Harold Spitz , MD



Bachelor's Degree: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1952

Medical Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, Ohio, 1956

Internship: Cincinnati General Hospital Cincinnati, OH, 1957

Residency: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1962 (Diagnostic Radiology)

Fellowship: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1963 (Cardiac Radiology)

Positions and Work Experience

09-01-1963 -08-31-1967 Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH

09-01-1967 -08-31-1971 Associate Professor of Radiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH

09-01-1971 -2010 Professor or Radiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH

07-01-1983 -01-01-1986 Co-Director, Radiology Residency Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH

01-01-1986 -01-01-1996 Director, Radiology Residency Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH


Peer Reviewed Publications

E. A. Stein, R. Adolph, V. Rice, C. J. Glueck, H. B. Spitz (1986. ) Nonprogression of coronary artery atherosclerosis in homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia after 31 months of repetitive plasma exchange .Clinical Cardiology, , 9 (3 ) ,115-119

Moote PT, Mencini RA, Spitz HB (1984. ) Sonographic diagnosis of hydramnios and oligohydramnios .Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MR, , 5 (2 ) ,

Spitz HB (1984. ) Non-pelvic abdominal ultrasound: an overview for emergency physicians .Journal of Emergency Medicine, , 1 ,509-520

Goldenberg NJ, Spitz HB, Metchell SE (1982. ) Gray scale ultrasonography of the chest .Seminars in Ultrasound, , 39 (4 ) ,263-277

Mitchell SE, ross BH, Spitz HB (1982. ) The hypoechoic caudate lobe: an ultrasonic pseudolesion .Radiology, , 144 (3 ) ,569-572

Alexander ES, SPitz HB, Clark RA (1982. ) Sonography of polyhydramnios .AJR, , 138 (2 ) ,343-346

Gross BH, SPitz HB, Felson B (1982. ) The mural nodule in cavitary opportunistic pulmonary aspergillosis .Radiology, , 143 (3 ) ,619-622

Lockey J, Jarabek A, Carson A, McKay R, etc (04-1981. ) Health Effects of Vermiculite Exposure .Amer Review of Respiratory Disease, Supplemental Issue, ,

Engel PJ, Held JS, Van Der Bel-Kahn J, Spitz HB (03-1981. ) Echocardiographic Diagnosis of Congenital Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm with Dissection of the Interventricular Septum .Circulation, , 63 (3 ) ,

Proto AV, Clark RA, Spitz HB, Silberstein EB (09-1980. ) The Chest Radiologic Workup--Special Studies .Basics of RD, , 9 (1 ) ,

Purdom RC, Thomas SR, Kereiakes JG. Spitz HB, Goldenberg NJ, Krugh KB (09-1980. ) Ultrasonic Properties of Biliary Calculi .Radiology, , 136 ,729-732

Spitz HB, Wiot JF (07-1979. ) Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease .Seminars in Roentgenology, , XIV (3 ) ,244-248

Wyatt GM, Spitz HB (04-1979. ) Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Rectus Sheath .JAMA, , 241 (14 ) ,1499-1500

MacMillan B, Fritzhand M, Spitz HB (05-1978. ) Milk of Calcium in the Ureter .Radiology, , 127 (2 ) ,376

Spitz HB, Wyatt GM (12-1977. ) Rectus Sheath Hematoma .Journal of Clinical Ultrasound , , 5 (6 ) ,

Wyatt GM, Rauchway M, Spitz HB (04-1976. ) Roentgen Findings in Aorto-Enteric Fistulae .Am J Roentgenol, , 126 (4 ) ,714-722

Fowler NO, Holmes JC, Spitz H (1975. ) Influence of Acute Hypertension on Aortic Valve Competence .J Applied Physiology, , 39 (6 ) ,879-884

Romhilt DW, Grais IM, McCall E, Spitz HB, Holmes JC, Adolph RJ (1973. ) Correlation of Submaximal Graded Treadmill Exercise Test with Severity of Coronary Artery Disease on Coronary Arteriography .Circulation, , 48 (4 ) ,208

Wiot JF, Spitz HB (1973. ) Atypical Pulmonary Tuberculosis .Radiol Clinics of N Am , , XI (1 ) ,191-196

Wellman HN, Mack JF, Romhilt DW, Holmes JC, Gandel P, Spitz HB, Fenton JC (1972. ) Scintigraphy in Screening Pulmonary Emboli--Prospective Comparison with Angiography .Angiography/Scintigraphy Symposium of the European Association, , 146-153

Spitz HB, et al. (1972. ) Right Atrial Contour in Pericardial Tamponade .Radiology, , 103 ,69-75

Berenson JE, Spitz HB, Felson B (1971. ) The Abdominal Fat Necrosis Sign .Radiology, , 100 ,567-571

Spitz HB, Kattan KR, Moskowitz M (1971. ) Intercostal Bulging in Patients Without Emphysema .AJR, , CXII (3 ) ,542-545

Spitz HB, Wiot JW (1970. ) Small Bowel Intussusception Demonstrated by Oral Barium .Radiology, , 97 ,361-366

Spitz HB (1968. ) Epstein's anomaly of the tricuspid valve .Seminars in Roentgenology, , 3 ,373-376

Kattan KR, Spitz HB (1968. ) Roentgen Findings in Obstetrical Injuries to the Brachial Plexus .Radiology, , 91 ,462-466

Schneider HJ, Spitz HB (1968. ) Unruptured Aortic Sinus Aneurysm: Plain Film Diagnosis .Dis Chest, , 53 ,340-348

Spitz HB (1967. ) The Roentgen Features of Atrial Septal Defect .The Heart Bulletin, , 16 (2 ) ,25-28

Spitz HB, Shabedtai R (1966. ) Calcified Left Ventricular Aneurysm In A Child .Am J Cardiol, , 18 ,781-784

Spitz HB, Grupp G, Grupp I (1965. ) Collateral Vascular Pathways During Experimental Obstruction of Aorta and Inferior Vena Cava .AJR, , 94 ,159-171

Published Books

Spitz HB, Felson B, Weinstein AS (1965. ) Principles of Chest Roentgenology - A Programmed Text .WB Saunders

Book Chapter

Spitz HB, Wiot JW (1971 ) Miscellaneous Disorders of the Lung Principles of Diagnostic Radiology .McGraw Hill