Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama
Associate Professor in Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
French Hall
A&S Women's Studies - 0164
Professional Summary
Born and raised in Colombia, South America, Dr. Sanmiguel-Valderrama practiced law in Colombia for five years before migrating to Canada in her late 20s. Dr. Sanmiguel-Valderrama earned her LLM in international human rights law at the University of Ottawa, where she also worked at the Human Rights Research and Education Center co-directing a women's project with CEMUJER in El Salvador (Central America) funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). In 2004, she graduated with her Ph.D. in Law from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Toronto, where she was also affiliated to CERLAC, The Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University.
On the basis of extensive fieldwork in Colombia, her research and publications examine the contradictions between neoliberal international trade and military aid on the one hand, and respect for individual and collective human rights –in particular labor, environmental, and equality rights for women and racial minorities—on the other hand. These relationships and contradictions are examined through case studies where both trade and human rights laws and practices are in operation: first, the Colombian export-led flower industry. Her upcoming book (2012) is provisionally titled “No Roses Without Thorns: Trade, Militarization, and Human Rights in the Production and Export of Colombian Flowers” (click here to see book prospectus). Second, though the case of NAFTA and undocumented migration of Mexican and Central American into the USA.
Dr. Sanmiguel -Valderrama have published various articles in prestigious international academic journals presenting her research findings on the interrelationship between globalization, international trade, militarism, social reproduction, and human rights from multidisciplinary and transnational anti-racist feminist approaches. Her research have been supported by competitive grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center, and the University of Cincinnati Research Council. Professor's Sanmiguel-Valderrama current areas of research and teaching are family-work conflict under globalization, the relationships between military aid, trade, and human rights in Colombia, feminist mothering, women, gender and law, international women's rights, and women's labor rights.
Ph.D. (Law): Osgoode Hall Law School, York University Toronto, Canada, 2004
Human rights implications of free trade agreements.)
University Teaching Practicum Certificate: Center for the Support of Teaching, York University Toronto, Canada, 2004
LL.M.: Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa Ontario, Canada, 1995
LL.B.: University of Los Andes Bogotá, Colombia, 1987
Spanish: speak, read, and write (mother tongue)
English: speak, read, and write (second language)
French: read:
Positions and Work Experience
2006 -To Present Assistant Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexualities Studies and Faculty Affiliate, Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Science of Arts & Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2005 -2006 Friends of Women's Studies Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2004 -2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice and Social Welfare , Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario, Canada
2003 -2004 Teaching Assistant, Labour Studies Program, Division of Social Sciences, "Introduction to Labour Relations in Canada", York University, Toronto, Canada
1999 -2003 Teaching Assistant, Law and Society Program, Division of Social Sciences, "Women and the Law", York University, Toronto, Canada
1987 -1992 Solicitor and Barrister--, Practiced labour, civil, and administrative law. , Bogota, Colombia
-1986 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Law, Community Legal Aid Services Program, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
2019 - Leader (PI) of ¨The Americas, Latinx, and Indigenous People´s Research Center or ÄIRC.¨ College of Arts and Sciences Restructuring Initiative Grand for 5,000$, The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
2019 -2020 University of Cincinnati TAFT Research Center Fellow, Cincinnati
2017 -2019 Director of Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies Program (LACLS), I created the BA and LAC&LS and transformed the Certificate on Latin American Studied to LACLS Certificate, The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
2017 -2019 Director of Social Justice Certificate, I created and established it, The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
2014 - Associate Professor, Department of Women´s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati
Research Support
2011 -2012 University Research Council (UC) Faculty Research Grant Type:Grant Level:University
2010 -2010 TAFT Research Center (UC) Travel for Research Grant Completed Type:Grant Level:University
2008 -2009 UC Faculty Development Council, Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CET&L) Individual Faculty Development Grant Completed Type:Grant Level:University
05-22-2007 -06-29-2007 UC Faculty Development Council Individual Faculty Development Grant Completed Type:Grant Level:University
2006 -2007 UC Faculty Development Council, Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CET&L) Individual Faculty Development Grant Completed Type:Grant Level:University
2005 -2006 Friends of Women's Studies Research and Conference Traveling Grant Completed Type:Grant
2002 -2003 Osgoode Hall Law School, Graduate Program in Law. Peter W. Hogg Graduate Award Completed Type:Grant
1998 -1999 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship Completed Type:Fellowship
1997 -1998 Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University Dean of Graduate Studies Academic Excellence Scholarship Completed
1996 -1997 Osgoode Hall Law School, York University Mary Jane Mossman, Feminist Legal Theory Scholarship Completed
1995 -1996 Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Grant to develop a program for Promoting Women’s Rights in El Salvador, on behalf of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa. Award granted in conjunction with the NGO "CEMUJER" in El Salvador.
1994 -1995 Admission Scholarship, Graduate Studies in Law, University of Ottawa, School of Graduate Studies and Research.
2019 -2020 Charles Phelps Taft Taft Research Fellow Role:Fellow Active Type:Fellowship
2019 -2020 College of Arts and Sciences Restructuring Initiative Role:Collaborator 50005 Active Type:Grant
2019 -2019 UC´s Latino Faculty Association Distinguished University Leadership Award Role:PI Type:Grant
2019 -2019 Darwin T. Turner Champion Award Role:PI Type:Grant
2018 -2018 Faculty Development for Conference Presentation Role:PI Type:Grant
Abbreviated Publications
Work in Progress
Co-edited volume with Australian scholar Suzette Mitchell, "Where did I go? Reflection on Later Mothering among Highly Educated Women"Spring 2019.
"Latinx in Agribusinneses: Gender, Race, Class and Citenzship in Canadian, U.S.A. and Columbian Labor and Immigration Regimes"
"Transnational Surrogacy in the Age of Globalization," coauthored with UC's MA in WGSS Rashida Manuela
Invited Presentations
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (05-2018. ) Women’s negotiations and re-negotiations of unpaid social and reproductive labor in the global economy .Southern Labor Studies Conferences, Athens, Georgia . Level:State
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (04-2019. ) Women's Labors around the World under Globalization .UC's Research and Innovation Week, Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University
Sanmiguel, Valderrama, Olga (02-2018. ) Sanctuary Cities and the Rule of Law .UC School of Law Round Table, UC. UC. . Level:University
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (2017. ) Women’s work: sustaining the global economy through underpaid and unpaid labor .Berkshire 17 Conference of Women Historians , New York City . UC. . Level:State
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (2016. ) "Neoliberal "Free" Trade Demands on the Home: Unequal Exchange, Community Mothers, and Flower Workers in Colombia .National Women's Studies Association Conference, Montreal . Other Institution. . Level:International
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (2016. ) Women’s Paid and Unpaid Labor Shaping the Post-2007 Global Economy .Conference of the International Journal of Feminist Politics, Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (2014. ) Integration of ILO Conventions into the Colombian Legal Regime: What use for women’s paid, underpaid, and unpaid labor? .the European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. UC. . Level:International
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (2014. ) Women's ILO: Transnational Networks, Working Conditions, Gender Equality .European Social Sciene History. Other Institution. . Level:International
Sanmiguel, Valderrama, Olga (2013. ) Transnational Feminist Encounters through Collaborative International Online Learning .National Women's Studies Association 2013 , Cinncinnati . UC. . Level:State
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (2013. ) Methods, Means and Mores: A Roundtable on “Doing” Global and Transnational Women and Gender Research .National Women's Studies Association, Cincinnati. UC. . Level:State
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (08-2013. ) "Global Women’s Work” .Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) , New York City . UC. . Level:State
Sanmiguel-Valderrama, Olga (03-2013. ) (In Press. ) Collective Resistance to Precarious forms of Labor in the Context of the Colombian fresh-cut flower industry .Project for Global Workers, Pennsylvania State University . UC. . Level:University
Paper Presentations
(03-2013. ) Collective Resistance to Precarious forms of Labor in the Context of the Colombian fresh-cut flower industry .
(10-2012. ) Criminalizing Manual Mexican Labor in the Age of Border Securitization: Impacts on Families and on their Social Reproduction Processes " .Cincinnati.
(05-2012. ) Preferential trade accords between Colombia and the USA: their implications for Colombia's sovereignty .San Francisco, California. Professional Meeting. Level:International
(07-27-2011. ) "Colorblindness in the Free Trade deals between Colombia and the USA : Why some Colombian minority groups oppose the FTA." .UC. Level:University
(06-2011. ) "Transnationalization and Racialization of Social Reproduction through Colombia-USA Preferential Trade Agreements: The Case of Community Mothers and Flower Workers" .San Francisco, California. Conference. Level:National
(11-2010. ) “Waves of Resistance in the Colombia Flower Industry” .Denver, Colorado. Conference. Level:National
(10-2010. ) “These Weapons are not just for Show: Class, Gender and Race Implications of Colombian-USA Military Cooperation Agreements” .Toronto, Canada. Other Institution. Level:International
(10-22-2009. ) “Community Mothers and Flower workers in Colombia: Transnationalization of Social Reproduction and Production for the Global Market” .Toronto, Canada. Conference. Level:International
(02-2009. ) “Resistance in the Colombia Flower Industry: Celebrating Flower workers’ day and Unionization” .Berea, Kentucky. Other Institution. Level:National
(02-2009. ) “Class, Gender and Race Struggles behind the Wars on Drugs and Terrorism in Colombia” .Athens, Ohio. Conference. Level:International
(06-2008. ) “Class, Gender and Race Struggles behind the Wars on Drugs and Terrorism in Colombia” .Cincinnati, Ohio. Conference. Level:National
(02-14-2007. ) “Agency, Codes of Conducts, and Collective Rights to Bargain in the fresh-cut Flower industries of Colombia and Ecuador” .Cincinnati, Ohio. UC. Level:University
(03-2006. ) “Labour Standards and Global Markets: Colombia’s and Ecuador’s fresh-cut Flower Industry in a Comparative Perspective” .San Juan, Puerto Rico. Professional Meeting. Level:International
(11-07-2005. ) “No Rose Without a Thorn: The Impact of International Trade on Women's Labour and Human Rights in the Colombian Flower Industry” .Cincinnati, Ohio. UC. Level:Local
(10-28-2004. ) “USA Conditionalities of Trade with Colombia: The War on Illegal Drugs, and Increasing USA military presence in Colombia” .Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:International
(05-06-2004. ) “Workers and Communities’ Struggles to Re-Gain Labour Rights Through International Cooperation and Codes of Conducts” .Toronto, Canada . Conference. Level:International
(05-28-2002. ) “Impact of Neo-Liberal Free Trade on Colombian Labour Legislation: the Case of the Colombian Flower Industry” .Vancouver, Canada. Professional Meeting. Level:National
(10-12-2001. ) “International Free Trade and Human Rights: Two Incompatible Goals?” .Toronto, Canada. Conference. Level:International
(05-08-2001. ) “Rosy or Thorny Trade? Colombia’s Export of Flowers: Lowering labour Standards and Increasing Environmental Degradation” .Toronto, Canada. Other Institution. Level:International
(05-2000. ) “Neo-liberalism and Free Trade in Colombia: Lowering Labour Standards in the 1990s” .Toronto, Canada. Conference. Level:International
(03-1999. ) “Impact of Structural Adjustment and Economic Integration of the Enforceability of Women’s Labour Rights in Colombia” .Bogotá, Colombia. Other Institution. Level:International
(07-1998. ) “Globalization, International Trade Agreements and the Enforcement of Labour and Women’s Rights” .Ontario, Canada. Conference. Level:International
(10-2012. ) “Border Enforcement at Family Sites: Social Reproductive Implications for Mexican and Central American Manual Labor in the United States,” sponsored by the Kunz Center for Social Research, Urban and Race Workshops, Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati.
(05-2018. ) Women’s negotiations and re-negotiations of unpaid social and reproductive labor in the global economy .Athens, Georgia,. Conference.
(04-2018. ) Women's Labors around the World under Globalization .Cincinnati.
(02-2018. ) Sanctuary Cities and the Rule of Law .Cincinnati.
(2017. ) Women’s work: sustaining the global economy through underpaid and unpaid labor .New York City .
Neoliberal "Free" Trade Demands on the Home: Unequal Exchange, Community Mothers, and Flower Workers in Colombia (11-2016. ) Neoliberal "Free" Trade Demands on the Home: Unequal Exchange, Community Mothers, and Flower Workers in Colombia .Montreal, Canada.
(2016. ) Women’s Paid and Unpaid Labor Shaping the Post-2007 Global Economy .Cincinnati.
(04-2014. ) Integration of ILO Conventions into the Colombian Legal Regime: What use for women’s paid, underpaid, and unpaid labor? .Cincinnati.
(11-2013. ) Transnational Feminist Encounters through Collaborative International Online Learning .Cincinnati .
(11-2013. ) Methods, Means and Mores: A Roundtable on “Doing” Global and Transnational Women and Gender Research .Cincinnati.
(06-2013. ) Global Women’s Work .New York City.
(03-20-2013. ) Collective Resistance to Precarious forms of Labor in the Context of the Colombian fresh-cut flower industry .Pennsylvania State University.
Event Organized
Panel "Dirty War and Displacement in Colombia: A Video Screening and Discussion”featuring two short documentaries “What Happened in El Firme: Forced Displacement on the Colombian Pacific” and “The Hidden Story: Confronting Colombia's Dirty War” at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC), York University (moderator and discussant)Panel "Dirty War and Displacement in Colombia: A Video Screening and Discussion”featuring two short documentaries “What Happened in El Firme: Forced Displacement on the Colombian Pacific” and “The Hidden Story: Confronting Colombia's Dirty War” at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC), York University (moderator and discussant) Symposium 01-23-2002 Toronto, Canada Level:International
Panel, “International Institutions: Law, Culture, and Trade,” Conference on “The Reach of Law,” Joint Annual Meetings of the (American) Law and Society Association and Canadian Law and Society Association (panel chair)Panel, “International Institutions: Law, Culture, and Trade,” Conference on “The Reach of Law,” Joint Annual Meetings of the (American) Law and Society Association and Canadian Law and Society Association (panel chair) Conference 05-28-2002 06-02-2002 Vancouver, Canada Level:International
Latin American Studies Program, College of Arts and Science of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati Board Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2006 -To Present
TAFT Student Awards Committee (Student Awards Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2010 -To Present
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department (Scholarship and Grants standing committee ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2013
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, University of Cincinnati (North American Women's Studies concentration and federally-funded study abroad program in Mexico and Canada ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -To Present
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, University of Cincinnati (Joint degree program (MA/JD) ) Representative Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2009 -2010
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, University of Cincinnati (Graduate Studies Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2006 -2010
University of Cincinnati (Ad Hoc on "workload" ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2010
National Women's Studies Association (Conflict Resolution ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2006 -2008
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, University of Cincinnati (Ad hoc on "library acquisitions" ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2010
Division of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, York University (Tenure and Promotion ) Representative Type:University/College Service Level:University 2002 -2004
Colombian Mingas. USA-Colombia Free-Trade, and Mingas-no bases, (Interrogating and advocating against USA military and corporate intervention in Colombia ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:International 2009 -To Present
(Latin American, Carribean, and Latinx Studies ) Program Director 2017
The Americas, Latinx, and Indigenous People's Research Center (AIRC) (Proposal ) Director 2018
Judea Studies (Tenure Committee ) Committee Member 2018 -2018
Social Justice Certificate (Proposal Writing ) Director 2016 -2017
Taft Research Center (Executive Board ) Member 2015 -2019
(Taft Faculty Fellowships ) Committee Member 2016 -2018
(AAUP Associates Council ) Member 2016 -2018
(Interdisciplinary Programs ) Committee Member 2013 -2017
Latin American, Carribean, and Latinx Studies (Advisory Board ) Department Head 2016
Taft Global Studies Group Co-Director 2011 -2018
Arts and Sciences Dean's Office (Dean's Fellowship Awards ) Reviewer 2013 -2014
(Undergraduate Director's Council ) Committee Member 2013 -2014
WGGS (Search Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:University 2011 -2012
Latin American, Carribean, and Latinx Studies (Advisory Board Latin American, Carribean, and Latinx Studies ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:University 2016
WGSS (Hiring Committee for the Urban Future Initiative for WGSS position ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:University 2016 -2016
WGSS (Sub-Committee to Revise WGSS's bylaws and RPT ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:University 2016 -2017
WGSS (Human Sexuality Educator Position ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:University 2011 -2012
Colombia, Latin America, militarization, trade, human rights, women's human rights, women's labor rights, flower industry, work family life conflict, mothering, feminist legal, law, legal, women, international trade
Professional Affiliation
2007 -To Present: Association for the Research on Mothering (ARM)
2005 -To Present: Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
2005 -To Present: National Women's Studies Association (NWSA)
2001 -2005: Canadian Law and Society Association (CLSA)
2004 -2004: Canadian Association for Latin Americn and Caribbean Studies (CALACS)
2011 -To Present: Law and Society Association (USA)
Courses Taught
WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT Level:Undergraduate
WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS Level:Undergraduate
WOMEN, CULTURE, and POWER Level:Undergraduate
WOMEN GLOBAL ISSUES Level:Undergraduate
-AMIT-4012 MRI DIR PRAC II Work-Family Conflict Level:Undergraduate
WOMEN CULTURE, and POWER Level:Undergraduate
WOMEN, GENDER, AND THE LAW Level:Undergraduate
WOMEN GLOBAL ISSUES Level:Undergraduate
GENDER, RACE, CLASS, and SEXUALLITY Level:Undergraduate
WOMEN AND ECONOMY Level:Undergraduate