Kenneth Skau

Kenneth A Skau


Professional Summary

I am investigating the neurobiology, including pharmacology, of the cholinesterase enzymes acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. This work includes identifying the distribution of molecular forms of these enzymes in neuronal and non-neuronal tissues and examining the implications of this distribution with respect to alternative functions of these enzymes. We are focusing on the possibility that these enzymes may be involved in cell adhesion functions. Furthermore, we are studying xenobiotic actions of the enzymes, particularly the ability of butyrylcholinesterase to metabolize drugs of abuse such as cocaine, cocaethylene and heroin.


Ph.D.: Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 1977 (Pharmacology)

B.S.: Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 1970 (Pharmacy)

Research and Practice Interests

My research centers around biochemical and pharmacological aspects of the cholinesterases. A major focus has been on the distribution of molecular forms of these enzymes primarily in excitable tissues. In addition, we are studying alternative functional roles of these enzymes. There are indications that they may be involved in cell adhesion and perhaps other non-hydrolytic functions. We are also examining the xenobiotic role of cholinesterases in metabolism of certain drugs. Recent work in my lab has focused on cholinesterases in Caco-2 cells. We have strong evidence that acetylcholinesterase in Caco-2 cells is a GPI-anchored protein located in lipid rafts on the apical side of these polarized, epithelial derived cells. My research and expertise includes the following: The biology and pharmacology of the cholinesterases. I investigate the distribution and function of the cholinesterases in various tissues including neuronal, muscular, cardiac and smooth muscle. I also use the distribution of these enzymes as tools for the study of changes in these tissues in various pathological states. For example, I have done extensive studies on changes associated withmuscular dystrophy, diabetic neuropathies and diabetic cardiomyopathies. Various drugs that inhibit the cholinesterases are useful in certain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. I have investigated the mechanisms by which these drugs act.

Research Support

Grant: #1-R15-HL-52257-01-A2-S0-E0 Investigators:Skau, Kenneth 05-01-1997 -04-30-2000 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cholinesterases in Cardiac Myocytes Role:PI $106,018.00 Closed Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Plageman, L., Pauletti, G. M. and, Skau, K.A. (2002. ) Characterization of Acetylcholinesterase in Caco-2 Cells .Exp. Biol. Med, , 227 ,480-486

Age-related Changes in Activity of AChE Molecular Forms in Fisher 344 Rats. (1998. ) Age-related Changes in Activity of AChE Molecular Forms in Fisher 344 Rats .Molec. Chem. Neuropath, , 35 ,13-21

Hammer, D.P., Sauer, K.A., Fielding, D.W., Skau, K.A. (2004. ) White Paper on Best Evidence Pharmacy Education (BEPE) .American Journal of Pharmacy Education, , 68: ,24

Syed, M., Fenoglio-Preiser, C., Skau, K. A. Weber, G. F.: (2008. ) Acetylcholinesterase Supports Anchorage Independence in Colon Cancer. Clin. Exp. Metastasis , , 25 ,787 -798

Brown, B., Skau, K., Wall, A (2009. ) Learning Across the Curriculum: Connecting the Basic Sciences to Practice in the First Professional Year. Am. J. Pharm. Ed. , , 73 (2 ) ,Article 36

Other Publications

Skau, K. (2007. ) Pharmacy is a Science-based Profession .American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 71: ,11

Skau, K. (2004. ) Teaching Pharmacodynamics: An Introductory Module On Learning Dose-Response Relationships. American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 68: ,73

Honors and Awards

2003 Faculty Excellence Award University of Cincinnati Rho Chi Honor Society

1997 Faculty Excellence Award University of Cincinnati Rho Chi Honor Society

1995 Faculty Excellence Award University of Cincinnati Rho Chi Honor Society

1991 Faculty Excellence Award University of Cincinnati Rho Chi Honor Society

1987 Faculty Excellence Award University of Cincinnati Rho Chi Honor Society

1978 National Research Service Award NIH

2007 The Jack L. Beal Postbaccalaureate Award from The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

2007 Fellow, Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning. Inaugural class of Fellows in this Academy.

2008 First Professional Year Faculty Excellence Award Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition

2008 Innovations in Teaching Award. A co-recipient of the 2008 AACP Innovations in Teaching Award. Beth Brown is the Principal Awardee. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition

1989 -1989 Outstanding Professional Educator American Diabetes Association, Ohio Affiliate, Cincinnati Chapter Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Recognition


Cholinesterases,Pharmacology,Enzyme Inhibitors,Cholinergics,Acetylcholinesterase,Butyrylcholinesterase, Lipid rafts

Professional Affiliation

2007: Academy of Fellows of Teaching and Learning Elected Secretary/Treasurer for 2009-2011. University of Cincinnati,

1999: American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Part of the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology

1982: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Served as Secretary of Section of Teachers of Biological Sciences (1994-98), Chair of the Section of Teachers of Biological Sciences (1999-2000), Chair-elect, Chair and Past Chair of the Council of Faculties (2005-08), Board of Directors (2005-08).

1970: American Pharmacists Association

1976: American Association for the Advancement of Science

1979 -2005: Society for Neurosciences

1980 -2003: New York Academy of Sciences

1974: Rho Chi

1976 -1985: Sigma Xi

1985 -1992: American Diabetes Association. Board of Directors, Cincinnati Chapter 1985-90; Board of Directors, Ohio Affiliate 1989-92

Courses Taught




Other Information

Editorial Board, Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and LearningĀ  2009- ,