Michael David Rogovin
Asst Professor - Adj Ann
Aronoff Center
DAAP SAID Ad - 0016
Professional Summary
Michael Rogovin received his Master of Architecture and undergraduate degree from University of Cincinnati, DAAP. Since then, he has taught within SAID primarily in the second- and third-year curriculum. During this time Michael has also worked with another faculty member, Terry Boling on projects in and around the Cincinnati area. These mostly have taken the form of single family residential and small-scale commercial projects.
Master if Architecture : University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2016 (Architecture)
Bachelor of Science in Architecture: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2013 (Architecture)
Positions and Work Experience
2016 -To Present Senior Designer, Cincinnati based architecture design firm focused on residential and small scale commercial design. , Terry Boling Architect, Cincinnati, Ohio
Published Books
SAID (2020. ) Future of Work - Designing the Creative Space of Tomorrow .Cincinnati, Ohio , University of Cincinnati Press (Editor)