164 (2 ) ,286-93 More Information

Guan, Yan-Fang; Pritts, Timothy A; Montrose, Marshall H (2010. ) Ischemic post-conditioning to counteract intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury.World journal of gastrointestinal pathophysiology, , 1 (4 ) ,137-43 More Information

Sonnier, Dennis I; Bailey, Stephanie R; Schuster, Rebecca M; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) TNF-? induces vectorial secretion of IL-8 in Caco-2 cells.Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, , 14 (10 ) ,1592-9 More Information

Ingraham, Angela M; Cohen, Mark E; Bilimoria, Karl Y; Pritts, Timothy A; Ko, Clifford Y; Esposito, Thomas J (2010. ) Comparison of outcomes after laparoscopic versus open appendectomy for acute appendicitis at 222 ACS NSQIP hospitals.Surgery, , 148 (4 ) ,625-35; discussion 6 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Tsuei, Betty J (2010. ) Development of a novel method of progressive temporary abdominal closure.Surgery, , 148 (4 ) ,799-805; discussion More Information

Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Friend, Lou Ann W; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Murine blood banking: characterization and comparisons to human blood.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 34 (1 ) ,40-5 More Information

Huber, Nathan L; Bailey, Stephanie R; Schuster, Rebecca M; Ogle, Cora K; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Remote thermal injury increases LPS-induced intestinal IL-6 production.The Journal of surgical research, , 160 (2 ) ,190-5 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Huber, Nathan L; Johannigman, Jay A; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Omission of routine chest x-ray after chest tube removal is safe in selected trauma patients.American journal of surgery, , 199 (2 ) ,199-203 More Information

Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Friend, Lou Ann W; Deters, Joseph S; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Resuscitation with fresh whole blood ameliorates the inflammatory response after hemorrhagic shock.The Journal of trauma, , 68 (2 ) ,305-11 More Information

Lewis, Jaime D; Starnes, Sandra L; Pandalai, Prakash K; Huffman, Lynn C; Bulcao, Christian F; Pritts, Timothy A; Reed, Michael F (2009. ) Traumatic diaphragmatic injury: experience from a level I trauma center.Surgery, , 146 (4 ) ,578-83; discussion 5 More Information

Edwards, Michael J; Lewis, Jaime D; Pritts, Timothy A; Keller, Jennifer E; Broadwater, Ralph; Robertson, Ron (2009. ) Track configuration determines risk of driver injury in open wheel motor racing. The American surgeon, , 75 (9 ) ,857-9

Guan, Yanfang; Worrell, Roger T; Pritts, Timothy A; Montrose, Marshall H (2009. ) Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury: reversible and irreversible damage imaged in vivo.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 297 (1 ) ,G187-96 More Information

Lewis, Jaime D; Pritts, Timothy A; Lentsch, Alex B; Edwards, Michael J (2009. ) The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Department of Surgery. The American surgeon, , 75 (2 ) ,113-9

Goodman, Michael D; Mak, Grace Z; Reynolds, Jordan P; Tevar, Amit D; Pritts, Timothy A Laparoscopic excision of a ciliated hepatic foregut cyst. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons / Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, , 13 (1 ) ,96-100

Logan-Collins, Jocelyn M; Barnes, Stephen L; Huezo, Karen L; Pritts, Timothy A Management of common postoperative emergencies: are July interns ready for prime time?.Journal of surgical education, , 65 (6 ) ,453-9 More Information

Barnes, Stephen L; Robinson, Bryce R H; Richards, J Taliesin; Zimmerman, Cindy E; Pritts, Tim A; Tsuei, Betty J; Butler, Karyn L; Muskat, Peter C; Davis, Kenneth; Johannigman, Jay A (2008. ) The devil is in the details: maximizing revenue for daily trauma care.Surgery, , 144 (4 ) ,670-5; discussion 67 More Information

Shin, Thomas; Kuboki, Satoshi; Huber, Nadine; Eismann, Thorsten; Galloway, Elizabeth; Schuster, Rebecca; Blanchard, John; Pritts, Timothy A; Lentsch, Alex B (2008. ) Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma during hepatic ischemia is age-dependent.The Journal of surgical research, , 147 (2 ) ,200-5 More Information

Wang, Quan; Guo, Xia-Ling; Wells-Byrum, Denise; Noel, Greg; Pritts, Timothy A; Ogle, Corn K (2008. ) Cytokine-induced epithelial permeability changes are regulated by the activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in cultured Caco-2 cells.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 29 (4 ) ,531-7 More Information

Tschöp, Johannes; Martignoni, André; Goetzman, Holly S; Choi, Lisa G; Wang, Quan; Noel, John G; Ogle, Cora K; Pritts, Timothy A; Johannigman, Jay A; Lentsch, Alex B; Caldwell, Charles C (2008. ) Gammadelta T cells mitigate the organ injury and mortality of sepsis.Journal of leukocyte biology, , 83 (3 ) ,581-8 More Information

Mammen, Joshua M V; Fischer, David R; Anderson, Andrea; James, Laura E; Nussbaum, Michael S; Bower, Robert H; Pritts, Timothy A Learning styles vary among general surgery residents: analysis of 12 years of data.Journal of surgical education, , 64 (6 ) ,386-9 More Information

Kuboki, Satoshi; Schuster, Rebecca; Blanchard, John; Pritts, Timothy A; Wong, Hector R; Lentsch, Alex B (2007. ) Role of heat shock protein 70 in hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 292 (4 ) ,G1141-9 More Information

Pritts, Sarah D; Fischer, David R; Pritts, Timothy A (2005. ) Managing morbid obesity: new options improve outcomes. The Journal of family practice, , 54 (7 ) ,s1-4

Hungness, Eric S; Luo, Guang-Ju; Pritts, Timothy A; Sun, Xiaoyan; Robb, Bruce W; Hershko, Dan; Hasselgren, Per-Olof (2002. ) Transcription factors C/EBP-beta and -delta regulate IL-6 production in IL-1beta-stimulated human enterocytes.Journal of cellular physiology, , 192 (1 ) ,64-70 More Information

Pritts, Timothy A; Wang, Quan; Sun, Xiaoyan; Fischer, David R; Hungness, Eric S; Fischer, Josef E; Wong, Hector R; Hasselgren, Per-Olof (2002. ) The stress response decreases NF-kappaB activation in liver of endotoxemic mice. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 18 (1 ) ,33-7

Pritts, Timothy A; Hungness, Eric S; Hershko, Dan D; Robb, Bruce W; Sun, Xiaoyan; Luo, Guang-Ju; Fischer, Josef E; Wong, Hector R; Hasselgren, Per-Olof (2002. ) Proteasome inhibitors induce heat shock response and increase IL-6 expression in human intestinal epithelial cells.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, , 282 (4 ) ,R1016-26 More Information

Robb, Bruce W; Pritts, Timothy A; Warner, Brad W (2002. ) Health-related quality of life after ileal pouch anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis: right answer-wrong question. Gastroenterology, , 122 (4 ) ,1180-1

Hungness, Eric S; Pritts, Timothy A; Luo, Guang Ju; Hershko, Dan D; Robb, Bruce W; Hasselgren, Per Olof (2002. ) IL-1beta activates C/EBP-beta and delta in human enterocytes through a mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, , 34 (4 ) ,382-95

Sun, Xiaoyan; Fischer, David R; Pritts, Timothy A; Wray, Curtis J; Hasselgren, Per-Olof (2002. ) Expression and binding activity of the glucocorticoid receptor are upregulated in septic muscle.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, , 282 (2 ) ,R509-18 More Information

Hungness, Eric S; Robb, Bruce W; Luo, Guang-ju; Pritts, Timothy A; Hershko, Dan D; Hasselgren, Per-Olof (2002. ) Proteasome inhibitors activate the transcription factors C/EBP-beta and delta in human intestinal epithelial cells.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 290 (1 ) ,469-74 More Information

Nussbaum, M S; Jones, M P; Pritts, T A; Fischer, D R; Wabnitz, B; Bondi, J (2001. ) Intraoperative manometry to assess the esophagogastric junction during laparoscopic fundoplication and myotomy. Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques, , 11 (5 ) ,294-300

Marks, J M; Nussbaum, M S; Pritts, T A; Scheeres, D E (2001. ) Evaluation of endoscopic and laparoscopic training practices in surgical residency programs.Surgical endoscopy, , 15 (9 ) ,1011-5 More Information

Fischer, D R; Sun, X; Williams, A B; Gang, G; Pritts, T A; James, J H; Molloy, M; Fischer, J E; Paul, R J; Hasselgren, P O (2001. ) Dantrolene reduces serum TNFalpha and corticosterone levels and muscle calcium, calpain gene expression, and protein breakdown in septic rats. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 15 (3 ) ,200-7

Wang, Q; Sun, X; Pritts, T A; Wong, H R; Hasselgren, P O (2000. ) Induction of the stress response increases interleukin-6 production in the intestinal mucosa of endotoxaemic mice. Clinical science (London, England : 1979), , 99 (6 ) ,489-96

Fang, C H; Sun, X; Li, B G; Fischer, D R; Pritts, T A; Penner, G; Hasselgren, P O Burn injuries in rats upregulate the gene expression of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2(14k) in skeletal muscle. The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation, , 21 (6 ) ,528-34

Hungness, E S; Pritts, T A; Luo, G J; Sun, X; Penner, C G; Hasselgren, P O (2000. ) The transcription factor activator protein-1 is activated and interleukin-6 production is increased in interleukin-1beta-stimulated human enterocytes. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 14 (3 ) ,386-91

Pritts, T A; Moon, M R; Wang, Q; Hungness, E S; Salzman, A L; Fischer, J E; Hasselgren, P O (2000. ) Activation of NF-kappaB varies in different regions of the gastrointestinal tract during endotoxemia. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 14 (2 ) ,118-22

Pritts, T A; Wang, Q; Sun, X; Moon, M R; Fischer, D R; Fischer, J E; Wong, H R; Hasselgren, P O (2000. ) Induction of the stress response in vivo decreases nuclear factor-kappa B activity in jejunal mucosa of endotoxemic mice. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960), , 135 (7 ) ,860-6

Moon, M R; Parikh, A A; Pritts, T A; Kane, C; Fischer, J E; Salzman, A L; Hasselgren, P O (2000. ) Interleukin-1beta induces complement component C3 and IL-6 production at the basolateral and apical membranes in a human intestinal epithelial cell line. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 13 (5 ) ,374-8

Parikh, A A; Moon, M R; Pritts, T A; Fischer, J E; Szabó, C; Hasselgren, P O; Salzman, A L (2000. ) IL-1beta induction of NF-kappaB activation in human intestinal epithelial cells is independent of oxyradical signaling. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 13 (1 ) ,8-13

Pritts, T A; Nussbaum, M S; Flesch, L V; Fegelman, E J; Parikh, A A; Fischer, J E (1999. ) Implementation of a clinical pathway decreases length of stay and cost for bowel resection. Annals of surgery, , 230 (5 ) ,728-33

Fischer, D R; Nussbaum, M S; Pritts, T A; Gilinsky, N H; Weesner, R E; Martin, S P; Giannella, R A (1999. ) Use of omeprazole in the management of giant duodenal ulcer: results of a prospective study. Surgery, , 126 (4 ) ,643-8; discussion 64

Moon, R; Pritts, T A; Parikh, A A; Fischer, J E; Salzman, A L; Ryan, M; Wong, H R; Hasselgren, P O (1999. ) Stress response decreases the interleukin-1beta-induced production of complement component C3 in human intestinal epithelial cells. Clinical science (London, England : 1979), , 97 (3 ) ,331-7

Moon, M R; Parikh, A A; Pritts, T A; Fischer, J E; Cottongim, S; Szabo, C; Salzman, A L; Hasselgren, P O (1999. ) Complement component C3 production in IL-1beta-stimulated human intestinal epithelial cells is blocked by NF-kappaB inhibitors and by transfection with ser 32/36 mutant IkappaBalpha.The Journal of surgical research, , 82 (1 ) ,48-55 More Information

Pritts, T A; Moon, R; Fischer, J E; Salzman, A L; Hasselgren, P O (1998. ) Nuclear factor-kappaB is activated in intestinal mucosa during endotoxemia. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960), , 133 (12 ) ,1311-5

Goodman, Michael; Lewis, Jaime; Guitron, Julian; Reed, Michael; Pritts, Timothy; Starnes, Sandra (2013. ) Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for acute thoracic trauma.Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock, , 6 (2 ) ,106-9 More Information

Bernard, Aaron W; Ben-David, Kfir; Pritts, Timothy (2008. ) Delayed presentation of thoracic esophageal perforation after blunt trauma.The Journal of emergency medicine, , 34 (1 ) ,49-53 More Information

Pritts, Timothy; Hungness, Eric; Wang, Quan; Robb, Bruce; Hershko, Dan; Hasselgren, Per-Olof (2002. ) Mucosal and enterocyte IL-6 production during sepsis and endotoxemia--role of transcription factors and regulation by the stress response. American journal of surgery, , 183 (4 ) ,372-83

Robb, Bruce; Pritts, Timothy; Gang, Gyu; Warner, Brad; Seeskin, Connie; Stoops, Marilyn; James, Laura; Rafferty, Janice; Azizkhan, Richard; Martin, Lester; Nussbaum, Michael (2002. ) Quality of life in patients undergoing ileal pouch-anal anastomosis at the University of Cincinnati. American journal of surgery, , 183 (4 ) ,353-60

Fischer, D; Gang, G; Pritts, T; Hasselgren, P O (2000. ) Sepsis-induced muscle proteolysis is prevented by a proteasome inhibitor in vivo.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 270 (1 ) ,215-21 More Information

Fischer, D; Sun, X; Gang, G; Pritts, T; Hasselgren, P O (2000. ) The gene expression of ubiquitin ligase E3alpha is upregulated in skeletal muscle during sepsis in rats-potential role of glucocorticoids.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 267 (2 ) ,504-8 More Information

Peng, Huiming; Li, Cao; Kadow, Stephanie; Henry, Brian D; Steinmann, Jörg; Becker, Katrin Anne; Riehle, Andrea; Beckmann, Natalie; Wilker, Barbara; Li, Pin-Lan; Pritts, Timothy; Edwards, Michael J; Zhang, Yang; Gulbins, Erich; Grassmé, Heike (2015. ) Acid sphingomyelinase inhibition protects mice from lung edema and lethal Staphylococcus aureus sepsis.Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany), , 93 (6 ) ,675-89 More Information

Morgan, Courtney E; Prakash, Vivek S; Vercammen, Janet M; Pritts, Timothy; Kibbe, Melina R (2015. ) Development and validation of 4 different rat models of uncontrolled hemorrhage.JAMA surgery, , 150 (4 ) ,316-24 More Information

Davis, Bradley; Welch, Katherine; Walsh-Hart, Sharon; Hanseman, Dennis; Petro, Michael; Gerlach, Travis; Dorlac, Warren; Collins, Jocelyn; Pritts, Timothy (2014. ) Effective teamwork and communication mitigate task saturation in simulated critical care air transport team missions.Military medicine, , 179 (8 Suppl ) ,19-23 More Information

Chang, Alex; Kim, Young; Hoehn, Richard; Jernigan, Peter; Pritts, Timothy (2016. ) Cryopreserved packed red blood cells in surgical patients: past, present, and future.Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue, , 1-7 More Information

Stevens, W Tait; Morse, Bryan C; Bernard, Andrew; Davenport, Daniel L; Sams, Valerie G; Goodman, Michael D; Dumire, Russell; Carrick, Matthew M; McCarthy, Patrick; Stubbs, James R; Pritts, Timothy A; Dente, Christopher J; Luo-Owen, Xian; Gregory, Jason A; Turay, David; Gomaa, Dina; Quispe, Juan C; Fitzgerald, Caitlin A; Haddad, Nadeem N; Choudhry, Asad; Quesada, Jose F; Zielinski, Martin D (2017. ) Incompatible type A plasma transfusion in patients requiring massive transfusion protocol: Outcomes of an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter study.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 83 (1 ) ,25-29 More Information

Chang, Alex L; Kim, Young; Seitz, Aaron P; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) pH modulation ameliorates the red blood cell storage lesion in a murine model of transfusion.The Journal of surgical research, , 212 ,54-59 More Information

Chang, Alex L; Kim, Young; Seitz, Aaron P; Schuster, Rebecca M; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) Erythrocyte-Derived Microparticles Activate Pulmonary Endothelial Cells in a Murine Model of Transfusion.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 47 (5 ) ,632-637 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) What Lengths Should We Go to for Fluoroscopy-Free Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta?.JAMA surgery, , 152 (4 ) ,358-359 More Information

Kim, Young; Jung, Andrew D; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) Age before duty: the effect of storage duration on mortality after red blood cell transfusion.Journal of thoracic disease, , 9 (3 ) ,441-443 More Information

Chang, Alex L; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) Reply to "Packed Red Blood Cells Accumulate Oxidative Stress with Increased Storage Duration".Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , More Information

Hoehn, Richard S; Jernigan, Peter L; Japtok, Lukasz; Chang, Alex L; Midura, Emily F; Caldwell, Charles C; Kleuser, Burkhard; Lentsch, Alex B; Edwards, Michael J; Gulbins, Erich; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) Acid Sphingomyelinase Inhibition in Stored Erythrocytes Reduces Transfusion-Associated Lung Inflammation.Annals of surgery, , 265 (1 ) ,218-226 More Information

Jernigan, Peter L; Wallace, Matthew C; Novak, Christine S; Gerlach, Travis W; Hanseman, Dennis J; Pritts, Timothy A; Davis, Bradley R (2016. ) Measuring Intangibles: Defining Predictors of Non-Technical Skills in Critical Care Air Transport Team Trainees.Military medicine, , 181 (10 ) ,1357-1362 More Information

Chang, Alex L; Hoehn, Richard S; Jernigan, Peter; Cox, Daniel; Schreiber, Martin; Pritts, Timothy A (2016. ) Previous Cryopreservation Alters the Natural History of the Red Blood Cell Storage Lesion.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 46 (3 Suppl 1 ) ,89-95 More Information

Jernigan, Peter L; Hoehn, Richard S; Cox, Daniel; Heyl, Judy; Dorlac, Warren C; Pritts, Timothy A (2016. ) What If I Don't Have Blood? Hextend is Superior to 3% Saline in an Experimental Model of Far Forward Resuscitation After Hemorrhage.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 46 (3 Suppl 1 ) ,148-53 More Information

Walther, Ashley E; Falcone, Richard A; Pritts, Timothy A; Hanseman, Dennis J; Robinson, Bryce R H (2016. ) Pediatric and adult trauma centers differ in evaluation, treatment, and outcomes for severely injured adolescents.Journal of pediatric surgery, , 51 (8 ) ,1346-50 More Information

Kim, Young; Xia, Brent T; Chang, Alex L; Pritts, Timothy A (2016. ) Role of Leukoreduction of Packed Red Blood Cell Units in Trauma Patients: A Review.International journal of hematology research, , 2 (2 ) ,124-129 More Information

Quillin, Ralph C; Cortez, Alexander R; Pritts, Timothy A; Hanseman, Dennis J; Edwards, Michael J; Davis, Bradley R (2016. ) Operative Variability Among Residents Has Increased Since Implementation of the 80-Hour Workweek.Journal of the American College of Surgeons, , 222 (6 ) ,1201-10 More Information

Steuerwald, Michael Thomas; Robinson, Bryce R H; Hanseman, Dennis J; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy A (2016. ) Prehospital airway technique does not influence incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in trauma patients.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 80 (2 ) ,283-8 More Information

Hoehn, Richard S; Jernigan, Peter L; Japtok, Lukasz; Chang, Alex L; Midura, Emily F; Caldwell, Charles C; Kleuser, Burkhard; Lentsch, Alex B; Edwards, Michael J; Gulbins, Erich; Pritts, Timothy A (2016. ) Acid Sphingomyelinase Inhibition in Stored Erythrocytes Reduces Transfusion-Associated Lung Inflammation.Annals of surgery, , More Information

Morgan, Courtney E; Dombrowski, Amanda W; Rubert Pérez, Charles M; Bahnson, Edward S M; Tsihlis, Nick D; Jiang, Wulin; Jiang, Qun; Vercammen, Janet M; Prakash, Vivek S; Pritts, Timothy A; Stupp, Samuel I; Kibbe, Melina R (2016. ) Tissue-Factor Targeted Peptide Amphiphile Nanofibers as an Injectable Therapy To Control Hemorrhage.ACS nano, , 10 (1 ) ,899-909 More Information

Hoehn, Richard S; Jernigan, Peter L; Chang, Alex L; Edwards, Michael J; Caldwell, Charles C; Gulbins, Erich; Pritts, Timothy A (2016. ) Acid Sphingomyelinase Inhibition Prevents Hemolysis During Erythrocyte Storage.Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, , 39 (1 ) ,331-40 More Information

Quillin, Ralph C; Cortez, Alexander R; Pritts, Timothy A; Hanseman, Dennis J; Edwards, Michael J; Davis, Bradley R (2016. ) Surgical resident learning styles have changed with work hours.The Journal of surgical research, , 200 (1 ) ,39-45 More Information

Pritts, Timothy A (2016. ) Use of Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Scoring Dynamics in Critically Ill Cirrhotic Trauma Patients.JAMA surgery, , 151 (1 ) ,48-9 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Hanseman, Dennis J; Pritts, Timothy A; Robinson, Bryce R H (2015. ) All the bang without the bucks: Defining essential point-of-care testing for traumatic coagulopathy.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 79 (1 ) ,117-24; discussion 1 More Information

Jernigan, Peter L; Hoehn, Richard S; Blakeman, Thomas C; Heyl, Judy; Robinson, Bryce R H; Pritts, Timothy A; Branson, Richard D (2015. ) Portable mechanical ventilation with closed-loop control of inspired fraction of oxygen maintains oxygenation in the setting of hemorrhage and lung injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 79 (1 ) ,53-9; discussion 59 More Information

Jernigan, Peter L; Makley, Amy T; Hoehn, Richard S; Edwards, Michael J; Pritts, Timothy A (2015. ) The role of sphingolipids in endothelial barrier function.Biological chemistry, , 396 (6-7 ) ,681-91 More Information

Hoehn, Richard S; Jernigan, Peter L; Chang, Alex L; Edwards, Michael J; Pritts, Timothy A (2015. ) Molecular mechanisms of erythrocyte aging.Biological chemistry, , 396 (6-7 ) ,621-31 More Information

Richter, Jillian R; Sutton, Jeffrey M; Belizaire, Ritha M; Friend, Lou Ann; Schuster, Rebecca M; Johannigman, Taylor A; Miller, Steven G; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2014. ) Macrophage-derived chemokine (CCL22) is a novel mediator of lung inflammation following hemorrhage and resuscitation.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 42 (6 ) ,525-31 More Information

Robinson, Bryce R H; Pritts, Timothy A; Hanseman, Dennis J; Wilson, Gregory C; Abbott, Daniel E (2014. ) Cost discrepancies for common acute care surgery diagnoses in Ohio: influences of hospital characteristics on charge and payment differences.Surgery, , 156 (4 ) ,814-22 More Information

Yang, Sung; Stepien, David; Hanseman, Dennis; Robinson, Bryce; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Caldwell, Charles C; Remick, Daniel G; Lentsch, Alex B (2014. ) Substance P mediates reduced pneumonia rates after traumatic brain injury.Critical care medicine, , 42 (9 ) ,2092-100 More Information

Walther, Ashley E; Pritts, Timothy A; Falcone, Richard A; Hanseman, Dennis J; Robinson, Bryce R H (2014. ) Teen trauma without the drama: outcomes of adolescents treated at Ohio adult versus pediatric trauma centers.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 77 (1 ) ,109-16; discussion 1 More Information

Yang, Sung H; Gangidine, Matt; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Lentsch, Alex B (2013. ) Interleukin 6 mediates neuroinflammation and motor coordination deficits after mild traumatic brain injury and brief hypoxia in mice.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 40 (6 ) ,471-5 More Information

Quillin, Ralph C; Pritts, Timothy A; Hanseman, Dennis J; Edwards, Michael J; Davis, Bradley R How residents learn predicts success in surgical residency.Journal of surgical education, , 70 (6 ) ,725-30 More Information

Kim, Young; Cortez, Alexander R; Wima, Koffi; Dhar, Vikrom K; Athota, Krishna P; Schrager, Jason J; Pritts, Timothy A; Edwards, Michael J; Shah, Shimul A (2018. ) Impact of Preoperative Opioid Use After Emergency General Surgery.Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, , More Information

Martin, Grace; Shah, Dhavan; Elson, Nora; Boudreau, Ryan; Hanseman, Dennis; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Foreman, Brandon; Goodman, Michael D (2018. ) Relationship of Coagulopathy and Platelet Dysfunction to Transfusion Needs After Traumatic Brain Injury.Neurocritical care, , More Information

Martin, Grace E; Carroll, Christopher P; Plummer, Zach J; Millar, D A; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Joseph, Bellal A; Ngwenya, Laura B; Goodman, Michael D (2017. ) Safety and Efficacy of Brain Injury Guidelines at a Level III Trauma Center.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , More Information

Robinson, Bryce R H; Cohen, Mitchell J; Holcomb, John B; Pritts, Timothy A; Gomaa, Dina; Fox, Erin E; Branson, Richard D; Callcut, Rachael A; Cotton, Bryan A; Schreiber, Martin A; Brasel, Karen J; Pittet, Jean-Francois; Inaba, Kenji; Kerby, Jeffery D; Scalea, Thomas M; Wade, Charlie E; Bulger, Eileen M (2017. ) Risk Factors for the Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Following Hemorrhage.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , More Information

Kim, Young; Xia, Brent T; Jung, Andrew D; Chang, Alex L; Abplanalp, William A; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) Microparticles from stored red blood cells promote a hypercoagulable state in a murine model of transfusion.Surgery, , More Information

Boudreau, Ryan M; Johnson, Mark; Veile, Rosalie; Friend, Lou Ann; Goetzman, Holly; Pritts, Timothy A; Caldwell, Charles C; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2017. ) Impact of tranexamic acid on coagulation and inflammation in murine models of traumatic brain injury and hemorrhage.The Journal of surgical research, , 215 ,47-54 More Information

Morris, M C; Veile, R; Friend, L A; Oh, D; Pritts, T A; Dorlac, W C; Spinella, P C; Goodman, M D (2019. ) Effects of whole blood leukoreduction on platelet function and hemostatic parameters.Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England), , More Information

Harvin, John A; Sharpe, John P; Croce, Martin A; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Dauer, Elizabeth D; Moran, Benjamin J; Rodriguez, Rachel D; Zarzaur, Ben L; Kreiner, Laura A; Claridge, Jeffrey A; Holcomb, John B (2019. ) Effect of damage control laparotomy on major abdominal complications and lengths of stay: A propensity score matching and Bayesian analysis.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 87 (2 ) ,282-288 More Information

Quillin, Ralph C; Cortez, Alexander R; Garcia, Mario A; Winer, Leah K; Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Kuethe, Joshua W; Pritts, Timothy A (2019. ) Gas off, room lights on: Shedding light on the surgical resident's experience in open and laparoscopic surgery.Surgery, , More Information

Morris, Mackenzie C; Bercz, Aron; Niziolek, Grace M; Kassam, Farzaan; Veile, Rose; Friend, Lou Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) UCH-L1 is a Poor Serum Biomarker of Murine Traumatic Brain Injury After Polytrauma.The Journal of surgical research, , 244 ,63-68 More Information

Harvin, John A; Sharpe, John P; Croce, Martin A; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Dauer, Elizabeth D; Moran, Benjamin J; Rodriguez, Rachel D; Zarzaur, Ben L; Kreiner, Laura A; Claridge, Jeffrey A; Holcomb, John B (2019. ) Better understanding the utilization of damage control laparotomy: A multi-institutional quality improvement project.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 87 (1 ) ,27-34 More Information

Gavitt, Brian; Pritts, Timothy A (2019. ) Hard-earned Lifesaving Lessons From the Combat Zone.JAMA surgery, , 154 (7 ) ,609 More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Skinner, Mitchell; Heh, Victor; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Millar, D Anderson; Janowak, Christopher F (2019. ) Readmission Rates and Associated Factors Following Rib Cage Injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Niziolek, Grace M; Elson, Nora C; Pugh, Amanda M; Nomellini, Vanessa; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Optimizing Lower Extremity Duplex Ultrasound Screening After Traumatic Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 243 ,143-150 More Information

Martin, Grace E; Pugh, Amanda M; Moran, Ryan; Veile, Rose; Friend, Lou Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Microvesicles generated following traumatic brain injury induce platelet dysfunction via adenosine diphosphate receptor.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 86 (4 ) ,592-600 More Information

Martin, Grace E; Johnson, Mark; Veile, Rose; Friend, Lou Ann; Elterman, Joel B; Johannigman, Jay A; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T (2019. ) Effects of Early Altitude Exposure on the Open Abdomen After Laparotomy in Trauma.Military medicine, , More Information

Martin, Grace E; Pugh, Amanda; Williams, Susan G; Hanseman, Dennis; Nomellini, Vanessa; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Lower Extremity Duplex Ultrasound Screening Protocol for Moderate- and High-Risk Trauma Patients.The Journal of surgical research, , 235 ,280-287 More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Stevens-Topie, Sabre M; Veile, Rosalie A; Mahoney, Eric J; Heyl, Judy R; Cox, Daniel B; Pritts, Timothy A; Athota, Krishna P (2019. ) Evaluation of a Novel Fibrin Sealant Patch in Hemorrhage Control After Vascular or Hepatic Injury.Military medicine, , 184 (3-4 ) ,e290-e296 More Information

Xia, Brent T; Beckmann, Nadine; Winer, Leah K; Pugh, Amanda M; Pritts, Timothy A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Gulbins, Erich; Caldwell, Charles C (2019. ) Amitriptyline Reduces Inflammation and Mortality in a Murine Model of Sepsis.Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, , 52 (3 ) ,565-579 More Information

Boudreau, Ryan M; O'Neal, Erika; Besl, Kelly M; Gordon, Shelley J; Ralston, William; Elterman, Joel B; Pritts, Timothy A; Robinson, Bryce R H (2019. ) Do Autopsies Still Matter? The Influence of Autopsy Data on Final Injury Severity Score Calculations.The Journal of surgical research, , 233 ,453-458 More Information

Boudreau, Ryan M; Deshpande, Keshav K; Day, Gregory M; Hinckley, William R; Harger, Nicole; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Prehospital Tranexamic Acid Administration During Aeromedical Transport After Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 233 ,132-138 More Information

Morgan, Courtney E; Dombrowski, Amanda W; Rubert Pe?ez, Charles M; Bahnson, Edward S M; Tsihlis, Nick D; Jiang, Wulin; Jiang, Qun; Vercammen, Janet M; Prakash, Vivek S; Pritts, Timothy A; Stupp, Samuel I; Kibbe, Melina R (2018. ) Correction to Tissue-Factor Targeted Peptide Amphiphile Nanofibers as an Injectable Therapy To Control Hemorrhage.ACS nano, , 12 (11 ) ,11711 More Information

Jung, Andrew D; Baker, Jennifer; Droege, Christopher A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Johannigman, Jay; Holcomb, John B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2018. ) Sooner is better: use of a real-time automated bedside dashboard improves sepsis care.The Journal of surgical research, , 231 ,373-379 More Information

Cortez, Alexander R; Dhar, Vikrom K; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Pritts, Timothy A; Edwards, Michael J; Quillin, R Cutler (2018. ) Not all operative experiences are created equal: a 19-year analysis of a single center's case logs.The Journal of surgical research, , 229 ,127-133 More Information

Cortez, Alexander R; Katsaros, Gianna D; Dhar, Vikrom K; Drake, F Thurston; Pritts, Timothy A; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Edwards, Michael J; Quillin, R Cutler (2018. ) Narrowing of the surgical resident operative experience: A 27-year analysis of national ACGME case logs.Surgery, , 164 (3 ) ,577-582 More Information

Martin, Grace E; He, Heng; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Elterman, Joel B; Johannigman, Jay A; Goodman, Michael D (2018. ) Proximal penetrating extremity injuries-An opportunity to decrease overtriage?.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 85 (1 ) ,122-127 More Information

Richter, Jillian R; Sutton, Jeffrey M; Hexley, Phillip; Johannigman, Taylor A; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2018. ) Leukoreduction of packed red blood cells attenuates proinflammatory properties of storage-derived microvesicles.The Journal of surgical research, , 223 ,128-135 More Information

Kim, Young; Abplanalp, William A; Jung, Andrew D; Schuster, Rebecca M; Lentsch, Alex B; Gulbins, Erich; Caldwell, Charles C; Pritts, Timothy A (2018. ) Endocytosis of Red Blood Cell Microparticles by Pulmonary Endothelial Cells is Mediated By Rab5.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 49 (3 ) ,288-294 More Information

Jung, Andrew; Johnson, Mark; Veile, Rosalie; Friend, Lou Ann; Stevens-Topie, Sabre; Elterman, Joel; Pritts, Timothy; Makley, Amy; Goodman, Michael (2018. ) Variable saline resuscitation in a murine model of combined traumatic brain injury and haemorrhage.Brain injury, , 32 (13-14 ) ,1834-1842 More Information

Klein M.K.;Tsihlis N.D.;Pritts T.A.;Kibbe M.R. (04-01-2020. ) Emerging Therapies for Prehospital Control of Hemorrhage.Journal of Surgical Research, , 248 ,182-190 More Information

Morris M.C.;Kim Y.;Blakeman T.C.;Stevens-Topie S.;Jung A.D.;Cox D.B.;Robinson B.B.R.;Pritts T.A.;Makley A.T.;Goodman M.D. (03-01-2020. ) Early Identification of Acute Lung Injury in a Porcine Model of Hemorrhagic Shock.Journal of Surgical Research, , 247 ,453-460 More Information

Kim Y.;Goodman M.;Jung A.;Abplanalp W.;Schuster R.;Caldwell C.;Lentsch A.;Pritts T. (01-01-2020. ) Microparticles from aged packed red blood cell units stimulate pulmonary microthrombus formation via.Thrombosis Research, , 185 ,160-166 More Information

Pulliam K.;Pritts T. (09-15-2019. ) Non-invasive Ventilatory Support in the Elderly.Current Geriatrics Reports, , 8 (3 ) ,153-159 More Information

Merrick H.W.;Huston J.M.;Pritts T.A.;Tanchez C.R.;Smith M.R. (11-27-2018. ) Surgical bleeding: Bleeding disorders, hypercoagulable states, and replacement therapy in the surgic .Essentials of General Surgery and Surgical Specialties: Sixth Edition, , 96-110

Kim Y.;Pritts T. (07-30-2017. ) The gastrointestinal tract.Geriatric Trauma and Critical Care: Second Edition, , 35-43 More Information

Johannigman J.;Beekley A.;Pritts T. (07-21-2017. ) Monitoring.Front Line Surgery: A Practical Approach, , 611-629 More Information

Kim Y.;Jung A.;Pritts T. (03-01-2017. ) Age before duty: The effect of storage duration on mortality after red blood cell transfusion.Journal of Thoracic Disease, , 9 (3 ) ,441-443 More Information

Goodman M.;Lewis J.;Guitron J.;Reed M.;Pritts T.;Starnes S. (04-01-2013. ) Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for acute thoracic trauma.Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock, , 6 (2 ) ,106-109 More Information

Quillin R.;Pritts T.;Tevar A.;Hanseman D.;Edwards M.;Davis B. (01-01-2013. ) Students' expectations on the surgery clerkship exceed those of residents and faculty.Journal of Surgical Research, , 184 (1 ) ,495-500 More Information

Pritts T.;Spoerke N.;Park M.;Pfeifer J. (11-01-2010. ) Discussion.Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, , 69 (5 ) ,1059-1061 More Information

Pritts T.;Knight D.;Davis B.;Porembka D.;Cuschieri J. (11-01-2005. ) Accidental self-inflicted nail gun injury to the heart.Injury Extra, , 36 (11 ) ,517-519 More Information

Pritts T.;Wang Q.;Sun X.;Fischer D.;Hungness E.;Fischer J.;Wong H.;Hasselgren P. (12-01-2002. ) The stress response decreases NF-?B activation in liver of endotoxemic mice.Shock, , 18 (1 ) ,33-37 More Information

Fischer D.;Sun X.;Gang G.;Pritts T.;Hasselgren P.O. (01-01-2001. ) Effect of a short bout of exercise on tobacco withdrawal symptoms and desire to smoke.Psychopharmacology, , 158 (1 ) ,66-72 More Information

Morris, Mackenzie C; Niziolek, Grace M; Baker, Jennifer E; Huebner, Benjamin R; Hanseman, Dennis; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Death by Decade: Establishing a Transfusion Ceiling for Futility in Massive Transfusion.The Journal of surgical research, , 252 ,139-146 More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Millar, D Anderson; Heh, Victor; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Janowak, Christopher F (2020. ) Does chest wall Organ Injury Scale (OIS) or Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) predict outcomes? An analysis of 16,000 consecutive rib fractures.Surgery, , 168 (1 ) ,198-204 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Morris, Mackenzie C; Veile, Rosalie A; Schuster, Rebecca M; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Innate coagulability changes with age in stored packed red blood cells.Thrombosis research, , 195 ,35-42 More Information

Wagner, Monica L; Farooqui, Zishaan; Elson, Nora C; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Characterizing Early Inpatient Death After Trauma.The Journal of surgical research, , 255 ,405-410 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Veile, Rosalie A; Friend, Lou Ann; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) SAVE IT - DON'T WASTE IT! MAXIMIZING UTILIZATION OF ERYTHROCYTES FROM PREVIOUSLY STORED WHOLE BLOOD.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , More Information

Klein, Mia K; Kassam, Hussein Aziz; Lee, Robert H; Bergmeier, Wolfgang; Peters, Erica B; Gillis, David C; Dandurand, Brooke R; Rouan, Jessica R; Karver, Mark R; Struble, Mark D; Clemons, Tristan D; Palmer, Liam C; Gavitt, Brian; Pritts, Timothy A; Tsihlis, Nick D; Stupp, Samuel I; Kibbe, Melina R (2020. ) Development of Optimized Tissue-Factor-Targeted Peptide Amphiphile Nanofibers to Slow Noncompressible Torso Hemorrhage.ACS nano, , 14 (6 ) ,6649-6662 More Information

Beckmann, Nadine; Sutton, Jeffrey M; Hoehn, Richard S; Jernigan, Peter L; Friend, Lou Ann; Johanningman, Taylor A; Schuster, Rebecca M; Lentsch, Alex B; Caldwell, Charles C; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) IFN? and TNF? mediate CCL22/MDC production in alveolar macrophages after hemorrhage and resuscitation.American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, , 318 (5 ) ,L864-L872 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Pritts, Timothy A (2019. ) Non-Invasive Ventilatory Support In the Elderly.Current geriatrics reports, , 8 (3 ) ,153-159 More Information

Jung, Andrew D; Friend, Lou Ann; Stevens-Topie, Sabre; Schuster, Rebecca; Lentsch, Alex B; Gavitt, Brian; Caldwell, Charles C; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation Improves Survival in a Murine Model of Combined Hemorrhage and Burn Injury.Military medicine, , 185 (9-10 ) ,e1528-e1535 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) Washing packed red blood cells decreases red blood cell storage lesion formation.Surgery, , More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Luketic, Karla; Niziolek, Grace M; Freeman, Christopher M; Grannan, Kevin J; Pritts, Timothy A; Paquette, Ian M; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Attending and Resident Surgeon Perspectives and Prescribing Practices of Pain Medication During the Opioid Epidemic.Journal of surgical education, , More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Veile, Rosalie A; Friend, Lou Ann; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) Expired But Not Yet Dead: Examining the Red Blood Cell Storage Lesion in Extended-Storage Whole Blood.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , More Information

Wagner, Monica L; Streit, Stephanie; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Hepatic Pseudoaneurysm Incidence After Liver Trauma.The Journal of surgical research, , 256 ,623-628 More Information

Pritts, Timothy A (2022. ) 2022 Central Surgical Association presidential address: Grit and resilience in surgery.Surgery, , More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Baucom, Matthew R; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) MULTIMODAL TREATMENT APPROACHES TO COMBINED TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK ALTER POSTINJURY INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 58 (6 ) ,565-572 More Information

Zingg, S Whitney; Schuster, Rebecca; Joseph, Bernadin; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2022. ) Storage with ethanol attenuates the red blood cell storage lesion.Surgery, , 172 (6 ) ,1829-1836 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Kodali, Resha A; Wallen, Taylor E; Salvator, Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Droege, Christopher A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) The Association of Norepinephrine Utilization With Mortality Risk in Trauma Patients.The Journal of surgical research, , 280 ,234-240 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Youngs, Jackie; Baucom, Matthew R; Turner, Kevin; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Aspirin Administration Mitigates Platelet Hyperaggregability After Splenectomy in a Murine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 279 ,548-556 More Information

Ammann, Allison M; Wallen, Taylor E; Delman, Aaron M; Turner, Kevin M; Salvator, Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Low Volume Blood Product Transfusion Patterns And Ratios After Injury.American journal of surgery, , 224 (5 ) ,1319-1323 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Baucom, Matthew R; Hanseman, Dennis; Wang, Yao-Wei W; Wade, Charles E; Holcomb, John B; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Platelet dysfunction persists after trauma despite balanced blood product resuscitation.Surgery, , More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Elson, Nora C; Singer, Kathleen E; Hayes, Hannah V; Salvator, Ann; Droege, Christopher A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Tracheostomy decreases continuous analgesia and sedation requirements.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (4 ) ,545-551 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Clark, Katherine; Baucom, Matthew R; Pabst, Rebecca; Lemmink, Jennifer; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Response to: Delayed splenic pseudoaneurysm: Who needs surveillance imaging and how should we manage it?.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (2 ) ,e97-e98 More Information

Costantini, Todd W; Galante, Joseph M; Braverman, Maxwell A; Phuong, Jim; Price, Michelle A; Cuschieri, Joseph; Godat, Laura N; Holcomb, John B; Coimbra, Raul; Bulger, Eileen M (2022. ) Developing a National Trauma Research Action Plan: Results from the acute resuscitation, initial patient evaluation, imaging, and management research gap Delphi survey.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (2 ) ,200-208 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Baucom, Matthew R; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Effects of antifibrinolytics on systemic and cerebral inflammation after traumatic brain injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (1 ) ,30-37 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Clark, Katherine; Baucom, Matthew R; Pabst, Rebecca; Lemmink, Jennifer; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Delayed splenic pseudoaneurysm identification with surveillance imaging.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (1 ) ,113-117 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Elson, Nora C; Baucom, Matthew R; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Defining Endotheliopathy in Murine Polytrauma Models.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 57 (6 ) ,291-298 More Information

Brown, Daniel J; Frasier, Lane; Robinson, F Eric; Cheney, Mark; Davis, William T; Salvator, Ann; Andresen, Mark; Proctor, Melissa; Earnest, Ryan; Pritts, Timothy; Strilka, Richard (2022. ) Relevance of Deployment Experience and Clinical Practice Characteristics on Military Critical Care Air Transport Team Readiness: A Study of Simulation Construct Validity.Military medicine, , More Information

Zingg, S Whitney; Elterman, Joel; Proctor, Melissa; Salvator, Ann; Cheney, Mark; Hare, Jonathan; Davis, William T; Rosenberry, Nathan; Brown, Daniel J; Earnest, Ryan; Robinson, F Eric; Pritts, Timothy A; Strilka, Richard (2022. ) Descriptive Analysis of Intratheater Critical Care Air Transport Team Patient Movements During Troop Drawdown: Afghanistan (2017-2019).Military medicine, , More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2022. ) Improving packed red blood cell storage with a high-viscosity buffered storage solution.Surgery, , 171 (3 ) ,833-842 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Hanseman, Dennis; Caldwell, Charles C; Wang, Yao-Wei W; Wade, Charles E; Holcomb, John B; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Survival analysis by inflammatory biomarkers in severely injured patients undergoing damage control resuscitation.Surgery, , 171 (3 ) ,818-824 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Morris, Mackenzie C; Blakeman, Thomas; Stevens-Topie, Sabre M; Strilka, Richard; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Blood product resuscitation mitigates the effects of aeromedical evacuation after polytrauma.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 92 (1 ) ,12-20 More Information

Niziolek, Grace; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy; Millar, D Anderson; Heh, Victor; Pritts, Timothy A; Janowak, Christopher (2022. ) "Early results after initiation of a rib fixation programme: A propensity score matched analysis".Injury, , 53 (1 ) ,137-144 More Information

Zingg, S Whitney; Millar, D A; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Janowak, Christopher F (2021. ) The Association Between Pulmonary Contusion Severity and Respiratory Failure.Respiratory care, , 66 (11 ) ,1665-1672 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Bercz, Aron P; Morris, Mackenzie C; Elson, Nora C; Wallen, Taylor E; Hanseman, Dennis; Pritts, Timothy A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Patel, Sameer H; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2021. ) Acute and Chronic Hematologic Implications of Emergency and Elective Splenectomy.The Journal of surgical research, , 267 ,197-202 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Sussman, Jonathan E; Kodali, Resha A; Winer, Leah K; Heh, Victor; Hanseman, Dennis; Nomellini, Vanessa; Pritts, Timothy A; Droege, Christopher A; Goodman, Michael D (2021. ) Hitting the Vasopressor Ceiling: Finding Norepinephrine Associated Mortality in the Critically Ill.The Journal of surgical research, , 265 ,139-146 More Information

Trybula, Marcus; Wang, Diping; Baumann, Lauren; Pritts, Timothy A; Hambley, Bryan C (2021. ) Rhizopus microsporus typhlitis in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia.Clinical case reports, , 9 (6 ) ,e04290 More Information

Pritts, Timothy A (2021. ) Trauma, Metabolomics, Outcomes, and Secrets of the Sphinx.Journal of the American College of Surgeons, , 232 (5 ) ,797-798 More Information

Skinner, Mitchell; Baker, Jennifer; Heh, Victor; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy; Janowak, Christopher (2021. ) Rib Season: Temporal Variation in Chest Wall Injuries.The Journal of surgical research, , 260 ,129-133 More Information

Entriken, Catherine; Pritts, Timothy A (2021. ) Perioperative Pulmonary Support of the Elderly.Current geriatrics reports, , 10 (4 ) ,167-174 More Information

Schuckman, Stephanie; Babcock, Lynn; Spinner, Cristina; Adeoye, Opeolu; Gomaa, Dina; Pritts, Timothy; Kissela, Brett M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Knapke, Jacqueline M (2020. ) Acute care research competencies for clinical research professionals.Journal of clinical and translational science, , 4 (6 ) ,485-492 More Information

Pritts, Timothy A (2023. ) Long-Term Impact of Trauma in Twins.JAMA surgery, , 158 (7 ) ,746 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Ammann, Allison M; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Blood component resuscitative strategies to mitigate endotheliopathy in a murine hemorrhagic shock model.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 95 (1 ) ,21-29 More Information

Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Becker, Ellen R; Chae, Ryan C; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Aberrant Oxygen Concentrations Induce Systemic Inflammation in a Murine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 301 ,287-295 More Information

Price, Adam D; Chae, Ryan C; Wallen, Taylor E; Becker, Ellen R; Baucom, Matthew R; Schuster, Rebecca M; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Direct red blood cell effect on thrombosis is dependent on the interaction of tissue factor and calcium with membrane phosphatidylserine.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 97 (1 ) ,57-64 More Information

Chae, Ryan; Nguyen, Christopher; Archdeacon, Chad; Wattley, Lindsey; Sisak, Stephanie; Price, Adam; Perez, Emma; Schuster, Rebecca; Lentsch, Alex; Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy (2024. ) Whole blood storage duration alters fibrinogen levels and thrombin formation.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 97 (1 ) ,39-47 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Price, Adam D; Whitrock, Jenna N; Hanseman, Dennis; Smith, Maia P; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Need for Blood Transfusion Volume Is Associated With Increased Mortality in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 301 ,163-171 More Information

Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Becker, Ellen R; Archdeacon, Chad M; Smith, Maia P; Caskey, Chelsea; Schuster, Rebecca; Blakeman, Thomas C; Strilka, Richard J; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Hypobaria During Aeromedical Evacuation and Systemic Inflammation after Porcine Traumatic Brain Injury.Journal of the American College of Surgeons, , More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Price, Adam D; Weissman, Nicholas; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Desmopressin, Misoprostol, nor Carboprost Affect Platelet Aggregability Following Traumatic Brain Injury and Aspirin.The Journal of surgical research, , 296 ,643-653 More Information

Sisak, Stephanie; Chae, Ryan C; Nelson, Kamala E; Schuster, Rebecca M; Perez, Emma C; England, Lisa G; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2024. ) Microvesicles from stored red blood cells induce P-selectin and von Willebrand factor release from endothelial cells via a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism.Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis, , 63 (2 ) ,103890 More Information

Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Blakeman, Thomas C; Smith, Maia; Gomaa, Dina; Caskey, Chelsea; Pritts, Timothy; Strilka, Richard; Branson, Richard D; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Just Say NO: Inhaled Nitric Oxide Effect on Respiratory Parameters Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Humans and a Porcine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 296 ,497-506 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Price, Adam D; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Murine Traumatic Brain Injury Model Comparison: Closed Head Injury Versus Controlled Cortical Impact.The Journal of surgical research, , 296 ,230-238 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Weissman, Nicholas; Price, Adam D; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Syndecan-1 as the Effect or Effector of the Endothelial Inflammatory Response?.The Journal of surgical research, , 295 ,611-618 More Information

Costantini, Todd W; Kornblith, Lucy Z; Pritts, Timothy; Coimbra, Raul (2024. ) The intersection of coagulation activation and inflammation after injury: What you need to know.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 96 (3 ) ,347-356 More Information

Horn, Christopher B; Kopchak, Maura C; Pritts, Timothy A; Sams, Valerie G; Remick, Kyle N; Strilka, Richard J; Earnest, Ryan E (2023. ) Quality of Integration of Air Force Trauma Surgeons Within the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills, Cincinnati: A Pilot Study.Military medicine, , More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Youngs, Jaclyn; Singer, Kathleen E; Delman, Aaron M; Schuster, Rebecca M; Blakeman, Thomas C; Strilka, Richard; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Effectiveness of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy During Aeromedical Evacuation Following Soft Tissue Injury and Infection.Military medicine, , 188 (Suppl 6 ) ,295-303 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Price, Adam D; Smith, Maia P; Kopchak, Maura; MacKinnon, Andrew; Weissman, Nick; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Predictive Value of Early Inflammatory Markers in Trauma Patients Based on Transfusion Status.The Journal of surgical research, , 291 ,691-699 More Information

Price, Adam D; Becker, Ellen R; Chae, Ryan C; Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2025. ) Factors affecting the direct red cell effect on thrombosis: Hematocrit dilution and injury patterns.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 98 (2 ) ,197-203 More Information

Wattley, Lindsey; Chae, Ryan; Nguyen, Christopher; Schuster, Rebecca; Lentsch, Alex; Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy A (2024. ) Amitriptyline Decreases Mouse Lung Endothelial Cell Inflammatory Responses to Packed Red Blood Cell Microparticles.The Journal of surgical research, , 303 ,429-438 More Information

Chae, Ryan C; Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Wattley, Lindsey J; Nguyen, Christopher Q; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2024. ) Porcine Packed Red Blood Cells Demonstrate a Distinct Red Blood Cell Storage Lesion.The Journal of surgical research, , 303 ,396-404 More Information

Price, Adam D; Archdeacon, Chad M; Becker, Ellen R; Baucom, Matthew R; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Multi-Modal Venous ThromboembolicProphylaxis Aids in Risk Reduction Following Splenectomy in Female and Male Mice.The Journal of surgical research, , 302 ,71-79 More Information

Chae, Ryan C; Sisak, Stephanie; Nguyen, Christopher Q; Wattley, Lindsey J; Joseph, Bernadin; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca; Lentsch, Alex B; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2024. ) Age above all: The impact of storage duration in mice resuscitated with whole blood or packed red blood cells and plasma in a hemorrhagic shock model.Surgery, , More Information

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2019 UC College of Medicine Research Service Award

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