David Lee Smith

David Lee Smith


Professor Emeritus

Professional Summary

As a long time member of the DAAP faculty, Professor David Lee Smith has fulfilled various roles during his tenure at UC. In the first third of his UC career, Smith balanced his commitment to teaching with his devotion to architectural practice, spending a number of years as a principal in an active architectural practice, Smith Stevens Architects. When the partnership dissolved, he became more engaged in his ongoing research related to the environmental technologies and their effective application in architectural design. In recent years, Smith's major efforts, beyond those involved with his teaching commitments, have been directed towards university governance. He is the only UC faculty member to have served two terms as Chairperson of the All-University Faculty, the first in the late '80s and the second in the late '90s. Another major aspect of Smith's significant university involvement included his participation in the development and administration of the University of Cincinnati General Education Program. Currently, Professor Smith is primarily involved in teaching, scholarship, and professional service. One major aspect of his teaching is his service as coordinator of the new SAID first year design program.

Research and Practice Interests

Beginning Design Environmental Technologies (Lighting, Acoustics, ECS) Sustainable Design Technology as a Generator of Form History of Environmental Technology