Sean Shaffar

Sean Delbert Shaffar , BA French

Graduate Assistant

Professional Summary

Specializing in Romance languages and translation studies, I attended the Defense Language Institute for Spanish before graduating from the University of Cincinnati in French with a minor in Spanish and Business French certificate while I worked as a Spanish medical interpreter. I currently attend UC for a Masters in French and a certificate in translation studies. My linguistic focus is primarily translation studies and etymology with the ambition of continuing translation work after I graduate.


Bachelors of Arts: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2021 (Major in French with academic minor in Spanish and certificate in Business.)

Defense Language Institute Monterey, CA, 2017 (Spanish Translation)

Research and Practice Interests

Etymology and translation theories make up the majority of my interests in applied linguistics, particularly in the families of Romance and Germanic languages. In the field of translation, being a subscriber to the Skopos Theory, a particular interest is paid to analyzing specific translations with respect to their target and source languages and any discrepencies between the two.

Positions and Work Experience

08-2021 -03-2022 Qualified Medical Interpreter, Responsible for face-to-face and telecom interpreting and translation in various hospitals in the greater Cincinnati area with a specialty in women's health, physical therapy, and pediatric care., Affordable Language Service, Cincinnati, OH

Professional Affiliation

08-2019 -05-2020: Advisor to the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences As an advisor, I worked with Dean Ferme of the College of Arts & Sciences, representing the RALL Department of Romance Language by nomination from department head Dr. Ivantcheva-Merjanska, working with the Dean to represent student body life in our department. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Contact Information

Phone: (937)204-9568