Catherine Strathern

Catherine Strathern



Professional Summary

Catherine Strathern’s current research is a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning project: a participatory action research group investigating scholarly teaching issues. Her teaching expertise covers the following topics: establishing rapport in the classroom, active learning, classroom management and writing across the curriculum.  She also gives workshops in the community on the grieving process, communication issues and conflict resolution. 


Ed.D.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1983 (Counselor Education Support Areas: Testing, Career Development)

M.A.: Xavier University Cincinnati, OH, 1977 (Clinical Psychology Support Area: Counseling Psychology)

B.A.: College of Mt. St. Vincent New York, NY, 1971 (Psychology Minor: Mathematics)

Research and Practice Interests

Teacher Scholar Inquiry Group -- Co-PI on a participatory action research project examining scholarly teaching through development of a teaching commons made up of faculty from ten different disciplines.  This SOTL project is funded through AFTL.
From 2008-present


Poster Presentations

Strathern,C. (03-02-2010. ) The Use of Undergraduate TAs in Introductory Psychology .AFTL Teaching Fair, University of Cincinnati. . UC. . Level:Local


Strathern, C. (04-27-2010. ) Launching your Career in Psychology .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:Department

Strathern, C. (02-08-2010. ) Coping with Grieving .Cincinnati,OH. UC. Level:University

Strathern, Catherine (02-07-2011. ) Coping with the Grieving .College of Allied Health. UC. Level:University

Strathern, Catherine (01-24-2011. ) Succeeding in College .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:College

Strathern, Catherine (01-20-2012. ) The Grieving Process .College of Allied Health. UC. Level:University

Paper Presentations

Lynch,E. ; Cheatham, M.; Strathern, C. (11-05-2010. ) The Teacher Scholar Inquiry Group: An Oasis in the Desert .Cincinnati,OH. UC. Level:Regional

Strathern,C., Wohlfarth, J. ,Cheatham, M., Lynch, E. (11-20-2010. ) Developing a Teaching Commons through Multidisciplinary Collaboration .Oxford, OH. Conference. Level:International

Event Organized

Assessment by B. Walvoord; video conference follow-up on AFTL fall speaker

Assessment by B. Walvoord; video conference follow-up on AFTL fall speaker Other 03-04-2011 03-04-2011 College of Business Level:University


Ohio Board of Regents (Psychology TAG Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Other Level:State 2006 -11-15-2012

Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning President Type:University/College Service Level:University 2009 -2011

Faculty Senate (Semester Conversion Subcommittee:Curriculum Design and Course Revision ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2009 -To Present

(Cross College Psychology Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 2008 -To Present

(University Assessment Team, A&S representative ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2010 -To Present

CET&L (Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning) (Peer Consultancy Program ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2008 -To Present

Learning Communities (Faculty Partners ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2006 -To Present

(Undergraduate Curriculum committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -To Present

(Introductory Psychology Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2007 -To Present

(RPT for Charles Ginn ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2010

(Faculty Search Committee; hired Erinn Green ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2010

Courses Taught

15-PSYC-102 INTRO PSYCH (CLIN) Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-102 INTRO PSYCH (CLIN) Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-242 INTERPERSONAL RELAT Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH (SOC) Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-207 ADULT DEVELOPMENT Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-213 POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-101 INTRO PSYCH (EXP) Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-213 POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-329 PROFESSIONAL LIFE Level:Undergraduate

Teaching Practicum Level:Undergraduate

Teaching Practicum Level:Undergraduate

Teaching Practicum Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-102 INTRO PSYCH (CLIN) Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-242 INTERPERSONAL RELAT Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-329 PROFESSIONAL LIFE Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-242 INTERPERSONAL RELAT Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-329 PROFESSIONAL LIFE Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-242 INTERPERSONAL RELAT Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-329 PROFESSIONAL LIFE Level:Undergraduate

15-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH (SOC) Level:Undergraduate

Faculty Development Activities

04-15-2010 -04-16-2010 Classroom Assessment Techniques AFTL spring speaker UC Type:Workshop

04-27-2010 -04-27-2010 Teaching Large Classes by Wayne Hall CET&L (Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning) UC Type:Seminar

08-05-2010 -08-05-2010 Trauma, PTSD & Traumatic Grief by Duane Bowers for license renewal, Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

08-10-2010 -08-10-2010 Documenting the Essentials: Ethical, HIPAA & Risk Management by Edward Zuckermann for license renewal, Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

08-19-2010 -08-20-2010 Positive Psychology by Bill O'Hanlon for license renewal, Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

08-26-2010 -08-26-2010 In the Shadows of the Net: Treating On-line Behaviors by D. Delmonico and E. Griffin for license renewal, Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

10-13-2010 -10-16-2010 Symposium on Introductory Psychology Key West, FL Type:Conference Attendance

11-18-2010 -11-20-2010 Lilly International Conference on Teaching and learning Oxford, OH Type:Conference Attendance

10-22-2010 -10-22-2010 Assessment by B. Walvoord AFTL fall speaker Cincinnati Type:Seminar

12-05-2011 -12-06-2011 The Psychology of Forgiveness by Frederic Luskin, Ph.D. for license renewal, Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

12-12-2011 -12-13-2011 Spirituality and Brief Solution-oriented Therapy by Bill O'Hanlon for license renewal, Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

12-28-2011 -12-28-2011 Positive Ethics with the Most Difficult Clients by Mitchell M. Handelsman, Ph.D. for license renewal, Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

Other Information

Entered all departmental undergraduate course C-1 forms for semester conversion

Entered most of P-1 form


Served as an 'expert teacher' rater by invitation on the Learning Spaces Research project, sponsored by the Center for Educational Research Scholarship and Innovation, UC College of Nursing.  ,

Over the course of 2011, I initiated and facilitated the process of obtaining state level approval for all University Psych TAG courses ,