Teresa Sabourin

Teresa Sabourin


Professional Summary

Dr. Teresa Sabourin is a Professor of Communication at the University of Cincinnati. Her primary teaching and research area is interpersonal communication. She specializes in family communication, with an emphasis on domestic violence, homelessness and recovery processes.

Dr. Sabourin has been a member of the faculty in the Department of Communication at the University of Cincinnati since 1984. She was the graduate director from 1992 to 2002. She was the Department Head from 2002-2011.

She has published a number of articles and book chapters on family communication including the book, The Contemporary American Family: A Dialectical Perspective on Communication and Relationships (Sage).


Doctor of Philosophy: Purdue University Lafayette, Indiana, 1986 (Communication)

Master of Communication: Cleveland State University Cleveland, Ohio, 1981 (Communication)

Bachelor of Arts: Cleveland State University Cleveland, OH, 1978 (Communication)

Abbreviated Publications

Book Chapter

Sabourin, T. (2009), Making sense of abuse: Account analyses of male batterers.  In Family Violence: Communication Processes, (Ed. D. Cahn), Albany: State University of New York Press.

Sabourin, T.C. "The family communication sourcebook." Theories and metatheories to explain family communication: An overview. Ed. L. Turner & R. West. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2006.

Sabourin, T.C. "Family abuse: A communication perspective." The role of communication in verbal abuse between spouses. Ed. D. Cahn & S. Lloyd. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1996.

Trent, J.S. and Sabourin, T.C. "Communication and sex role socialization." When the candidate is a woman: The content and form of televised negative advertising. Ed. C. Berryman-Fink, D. Ballard-Reisch, & L.H. Newman. New York: Garland Press, 1993. 233-268.

Sabourin, T.C. "Abused and battered: Social and legal responses to family violence." Perceptions of verbal aggression in interspousal violence. Ed. D.D. Knudsen & J. Miller. New York: Aldine de Gruyer, 1991. 135-142.


Sabourin, T.C. "The Contemporary American Family: A Dialectical Perspective on Communication and Relationships." Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Sabourin, T.C. "The role of negative reciprocity in spouse abuse: A relational control analysis." Journal of Applied Communication Research (1995): 1-13.

Sabourin, T.C. and Stamp, G. "Communication and dialectical tensions in family life: An exploration of abusive and nonabusive families." Communication Monographs (1995): 213-242.

Stamp, G. and Sabourin, T.C. "Accounting for violence: An analysis of male spousal abuse narratives." Journal of Applied Communication Research (1995): 14-32.

Sabourin, T.C., Infante, D.A., and Rudd, J.E. "Verbal aggression in marriages: A comparison of violent, distressed but violent, and nondistressed couples." Human Communication Research (1993): 245-267.

Trent, J.S. and Sabourin, T.C. "Sex still counts: Women’s use of televised advertising during the decade of the 80’s." Journal of Applied Communication (1993): 21-40.

Infante, D.A., Chandler, T.A., Rudd, J.E., and Shannon, E.A. "Verbal aggression in violent and nonviolent disputes." Communication Quarterly (1990): 361-371.

Payne, M.J. and Sabourin, T.C. "Argumentative skill deficiency and its relationship to the quality of marriage." Communication Research Reports (1990): 121-124.

Sabourin, T.C. and Geist, P. "Collaborative production of proposals in group decision making." Small Group Research (1990): 404-427.

Fairhurst, G.T., and Chandler, T.A. "The social structure of leader member exchange in interaction." Communication Monographs (1989): 215-239.

Infante, D.A., Chandler, T.A., and Rudd, J.E. "Test of an argumentative skill deficiency model of interspousal violence." Communication Monographs (1989): 163-177.

Berryman-Fink, C., Brunner, C., and Chandler, T.A. "Issues in conflict management research." Ohio Speech Journal (1988): 26-37.

Geist, P., and Chandler, T.A. "An account analysis of influence in group decision making." Communication Monographs (1984): 67-78.


Chandler, T.A.Rev. of Review of Communication in Small Groups: Principles and practice in small group discussion Communication Education, 36. (1987): 105-106.

Chandler, T.A.Rev. of Review of Family Communication: Cohesion & Change Communication Education, 35. (1986): 438-439.


Invited Presentations

Sabourin, T.C. (2006. ) A review of family violence and communication: What have we learned? .Conference of the Central States Communication Association, Indianopolis, IN.

Paper Presentations

Sabourin, T.C. (2005. ) Managing faculty resistance in the process of creating on-line courses .Dayton, OH.

Berryman-Fink, C., Sabourin, T. & Newman, L. (2004. ) Feminist mothers and their sons: A study of reflexive identities .Notre Dame, Indiana.

Sabourin, T.C. (2004. ) A metaphorical analysis of mundane reality: A day in the life of the contemporary American family .Chicago, IL.

Sabourin, T.C.& Stamp, G. (2004. ) Accounting for male spousal abuse: The voice of the batterer .Chicago, IL.

Sabourin, T.C. (2002. ) Identity change through language patterns in male batterer narratives .Milwaukee, WI.

Sabourin, T.C. (2002. ) Turning points in courtship relationships: Perceptions of commitment. New Orleans, LA.

Anderson, T. & Sabourin, T.C. (1996. ) An analysis of conflict in lesbian relationships .San Diego, CA.

Sabourin, T.C., & Maechling, L. (1996. ) Coordinating domestic violence services .San Diego, CA.

Sabourin, T.C. (1996. ) Family communication and spirituality: The sacred dwelling place .San Diego, CA.

Sabourin, T.C. (1995. ) The role of communication in verbal abuse .San Antonio, TX.

Stamp, G. & Sabourin, T.C. (1995. ) Accounting for violence in male spousal abuse narratives .San Antonio, TX.

Sabourin, T.C. (1994. ) Dominance and control in abusive marriages .New Orleans, LA.

Sabourin, T.C. & Stamp, G. (1994. ) An exploration of dialectical tensions in family life .New Orleans, LA.

Sabourin, T.C. (1993. ) Gestalt therapy and the dialectical perspective .Miami, FL.

Sabourin, T.C. (1991. ) The dialectics of family violence research: A reflective account .Atlanta, GA.

Sabourin, T.C. (1990. ) The influence of communication and relational type on attributions of responsibility for spouse abuse .Chicago, IL.

Sabourin, T.C., Infante, D.A., Rudd, J.E., & Payne, M. (1989. ) Verbal aggression, argumentativeness, and marital satisfaction .San Francisco, CA.

Chandler, T.A. (1988. ) Definitional issues in the study of interspousal violence .Baltimore, MA.

Chandler, T.A. (1985. ) Interaction in abusive relationships .Denver, CO.

Chandler, T.A., Geist, P. & Norton, R.W. (1984. ) A coorientational model of marital violence .Madison, WI.

Chandler, T.A., Geist, P. & Norton, R.W. (1983. ) The relationship between marital violence, self esteem, and interaction .Dallas, TX.


Sabourin, T.C. (2006. ) Where is the communication in family violence: Studies of relational control and narrative accounting .University of Kentucky.