Siusan Victoria Sinclair
Associate Educator Professor
Old Chemistry Building
A&S Rom L&L Emeriti - 0377
Professional Summary
I teach undergraduate courses relating to Hispanic Culture and Spanish Language and have a strong interest in Service Learning and in Study Abroad. For the past eight years I have been the co-organizer and leader of the department's Spring Break Service Learning Course in Guatemala. This course allows the students to learn about Guatemala and its culture through building houses for disadvantaged families.
MA: University of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, USA, 1981 (Latin American Literature)
BA with Honors: University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK, 1978 (Latin American Studies)
Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies: University of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, 1981
Positions and Work Experience
2007 -2017 Educator Associate Professor, University of Cincinati,
2004 -2007 Educator Assistant Professor, , University of Cincinati,
2003 -2004 Adjunct Associate Professor, , University of Cincinnati,
1997 -2003 Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,
1989 -1997 Adjunct Instructor, University of Cincinnati,
1986 -1987 Adjunct Instructor, University of Hawaii,
Invited Presentations
(06-28-2011. ) Service Learning: Challenges and Rewards .Voice of America, room 123 , Miami University Campus, West Chester. Other Institution. . Level:Local
(03-2011. ) Spanish Language and US Latinos .Rieveschl 616B, UC. . Level:College
(03-2011. )
(11-2010. )
(10-24-2011. )
(03-13-2012. ) The Pedagogy of Service Learning .UC Faculty Senate, UC. . Level:University
(04-24-2012. ) Spanish Language and US Latinos .Swift 616, University of Cincinnati.
Paper Presentations
Ligia Gómez, Siusan Sinclair (05-2012. ) Service Learning: Challenges and Rewards .RLL Conference.
Honors and Awards
05-13-2011 Most Influential Professor. Nominated by Caitlynn Carr, recipient of Arts and Sciences Scholarship for 2011-2012 Honored at Alumni Gala Level:College Type:Recognition
(Undergraduate Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 01-01-2010 -06-06-2010
Type:University/College Service Level:Local 01-01-2010 -12-10-2010
Type:Departmental Service 01-01-2010 -03-18-2010
Type:Community Service Level:University 01-01-2010 -12-10-2010
Type:Departmental Service 03-19-2010 -03-28-2010
Type:University/College Service
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:University/College Service
(Language Immersion Committee ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-01-2011 -12-10-2011
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 05-05-2011
Type:Departmental Service 02-18-2011
Type:Community Service Level:National 06-30-2011 -07-01-2011
Type:Departmental Service 01-03-2011 -03-18-2011
(First Year Experience and UC International ) Type:University/College Service
Type:Departmental Service 01-01-2011 -12-10-2011
Type:Departmental Service 01-01-2011 -10-30-2011
Type:Departmental Service
Type:University/College Service 11-16-2011
Type:Departmental Service 01-01-2010 -03-28-2010
Type:Departmental Service 09-20-2011 -12-10-2011
Type:University/College Service 01-01-2011 -06-06-2011
(UC International Scholarship Committee ) Type:University/College Service 11-02-2011
Type:Departmental Service
(University/College Service UC International Scholarship Committee ) Type:University/College Service 05-01-2012
04-16-2012 -04-25-2012
04-2012 -06-2012
Type:University/College Service 05-02-2012
Type:University/College Service 05-03-2012
Type:Departmental Service 01-2012 -03-2012
Type:University/College Service 02-20-2013
Type:University/College Service 04-16-2013
(Departmental Head Selection Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 11-20-2013 -1/30/0201 12:00:00 AM
Courses Taught
15-SPAN-184 US LATINO FILM Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-500 SERVICE LEARNING Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-897 READING SPANISH Level:Graduate
15-SPAN-500 SERVICE LEARNING Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-182 US LATINO CULTURE Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-182 US LATINO CULTURE Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-115 EXT BASIC SPANISH 5 Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-101 BASIC SPANISH I Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-115 EXT BASIC SPANISH 5 Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-184 US LATINO FILM Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-500 SERVICE LEARNING Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-101 BASIC SPANISH I Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-898 READING SPANISH Level:Graduate
15-SPAN-500 SERVICE LEARNING Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
38-HNRS-367H NICARAGUA CUL & SCV Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-182 US LATINO CULTURE Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-500 SERVICE LEARNING Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-899 READING SPANISH Level:Graduate
Guatemala Service Learning Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-184 US LATINO FILM Level:Undergraduate
Spanish Fiestas: their role and significance Level:Undergraduate
Architecture as Text: reading the buildings of Spain
15-SPAN-253 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-253 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-253 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-252 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-252 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-182 US LATINO CULTURE Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-115 EXT BASIC SPANISH 5 Level:Undergraduate
-SPAN-2016 SP COMP AND CONV II Level:Undergraduate
-SPAN-2016 SP COMP AND CONV II Level:Undergraduate
Reading Spanish for Graduate Students Level:Graduate
Spring Break Guatemala Service Learning Level:Undergraduate
-SPAN-2016 SP COMP AND CONV II Level:Undergraduate
-SPAN-2016 SP COMP AND CONV II Level:Undergraduate
-SPAN-1011 EXTENDED SPANISH 1 Level:Undergraduate
-SPAN-1013 EXTENDED SPANISH 3 Level:Undergraduate
SPAN 1011 Extended Basic Spanish Level:Undergraduate
-SPAN-1013 EXTENDED SPANISH 3 Level:Undergraduate
SPAN 2015 Spanish Composition and Conversation Level:Undergraduate
SPAN 2015 Spanish Composition and Conversation Level:Undergraduate
SPAN 2016 Spanish Composition and Conversation Level:Undergraduate
SPAN 2016 Spanish Composition and Conversation Level:Undergraduate
SPAN 2016 Spanish Composition and Conversation Level:Undergraduate
SPAN 3035 Spring Break Guatemala Service Learning Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
Teaching Large Classes Presentation and discussion of strategies for interactive teaching of large classes, CETL 480 Langsam Library Type:Workshop
02-24-2011 The PrAISE Approach: an alternative to lecturing students to death Presentation of ways to actively engage students in the learning process, focusing on minimizing lectures, CETL 127 Arts & Sciences Hall Type:Workshop
04-21-2011 “Rock the World” Brainstorming and networking session working towards increasing student offerings of service learning opportunities abroad: discussion of aspects of study abroad and service learning , CET&L Langsam 480 Type:Workshop
05-10-2011 Creating Collaborative Classrooms CET&L Type:Workshop
05-12-2011 PBL Approach to Promote Critical Thinking CET&L Type:Workshop
05-03-2011 Sexual Assault and the Abroad Experience Leadership Seminar for Study Abroad Program Leaders, CETL and UC International Type:Seminar
05-26-2011 Rock the World (Unfinished Business) CET&L 480C Langsam Type:Workshop
05-23-2011 Effective PowerPoint for the Classroom Date & Time: 05/23/2011, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM CET&L Langsam 475 Type:Workshop
11-11-2011 -11-12-2011 Habitat for Humanity Group Leaders Training Seminar Attended two day seminar in Chicago with my co-leader of the Guatemala Spring Break Service LearningCourse, Type:Seminar
11-17-2011 Active Teaching and Learning Strategies Importance of student reflection upon their learning; using reflection portfolios , CETL Type:Workshop
03-02-2012 The Changing Landscape of Language Teaching Symposium, Heinle / Cengage Landscape of Language Teaching University of Cincinnati Type:Other
04-05-2012 Use of Technology in Education UC Claremont County Type:Conference Attendance
05-01-2012 Health Issues Workshop for leaders of international study programs, UC International Type:Workshop
04-26-2012 Creating a Semester Teaching Syllabus Design of syllabus emphasizing learner outcomes and exploration of the implications of the conversion to semesters for course organization, CET&L Tangeman University Center, Rooms 400A-C Type:Seminar
04-26-2012 Blackboard Rubrics How to create and use rubrics on Blackboard, CET&L UC Blue Ash Muntz 112A Type:Workshop
05-04-2012 -05-05-2012 Romance Languages and Literatures Conference University of Cincinnati Type:Conference Attendance
02-19-2013 Writing Letters of Recommendation CET&L Type:Workshop
02-06-2013 Leadership Workshop UC International Type:Workshop
04-04-2013 -06-04-2013 Romance Languages and Literatures Conference Type:Conference Attendance
10-01-2015 Terra Dotta - Online Study Abroad System Introduction to new online study abroad administration / application system, UCIP UC - Edwards One Type:Workshop
5/1/1013 12:00:00 AM Speaking About World Languages Forum RLL Type:Workshop