Robert M Rapoport , PhD
Room 2121
3125 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0575
Phone 513-558-7554
Fax 513-558-9969
Professional Summary
The focus of this laboratory is the regulation of the cerebral vasculature, with an emphasis on elucidating the mechanisms underlying the vasospasm following 1) subarachnoid hemorrhage, 2) hypocapnia, and 3) cocaine. Studies are geared towards investigations into the interplay between these perturbations and the cascade phenomena that are associated with the eventual constriction, including the pivotal roles of the endogenous release of the vasoconstrictor, endothelin-1, and the vasorelaxant, nitric oxide. These phenomena are studied through angiographic, in situ cranial window and in vitro tissue bath techniques, using rabbit and rat models. More recently, the mouse model is being developed to employ genetic manipulations that will further uncover mechanisms responsible for the spasms.
Bachelor's Degree: University of California 1970 (Biological Sciences )
Doctoral Degree: University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA, 1974 (Pharmacology)
Postdoctoral: University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia, 1981 (Pharmacology )
Postdoctoral: Stanford University Palo Alto, CA, 1983 (Pharmacology )
Research Pharmacologist: Veterans Affairs Medical Center Palo Alto, CA, 1984
Research and Practice Interests
Nitric Oxide and Endothelin-1 in Peripheral and Cerebral Vascular Pathophysiologies
Positions and Work Experience
1985 -1991 Equipment, Fire and Safety Committee, Veterans Affairs,
1985 -1986 Merit Committee, Dept. Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics,
1985 -1990 Reappointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics,
1986 -1989 American Heart Association Ohio grant study section,
1986 -1987 Seminar Director,
1986 -1991 Graduate Education Committee,
1987 -1989 Research and Development Committee, Veterans Affairs,
1987 - Merit Methods Assessment Committee,
1987 - ASPET Satellite Symposium Organizing Committee,
1988 -1990 Chairman, Graduate Education Committee,
1988 -1990 Dean's Committee on Graduate Education,
1988 -1990 Graduate Program Committee, College of Pharmacy,
1989 -1994 Chairman, Research and Development Committee, Veterans Affairs,
1990 -1991 Committee on Committees,
1991 -1995 Safety and Equipment Committee, Veterans Affairs,
1991 -1995 Space Committee, Veterans Affairs,
1991 -1995 Budget Committee, Veterans Affairs,
1991 -To Present Medical Education Committee,
1992 - Chairman, Committee on Committees,
1993 - Search Committee for Veterans Affairs Assistant Chief of Staff/Research,
1993 -1995 Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics,
1994 - Merit Review Submission Procedure Committee, Veterans Affairs,
1995 -1997 Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics,
1996 -2006 Graduate Education Committee,
1997 -1999 Chairman, Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics,
1999 - Alternate (May-August), Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics,
1999 -2002 Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics,
1999 -2006 Chairman, Graduate Education Committee, Dept. Pharmacology Cell Biophysics,
1999 -2006 College Committee on Graduate Education,
2000 -2006 Advisory Committee to Flex Option,
2000 -To Present Research and Development Committee, Veterans Affairs,
2002 -2004 Oversight Advisory Committee to IACUC, Veterans Affairs,
2003 -2005 Postdoctoral Resolution Committee,
2006 - Working Committee for MSB Environmental Quality,
2006 - Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics, alternate,
2006 - UC Mandated Graduate Program Review, primary author and coordinator,
2006 - Medical Pharmacology course, Associate Director,
2007 -To Present Medical Pharmacology Steering Committee,
2007 - Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics,
2008 -To Present Chair, Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, Dept. Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics,
Research Support
1983 -1986 Veterans Administration Merit Grant Award "Mechanism of Nitrovasodilator induced Relaxation"
1985 -1986 Veterans Administration Research Advisory Group "Mechanism of Nitrovasodilator induced Relaxation"
Grant: #RO1 HL34895 1985 -1987 NIH "Cyclic GMP Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contractility"
1985 -1986 AHA, Southwestern Ohio "Cyclic GMP and Calcium in Nitrovasodilator induced Vasodilatation"
1985 -1986 Biomedical Research Support Grant, University of Cincinnati "Role of Phosphatidylinositol Metabolism in Cyclic GMP induced Relaxation of Vascular Smooth Muscle"
1986 -1987 AHA, Southwestern Ohio "Cyclic GMP relaxation Through Phosphatidylinositol Turnover"
Investigators:HL 01760 1986 -1987 Research Career Development Award "Cyclic GMP Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contractility"
1987 -1990 AHA, Grant In Aid "Regulation of Vascular Contractility by Protein Kinase C"
1987 -1990 Veterans Administration Merit Grant Award "Endothelium mediated Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contractility"
1988 -1993 NIH "The Endothelial Cell in Coronary Vasospasm and Thrombosis"
1988 -1989 AHA, Southwestern Ohio "Regulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Contractility by Phosphatidylinositide Turnover in a Rat Model of Hypertension"
1989 -1991 AHA, Southwestern Ohio "Role of phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis in the regulation of smooth muscle contractility"
1991 -1994 Veterans Affairs Merit Grant Award "Protein kinase C regulation by cyclic GMP in vascular smooth muscle"
1991 -1992 AHA, Southwestern Ohio "Mechanism of protein kinase C mediated inhibition of agonist induced phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis in endothelium"
1994 -1995 Veterans Affairs Merit Grant Award "Protein kinase C regulation by cyclic GMP in vascular smooth muscle"
1994 -1995 University Research Council "Role of endothelin in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm"
1994 Parke-Davis "Effects of Bosentan and PD 155080-0015 on sub- arachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm"
1995 Parke-Davis "Effects of PD 156707-0015 on subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm"
1995 -1996 AHA, Grant-in-Aid "Role of endothelin in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm"
1996 -1998 Veterans Affairs Merit Grant Award "Role of endothelin in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm"
1999 -2002 Veterans Affairs Merit Grant Award “Role of endothelin-1 in hypocapnic-induced cerebral vasoconstriction”
2002 -2003 AHA SW OH “Cocaine induced cerebral vasospasm: role of endothelin-1”
2005 -2008 Veterans Affairs Merit Grant Award “Mechanism of respiration induced hypocanic cerebral vasoconstriction”
Grant: #0255336B-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Rapoport, Robert 07-01-2002 -06-30-2005 American Heart Association - Southwest Chapter Cocain Induced Cerebral Vasospasm: Role of Endothelin-1. Role:PI $110,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 005345 Investigators:Rapoport, Robert 10-05-2007 -09-30-2008 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for Seong Hun Yoon: Mechanism of Respiration Induced Hypocapnic Cerebral Vasoconstriction Role:PI $73,390.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 006179 Investigators:Rapoport, Robert 03-01-2009 -01-31-2010 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for Seong Hun Yoon Role:PI $67,373.00 Closed Level:Federal
Published Abstracts
Bevan, J.A., Bevan, R.D., Pascual, R., and Rapoport, R. (1978. ) Some anatomical and functional factors influencing vascular smooth muscle sensitivity to norepinephrine .[Abstract]7th International Congress on Pharmacology, 36
Duckles, S.P., Rapoport, R.M., and Oberhammer, I. (1978. ) Release of norepinephrine (NE) from cerebral blood vessels: correlation of two techniques .[Abstract]7th International Congress on Pharmacology, 36
Duckles, S.P., Rapoport, R.M., and Oberhammer, I. (1978. ) Nerve stimulation of cerebral arteries releases endogenous norepinephrine (NE): confirmation by radioenzymatic assay of adrenergic nerve function .[Abstract]3rd International Symposium on Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms, 28-29
Rapoport, R.M. and Bevan, J.A. (1980. ) Sympathetic nerve activity desensitizes vascular smooth muscle in vitro .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 38 ,367
Duckles, S.P. and Rapoport, R. (1980. ) Lack of effect of clonidine on norepinephrine (NE) release from a rabbit cerebral artery .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 38 ,367
Rapoport, R.M. and Bevan, J.A. (1980. ) Electrical stimulation of vascular smooth muscle induces subsensitivity in vitro .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 39 ,1071
Rapoport, R.M., Brandwein, H.J., and Murad, F. (1981. ) Cystamine inhibits relaxation, increases in cyclic GMP accumulation, and guanylate cyclase activation induced by nitroprusside in rat aorta .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 40 ,690
Rapoport, R.M., Lewicki, J.A., and Murad, F. (1981. ) Cyanide inhibits relaxation, increases in cyclic GMP accumulation and guanylate cyclase activation induced by nitroprusside in rat aorta .[Abstract]Circulation, 64 ,70
Draznin, M.B., Rapoport, R.M., and Murad, F. (1982. ) Vascular smooth muscle protein phosphorylation following sodium nitroprusside treatment: possible role in smooth muscle relaxation .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 30 ,6A
Rapoport, R.M. and Murad, F. (1982. ) Ouabain inhibits relaxation by nitroprusside and 8 bromo cyclic GMP in rat aorta .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 30 ,18A
Rapoport, R.M., Draznin, M.B., and Murad, F. (1982. ) Sodium nitroprusside induced protein phosphorylation in intact rat aorta is mimicked by 8 bromo cyclic GMP .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 30 ,484A
Draznin, M.B., Rapoport, R.M., Martinez, G.A., and Murad, F. (1983. ) Effects of norepi-nephrine, sodium nitroprusside, calcium free buffer and a calmodulin inhibitor on protein phosphorylation related to contraction and relaxation in intact rat aorta .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 31 ,6A
Rapoport, R.M., Draznin, M.B., Martinez, G.A., and Murad, F. (1983. ) Effect of endothelium dependent vasodilators on relaxation, cyclic GMP levels and protein phosphorylation in rat thoracic aorta .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 3l ,16A
Rapoport, R.M., Draznin, M.B., Martinez, G.A., and Murad, F. (1983. ) Endothelium dependent vascular relaxation may be mediated through cyclic GMP dependent protein phosphorylation .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 31 ,526A
Draznin, M.B., Rapoport, R.M., Martinez, G.A., and Murad, F. (1983. ) Myosin light chain dephosphorylation in intact rat thoracic aorta treated with sodium nitroprusside: role of cyclic GMP .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 31 ,466A
Fiscus, R.R., Rapoport, R.M., and Murad, F. (1984. ) Activation of cyclic GMP dependent protein kinase in rat aorta by sodium nitroprusside and endothelium dependent vasodilators .[Abstract]Clin. Res., 32 ,5A
Fiscus, R.R., Robles, B.T., Rapoport, R.M., Waldman, S.A., and Murad, F. (1985. ) Atrial natriuretic factor elevates cyclic GMP and activates cyclic GMP dependent protein kinase in rat aorta: potential mechanism of vasodilation .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 44 ,698
Molina, C.R., Andresen, J.W., Rapoport, R., Waldman, S., and Murad, F. (1985. ) The effect of in vivo nitroglycerin therapy on endothelium dependent and independent vascular relaxation and cyclic GMP accumulation in rat aorta .[Abstract]Clin. Res.,
Baik, Y.H., Dube, G., Vaghy, P., Rapoport, R., and Schwartz, A. (1985. ) Modification of effects of the enantiomers of a 1,4 dihydropyridine (202 791) by endothelium and light in pig coronary artery .[Abstract]Pharmacology,
Murad, F., Rapoport, R.M., Waldman, S.A., Fiscus, R.R., and Leitman, D.C. (1985. ) The role of cyclic GMP in endothelium dependent, nitrovasodilator and atriopeptin mediated vascular relaxation .[Abstract]
Chuprun, J.K. and Rapoport, R.M. (1986. ) Nitroglycerin induced desensitization of vascular smooth muscle may be mediated through cyclic GMP disinhibition of phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis .[Abstract]27th National Student Research Forum, 17
Molina, C.R., Andresen, J.W., Rapoport, R.M., and Murad, F. The effect of nitroglycerin tolerance on endothelium dependent vascular relaxation .[Abstract]Circulation, 74 ,287
Rapoport, R.M. (1986. ) Effects of norepinephrine on contraction and hydrolysis of phospha-tidylinositides in rat aorta .[Abstract]Veterans Administration National Research and Development Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Highsmith, R.F., Koth, D.M., Westrich, L.A., and Rapoport, R.M. (1987. ) Vasoconstriction induced by endothelium derived constricting factor (EDCF) may be mediated through phosphatidylinositol (PI) turnover .[Abstract]Circulation, 15 ,
Highsmith, R.F., Pang, D., Schmidt, D., and Rapoport, R. (1989. ) Mechanisms of action of endothelial cell derived constricting factors .[Abstract]J. Vascular Medicine Biology, 1 ,92
Williams, S.P., Campbell, A.K., Leikauf, G.D., and Rapoport, R.M. (1990. ) Phorbol esters induce phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis and arachidonic acid metabolism in rat aorta .[Abstract]6th International Symposium on Cellular Endocrinology, Lake Placid, New York,
Chuprun, J.K., and Rapoport, R.M. (1990. ) Regulation of endothelial cell membrane phospholipase C activity by protein kinase C .[Abstract]6th International Symposium on Cellular Endocrinology, Lake Placid, New York,
Williams, S.P., Dorn, G.W. II, Campbell, A.K., Leikauf, G.D., Myatt, L. and Rapoport, R.M. (1991. ) Phorbol ester induced phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis in rat aorta: potential role of prostacyclin (PGI2) .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol., 23 ,S65
Chuprun, J.K. and Rapoport, R.M. (1991. ) Protein kinase C attenuates agonist and G protein stimulated phospholipase C activity in endothelial cell membranes .[Abstract]FASEB J., 5 ,A1598
Rapoport, R.M., Bazan, E., and Campbell, A.K. (1991. ) Relationship between protein kinase C (PKC) activation, phosphoinositide hydrolysis and contraction in rat aorta .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 23 ,S12
Williams, S.P., Dorn, G.W., II, Campbell, A.K., Leikauf, G.O., Myatt, L., and Rapoport, R.M. (1992. ) Prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) may mediate phorbol ester induced increased inositol phosphate levels .[Abstract]FASEB,
Zuccarello, M. and Rapoport, R.M. (1993. ) Role of K+ channels in vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage .[Abstract]Stroke, 24 ,168
Zuccarello, M., Bonasso, C., Rapoport, R.M., and Sperelakis, N. (1993. ) Role of membrane potential in vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) .[Abstract]Vth Int. Symp. Cerebral Vasospasm, Edmonton,
Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M., and Romano, A. (1994. ) Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)-induced vasospasm may be due to endothelin (ET) release and not decreased endothelium-dependent relaxation (EDR) .[Abstract]Stroke, 25 ,136
Zuccarello, M., Soattin, G.B., Lewis, A.I., and Rapoport, R.M. (1995. ) Oral Bosentan, an endothelin (ET)A and ETB receptor antagonist, prevents subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)-induced cerebral vasospasm .[Abstract]The Fourth International Workshop on Cerebrovascular Surgery (INCVS), Chicago, Illinois,
Zuccarello, M. Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1995. ) Ca2+ Influx Through Non-L-Type Ca2+ Channels Mediates Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-Induced Vasospasm: Role of Endothelin-1 (ET-1) .[Abstract]Stroke,
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1997. ) Endothelin B1 receptor-mediated endothelin-1 release maintains subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced spasm of rabbit basilar .[Abstract]18th Int. Symp. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 17 ,S471
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Endothelium-derived nitric oxide regulates endothelin A versus endothelin B receptor-mediated constriction in rabbit basilar artery in situ .[Abstract]Stroke, 29 ,323
Tosun, M., Paul, R.J., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Coupling of store-operated Ca2+ entry to contraction in rat aorta .[Abstract]FASEB J.,
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Endothelin B receptor antagonists prevent subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced spasm in rabbit basilar artery in vivo .[Abstract]Congress Neurological Surgeons, Seattle, WA,
Sherman, J.D., Rapoport, R.M., and Zuccarello, M. (1998. ) The role of endothelin-1 in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced vasospasm .[Abstract]INABIS ’98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMater University, Canada,
Sherman, J.D., Zuccarello, M., and Rapoport, R.M. (1999. ) Role of calcium sensitization in cerebral vasospasm .[Abstract]Congress Neurological Surgeons,
Sherman, J.D., Fandino, J., Zuccarello, M., and Rapoport, R.M. (2000. ) Cocaine-induced cerebral vasospasm in vivo: mediated by endothelin-1 .[Abstract]Stroke,
Zuccarello, M., Sherman, J., and Rapoport, R.M. (2000. ) Subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced vasospasm: role of calcium sensitization .[Abstract]6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences,
Fandino, J., Sherman, D., Zuccarello, M., and Rapoport, R.M. (2000. ) Endothelin-1 mediates cocaine-induced cerebrovasospasm .[Abstract]7th International Conference on Cerebral Vasospasm, 6
Fandino, J., Gariepy, C, Yanagisawa, M, Rapoport, RM, and Zuccarello, M. (2002. ) Endothelin B receptor null mutation prevents subarachnoid hemorrhage induced cerebral vasospasm in the rat in vivo .[Abstract]Cerebral Vasospasm: Advances in Research and Treatment, 75-78
Fandino, J., Gariepy, C, Yanagisawa, M, Rapoport, RM, and Zuccarello, M. (2002. ) Endothelin B receptor null mutation prevents subarachnoid hemorrhage induced cerebral vasospasm in the rat in vivo .[Abstract]Congress Neurological Surgeons,
Yoon SH, Zuccarello M, Rapoport RM (2003. ) Respiratory induced hypocapnic constriction of rat basilar artery: dependence on endothelin-1 .[Abstract]FASEB,
Peer Reviewed Publications
Rapoport, Robert M; Zuccarello, Mario (2012. ) EndothelinA-EndothelinB Receptor Cross Talk in Endothelin-1-Induced Contraction of Smooth Muscle.Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 60 (5 ) ,483-94 More Information
Yoon, SeongHun; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2012. ) EndothelinA-endothelinB receptor cross-talk in rat basilar artery in situ.Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, , 385 (4 ) ,437-41 More Information
Yoon, Seonghun; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2012. ) pCO(2) and pH regulation of cerebral blood flow.Frontiers in physiology, , 3 ,365 More Information
Rapoport, Robert M; Zuccarello, Mario (2011. ) Endothelin(A)-endothelin(B) receptor cross-talk and endothelin receptor binding.The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, , 63 (11 ) ,1373-7 More Information
Yoon, Seong Hun; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M Acute cocaine induces endothelin-1-dependent constriction of rabbit basilar artery.Endothelium : journal of endothelial cell research, , 14 (3 ) ,137-9 More Information
Motz, Gregory T; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M Alkaline pH-induced extracellular regulated protein kinase activation in brain microvascular endothelial cells: differential effects of Tris and lowered CO2.Endothelium : journal of endothelial cell research, , 13 (5 ) ,313-6 More Information
Yoon, SeongHun; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2003. ) Vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage: evidence against functional upregulation of protein kinase C constrictor pathway. Neurological research, , 25 (3 ) ,268-70
Fandino, Javier; Sherman, Jonathan D; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2003. ) Cocaine-induced endothelin-1-dependent spasm in rabbit basilar artery in vivo. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 41 (2 ) ,158-61
Yoon, SeongHun; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2003. ) Repeated constriction to respiration-induced hypocapnia is not mimicked by isocapnic alkaline solution in rabbit basilar artery in situ. Vascular pharmacology, , 40 (1 ) ,7-11
Yoon, Seonghun; Sherman, Jonathan D; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2002. ) Vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage: evidence against functional upregulation of Rho kinase constrictor pathway. Neurological research, , 24 (4 ) ,392-4
Yoon, S H; Zuccarello, M; Rapoport, R M (2000. ) Reversal of hypercapnia induces endothelin-dependent constriction of basilar artery in rabbits with acute metabolic alkalosis. General pharmacology, , 35 (6 ) ,333-40
Yoon, S H; Zuccarello, M; Rapoport, R M (2000. ) Reversal of hypercapnia induces KATP channel and NO-independent constriction of basilar artery in rabbits with acute metabolic alkalosis. General pharmacology, , 35 (6 ) ,325-32
Zuccarello, M; Lee, B; Rapoport, R M (2000. ) Hypocapnic constriction in rabbit basilar artery in vitro: triggering by serotonin and dependence on endothelin-1 and alkalosis. European journal of pharmacology, , 407 (1-2 ) ,191-5
Rapoport, R M; Campbell, A K; Chang, K C (2000. ) Differential regulation of norepinephrine- and prostaglandin F2alpha-induced contraction by extracellular Na+ in rat aorta. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 36 (3 ) ,288-96
Rapoport, R M; Williams, S P; Campbell, A K (2000. ) Phorbol ester-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis in rat aorta: role of cyclooxygenase products. Life sciences, , 67 (15 ) ,1815-24
Zuccarello, M; Lee, B H; Rapoport, R M (2000. ) Hypocapnic constriction in rabbit basilar artery in vitro: triggering by N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine monoacetate and dependence on endothelin-1 and alkalosis. European journal of pharmacology, , 401 (2 ) ,213-9
Zuccarello, M; Lee, B H; Rapoport, R M (2000. ) Reduced verapamil inhibition of endothelin-1-constricted rabbit basilar artery due to enhanced non L-type Ca(2+)-channel-dependent constriction. General pharmacology, , 35 (1 ) ,11-5
Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, R M (2000. ) Role of NO in endothelium-dependent relaxation of rabbit basilar artery in situ. Neurological research, , 22 (2 ) ,204-8
Zuccarello, M; Lee, B H; Rapoport, R M (2000. ) Endothelin-1 mediates hypocapnic constriction of the rabbit basilar artery in-vitro. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, , 52 (2 ) ,225-6
Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, R M (1999. ) Does blockade of endothelinB1-receptor activation increase endothelinB2/endothelinA receptor-mediated constriction in the rabbit basilar artery? .Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 33 (5 ) ,679-84
Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, R M (1998. ) Endothelin ET(B1) receptor-mediated relaxation of rabbit basilar artery. European journal of pharmacology, , 357 (1 ) ,67-71
Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Romano, A; Rapoport, R M (1998. ) Endothelin B receptor antagonists attenuate subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 29 (9 ) ,1924-9
Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, R M (1998. ) Endothelin ET(B) receptor-mediated constriction in the rabbit basilar artery. European journal of pharmacology, , 350 (1 ) ,R7-9
Tosun, M; Paul, R J; Rapoport, R M (1998. ) Coupling of store-operated Ca++ entry to contraction in rat aorta. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 285 (2 ) ,759-66
Tosun, M; Paul, R J; Rapoport, R M (1998. ) Role of extracellular Ca++ influx via L-type and non-L-type Ca++ channels in thromboxane A2 receptor-mediated contraction in rat aorta. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 284 (3 ) ,921-8
Tosun, M; Paul, R J; Rapoport, R M (1997. ) Intracellular Ca2+ elevation and contraction due to prostaglandin F2alpha in rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 340 (2-3 ) ,203-8
Chuprun, J K; Rapoport, R M (1997. ) Protein kinase C regulation of ATP-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis in bovine aorta endothelial cells.Journal of receptor and signal transduction research, , 17 (6 ) ,787-814 More Information
Bazan, E; Rapoport, R M (1996. ) Methodological considerations for the measurement of protein kinase C translocation in intact smooth muscle. Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods, , 36 (2 ) ,87-95
Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Tosun, M; Rapoport, R M (1996. ) Role of extracellular Ca2+ in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced spasm of the rabbit basilar artery. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 27 (10 ) ,1896-902
Rapoport, R M; Williams, S P (1996. ) Role of prostaglandins in acetylcholine-induced contraction of aorta from spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats. Hypertension, , 28 (1 ) ,64-75
Zuccarello, M; Soattin, G B; Lewis, A I; Breu, V; Hallak, H; Rapoport, R M (1996. ) Prevention of subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm by oral administration of endothelin receptor antagonists.Journal of neurosurgery, , 84 (3 ) ,503-7 More Information
Zuccarello, M; Bonasso, C L; Lewis, A I; Sperelakis, N; Rapoport, R M (1996. ) Relaxation of subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced spasm of rabbit basilar artery by the K+ channel activator cromakalim. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 27 (2 ) ,311-6
Zuccarello, M; Romano, A; Passalacqua, M; Rapoport, R M (1995. ) Decreased endothelium-dependent relaxation in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced vasospasm: role of ET-1. The American journal of physiology, , 269 (3 Pt 2 ) ,H1009-15
Bazan, E; Campbell, A K; Rapoport, R M (1995. ) Time course of phorbol ester-induced contraction and protein kinase C activation in rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 290 (3 ) ,253-7
Rapoport, R M; Campbell, A K; Bazan, E (1995. ) Effects of PKC downregulation on norepinephrine- and prostaglandin F2 alpha-induced contraction in rat aorta. The American journal of physiology, , 269 (2 Pt 2 ) ,H590-8
Zuccarello, M; Romano, A; Passalacqua, M; Rapoport, R M (1995. ) Endothelin-1-induced endothelin-1 release causes cerebral vasospasm in-vivo. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, , 47 (8 ) ,702
Williams, S P; Campbell, A K; Roszell, N; Myatt, L; Leikauf, G D; Rapoport, R M (1994. ) Modulation of phorbol ester-induced contraction by endogenously released cyclooxygenase products in rat aorta. The American journal of physiology, , 267 (5 Pt 2 ) ,H1654-62
Williams, S P; Dorn, G W; Rapoport, R M (1994. ) Prostaglandin I2 mediates contraction and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. The American journal of physiology, , 267 (2 Pt 2 ) ,H796-803
Zuccarello, M; Lewis, A I; Rapoport, R M (1994. ) Endothelin ETA and ETB receptors in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm. European journal of pharmacology, , 259 (1 ) ,R1-2
Baik, Y H; French, J F; Schwartz, A; Rapoport, R M (1994. ) Dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel agonists and antagonists potentiate ultraviolet light-induced relaxation through cyclic GMP formation in porcine coronary artery. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 23 (5 ) ,785-91
Bazan, E; Campbell, A K; Rapoport, R M (1994. ) Effects of phorbol esters on contraction and protein kinase C activation in rabbit aorta. Life sciences, , 54 (2 ) ,PL29-33
Rapoport, R M (1993. ) Potentiation of norepinephrine-induced contraction by primary prostaglandin receptor activation in rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 243 (2 ) ,207-10
Rapoport, R M (1993. ) Regulation of vascular smooth muscle contraction by extracellular Na+. General pharmacology, , 24 (3 ) ,531-7
Bazan, E; Campbell, A K; Rapoport, R M (1993. ) Effects of protein kinase C activation on norepinephrine-induced phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis in intact rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 245 (2 ) ,173-7
Bazan, E; Campbell, A K; Rapoport, R M (1992. ) Protein kinase C activity in blood vessels from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. European journal of pharmacology, , 227 (3 ) ,343-8
Chuprun, J K; Bazan, E; Chang, K C; Campbell, A K; Rapoport, R M (1991. ) Inhibition of phorbol ester-induced contraction by calmodulin antagonists in rat aorta. The American journal of physiology, , 261 (4 Pt 1 ) ,C675-84
Rapoport, R M; Campbell, A K (1991. ) Norepinephrine-induced phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis in intact rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 208 (1 ) ,89-92
Rapoport, R M (1991. ) Inhibitory effects of cyclic AMP-elevating agents on norepinephrine-induced phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis and contraction in rat aorta. General pharmacology, , 22 (3 ) ,449-58
Brusova, L A; Iuzhelevski?, Iu A; Rapoport, R M; Poiurovskaia, I Ia; Panikarovski?, V V; Antipova, Z P; Shitsel', L A; Tuzanova, L I [A new siloxane material for eliminating defects of the soft facial tissues by an injection method. I. The laboratory and experimental research]. Stomatologii?a, , (4 ) ,13-5
Rapoport, R M; Stauderman, K A; Highsmith, R F (1990. ) Effects of EDCF and endothelin on phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis and contraction in rat aorta. The American journal of physiology, , 258 (1 Pt 1 ) ,C122-31
Rapoport, R M; Van Gorp, C; Chang, K C (1990. ) Inositol uptake in rat aorta. Life sciences, , 46 (23 ) ,1715-25
Waldman, S A; Rapoport, R M; Fiscus, R R; Leitman, D C; Chang, L Y; Murad, F (1989. ) Regulation of particulate guanylate cyclase by atriopeptins: relation between peptide structure, receptor binding, and enzyme kinetics. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 999 (2 ) ,157-62
French, J F; Rapoport, R M; Matlib, M A (1989. ) Possible mechanism of benzodiazepine-induced relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 14 (3 ) ,405-11
Rapoport, R M; Ashraf, M; Murad, F (1989. ) Effects of melittin on endothelium-dependent relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in rat aorta. Circulation research, , 64 (3 ) ,463-73
Highsmith, R F; Pang, D C; Rapoport, R M (1989. ) Endothelial cell-derived vasoconstrictors: mechanisms of action in vascular smooth muscle. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 13 Suppl 5 ,S36-44; discussion S
Poiurovskaia, I Ia; Rapoport, R M; Nechaenko, N A; Tagiev, A I [Comparative laboratory evaluation of silicone impression materials used in preparing metalloceramic dentures]. Stomatologii?a, , 67 (3 ) ,56-8
Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1988. ) Effects of ethacrynic acid and cystamine on sodium nitroprusside-induced relaxation, cyclic GMP levels and guanylate cyclase activity in rat aorta. General pharmacology, , 19 (1 ) ,61-5
Molina, C R; Andresen, J W; Rapoport, R M; Waldman, S; Murad, F (1987. ) Effect of in vivo nitroglycerin therapy on endothelium-dependent and independent vascular relaxation and cyclic GMP accumulation in rat aorta. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 10 (4 ) ,371-8
Rapoport, R M; Waldman, S A; Ginsburg, R; Molina, C R; Murad, F (1987. ) Effects of glyceryl trinitrate on endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in rat aorta and human coronary artery. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 10 (1 ) ,82-9
Rapoport, R M (1987. ) Effects of norepinephrine on contraction and hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositols in rat aorta. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 242 (1 ) ,188-94
Chuprun, J K; Rapoport, R M (1987. ) Nitroglycerin-induced desensitization of vascular smooth muscle may be mediated through cyclic GMP-disinhibition of phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis. Experientia, , 43 (3 ) ,316-8
Waldman, S A; Rapoport, R M; Ginsburg, R; Murad, F (1986. ) Desensitization to nitroglycerin in vascular smooth muscle from rat and human. Biochemical pharmacology, , 35 (20 ) ,3525-31
Rapoport, R M; Ginsburg, R; Waldman, S A; Murad, F (1986. ) Effects of atriopeptins on relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in human coronary artery in vitro. European journal of pharmacology, , 124 (1-2 ) ,193-6
Rapoport, R M (1986. ) Cyclic guanosine monophosphate inhibition of contraction may be mediated through inhibition of phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis in rat aorta. Circulation research, , 58 (3 ) ,407-10
Rapoport, R M; Winquist, R J; Baskin, E P; Faison, E P; Waldman, S A; Murad, F (1986. ) Effects of atriopeptins on relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in rat and rabbit aortas. European journal of pharmacology, , 120 (1 ) ,123-6
Draznin, M B; Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1986. ) Myosin light chain phosphorylation in contraction and relaxation of intact rat thoracic aorta. The International journal of biochemistry, , 18 (10 ) ,917-28
Murad, F; Waldman, S A; Fiscus, R R; Rapoport, R M (1986. ) Regulation of cyclic GMP synthesis and the interactions with calcium. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 8 Suppl 8 ,S57-60
Rapoport, R M; Waldman, S A; Schwartz, K; Winquist, R J; Murad, F (1985. ) Effects of atrial natriuretic factor, sodium nitroprusside, and acetylcholine on cyclic GMP levels and relaxation in rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 115 (2-3 ) ,219-29
Fiscus, R R; Rapoport, R M; Waldman, S A; Murad, F (1985. ) Atriopeptin II elevates cyclic GMP, activates cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase and causes relaxation in rat thoracic aorta. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 846 (1 ) ,179-84
Rapoport, R M; Schwartz, K; Murad, F (1985. ) Effect of sodium-potassium pump inhibitors and membrane-depolarizing agents on sodium nitroprusside-induced relaxation and cyclic guanosine monophosphate accumulation in rat aorta. Circulation research, , 57 (1 ) ,164-70
Waldman, S A; Rapoport, R M; Fiscus, R R; Murad, F (1985. ) Effects of atriopeptin on particulate guanylate cyclase from rat adrenal. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 845 (2 ) ,298-303
Rapoport, R M; Schwartz, K; Murad, F (1985. ) Effects of Na+,K+-pump inhibitors and membrane depolarizing agents on acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation and cyclic GMP accumulation in rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 110 (2 ) ,203-9
Murad, F; Rapoport, R M; Fiscus, R (1985. ) Role of cyclic-GMP in relaxations of vascular smooth muscle. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 7 Suppl 3 ,S111-8
Leitman, D C; Waldman, S A; Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1985. ) Specific atrial natriuretic factor receptors mediate increased cyclic GMP accumulation in cultured bovine aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, , 98 ,243-52
Waldman, S A; Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1984. ) Atrial natriuretic factor selectively activates particulate guanylate cyclase and elevates cyclic GMP in rat tissues. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 259 (23 ) ,14332-4
Winquist, R J; Faison, E P; Waldman, S A; Schwartz, K; Murad, F; Rapoport, R M (1984. ) Atrial natriuretic factor elicits an endothelium-independent relaxation and activates particulate guanylate cyclase in vascular smooth muscle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 81 (23 ) ,7661-4
Rapoport, R M; Draznin, M B; Murad, F (1984. ) Mechanisms of adenosine triphosphate-, thrombin-, and trypsin-induced relaxation of rat thoracic aorta. Circulation research, , 55 (4 ) ,468-79
Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1984. ) Effect of cyanide on nitrovasodilator-induced relaxation, cyclic GMP accumulation and guanylate cyclase activation in rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology, , 104 (1-2 ) ,61-70
Rapoport, R M; Draznin, M B; Murad, F Endothelium-dependent relaxation in rat aorta may be mediated through cyclic GMP-dependent protein phosphorylation. Nature, , 306 (5939 ) ,174-6
Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1983. ) Agonist-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation in rat thoracic aorta may be mediated through cGMP. Circulation research, , 52 (3 ) ,352-7
Rapoport, R M; Bevan, J A (1983. ) Effect of contraction on the subsequent responsiveness and maximum contractility of the rabbit ear artery and saphenous vein in vitro. Blood vessels, , 20 (1 ) ,44-55
Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1983. ) Effect of ouabain and alterations in potassium concentration on relaxation induced by sodium nitroprusside. Blood vessels, , 20 (5 ) ,255-64
Rapoport, R M; Murad, F (1983. ) Endothelium-dependent and nitrovasodilator-induced relaxation of vascular smooth muscle: role of cyclic GMP. Journal of cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research, , 9 (4-5 ) ,281-96
Fiscus, R R; Rapoport, R M; Murad, F Endothelium-dependent and nitrovasodilator-induced activation of cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase in rat aorta. Journal of cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research, , 9 (6 ) ,415-25
Rapoport, R M; Draznin, M B; Murad, F (1983. ) Endothelium-dependent vasodilator-and nitrovasodilator-induced relaxation may be mediated through cyclic GMP formation and cyclic GMP-dependent protein phosphorylation. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, , 96 ,19-30
Rapoport, R M; Draznin, M B; Murad, F (1982. ) Sodium nitroprusside-induced protein phosphorylation in intact rat aorta is mimicked by 8-bromo cyclic GMP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 79 (21 ) ,6470-4
Rapoport, R M; Bevan, J A (1982. ) Increased contractility induced in rabbit ear artery by prior exposure to serotonin masks concomitant desensitization to norepinephrine. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 222 (2 ) ,338-43
Rapoport, R M; Bevan, J A (1981. ) Mechanism of electrical stimulation-induced subsensitivity of vascular smooth muscle. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 218 (2 ) ,382-9
Rapoport, R M; Bevan, J A (1981. ) Vascular smooth muscle contraction induced by direct electrical stimulation and its subsequent effect of reactivity to agonists. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 218 (2 ) ,375-81
Rapoport, R M; Takimoto, G S; Cho, A K (1981. ) Compartmental analysis of tyramine-induced norepinephrine depletion. Pharmacology, , 22 (4 ) ,235-42
Rapoport, R M (1978. ) [Hygienic evaluation of the working conditions at a pilot factory for spindleless spinning]. Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevaniia, , (4 ) ,51-2
Yoon, Seonghun; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2014. ) Sensory nerves and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 channels in CO2 regulation of cerebrovascular tone.Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, , More Information
Yoon, Seonghun; Zuccarello, Mario; Rapoport, Robert M (2014. ) Cocaine Constriction of Rat Basilar Artery in situ: Roles of Nitric Oxide and Endothelin-1.Pharmacology, , 93 (3-4 ) ,151-154 More Information
Rapoport, Robert M (2014. ) Acute nitric oxide synthase inhibition and endothelin-1-dependent arterial pressure elevation.Frontiers in pharmacology, , 5 ,57 More Information
Other Publications
Matin, S.B., Callery, P.S., Zweig, J.S., O'Brien, A., Rapoport, R., and Castagnoli, N., Jr. (1974. ) Stereochemical aspects and metabolite formation in the in vivo metabolism of the psychotominetic amine, 1 (2,5 dimethoxy 4 methylphenyl) 2 aminopropane .J. Med. Chem., 17 ,877 -882
Walson, P.D., Marshall, K.S., Forsyth, R.P., Rapoport, R., Melmon, K.L., and Castagnoli, N., Jr. (1975. ) Metabolic disposition and cardiovascular effects of methyldopate in unanesthetized rhesus monkeys .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 211 ,151 -158
Rapoport, R. and Su, C. (1977. ) Norepinephrine content and some other adrenergic parameters in pulmonary arteries .Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc., 20 ,15 -18
Duckles, S.P. and Rapoport, R. (1979. ) Release of endogenous norepinephrine from a rabbit cerebral artery .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 211 ,219 -224
Rapoport, R.M. and Bevan, J.A. (1979. ) Acute stree reduces the sensitivity of the vasculature to sympathetic control .Experientia, 35 ,1609 -1611
Rapoport, R.M., Takimoto, G.S., and Cho, A.K. (1981. ) Compartmental analysis of tyramine induced norepinephrine depletion .Pharmacology, 22 ,235 -242
Bevan, J.A., McCalden, T.A., and Rapoport, R.M. (1981. ) Receptor activated calcium mechanisms and their antagonism in cerebrovascular muscle .New Perspectives on Calcium Antagonists, 123 -129
Rapoport, R.M. and Bevan, J.A. (1981. ) Vascular smooth muscle contraction induced by direct electrical stimulation and its subsequent effect on reactivity to agonists .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 218 ,375 -381
Rapoport, R.M. and Bevan, J.A. (1981. ) Mechanism of electrical stimulation induced subsensitivity of vascular smooth muscle .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 218 ,382 -389
Rapoport, R.M. and Bevan, J.A. (1982. ) The increased contractility induced in rabbit ear artery by prior exposure to serotonin masks concomitant desensitization to norepinephrine .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 222 ,338 -343
Rapoport, R.M., Draznin, M.B., and Murad, F. (1982. ) Sodium nitroprusside induced protein phosphorylation in intact rat aorta is mimicked by 8 bromo cyclic GMP .Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 79 ,6470-6474
Rapoport R.M. and Bevan, J.A. (1983. ) The effect of contraction on the subsequent responsiveness and maximum contractility of the rabbit ear artery and saphenous vein in vitro .Blood Vessels, 20 ,44-55
Rapoport R.M. and Murad, F. (1983. ) Agonist induced endothelium dependent relaxation in rat thoracic aorta may be mediated through cyclic GMP .Circ. Res., 52 ,352 -357
Rapoport, R.M. and Murad, F. (1983. ) Effect of ouabain and alterations in potassium cocentration on relaxation induced by sodium nitroprusside .Blood Vessels, 20 ,255-264
Rapoport, R.M., Draznin, M.B., and Murad, F. (1983. ) Endothelium dependent relaxation in rat thoracic aorta may be mediated through cyclic GMP dependent protein phosphorylation .Nature, 306 ,174-176
Rapoport, R.M., Drazin, M.B., Murad F. (1983. ) Nitrovasodilator and endothelium dependent vasodilator induced relaxation may be mediated through cycle GMP formation and cyclic GMP dependent protein phosphorylation .Trans. Assoc. American Physicians, 96 ,19-30
Rapoport, R.M. and Murad, F. (1983. ) Endothelium dependent and nitrovasodilator induced relaxation of vascular smooth muscle: role of cyclic GMP .J. Cyclic Nucl. Prot. Phosphorylation Res., 9 ,281-296
Fiscus, R.R., Rapoport, R.M., and Murad, F. (1984. ) Endothelium dependent and nitrovasodilator induced activation of cyclic GMP dependent protein kinase in rat aorta .J. Cyclic Nucl. Prot. Phosphorylation Res., 9 ,415-425
Rapoport, R.M. and Murad, F. (1984. ) Effect of cyanide on nitrovasodilator induced relaxation, cyclic GMP accumulation and guanylate cyclase activation in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 104 ,61-70
Rapoport, R.M., Draznin, M.B., and Murad, F. (1984. ) Mechanism of adenosine triphosphate , thrombin and trypsin induced relaxation in rat thoracic aorta .Circ. Res., 55 ,468-471
Winquist, R.J., Faison, E.P., Waldman, S.A., Schwartz, K., Murad, F., and Rapoport, R.M. (1984. ) Atrial natriuretic factor elicits an endothelium independent relaxation and activates particulate guanylate cyclase in vascular smooth muscle .Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 81 ,7661-7664
Waldman, S.A., Rapoport, R.M. and Murad, F. (1984. ) Atrial natriuretic factor activates guanylate cyclase and elevates cyclic GMP in rat tissues .J. Biol. Chem., 259 ,14332-14334
Rapoport, R.M., Schwartz, K., and Murad, F. (1985. ) Effect of Na+, K+ pump inhibitors and membrane depolarizing agents on endothelium dependent relaxation and cyclic GMP levels induced by acetylcholine in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 110 ,203-209
Murad, F., Rapoport, R.M., and Fiscus, R. (1985. ) Role of cyclic GMP in vascular smooth muscle relaxation .J. Cardiovascular Pharmacol., 7 ,S111-S118
Rapoport, R.M., Schwartz, K., and Murad, F. (1985. ) Effect of Na+,K+ pump inhibitors and membrane depolarizing agents on sodium nitroprusside induced relaxation and cyclic GMP accumulation in rat aorta .Circ. Res., 57 ,164-170
Winquist, R., Faison, E., Napier, M., Vandlen, R., Waldman, S., Murad, F., and Rapoport, R. (1985. ) The effects of atrial natriuretic factor on vascular smooth muscle .Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms, 349-353
Fiscus, R.R., Rapoport, R.M., Waldman, S.A., and Murad, F. (1985. ) Atriopeptin II elevates cyclic GMP, activates cyclic GMP dependent protein kinase and causes relaxation in rat thoracic aorta .Biochemica Biophys. Acta, 846 ,179-184
Waldman, S.A., Rapoport, R.M., Fiscus, R.R., and Murad, F. (1985. ) Role of sulfhydryl groups in the activation of particulate guanylate cyclase by atriopeptins in rat adrenal glands .Biochemica Biophys. Acta, 845 ,298-303
Rapoport, R.M., Waldman, S.A., Schwartz, K., Winquist, R.J., and Murad, F. (1985. ) Effects of atrial natriuretic factor, sodium nitroprusside, and acetylcholine on cyclic GMP and relaxation in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 115 ,219-229
Rapoport, R.M. (1985. ) The endothelium inhibits vascular smooth muscle tone and contraction through cyclic GMP mediated decreased phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis .Adv. Protein Phosphatases, 2 ,263-274
Leitman, D.C., Waldman, S.A., Rapoport, R.M., and Murad, F. (1985. ) Specific atrial natriuretic factor receptors mediate increased cyclic GMP accumulation in cultured bovine aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells .Trans. Assoc. Am. Physicians., 98 ,243-252
Rapoport, R.M., Winquist, R.J., Faison, E.P., Waldman, S.A., and Murad, F. (1986. ) Effect of atriopeptins on relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in rat and rabbit aortas .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 120 ,123-126
Rapoport, R.M. (1986. ) Cyclic GMP inhibition of contraction may be mediated through inhibition of phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis in rat aorta .Circ. Res., 58 ,407-410
Rapoport, R.M., Ginsburg, R., Waldman, S.A., and Murad, F. (1986. ) Effects of atriopeptins on relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in human coronary artery .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 124 ,193-196
Waldman, S.A., Rapoport, R.M., Ginsburg, R., and Murad, F. (1986. ) Desensitization to nitroglycerin in vascular smooth muscle from rat and human .Biochem. Pharmacol., 35 ,3525-3531
Murad, F., Waldman, S.A., Fiscus, R.R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1986. ) Regulation of cyclic GMP synthesis and the interactions with calcium .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 8 ,S57-S60
Draznin, M.B., Rapoport, R.M., and Murad, F. (1986. ) Myosin light chain dephosphorylation by sodium nitroprusside treatment of intact rat thoracic aorta: role of cyclic GMP .Int. J. Biochem., 18 ,917-928
Chuprun, J.K. and Rapoport, R.M. (1987. ) Nitroglycerin induced desensitization of vascular smooth muscle may be mediated through cyclic GMP disinhibition of phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis .Experientia, 43 ,316-318
Rapoport, R.M., Waldman, S.A., Ginsburg, R., Molina, C., and Murad, F. (1987. ) Effect of nitroglycerin on endothelium dependent and independent relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in rat aorta and human coronary artery .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 10 ,82-89
Rapoport, R.M. (1987. ) Effect of norepinephrine on contraction and hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositols in rat aorta .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 242 ,188-194
Molina, C.R., Andresen, J.W., Rapoport, R.M., Waldman, S.A., and Murad, F. (1987. ) The effect of in vivo nitroglycerin therapy on endothelium dependent and independent relaxation and cyclic GMP accumulation in rat aorta .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 10 ,371-378
Rapoport, R.M. and Murad, F. (1988. ) The role of cyclic GMP in endothelium dependent relaxation of vascular smooth muscle .Endothelium Derived Vasoactive Factors, 219-239
Rapoport, R.M. and Murad, F. (1988. ) Effects of ethacrynic acid and cystamine on sodium nitroprusside induced relaxation, cyclic GMP levels and guanylate cyclase activity in rat aorta .Gen. Pharmacol., 19 ,61-65
Rapoport, R.M., Ashraf, M., and Murad, F. (1989. ) Effects of melittin on endothelium dependent relaxation and cyclic GMP levels in rat aorta .Circ. Res., 64 ,463-473
Highsmith, R.F., Pang, D.C. and Rapoport, R.M. (1989. ) Endothelial cell derived vasoconstrictors: mechanisms of action in vascular smooth muscle .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 13 ,36-44
French, J.F., Rapoport, R.M., and Matlib, M.A. (1989. ) Mechanism of benzodiaze¬pine induced relaxation of rat aorta: relaxation is unrelated to the high affinity binding .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 14 ,405-411
Rapoport, R.M., Bazan, E., and Campbell, A.K. (1989. ) Role of cyclic GMP in the regulation of endothelium dependent alterations in vascular contractility and phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis .3rd Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy International Symposium, 19-33
Rapoport, R.M., Stauderman, K.A., and Highsmith, R.F. (1990. ) Effects of EDCF and endothelin on phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis and contraction in rat aorta .Am. J. Physiol., 258 ,C122-C131
Rapoport, R.M., Van Gorp, C., and Chang, K. C. (1990. ) Inositol uptake in rat aorta .Life Sci., 46 ,1715-1725
Highsmith, R.F., Schmidt, D.J., Pang, D.C., Stauderman, K.A., and Rapoport, R.M. (1990. ) Mechanisms of action of endothelial cell derived contricting factors .Endothelium Derived Contracting Factors, 50-59
Rapoport, R.M. (1991. ) Inhibitory effects of cyclic AMP elevating agents on norepinephrine induced phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis and contraction in rat aorta .Gen. Pharmacol., 22 ,449-458
Chuprun, J.K.., Bazan, E., Campbell, A.K., Chang, K. C. and Rapoport, R.M. (1991. ) Inhibition of phorbol ester induced contraction by calmodulin antagonists in rat aorta .Am. J. Physiol., 261 ,C675-C684
Rapoport, R.M. and Campbell, A.K. (1991. ) Effects of norepinephrine on phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol. (Molec. Pharmacol. Section), 20 ,89-92
Bazan, E., Campbell, A.K. and Rapoport, R.M. (1992. ) Protein kinase C activity in blood vessels from normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats .Eur. J. Pharmacol. (Molec. Pharmacol. Section), 277 ,343-348
Bazan, E., Campbell, A.K., and Rapoport, R.M. (1993. ) Effects of protein kinase C activation on norepinephrine induced phosphatidyl¬inositide hydrolysis in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol. (Molec. Pharmacol. Section), 245 ,173-177
Rapoport, R.M. (1993. ) Regulation of vascular smooth muscle contractions by extracellular Na+ .Gen. Pharmacol., 24 ,531-537
Zuccarello, M., Bonasso, C.L., Sperelakis, N., and Rapoport, R.M. (1993. ) Role of membrane potential in vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage .Cerebral Vasospasm. Developments in Neurology 8, 229-234 ,
Rapoport, R.M. (1993. ) Potentiation of norepinephrine induced contraction by primary prostaglandin receptor activation in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 243 ,207-210
Bazan, E., Campbell, A.K., and Rapoport, R.M. (1994. ) Effects of phorbol esters on contraction and protein kinase C activation in rabbit aorta .Life Sciences, 54 ,PL29-PL33
Baik, Y.H., French, J., Schwartz, A., and Rapoport, R.M. (1994. ) Relaxing effect of ultra¬violet light on the dihydropyridine Ca++ channel agonist (+)S202 791 induced tension in the porcine coronary artery .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 23 ,785-791
Williams, S.P., Dorn, G.W. II, and Rapoport, R.M. (1994. ) Prostaglandin I2 mediates contraction and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle .Am. J. Physiol., 267 ,H796-H803
Zuccarello, M., Lewis, A.I. and Rapoport, R.M. (1994. ) Endothelin ETA and ETB receptors in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 259 ,R1-2
Williams, S.P., Campbell, A.K., Roszell, N., Myatt, L., Leikauf, G.D., and Rapoport, R.M. (1994. ) Modulation of phorbol ester-induced contraction by endogenously released cyclooxygenase products in rat aorta .Am. J. Physiol., 267 ,H1654-H1662
Zuccarello, M., Romano., Passalacqua, M., and Rapoport, R.M. (1995. ) Endothelin-1-induced endothelin-1 release causes cerebral vasospasm in vivo .J. Pharmacy Pharmacol., 47 ,702
Rapoport, R.M., Bazan, E., and Campbell, A.K. (1995. ) Effects of protein kinase C down-regulation on norepinephrine- and prostaglandin F2 induced contraction in rat aorta .Am. J. Physiol., 269 ,H390-H398
Bazan, E., Campbell, A.K., and Rapoport, R.M. (1995. ) Time course of phorbol ester-induced contraction and protein kinase C activation in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol. (Molec. Pharmacol. Section), 290 ,253-257
Zuccarello, M., Bonasso, C.L., Lewis, A.I., Sperelakis, N., and Rapoport, R.M. (1996. ) Relaxation of subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced spasm of rabbit basilar artery by the K+ channel activator cromakalim .Stroke, 27 ,311-316
Zuccarello, M., Soattin, G.B., Lewis, A.I., Breu, V., Hallak, H., and Rapoport, R.M. (1996. ) Prevention of subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm by oral administration of the endothelin receptor antagonists .J. Neurosurg., 84 ,503-507
Rapoport, R.M. and Williams, S.P. (1996. ) Role of prostaglandins in acetylcholine-induced contraction of aorta from Spontaneously Hypertensive and Wistar Kyoto rats .Hypertension, 28 ,63-75
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., Tosun, M., and Rapoport, R.M. (1996. ) Role of extracellular Ca2+ in subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced spasm of the rabbit basilar artery .Stroke, 27 ,1896-1902
Bazan, E., Campbell, A.K., and Rapoport, R.M. (1996. ) Methodological considerations for the measurement of protein kinase C activity distribution between cytosolic and membrane fractions prepared from intact vascular smooth muscle .J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods, 36 ,87-95
Tosun, M. and Rapoport, R.M. (1997. ) Methylene blue inhibits endothelial PGI2 release: support for PGI2 as contracting factor .Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2 ,503-504
Chuprun, J.K. and Rapoport, R.M. (1997. ) Regulation of purinergic induced phosphatidyl-inositide hydrolysis by protein kinase C in bovine aortic endothelial cells .J. Receptor Signal Transduction Res., 17 ,787-814
Tosun, M., Paul, R.J., and Rapoport, R.M. (1997. ) Intracellular Ca2+ elevation and contraction due to prostaglandin F2 in rat aorta .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 340 ,203-208
Tosun, M., Paul, R.J., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Role of extracellular Ca2+ influx via L-type and non-L-type Ca2+ channels in thromboxane A2 receptor-mediated increase in force in rat aorta .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 284 ,921-928
Tosun, M., Paul, R.J., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Coupling of store-operated Ca2+ entry to contraction in rat aorta .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 285 ,759-766
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Endothelin ETB receptor-mediated constriction in the rabbit basilar artery .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 350 ,R7-R9
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., Romano, A., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Endothelin B receptor antagonists attenuate subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm .Stroke, 29 ,1924-1929
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1998. ) Endothelin ETB1 receptor-mediated relaxation of rabbit basilar artery .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 351 ,67-71
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (1999. ) EndothelinB1 receptor activation increases endothelinB2: endothelinA receptor-mediated constriction in the rabbit basilar artery .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 33 ,679-684
Zuccarello, M., Lee, B.Y., and Rapoport, R.M. (2000. ) Endothelin-1 mediated hypocapnic constriction in rabbit basilar artery in vitro .J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 52 ,225-226
Zuccarello, M., Boccaletti, R., and Rapoport, R.M. (2000. ) Combined effects of NO synthase inhibitors on endothelium-dependent relaxation in rabbit basilar artery .Neurological Res., 22 ,204-208
Rapoport, R.M., Williams, S.P., and Campbell, A.K. (2000. ) Phorbol ester induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis in rat aorta: role of cyclooxygenase products .Life Sci., 67 ,1815-1824
Rapoport, R.M., Campbell, A.K., and Chang, K.C. (2000. ) Differential regulation of norepinephrine and prostaglandin F2-induced contraction by extracellular Na+ in rat aorta .J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 36 ,288-296
Zuccarello, M., Lee, B.H., Rapoport, R.M. (2000. ) Hypocapnic constriction in rabbit basilar artery in vitro : triggering by NG-monomethyl-L-arginine monoacetate and alkalosis .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 401 ,213-219
Zuccarello, M., Lee, B.H., Rapoport, R.M. (2000. ) Hypocapnic constriction in rabbit basilar artery in vitro: triggering by serotonin and dependence on endothelin-1 and alkalosis .Eur. J. Pharmacol., 407 ,191-195
Zuccarello, M., Lee, B.H., Rapoport, R.M. (2001. ) Reduced verapamil inhibition of endothelin-1 constricted basilar artery due to enhanced non L-type Ca2+ channel dependent constriction .General Pharmacology: The Vascular System, 35 ,11-15
Yoon, S., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2002. ) Reversal of hypercapnia induces KATP channel and NO independent constriction of basilar artery in rabbits with acute metabolic alkalosis .General Pharmacology: The Vascular System, 35 ,325-332
Yoon, S., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2002. ) Reversal of hypercapnia induces endothelin dependent constriction of basilar artery in rabbits with acute metabolic alkalosis .General Pharmacology: The Vascular System, 35 ,333-340
Yoon, S., Sherman, D., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2002. ) Vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage: Evidence against functional upregulation of Rho kinase constrictor pathway .Neurological Res., 24 ,392-394
Yoon, S., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2002. ) Repeated constriction to respiration-induced hypocapnia is not mimicked by isocapnic alkaline solution in rabbit basilar artery in situ .Vascular Pharmacology, 65 ,1-5
Fandino, J., Sherman, D., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2002. ) Cocaine induced endothelin-1 dependent spasm in rabbit basilar artery in vivo .J. Cardiovascular Pharmacol., 41 ,158-161
Yoon, S., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2003. ) Vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage: Evidence against functional upregulation of protein kinase C constrictor pathway .Neurological Res., 25 ,268-270
Motz, G.T., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2006. ) Alkaline pH induced ERK activation in brain microvascular endothelial cells: differential effects of Tris and lowered CO2 .Endothelium, 13 ,313-316
Yoon, S., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. (2007. ) Acute cocaine induces endothelin-1 dependent constriction of rabbit basilar artery .Endothelium, 14 ,137-139
Rapoport, R.M., Zuccarello, M. Acute cocaine constriction of the cerebral vasculature ex vivo: pharmacologic properties and clinical relevance .
Yoon, S., Gariepy, C., Yanagisawa, M., Wagner, C., Zuccarello, M., Rapoport, R.M. Effect of endothelin B receptor null mutation on endothelial function and endothelin-1 constriction in rat basilar artery in situ .
Yoon, S., Zuccarello, M., and rapoport, R.M. Effects of cocaine on nitric oxide synthase inhibitor-induced constriction and inwardly rectifying potassium channel activation-induced relaxation in rat basilar artery in situ .
Invited Presentations
Plenary Session Speaker, National Meeting Association of American Physicians (1983. )
Invited Speaker, Gordon Conference on Cyclic Nucleotides (1983. )
Presentation, Clinical Pharmacology, Stanford University, Stanford, California (1983. )
Presentation, Pharmacology Department, University of California, Los Angeles, California (1983. )
Invited Speaker, Joint Scientific Sessions of the Councils on Circulation and Basic Science, Aspen, Colorado (1984. )
Presentation, Merck, Sharp and Dohme, West Point, Pennsylvania (1984. )
Invited Speaker, International Research Conference on Protein Phosphatases and Cellular Regulation, Brussels, Belgium (1985. )
Presentation, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (1985. )
Invited Speaker, Workshop on Atrial Natriuretic Factor and Cyclic GMP, VIth Int. Conf. Cyclic Nucleotides, Ca++ and Protein Phosphorylation, Bethesda, Maryland (1986. )
Presentation, Pharmacology Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (1986. )
Presentation, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (1986. )
Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Angiotensin, Santa Barbara, California (1987. )
Invited Speaker, International Workshop on Endothelium in Vasomotor Control, Chepston, England (did not accept) (1987. )
Invited Speaker, Biochemical Society/Cardiac Muscle Research Group on the Biochemistry of Blood Flow Regulation, London, England (did not accept) (1987. )
Presentation, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (1987. )
Presentation, Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio (1987. )
Invited Speaker, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Copper Mountain, Colorado (did not accept) (1988. )
Invited Speaker, American Physiological Society, Rochester, Minnesota (October; did not accept) (1989. )
Invited Speaker, International Congress Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Kyoto, Japan (October) (1989. )
Invited Speaker, International Society for Heart Research (ISHR), Cincinnati, Ohio (1991. )
Invited Speaker, Korean Pharmacology Society, Seoul, Korea (1992. )
Invited Speaker, Yensai University, Seoul, Korea (1992. )
Invited Speaker, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju, Korea (1992. )
Invited Speaker, Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea (1992. )
Presentation, Division of Cardiology, University of Cincinnati (1992. )
Presentation, Parke-Davis, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1994. )
Who's Who In Medicine And Health Care (Marquis Who's Who) (1996. )
Presentation, Department of Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (1997. )
Presentation, Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (1998. )
Honors and Awards
1974 -1977 Mental Health Training Program Trainee (NIMH)
1977 Research and Travel Grant Award, University of California
1977 -1980 Predoctoral Trainee (NIH)
1980 -1983 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (NRSA)
Courses Taught
Advanced Topics in Protein Phosphorylation / Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
Biophysics III
Experimental Methods in Pharmacology
Molecular Biology of the Cell III
Medical Pharmacology (and Remedial Medical Pharmacology)
Contact Information
Academic - Vontz
Room 2121
Ohio, 45267-0575
Phone: 513-558-7554
Fax: 513-558-9969