Tomasz F Stepinski
Thomas Jefferson Chair Professor
Braunstein Hall
A&S Geography - 0131
Professional Summary
Space Informatics, planetary geomorphology, land change science, remote sensing, GIS
Ph.D.: University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona, 1986 (Applied Mathematics)
M.S. : Warsaw University Poland, 1979 (Astrophysics)
Research and Practice Interests
Dr. Stepinski is the Thomas Jefferson Chair Professor of Space Exploration in Department of Geography at the University of Cincinnati. He has joined UC in Fall 2010 after 20 years of working for NASA-funded Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, TX. He is a leading geoscientist in the area of automated detection and characterization of landforms from remotely sensed spatial data sets. He and his collaborators pioneered methods for auto-surveys of craters and auto-mapping of valley networks on Mars using digital terrain data. His current research focuses on extending these methods to a larger set of imagery data, including terrestrial data. The tools he has developed are available online at sil.uc.edu. Stepinski received the M.Sc. degree in astrophysics from Warsaw University and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from University of Arizona. He has published over 90 peer-reviewed publications and has been funded by several programs within NASA and NSF.
Computational geomorphometry and space informatics:
Machine cataloging of impact craters, automatic mapping of valley networks on Mars and drainage networks on Earth; terrain analysis, machine learning, mathematical morphology, image processing
Automated computer cartography and map comparison:
Regional and global geomorphic auto-mapping of Martian surface and quantitative map comparison; supervised and unsupervised machine learning, segmentation, classification, normalized mutual information, Kolmogorov complexity
Intelligent data analysis:
Discovering drivers of change in spatial systems, discovery of feature-based hot spots in spatial databases, validation of models; spatial data mining, spatial collocation, association analysis, data mining, change analysis
Positions and Work Experience
1990 -2010 Staff Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX
1986 -1990 Research Associate, University of Arizona, Dept. of Planetary Sciences, Tucson, Arizona
1980 -1986 Research Assistant, University of Arizona, Dept. of Planetary Sciences, Tucson, Arizona
1979 -1980 Research Specialist, Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Research Support
2008 -2011 NSF – Information Integration & Informatics Automatic Geomorphic Mapping and Analysis of Land Surfaces Using Pattern Recognition Role:Co-PI ($443,450
2009 -2012 NASA – Applied Information Systems Research Program Automated Detection of Sub-kilometer Craters in High Resolution Planetary Images Role:PI ($285,163 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Global GIS Database of Drainage on Mars 2008 -2011 NASA – Mars Data Analysis Program ($128,699
2006 -2010 NASA – Applied Information Systems Research Program Automated Identification and Characterization of Landforms on Mars Role:PI ($219,585
2004 -2008 NSF – Information Integration & Informatics A Statistical-Learning Tool for the Analysis and Characterization of Mars Topography Role:Co-PI $225,000
2005 -2008 NASA – Mars Fundamental Research Program Origin of Martian Valley Networks – A Computational Approach Role:PI ($152,551
2008 University of Houston-Clear Lake Institute for Space Systems Operations (ISSO) Computer-Aided Detection of Sub-Kilometer Craters in High Resolution Planetary Images Role:Co-PI ($7,686.25
Grant: #IIS-1103684 Investigators:Stepinski, Tomasz 09-01-2010 -08-31-2012 National Science Foundation III-CXT-Small: Collaborative Research: Automatic Geomorphic Mapping and Analysis of Land Surfaces Using Pattern Recognition Role:PI $268,523.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NNX11AC13G Investigators:Stepinski, Tomasz 04-27-2011 -04-26-2013 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Automatic Detection of Sub-Kilometer Craters in High Resolution Planetary Images Role:PI $192,474.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #BCS-1147702 Investigators:Stepinski, Tomasz 08-01-2012 -01-31-2015 National Science Foundation Digital Mapping and Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Landscapes Role:PI $79,960.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #NNX15AJ47G Investigators:Jasiewicz, Jaroslaw; Stepinski, Tomasz 07-01-2015 -06-30-2017 National Aeronautics and Space Administration ADVANCED INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Role:PI $190,879.00 Active Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
L. Bandeira, Wei Ding, T. F. Stepinski (2011) Detection of Small Craters in High Resolution Planetary Images Using Shape and Texture Features. Submitted to Advances in Space Research.
T. F. Stepinski, D. White, J. Salazar (2011) Discovering Different Regimes of Biodiversity Support Using Decision Tree Learning. Submitted to GeoComputation 2011.
T. F. Stepinski, J. Salazar (2011) Discovering Saptio-Temporal Patterns of Electoral Support with Contrast Data Mining. Submitted to The International Symposium on Spatial-Temporal Analysis and Data Mining 2011.
W. Luo, and T. F. Stepinski (2011)On Delineation of Streams Using Geomorphometric Attributes. Submitted to Computers & Geosciences.
J. Lasue, R.C. Wiens, T.F. Stepinski, O. Forni, S.M. Clegg, S. Maurice, and the ChemCam team (2011) Non-linear mapping technique for data visualization and clustering assessment of LIBS data: Application to ChemCam data. Accepted to Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
W. Ding, T. F. Stepinski, Y. Mu, L. Bandeira, R. Vilalta, Y. Wu, Z. Lu, T. Cao, X. Wu (2011) Accepted to ACMTransactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
T. F. Stepinski, J. Salazar, W. Ding (2010) Exploring Labeled Spatial Datasets Using Association Analysis (Demo Paper). in Proc. of the 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010), San Jose, California, November, 2010.
W. Ding, T. F. Stepinski, L. Bandeira, R. Vilalta, Y. Wu, Z. Lu, T. Cao (2010) Automatic Detection of Craters in Planetary Images: An Embedded Framework Using Feature Selection and Boosting. in Proc. of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), Toronto, Canada, October, 2010
T. F. Stepinski, J. Salazar, W. Ding, D. White (2010) ESTATE: Strategy for Exploring Labeled Spatial Datasets Using Association Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6332/2010, pp. 326-340.
T. F. Stepinski, J. Salazar, W. Ding (2010) Discovering Spatio-Social Motifs of Electoral Support Using Discriminative Pattern Mining. In Proc. of COM.Geo '10 1st International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Application, article #39.
J. Wang, W. Ding, B. Fradkin, C. H. Pham, P. Sherman, B. D. Tran, D. Wang, Y. Yang and T. F. Stepinski (2010) Effective Classification for Crater Detection: A Case Study on Mars. in Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, Beijing, China, July, 2010.
T. F. Stepinski, (2010) Classifying patterns of land cover using mutual information and clustering. In Proceedings of 2010 IGARSS.
J. Lasue, T.F. Stepinski, S.W. Bell (2010) Automated Classification of Interplanetary Dust Particles: JSC Cosmic Dust Catalog Volume 15, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 45(5), p.783-795.
T. F. Stepinskiand R. Vilalta (2010) Machine Learning Tools for Geomorphic Mapping of Planetary Surfaces,Chapter in a book Machine Learning, Yagang Zhang (Ed.), INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-307-033-9, p251-266.
S. Ghosh and T. F. Stepinski and R. Vilalta (2010) Automatic Annotation of Planetary Surfaces with Geomorphic Labels, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48(1), p175-185.
W. Luo, and T. F. Stepinski, (2009) Computer-Generated Global Map of Valley Networks on Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 114, E11010.
T. F. Stepinski, and C. Bagaria (2009) Segmentation-Based Unsupervised Terrain Classification for Generation of Physiographic Maps, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters., 6(4), p733-737.
T. F. Stepinskiand C. Bagaria (2009) A Two-Stage Classification Approach for Effective Geomorphic Mapping of Planetary Surfaces from DEM Data. In proceedings of Geomorphometry 2009.
E. R. Urbach, T. F. Stepinski (2009) Automatic Detection of Sub-Kilometer Craters in High Resolution Planetary Images, Planetary and Space Science, 57(4), p880-887.
W. Luo, X. Li, T. F. Stepinski, L. Di, (2009) Web Service for Extracting Terrain Openness. In proceedings of 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, DOI: 0.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.
W. Ding, T. F. Stepinski, R. Parmar, D. Jiang, C. F. Eick, (2009) Discovery of feature-based hotspots using supervised clustering, Computers and Geosciences 25(7), p1508-1516.
T. F. Stepinski, M. P. Mendenhall, and B. D. Bue (2009) Machine Cataloging of Impact Craters on Mars. Icarus, 203, p.77-87.
W. Ding, T.F. Stepinski, J. Salazar (2009) Discovery of Geospatial Discriminating Patterns from Remote Sensing Datasets. In Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Nevada, April 2009.
W. Luo, X. Li, I Molloy, and T.F. Stepinski (2008) Web Service for Extracting Stream Networks from DEM Data. In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Geoinformatics, June 28-29 Guangzhou, China.
R. Vilalta and T.F. Stepinski (2008) Pattern Validation in Machine Learning: A Case Study in Planetary Science. In Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining – Second Edition, J. Wang Edt. IGI Global
T.F. Stepinski, W. Ding and C. F. Eick (2008) Discovering Controlling Factors of Geospatial Variables by Mining Emerging Patterns. In proceedings of 16th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 2008.
C. F. Eick, R. Parmar, W. Ding, T.F. Stepinski, and J.-P. Nicot (2008) Finding Regional Co-location Patterns for Sets of Continuous Variables, in Proceedings of 16th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 2008.
W. Ding, R. Jiamthapthaksin, R. Parmar, D. Jiang, T.F. Stepinski, and C. F. Eick (2008) Towards Region Discovery in Spatial Datasets, In Proc. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Osaka, Japan, May 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5012, p.88-99.
W. Luo and T.F. Stepinski (2008) Identification of Geologic Contrast from Landscape Dissection Pattern: An Application to the Cascade Range, Oregon, USA. Geomorphology, 90, p90-98.
T.F. Stepinski, R. Vilalta, S. Ghosh (2007) Machine Learning Tools for Automatic Mapping of Martian Landforms. IEEE Intelligent Systems Nov 2007. pp. 100-106.
T. F. Stepinski, S. Ghosh, and R. Vilalta (2007) Machine Learning for Automatic Mapping of Planetary Surfaces. In Proceedings of Nineteenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, July 24-26, 2007, Vancouver,British Columbia.
T. F. Stepinskiand E. R. Urbach (2007) Mapping craters depths in Terra Cimmeria, Mars: Implications for spatial distribution of ground ice. 7th International Conference on Mars, July 9-13, Pasadena, California
B. W. Luo, T. F. Stepinski, and R. Y. Qi (2007) Drainage Density and Controlling Factors in Cascade Range, Oregon, USA. To appear in proceedings of Geoinformatics 2007, May 26-28, 2007, Nanjing, China
B. I. Molloy and T.F. Stepinski(2007) Automated Mapping of Valley Networks on Mars. Computers and Geoscience, 33, p728-738.
B. D. Bue and T.F. Stepinski(2007) Machine Detection of Martian Impact Craters from Digital Topography Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45(1), p.265-274
R, Vilalta, T.F. Stepinski, and M. Achari (2007) An Efficient Approach to External Cluster Assessment with an Application to Martian Topography. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 14(1), p.1-23.
T. F. Stepinski, S. Ghosh, and R. Vilalta (2006) Automatic Recognition of Landorms on Mars Using Terrain Segmentation and Classification. In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4265, p 255-266
W. Luo and T. F. Stepinski(2006) Topographically Derived Maps of Valley Networks and Drainage Density in the Mare Tyrrhenum quadrangle on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L18202.
B. D. Bue and T.F. Stepinski(2006) Automated Classification of Landforms on Mars. Computers and Geoscience, 32, p.604-614.
T.F. Stepinskiand A.P. Stepinski (2005) Morphology of Drainage Basins as an Indicator of Climate on Early Mars. J. Geophys. Res., 110, E12S12.
T.F. Stepinskiand R. Vilalta (2005) Digital Topography Models for Martian Surfaces. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2(3), p.260-264.
K. Kornet, P. Bodenheimer, M. Rozyczka, T.F. Stepinski(2005) Formation of giant planets in disks with different metallicities. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 430, 1133
R. Vilalta, T. F. Stepinski, M. Achari, and F. Ocegueda-Hernandez (2004) A Quantification of Cluster Novelty with an Application to Martian Topography. In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3202, p 434-445
M. Rozyczka, K. Kornet, P. Bodenheimer, T.F. Stepinski(2004) Global evolution of solids in protoplanetary disk: A simple model. Rev. Mexicana de Atronom. Astrofisica, 22, 91.
T. F. Stepinskiand S. Coradetti (2004) Comparing morphologies of drainage basins on Mars and Earth using integralgeometry and neural maps. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(15), L15604
T. F. Stepinskiand M. L. Collier (2004) Extraction of Martian Valley Networks from Digital Topography. J. Geophys. Res., 109, E11005
K. Kornet, M. Rozyczka, T.F. Stepinski(2004) An Alternative look at the Snowline in Protoplanetary Disks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 417, 151
T. F. Stepinski, M. L. Collier, P. J. McGovern, S. M. Clifford (2004) Martian Geomorphology from Fractal Analysis of Drainage Networks. J. Geophys. Res., 109, E02995
T. F. Stepinski, M. M. Marinova, P. J. McGovern, S. M. Clifford (2002) Fractal Analysis of Drainage Basins on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(8), 30-1.
M. A. McGrath, E. Nolan, D. C. Black, G. Gatewood, K. Noll, A. Schultz, S. Lubow, I. Han, T. F. Stepinski, T. Targett (2002) An upper limit to the mass of the radial velocity companion to rho Cancri. Astrophysical Journal, 564, L27
K. Kornet, T. F. Stepinskiand M. Rozyczka (2001) Diversity of Planetary Systems from Evolution of Solids in Protoplanetary Disks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 378, 180.
T. F. Stepinskiand D. C. Black (2001) On Orbital Elements of Extrasolar Planetary Candidates and Spectroscopic Binaries. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 371, 250.
T. F. Stepinski, R.Malhotra and D. C. Black (2000) The Upsilon Andromedae System: Models and Stability. Astrophysical Journal, 545, 1044.
T. F. Stepinskiand D. C. Black (2000) Statistics of Low-mass companions to Stars: Implications for Their Origin. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 356, 903.
D. C. Black and T. F. Stepinski(2000) On the Nature and Origin of Low-mass Companions to Stars: A Statistical Perspective. In From Giant Planets to Cool Stars, ASP Conference Series, Vol 212. (C. Griffith and M. Marley Eds), 54.
T. F. Stepinskiand D. C. Black (2000) Populational Similarities Between Low-mass and Stellar Companions to Solar-type Stars. In Birth and Evolution of Binary Stars, poster proceedings of IAU Symposium 200 (B. Reipurth and H. Zinnicker Eds), p 167.
M. Reyes-Ruiz and T. F. Stepinski (1999) An αΩ-Dynamo in Accretion Disks with Force-free Coronae. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 342, 892.
T. F. Stepinski(1998) New Approach to Diagnosing properties of Protoplanetary Disks. Astrophysical Journal, 507, 361.
T. F. Stepinski(1998) The solar nebula as a process – an analytic model. Icarus, 132, 100.
T. F. Stepinski(1998) Evolving protoplanetary disks: Linking theory to observations. In Planetary systems: the long view (L. M. Celnikier and J. Tran Thanh Van Eds.) p. 59. Editions Frontiers.
P. Valageas and T. F. Stepinski(1998) Evolution of solids in turbulent protoplanetary disks. In Planetary systems: the long view (L. M. Celnikier and J. Tran Thanh Van Eds.) p. 59. Editions Frontiers.
T. F. Stepinskiand Valageas P. (1997) Global evolution of solid matter in turbulent protoplanetary disk II. Development of Icy Planetesimals. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 319, 1007
M. Reyes-Ruiz and T. F. Stepinski(1997) Accretion Discs Dynamos in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 285, 501
M. Reyes-Ruiz and T. F. Stepinski(1996) Axisymmetric Two-Dimensional Computation of Magnetic Field Dragging in Accretion Disks. Astrophysical Journal, 459, 653
T. F. Stepinskiand Valageas P. (1996) Global evolution of solid matter in turbulent protoplanetary disk I. Aerodynamics of solid particles. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 309, 301.
T. F. Stepinskiand Valageas P. (1996) The global perspective on the evolution of solids in a protoplanetary disk. In From Dust to Planetesimals: Contributed Papers (M. E. Kress et al. Eds.) p. 187. NASA Conference Publication 3343.
G. Rudiger, D. Elstner, and T. F. Stepinski(1995) The Standard Accretion Disk Dynamo. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 298, 934
M. Reyes-Ruiz and T. F. Stepinski(1995) Evolution of Magnetized Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal, 438, 750.
T. F. Stepinskiand M. Reyes-Ruiz (1995) Magnetically-Aided Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks. In Circumstellar Matter 1994 (G.D. Watt and P.M. Williams Eds.) p. 565. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
T. F. Stepinski(1995) Character and Evolution of Magnetic Fields in Protoplanetary Disks Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica (Serie de Conferencias), 1, 267.
M. Reyes-Ruiz and T. F. Stepinski(1995) Can α-Disks Drive Winds Centrifugally Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica (Serie de Conferencias), 3, 97
A. Z. Dolginov and T. F. Stepinski(1994) Are Cosmic Rays Effective for Ionization of Protoplanetary Disks? The Astrophysical Journal 427, 377
A. Z. Dolginov and T. F. Stepinski(1993) On Quasiperiodic Variation of Pulsars’ Periods: An Alternative to the Planetary Interpretation of PSR1257+12, in Planets Around Pulsars,( J.A. Phillips, S.E. Thorsett, and S.R. Kulkarni, Eds.), p61. Astronomical Society of Pacific.
T. F. Stepinski(1993) On Magnetic Dynamo in Thin Accretion Disks Around Compact and Young Stars. In Solar and Planetary Dynamos (M.R.E. Proctor et al. Eds.) p. 287. Cambridge University Press.
T. F. Stepinski(1993) Kinematic Dynamo in Turbulent Circumstellar Disks. In The Cosmic Dynamo (F. Krause et al. Eds.) p. 203. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
T. F. Stepinski, M. Reyes-Ruiz, and H.A.T. Vanhala (1993) Solar nebula Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamos: Kinematic Theory, Dynamical Constraints, and Magnetic Transport of Angular Momentum. Icarus, 106, 77.
T. F. Stepinski(1992) Precesja - Tak! Planety - Nie!, Postepy Astronomii, 40, p58. (in Polish)
T. F. Stepinski(1992) Generation of Dynamo Magnetic Fields in the Primordial Solar Nebula, Icarus, 97, p130.
W. R. Stoeger, A. G. Pacholczyk, and T. F. Stepinski(1992) Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. Supplying Black Hole Clusters by Tidal Disruption and by Tidal Capture of Stars. The Astrophysical Journal, 391, p550.
W. R. Stoeger, A. G. Pacholczyk, and T. F. Stepinski(1992) On the Luminosity of a Black Hole Model of Active Galactic Nuclei. AIP Conference Proceedings 254: Testing the AGN Paradigm, ( S.S. Holt, S.G. Neff, and C.M. Urry, Eds.). p61.
T. F. Stepinski(1991) Dynamo Magnetic Field Generation in Turbulent Accretion Disks. Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 103, p777.
T. F. Stepinskiand E. H. Levy (1991), Dynamo Magnetic Field Modes in Thin Astrophysical Disks: An Adiabatic Computational Approximation, The Astrophysical Journal, 379, p343.
T. F. Stepinskiand E. H. Levy (1990), Generation of Dynamo Magnetic Fields in Thin Keplerian Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 362, p318.
T. F. Stepinskiand E. H. Levy (1990), Dynamo - Magnetic - Field Induced Angular Momentum Transport in Protostellar Nebulae: The Minimum Mass Protosolar Nebulae. The Astrophysical Journal, 350, p819.
A. G. Pacholczyk, T. F. Stepinski, and W. R. Stoeger (1989), Active Galactic Nuclei. III. Accretion Flow Regimes in an Externally Supplied Cluster of Black Holes. The Astrophysical Journal, 343, p563.
T. F. Stepinskiand E. H. Levy (1988), Generation of Dynamo Magnetic Fields in Protoplanetary and Other Astrophysical Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 331, p416.
A. G. Pacholczyk and T. F. Stepinski(1988), Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Acceleration of Relativistic Particles in a Cluster of Accreting Black Holes, The Astrophysical Journal, 324, p695.
T. F. Stepinski(1980), A Model of Light Variation of Be Stars. Acta Astronomica, Vol.30, No4, p413
Paper Presentations
T.F. Stepinski and W. Luo (2011. ) On Orientation of Martian Valley Networks .
A.W. Bauer and T.F. Stepinski (2011. ) Machine Cataloging of Lunar Craters from Digital Terrain Model .
W. I. Miller, T.F. Stepinski, Y. Mu Y., and W. Ding (2011. ) Cascading Crater Detection with Active Learning .
T.F. Stepinski (2010. ) Geographical Distribution of Crater Depths on Mars .
T.F. Stepinski and W. Luo (2010. ) Global Pattern of Dissection on Mars and the Northern Ocean Hypothesis .
L. Bandeira ,Wei Ding and T. F. Stepinski (2010. ) Automatic Detection of Sub-km Craters Using Shape and Texture Information .
S. W. Bell, J. Lasue, and T.F. Stepinski (2010. ) Automated Classification of Stratospheric Dust .
J. Lasue, and T.F. Stepinski, S. W. Bell (2010. ) Automated Classification of Interplanetary Dust Particles .
T. F. Stepinski and Chaitanya Bagaria (2009. ) Automatic Mapping of Martian Physiography: Application to Tharsis Region .
T. F. Stepinski and Erik R. Urbach (2009. ) The First Automatic Survey of Impact Craters on Mars: Global Maps of Depth/Diameter Ratio .
W. Luo and T. F. Stepinski (2009. ) Global, Computer-generated Map of Valley Networks on Mars .
E.R. Urbach and T.F. Stepinski (2008. ) Automatic Detection of Sub-Kilometer craters in High Resolution Images of Mars .
T.F Stepinski and E.R. Urbach (2008. ) Raster Maps of Craters Depths in Southern Hemisphere of Mars: Potential Proxy for Spatial Distribution of Ground Ice .
T. F. Stepinski, W. Luo, and Y. Qi (2007. ) Precision Mapping of Valley Networks in Margaritifer Sinus, Mars .
Ghosh, S., T. F. Stepinski, and R. Vilalta (2007. ) Automatic Mapping of Martian Landforms Using Segmentation-based Classification .
T. F. Stepinski, M. P. Mendenhall, and B. D. Bue (2007. ) Robust Automated Identification of Martian Impact Craters .
H. Gregoire-Mazzocco, T. F. Stepinski, P.J. McGovern, S. Lanzoni, A.Frascati, and A. Rinaldo (2006. ) Martian Meanders: Wavelength-Width Scaling and Flow Duration .
T. F. Stepinski, M. Carriere, and I. Molloy (2006. ) Properties of Martian Highlands Drainage from THEMIS Images and MOLA Topography .
I. Molloy and T.F. Stepinski (2006. ) Automated Mapping of Valley Networks on Mars .
B. D. Bue and T.F. Stepinski (2006. ) Machine Detection of Martian Craters from Digital Topography .
T. F. Stepinski and A. P. Stepinski (2005. ) Inferring EarlyMars Climate from Comparison of Drainage Basins’ Morphologies on Mars and Earth .
B. D. Bue and T. F. Stepinski (2005. ) Automated Classification of Landforms in Terra Cimmeria, Mars .
R. Vilalta and T. F. Stepinski (2004. ) Thematic Maps of Martian Topography Generated by a Clustering Algorithm .
T. F. Stepinski and S. Coradetti (2004. ) Differences in Topography of Martian and Terrestrial Drainage Basins .
T. F. Stepinski and M. L. Collier (2004. ) Computational Analysis of Drainage Basins on Mars: Appraising the Drainage Density .
T. F. Stepinski, R. Vilalta, M. Achari, P. J. McGovern (2003. ) Algorithmic Classification of Drainage Networks on Mars and its Relation to Martian Geological Units .
M. L. Collier, T. F. Stepinski, P. J. McGovern, S. M. Clifford (2003. ) Martian Geomorphology from Fractal Analysis of Drainage Networks .
T. F. Stepinski and W. J. O’Hara IV (2003. ) Vertical Analysis of Martian Drainage Basins .
T. F. Stepinski M. M. Marinova, O. J. McGovern, and S. M. Clifford (2002. ) Fractal Characteristics of Martian Drainage Basins: Implications for the Timing, Intensity, and Duration of Rainfall .
K. Kornet, T. F. Stepinski and M. Rozyczka (2001. ) Diversity of Planetary Systems from Evolution of Solids in Protoplanetary Disks .
T. F. Stepinski and D. C. Black (2000. ) Statistical Similarities Between Populations of “Extrasolar Planets” and Stellar Companions .
R. Malhotra, T.F. Stepinski, and D.C. Black (2000. ) Orbital Dynamics Constraints on the Upsilon Andromedae System .
T. F. Stepinski (1999. ) Layered Accretion in the Solar Nebula .
T. F. Stepinski (1998. ) Diagnosing Properties of Protoplanetary Disks from their Evolution .
T. F. Stepinski (1997. ) Modeling the Evolutionary History of the Solar Nebula .
T. F. Stepinski and P. Valageas (1996. ) From Dust to Planetesimals: Global Evolution of Ice in the Solar Nebula .
T. F. Stepinski and P. Valageas (1996. ) Global Evolution of Solids in Viscous Protoplanetary Disks .
M. Reyes-Ruiz and T. F. Stepinski (1994. ) The Dynamical Evolution of Magnetized Solar Nebula .
T. F. Stepinski and M. Reyes-Ruiz (1993. ) Magnetically Controlled Solar Nebula .
A. Z. Dolginov and T. F. Stepinski (1993. ) Are Cosmic Rays Effective for Ionization of the Solar Nebula .
T. F. Stepinski (1992. ) Criteria for Magnetic Field Regeneration in Accretion Disks Models of the Solar Nebula .
T. F. Stepinski and H. H. Levy (1992. ) On the Generation of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Nebula at the Location of the Present-Day Asteroid Belt .
T. F. Stepinski (1991. ) Dynamo Magnetic Field Generation in the Solar Nebula .
T. F. Stepinski (1991. ) Ionization State and Magnetic Fields in the Solar Nebula .
(NASA Origin of Solar Systems Program ) Type:Service to Professional Associations
(NASA Mars Fundamental Research Program ) Type:Service to Professional Associations
(NSF Science and Engineering Information Integration and Informatics ) Type:Service to Professional Associations
(Journal of Geophysical Research ) Type:Editorial Service
(Geophysical Research Letters ) Type:Editorial Service
(International Journal of Geographical Information Science ) Type:Editorial Service
(IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ) Type:Editorial Service
(IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters ) Type:Editorial Service
(Computers & Geosciences ) Type:Editorial Service
(Geomorphology ) Type:Editorial Service
(Icarus ) Type:Editorial Service
(Planetary and Space Science ) Type:Editorial Service
(Astrophysical Journal ) Type:Editorial Service
(Astronomy & Astrophysics ) Type:Editorial Service
(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ) Type:Editorial Service
(Lunar and Planetary Science Conference ) Type:Service to Professional Associations
(International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium ) Type:Service to Professional Associations
(NASA Mars Data Analysis Program ) Type:Editorial Service
(NASA Planetary Geology & Geoscience Program ) Type:Editorial Service
(NASA Origin of Solar Systems ) Type:Editorial Service
(Netherlands Space Office ) Type:Editorial Service
Professional Affiliation
American Astronomical Society
International Astronomical Union
American Geophysical Union
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society