Research and Practice Interests
The primary focus of my current research and scholarship is nutrition, growth and development of the very small, low birthweight, premature and high-risk infants;Long term developmental outcome of high risk infants including low-birthweight infants, infants of diabetic mothers, and infants with intrauterine growth retardation;Vitamin D metabolism, nutrition, mineral metabolism and bone mineralization in term and preterm breastfed infants;Infants of diabetic mothers, infants receiving intravenous parenteral nutrition;Vitamin D, mineral and bone metabolism in diabetic pregnant women and in diabetic women breastfeeding;nutrition;central nervous system;neonatal development and behavior.
Physician, Researcher, Teacher, Scientist, Pediatrician, Neo,Infancy,Pre-natal Experience,Perinatal Experiences,Newborn,Newborn Care,Child Development,Neurophysiological,General Pediatrics,Low Birth Weight Infants,Teratology,Dietary Requirements,Nutritional Developmental Disabilities,Perinatology,Premature Birth,Hyaline Membrane Disease,Respiratory Distress Syndrome,Infact Respiratory Distress Syndrome