Dhuree Seth

Dhuree Seth

Asst Professor - Educator

Baldwin Hall

CEAS - Aerospace Eng - 0070


Ph.D.: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach, FL, 2020 (Aerospace Engineering)

MS: University of Dayton Dayton, OH, 2015 (Aerospace Engineering)

BS : RGPV India, 2011 (Computer Science and Engineering)

Research and Practice Interests

Multirotor and Fixed-Wing UAS Design, Development, Flight Testing and Acoustic Measurements
Active Flow Control
Unsteady Aerodynamics
Rotorcraft Aerodynamics
Wind and Water Tunnel Testing
Structure Dynamic Testing Methodologies

Positions and Work Experience

2020 -2024 Post-Doctoral Scholar, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH