Research and Practice Interests
Research on Alternative Medicine such as Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, etc.; Statistical Methods for Regulatory Toxicology; Biostatistical Consultations; Statistical Bioequivalence; Longitudinal Data Analysis; Statistical Analysis of Strokes; Statistical Theories of Statistical Inference; Likelihood Ratio.
Research Support
Grant: #SAIC IM-2-21(P)-01-A0-S3-E3 Investigators:Shukla, Rakesh 05-09-1997 -08-25-1999 Environmental Protection Agency Whole Effluent Toxicity Statistical Support Role:PI $99,377.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 OH004085 Investigators:Grinshpun, Sergey; McKay, Roy; Reponen, Tiina; Shukla, Rakesh 08-01-2007 -07-31-2011 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Respiratory Protection Against Bioaerosols in Agriculture Role:Collaborator $1,168,052.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #K23 MH081214 Investigators:Cerullo, Michael; Shukla, Rakesh 06-01-2008 -02-28-2013 National Institute of Mental Health Identifying the Core Brain Network Dysfunction in Bipolar Depression with fMRI Role:Collaborator $905,962.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #N0014-08-1-0769 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay; Shukla, Rakesh 05-01-2008 -07-31-2009 Office of Naval Research Automatic Control of Inspired Oxygen in Mechanically Ventilated Trauma Patients Role:Collaborator $630,950.45 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005966 Investigators:Luggen, Michael; Shukla, Rakesh 10-01-2008 -12-31-2010 Lupus Foundation of America Cognitive dysfunction in SLE: Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Significance Role:Collaborator $75,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #3 K23MH067705-05S1 Investigators:Geracioti, Thomas; Herman, James; Keck, Paul; McElroy, Susan Lynn; Nelson, Erik; Shukla, Rakesh; Strakowski, Stephen 07-01-2009 -06-30-2010 National Institute of Mental Health Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Dysregulation & Phenomenology of Major Depression ARRA Supplement Role:Collaborator $54,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #K23 HL094532 Investigators:Kinder, Brent; McCormack, Francis; Ridgway, William; Shukla, Rakesh 02-01-2010 -01-31-2015 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Undifferentiated Corrective Tissue-Associated Interstital Role:Collaborator $285,772.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #N00014-10-1-0252 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Johannigman, Jay; Shukla, Rakesh 01-01-2010 -03-31-2014 Office of Naval Research Automatic Control of Inspired Oxygen and PEEP in Mechanically Ventilated Trauma Patients Role:Collaborator $614,808.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #W81XWH-10-1-0885 Investigators:Kinder, Brent; McCormack, Francis; Shukla, Rakesh 09-15-2010 -10-14-2013 Department of the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command LAM Clinics Research Network Role:Collaborator $1,103,808.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS007460 Investigators:Gerson, Myron; Shukla, Rakesh 03-31-2011 -03-30-2012 General Electric Healthcare Lung-to-Mediastinum Ratio and Washout to Predict Endpoints Role:Collaborator $23,770.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #R21CA160293 Investigators:Bogdanov, Vladimir; Qi, Xiaoyang; Shukla, Rakesh 07-11-2012 -06-30-2014 National Cancer Institute Tissue Factor Splicing and Pancreatic Tumor Progression: Pilot Studies Role:Collaborator $363,330.00 Active Level:Federal
Gene amplification,Processes of evolutionary genetic adaptation,Markov processes,Statistical computing,Statistical modeling,Statistics,Stochastic processes,Research Methodology and Data Analysis,Statistician,Biostatistician,Applied Statistician