James R Stringer , Ph.D.
Bachelor's Degree: San Diego State University San Diego, California, 1971 (Biology)
Doctoral Degree: University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA, 1978 (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)
Postdoctoral : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1980
Research and Practice Interests
Understanding the genetic consequences of exposure to novel chemicalsubstances has not kept pace with the rate of their production. Economicand temporal constraints limit the number of substances that can be tested, the range of genotoxic effects that can be examined, and detection ofgenetic damage at low doses. New approaches are needed. We propose toapply gene targeting and transgenic technology to develop a model system inwhich to study the role of homologous recombination events in generatingmutations in somatic and germline cells of the mouse. Homologousrecombination is known to cause mutation in the human germline, and to beinvolved in the progression of tumors, but the frequency of these eventsand factors that may affect their frequency are unknown. Our approach willentail placing a recombination-indicator lacZ gene into the hprt gene ofmouse embryonic stem ES cells by targeted recombination therecombination-indicator gene will be constructed such that a mutation thatabolishes beta-galactosidase activity can be removed by homologousrecombination, thereby allowing recombination to be detected with an assayfor galactosidase activity. ES carrying the recombination-indicator lacZgene will be used to produce transgenic mice. Recombination in somaticcells of such mice will be detected by histochemical staining of sectionedtissues. Recombination in the germline will be detected by using thepolymerase chain reaction to amplify recombinant DNA molecules present inthe genomes of spermatozoa. Once spontaneous recombination rates areestablished, the system will be applied to the analysis of chemical andradiation-induced mutation in the mouse.Pneumocystis cariniicauses pneumonia in immunocompromised humans, and is a leading cause ofmorbidity among AIDS patients. P carinii contains a gene family whichencodes a large family of surface antigens named Major SurfaceGlycoprotein MSG in rat and human P carinii, and gpA in P cariniifrom ferrets. The complexity of the gene family endows P carinii withthe potential to present various structures on the surface of individualorganisms, raising the suspicion that variation in MSG may function tohelp P carinii escape the host immune system, andor otherwise increasethe capacity of the organism to survive in the mammalian lung. Recentresults of monoclonal antibody studies in rats have shown that MSGexpression varies in two ways: i not all organisms in a populationexpress the same MSGs at the same time ii certain MSG epitopes areabundant in some populations and undetectable in others. Despite thepotential of P carinii to adopt a variety of antigenic guises, immunityto this microbe is the norm, which encourageshopes for development ofimmunotherapy and vaccination procedures. In addition, MSGs are unlikelyto function solely as antigens, and disruption of the production orfuction of MSGs may be therapeutic. Progress in these areas will requirean understanding ofthe capacities of the organism to change its surfaceantigens, which will require understanding of the structure andexpression of the family of MSG genes. An important clue to themechanism of MSG variation has recently emerged. Most MSG mRNAs beginwith the same leader sequence LS, but this sequence is not present on90 of the P carinii chromosomes, all of which contain MSG genes. Analysis of genomic DNA fragments containing the LS showed that it isadjacent to at least 8 different MSG genes, and probably more. Thesedata lead investigators to hypothesize that expressed MSG genes resideat a single site LS, and that the MSG genes that are expressed in agiven organism can be changed by recombination between MSG genes at theLS locus and one or more of the dozensof MSG genes located elsewherein the genome. To test this hypothesis they propose the followingspecific aims... 1 Determine the structures of MSG loci. 2 Determinetheir role in antigenic variation. 3 Analyze the dynamics of MSGvariation in the rat model.
Positions and Work Experience
1980 -1982 Staff Scientist, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY
1982 -1989 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,
1989 -1996 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati,
1996 -2013 Professor, Univeristy of Cincinnati,
2013 -To Present Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #R01-AI-36701 Investigators:Stringer, James 07-01-2005 -03-31-2011 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Structure and Expression of Pneumocystis Antigen Genes Role:PI $1,600,820.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-AI-36701-09-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Stringer, James 04-01-2000 -06-30-2005 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Structure and Expression of Pneumocystis Antigen Genes Role:PI $1,338,750.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-AI-36701-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Stringer, James 08-01-1995 -03-31-2000 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Structure and Expression of Pneumocystis Antigen Genes Role:PI $818,150.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01CA088041 / 0003048 Investigators:Chakraborty, Ranajit; Stringer, James 05-01-2007 -03-31-2012 National Cancer Institute Mechanisms of RET/PTC Rearrangements in Thyroid Cancer Role:Collaborator $35,472.00 Closed Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gandhi, Manoj; Evdokimova, Viktoria N; T Cuenco, Karen; Nikiforova, Marina N; Kelly, Lindsey M; Stringer, James R; Bakkenist, Christopher J; Nikiforov, Yuri E (2012. ) Homologous chromosomes make contact at the sites of double-strand breaks in genes in somatic G0/G1-phase human cells.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 109 (24 ) ,9454-9 More Information
Evdokimova, Viktoria; Gandhi, Manoj; Rayapureddi, Jayanagendra; Stringer, James R; Nikiforov, Yuri E (2012. ) Formation of carcinogenic chromosomal rearrangements in human thyroid cells after induction of double-strand DNA breaks by restriction endonucleases.Endocrine-related cancer, , 19 (3 ) ,271-81 More Information
Nkinin, Stephenson W; Stringer, James R; Keely, Scott P; Setchell, Kenneth D R; Giner, José-Luis; Kaneshiro, Edna S Pneumocystis carinii sterol 14?-demethylase activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae erg11 knockout mutant: sterol biochemistry.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 58 (4 ) ,383-92 More Information
Cushion, Melanie T; Stringer, James R (2010. ) Stealth and opportunism: alternative lifestyles of species in the fungal genus Pneumocystis.Annual review of microbiology, , 64 ,431-52 More Information
Brubaker, R; Redhead, S A; Stringer, J R; Keely, S P; Cushion, M T (2009. ) Misinformation about Pneumocystis.Clinical and experimental dermatology, , 34 (7 ) ,e426-7 More Information
Keely, Scott P; Stringer, James R (2009. ) Complexity of the MSG gene family of Pneumocystis carinii.BMC genomics, , 10 ,367 More Information
Deitsch, Kirk W; Lukehart, Sheila A; Stringer, James R (2009. ) Common strategies for antigenic variation by bacterial, fungal and protozoan pathogens.Nature reviews. Microbiology, , 7 (7 ) ,493-503 More Information
Stringer, James R; Beard, Charles B; Miller, Robert F (2009. ) Spelling Pneumocystis jirovecii.Emerging infectious diseases, , 15 (3 ) ,506 More Information
Gandhi, Manoj S; Stringer, James R; Nikiforova, Marina N; Medvedovic, Mario; Nikiforov, Yuri E (2009. ) Gene position within chromosome territories correlates with their involvement in distinct rearrangement types in thyroid cancer cells.Genes, chromosomes & cancer, , 48 (3 ) ,222-8 More Information
Fischer, Jared M; Stringer, James R (2008. ) Visualizing loss of heterozygosity in living mouse cells and tissues.Mutation research, , 645 (1-2 ) ,1-8 More Information
Fischer, Jared M; Stringer, James R (2008. ) Mutation in aging mice occurs in diverse cell types that proliferate postmutation.Aging cell, , 7 (5 ) ,667-80 More Information
Keely, Scott P; Linke, Michael J; Cushion, Melanie T; Stringer, James R (2007. ) Pneumocystis murina MSG gene family and the structure of the locus associated with its transcription.Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B, , 44 (9 ) ,905-19 More Information
Stringer, James R Antigenic variation in pneumocystis.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 54 (1 ) ,8-13 More Information
Dei-Cas, Eduardo; Chabé, Magali; Moukhlis, Raya; Durand-Joly, Isabelle; Aliouat, El Moukhtar; Stringer, James R; Cushion, Melanie; Noël, Christophe; de Hoog, G Sybren; Guillot, Jacques; Viscogliosi, Eric (2006. ) Pneumocystis oryctolagi sp. nov., an uncultured fungus causing pneumonia in rabbits at weaning: review of current knowledge, and description of a new taxon on genotypic, phylogenetic and phenotypic bases.FEMS microbiology reviews, , 30 (6 ) ,853-71 More Information
Larson, Jon S; Yin, Moying; Fischer, Jared M; Stringer, Saundra L; Stringer, James R (2006. ) Expression and loss of alleles in cultured mouse embryonic fibroblasts and stem cells carrying allelic fluorescent protein genes.BMC molecular biology, , 7 ,36 More Information
Fischer, Jared M; Robbins, Susan B; Kannamkumarath, Sasi S; Al-Zoughool, Mustafa; Stringer, Saundra L; Talaska, Glenn; Caruso, Joseph A; Stambrook, Peter J; Stringer, James R (2006. ) Exposure of mice to arsenic and/or benzo[a]pyrene does not increase the frequency of Aprt-deficient cells recovered from explanted skin of Aprt heterozygous mice.Environmental and molecular mutagenesis, , 47 (5 ) ,334-44 More Information
Gandhi, M; Medvedovic, M; Stringer, J R; Nikiforov, Y E (2006. ) Interphase chromosome folding determines spatial proximity of genes participating in carcinogenic RET/PTC rearrangements.Oncogene, , 25 (16 ) ,2360-6 More Information
Fischer, Jared M; Keely, Scott P; Stringer, James R (2006. ) Evolutionary rate of ribosomal DNA in Pneumocystis species is normal despite the extraordinarily low copy-number of rDNA genes.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 53 Suppl 1 ,S156-8 More Information
Nkinin, Stephenson W; Keely, Scott P; Stringer, James R; Kaneshiro, Edna S (2006. ) The sequence of the erg11 gene in form 1 and form 6 of Pneumocystis carinii are identical.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 53 Suppl 1 ,S147-8 More Information
Redhead, Scott A; Cushion, Melanie T; Frenkel, Jacob K; Stringer, James R Pneumocystis and Trypanosoma cruzi: nomenclature and typifications.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 53 (1 ) ,2-11 More Information
Cushion, Melanie T; Stringer, James R (2005. ) Has the name really been changed? It has for most researchers.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, , 41 (12 ) ,1756-8 More Information
Fischer, Jared M; Robbins, Susan B; Al-Zoughool, Mustafa; Kannamkumarath, Sasi S; Stringer, Saundra L; Larson, Jon Scott; Caruso, Joseph A; Talaska, Glenn; Stambrook, Peter J; Stringer, James R (2005. ) Co-mutagenic activity of arsenic and benzo[a]pyrene in mouse skin.Mutation research, , 588 (1 ) ,35-46 More Information
Keely, Scott P; Renauld, Hubert; Wakefield, Ann E; Cushion, Melanie T; Smulian, A George; Fosker, Nigel; Fraser, Audrey; Harris, David; Murphy, Lee; Price, Claire; Quail, Michael A; Seeger, Kathy; Sharp, Sarah; Tindal, Carolyn J; Warren, Tim; Zuiderwijk, Eduard; Barrell, Barclay G; Stringer, James R; Hall, Neil (2005. ) Gene arrays at Pneumocystis carinii telomeres.Genetics, , 170 (4 ) ,1589-600 More Information
Caudill, Christy M; Zhu, Zhaowen; Ciampi, Raffaele; Stringer, James R; Nikiforov, Yuri E (2005. ) Dose-dependent generation of RET/PTC in human thyroid cells after in vitro exposure to gamma-radiation: a model of carcinogenic chromosomal rearrangement induced by ionizing radiation.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, , 90 (4 ) ,2364-9 More Information
Puxeddu, Efisio; Zhao, Guisheng; Stringer, James R; Medvedovic, Mario; Moretti, Sonia; Fagin, James A (2005. ) Characterization of novel non-clonal intrachromosomal rearrangements between the H4 and PTEN genes (H4/PTEN) in human thyroid cell lines and papillary thyroid cancer specimens.Mutation research, , 570 (1 ) ,17-32 More Information
Stringer, James R; Larson, Jon S; Fischer, Jared M; Medvedovic, Mario; Hersh, Megan N; Boivin, Gregory P; Stringer, Saundra L (2005. ) Modeling variation in tumors in vivo.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 102 (7 ) ,2408-13 More Information
Stringer, James R; Larson, Jon S; Fischer, Jared M; Stringer, Saundra L (2004. ) Increased mutation in mice genetically predisposed to oxidative damage in the brain.Mutation research, , 556 (1-2 ) ,127-34 More Information
Larson, Jon S; Stringer, Saundra L; Stringer, James R (2004. ) Impact of mismatch repair deficiency on genomic stability in the maternal germline and during early embryonic development.Mutation research, , 556 (1-2 ) ,45-53 More Information
Keely, Scott P; Fischer, Jared M; Cushion, Melanie T; Stringer, James R (2004. ) Phylogenetic identification of Pneumocystis murina sp. nov., a new species in laboratory mice. Microbiology (Reading, England), , 150 (Pt 5 ) ,1153-65
Cushion, Melanie T; Keely, Scott P; Stringer, James R Molecular and phenotypic description of Pneumocystis wakefieldiae sp. nov., a new species in rats. Mycologia, , 96 (3 ) ,429-38
Schaffzin, Joshua K; Stringer, James R (2004. ) Expression of the Pneumocystis carinii major surface glycoprotein epitope is correlated with linkage of the cognate gene to the upstream conserved sequence locus. Microbiology (Reading, England), , 150 (Pt 3 ) ,677-86
Ambrose, H E; Keely, S P; Aliouat, E M; Dei-Cas, E; Wakefield, A E; Miller, R F; Stringer, J R (2004. ) Expression and complexity of the PRT1 multigene family of Pneumocystis carinii. Microbiology (Reading, England), , 150 (Pt 2 ) ,293-300
Keely, Scott P; Cushion, Melanie T; Stringer, James R (2003. ) Diversity at the locus associated with transcription of a variable surface antigen of Pneumocystis carinii as an index of population structure and dynamics in infected rats. Infection and immunity, , 71 (1 ) ,47-60
Keely, Scott P; Stringer, James R (2003. ) Sequence diversity of transcripts from Pneumocystis carinii gene families MSR and PRT1. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 50 Suppl ,627-8
Keely, Scott P; Fischer, Jared M; Stringer, James R (2003. ) Evolution and speciation of Pneumocystis. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 50 Suppl ,624-6
Stringer, James R (2002. ) Pneumocystis. International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM, , 292 (5-6 ) ,391-404
Stringer, James R; Beard, Charles B; Miller, Robert F; Wakefield, Ann E (2002. ) A new name (Pneumocystis jiroveci) for Pneumocystis from humans.Emerging infectious diseases, , 8 (9 ) ,891-6 More Information
Hersh, Megan N; Stambrook, Peter J; Stringer, James R (2002. ) Visualization of mosaicism in tissues of normal and mismatch-repair-deficient mice carrying a microsatellite-containing transgene. Mutation research, , 505 (1-2 ) ,51-62
Kaneshiro, Edna S; Rosenfeld, Jill A; Basselin-Eiweida, Mireille; Stringer, James R; Keely, Scott P; Smulian, A George; Giner, José-Luis (2002. ) The Pneumocystis carinii drug target S-adenosyl-L-methionine:sterol C-24 methyl transferase has a unique substrate preference. Molecular microbiology, , 44 (4 ) ,989-99
Cervantes, Rachel B; Stringer, James R; Shao, Changshun; Tischfield, Jay A; Stambrook, Peter J (2002. ) Embryonic stem cells and somatic cells differ in mutation frequency and type.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 99 (6 ) ,3586-90 More Information
Stringer, J R; Keely, S P (2001. ) Genetics of surface antigen expression in Pneumocystis carinii.Infection and immunity, , 69 (2 ) ,627-39 More Information
Cushion, M T; Orr, S; Keely, S P; Stringer, J R (2001. ) Time between inoculations and karyotype forms of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. Carinii influence outcome of experimental coinfections in rats.Infection and immunity, , 69 (1 ) ,97-107 More Information
Stringer, J R; Cushion, M T; Wakefield, A E (2001. ) New nomenclature for the genus Pneumocystis. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , Suppl ,184S-189S
Kaneshiro, E S; Rosenfeld, J A; Basselin, M; Bradshaw, S; Stringer, J R; Smulian, A G; Giner, J L (2001. ) Pneumocystis carinii erg6 gene: sequencing and expression of recombinant SAM:sterol methyltransferase in heterologous systems. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , Suppl ,144S-146S
Keely, S P; Wakefield, A E; Cushion, M T; Smulian, A G; Hall, N; Barrell, B G; Stringer, J R (2001. ) Detailed structure of Pneumocystis carinii chromosome ends. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , Suppl ,118S-120S
Nikiforova, M N; Stringer, J R; Blough, R; Medvedovic, M; Fagin, J A; Nikiforov, Y E (2000. ) Proximity of chromosomal loci that participate in radiation-induced rearrangements in human cells. Science (New York, N.Y.), , 290 (5489 ) ,138-41
Beard, C B; Carter, J L; Keely, S P; Huang, L; Pieniazek, N J; Moura, I N; Roberts, J M; Hightower, A W; Bens, M S; Freeman, A R; Lee, S; Stringer, J R; Duchin, J S; del Rio, C; Rimland, D; Baughman, R P; Levy, D A; Dietz, V J; Simon, P; Navin, T R Genetic variation in Pneumocystis carinii isolates from different geographic regions: implications for transmission.Emerging infectious diseases, , 6 (3 ) ,265-72 More Information
Schaffzin, J K; Stringer, J R (2000. ) The major surface glycoprotein expression sites of two special forms of rat Pneumocystis carinii differ in structure.The Journal of infectious diseases, , 181 (5 ) ,1729-39 More Information
Schaffzin, J K; Garbe, T R; Stringer, J R (1999. ) Major surface glycoprotein genes from Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. ratti.Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B, , 28 (3 ) ,214-26 More Information
Keely, S P; Cushion, M T; Stringer, J R Determination of the maximum frequency of genetic rearrangements associated with Pneumocystis carinii surface antigen variation. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 46 (5 ) ,128S
Schaffzin, J K; Stringer, J R Direct correlation of genomic localization and surface expression of the major surface glycoprotein of Pneumocystis carinii. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 46 (5 ) ,127S
Cushion, M T; Linke, M J; Collins, M; Keely, S P; Stringer, J R The minimum number of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. carinii organisms required to establish infections is very low. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 46 (5 ) ,111S
Schaffzin, J K; Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R (1999. ) A new family of Pneumocystis carinii genes related to those encoding the major surface glycoprotein. Current genetics, , 35 (2 ) ,134-43
Cao, J; DePrimo, S E; Hersh, M N; Stringer, J R (1998. ) In situ detection of frameshift mutations in mouse cells. Mutation research, , 421 (2 ) ,163-78
Stringer, J R; Cushion, M T (1998. ) The genome of Pneumocystis carinii. FEMS immunology and medical microbiology, , 22 (1-2 ) ,15-26
DePrimo, S E; Cao, J; Hersh, M N; Stringer, J R (1998. ) Use of human placental alkaline phosphatase transgenes to detect somatic mutation in mice in situ.Methods (San Diego, Calif.), , 16 (1 ) ,49-61 More Information
Sunkin, S M; Linke, M J; McCormack, F X; Walzer, P D; Stringer, J R (1998. ) Identification of a putative precursor to the major surface glycoprotein of Pneumocystis carinii. Infection and immunity, , 66 (2 ) ,741-6
Linke, M J; Sunkin, S M; Andrews, R P; Stringer, J R; Walzer, P D (1998. ) Expression, structure, and location of epitopes of the major surface glycoprotein of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. carinii. Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology, , 5 (1 ) ,50-7
Wakefield, A E; Stringer, J R; Tamburrini, E; Dei-Cas, E (1998. ) Genetics, metabolism and host specificity of Pneumocystis carinii. Medical mycology : official publication of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, , 36 Suppl 1 ,183-93
Keely, S P; Stringer, J R (1997. ) Sequences of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. hominis strains associated with recurrent pneumonia vary at multiple loci. Journal of clinical microbiology, , 35 (11 ) ,2745-7
Stringer, J R; Wakefield, A E; Cushion, M T; Dei-Cas, E Pneumocystis taxonomy and nomenclature: an update. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 44 (6 ) ,5S-6S
Smulian, A G; Keely, S P; Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R (1997. ) Genetic and antigenic variation in Pneumocystis carinii organisms: tools for examining the epidemiology and pathogenesis of infection. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, , 130 (5 ) ,461-8
Cushion, M T; Walzer, P D; Smulian, A G; Linke, M J; Ruffolo, J J; Kaneshiro, E S; Stringer, J R (1997. ) Terminology for the life cycle of Pneumocystis carinii. Infection and immunity, , 65 (10 ) ,4365; author reply 4
Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R (1997. ) Residence at the expression site is necessary and sufficient for the transcription of surface antigen genes of Pneumocystis carinii. Molecular microbiology, , 25 (1 ) ,147-60
Baughman, R P; Keely, S P; Dohn, M N; Stringer, J R (1997. ) The use of genetic markers to characterize transmission of Pneumocystis carinii. AIDS patient care and STDs, , 11 (3 ) ,131-8
Wakefield, A E; Keely, S P; Stringer, J R; Christensen, C B; Ahrens, P; Peters, S E; Bille-Hansen, V; Henriksen, S A; Jorsal, S E; Settnes, O P (1997. ) Identification of porcine Pneumocystis carinii as a genetically distinct organism by DNA amplification. APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica, , 105 (4 ) ,317-21
Cao, J; DePrimo, S E; Stringer, J R (1997. ) Cell cycle dependence of radiation-induced homologous recombination in cultured monkey cells. Mutation research, , 374 (2 ) ,233-43
Kramer, P R; Stringer, J R; Sinden, R R (1996. ) Stability of an inverted repeat in a human fibrosarcoma cell. Nucleic acids research, , 24 (21 ) ,4234-41
DePrimo, S E; Stambrook, P J; Stringer, J R (1996. ) Human placental alkaline phosphatase as a histochemical marker of gene expression in transgenic mice. Transgenic research, , 5 (6 ) ,459-66
Ludwig, D L; Stringer, J R; Wight, D C; Doetschman, H C; Duffy, J J (1996. ) FLP-mediated site-specific recombination in microinjected murine zygotes. Transgenic research, , 5 (6 ) ,385-95
Stringer, J R (1996. ) Pneumocystis carinii: what is it, exactly? .Clinical microbiology reviews, , 9 (4 ) ,489-98
Keely, S P; Stringer, J R Multi-locus genotype switching in Pneumocystis carinii sp. f. hominis: evidence for reinfection. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 43 (5 ) ,50S
Keely, S P; Cushion, M T; Stringer, J R Stability of four genetic loci in Pneumocystis carinii sp. f. carinii. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 43 (5 ) ,49S
Keely, S P; Baughman, R P; Smulian, A G; Dohn, M N; Stringer, J R (1996. ) Source of Pneumocystis carinii in recurrent episodes of pneumonia in AIDS patients. AIDS (London, England), , 10 (8 ) ,881-8
Stringer, J R; Walzer, P D (1996. ) Molecular biology and epidemiology of Pneumocystis carinii infection in AIDS. AIDS (London, England), , 10 (6 ) ,561-71
Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R (1996. ) Translocation of surface antigen genes to a unique telomeric expression site in Pneumocystis carinii. Molecular microbiology, , 19 (2 ) ,283-95
Underwood, A P; Louis, E J; Borts, R H; Stringer, J R; Wakefield, A E (1996. ) Pneumocystis carinii telomere repeats are composed of TTAGGG and the subtelomeric sequence contains a gene encoding the major surface glycoprotein. Molecular microbiology, , 19 (2 ) ,273-81
Keely, S P; Stringer, J R; Baughman, R P; Linke, M J; Walzer, P D; Smulian, A G (1995. ) Genetic variation among Pneumocystis carinii hominis isolates in recurrent pneumocystosis. The Journal of infectious diseases, , 172 (2 ) ,595-8
Wada, M; Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R; Nakamura, Y (1995. ) Antigenic variation by positional control of major surface glycoprotein gene expression in Pneumocystis carinii. The Journal of infectious diseases, , 171 (6 ) ,1563-8
Meade, J C; Stringer, J R Cloning and characterization of an ATPase gene from Pneumocystis carinii which closely resembles fungal H+ ATPases. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 42 (3 ) ,298-307
Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R Transcription factor genes from rat Pneumocystis carinii. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 42 (1 ) ,12-9
Giuntoli, D; Stringer, S L; Stringer, J R Extraordinarily low number of ribosomal RNA genes in P. carinii. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 41 (5 ) ,88S
Keely, S; Pai, H J; Baughman, R; Sidman, C; Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R; Stringer, S L Pneumocystis species inferred from analysis of multiple genes. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 41 (5 ) ,94S
Garbe, T R; Stringer, J R (1994. ) Molecular characterization of clustered variants of genes encoding major surface antigens of human Pneumocystis carinii. Infection and immunity, , 62 (8 ) ,3092-101
Denko, N C; Giaccia, A J; Stringer, J R; Stambrook, P J (1994. ) The human Ha-ras oncogene induces genomic instability in murine fibroblasts within one cell cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 91 (11 ) ,5124-8
Sunkin, S M; Stringer, S L; Stringer, J R A tandem repeat of rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii genes encoding the major surface glycoprotein. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 41 (3 ) ,292-300
Cushion, M T; Harmsen, A; Matsumoto, Y; Stringer, J R; Wakefield, A E; Yamada, M (1994. ) Recent advances in the biology of Pneumocystis carinii. Journal of medical and veterinary mycology : bi-monthly publication of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, , 32 Suppl 1 ,217-28
Linke, M J; Smulian, A G; Stringer, J R; Walzer, P D (1994. ) Characterization of multiple unique cDNAs encoding the major surface glycoprotein of rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii. Parasitology research, , 80 (6 ) ,478-86
Ludwig, D L; Stringer, J R (1994. ) Spontaneous and induced homologous recombination between lacZ chromosomal direct repeats in CV-1 cells. Somatic cell and molecular genetics, , 20 (1 ) ,11-25
Cushion, M T; Kaselis, M; Stringer, S L; Stringer, J R (1993. ) Genetic stability and diversity of Pneumocystis carinii infecting rat colonies. Infection and immunity, , 61 (11 ) ,4801-13
Stringer, S L; Garbe, T; Sunkin, S M; Stringer, J R Genes encoding antigenic surface glycoproteins in Pneumocystis from humans. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 40 (6 ) ,821-6
Stringer, J R; Stringer, S L; Zhang, J; Baughman, R; Smulian, A G; Cushion, M T Molecular genetic distinction of Pneumocystis carinii from rats and humans. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 40 (6 ) ,733-41
Stringer, J R (1993. ) The identity of Pneumocystis carinii: not a single protozoan, but a diverse group of exotic fungi. Infectious agents and disease, , 2 (3 ) ,109-17
Cushion, M T; Zhang, J; Kaselis, M; Giuntoli, D; Stringer, S L; Stringer, J R (1993. ) Evidence for two genetic variants of Pneumocystis carinii coinfecting laboratory rats. Journal of clinical microbiology, , 31 (5 ) ,1217-23
Smulian, A G; Theus, S A; Denko, N; Walzer, P D; Stringer, J R (1993. ) A 55 kDa antigen of Pneumocystis carinii: analysis of the cellular immune response and characterization of the gene. Molecular microbiology, , 7 (5 ) ,745-53
Zhang, J; Cushion, M T; Stringer, J R (1993. ) Molecular characterization of a novel repetitive element from Pneumocystis carinii from rats. Journal of clinical microbiology, , 31 (2 ) ,244-8
Zhang, J; Stringer, J R (1993. ) Cloning and characterization of an alpha-tubulin-encoding gene from rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii. Gene, , 123 (1 ) ,137-41
Krishna, S; Cowan, G; Meade, J C; Wells, R A; Stringer, J R; Robson, K J (1993. ) A family of cation ATPase-like molecules from Plasmodium falciparum. The Journal of cell biology, , 120 (2 ) ,385-98
Shaw-White, J R; Denko, N; Albers, L; Doetschman, T C; Stringer, J R (1993. ) Expression of the lacZ gene targeted to the HPRT locus in embryonic stem cells and their derivatives. Transgenic research, , 2 (1 ) ,1-13
Smulian, A G; Stringer, J R; Linke, M J; Walzer, P D (1992. ) Isolation and characterization of a recombinant antigen of Pneumocystis carinii. Infection and immunity, , 60 (3 ) ,907-15
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Cushion, M T; Stringer, J R; Walzer, P D (1991. ) Cellular and molecular biology of Pneumocystis carinii. International review of cytology, , 131 ,59-107
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Stringer, J R; Holland, L E; Swanstrom, R I; Pivo, K; Wagner, E K (1977. ) Quantitation of herpes simplex virus type 1 RNA in infected HeLa cells. Journal of virology, , 21 (3 ) ,889-901
Dna Damage,Benzopyrene,Fusion Gene,Mitomycin C,Gene Mutation,Reporter Gene,Gene Targeting,Laboratory Rat,Gamma Radiation,Gene Expression,Mutagen Testing,Laboratory Mouse,Tissue Mosaicism,Protozoal Antigen,Transgenic Animal,Beta Galactosidase,Carcinogen Testing,Tissue Cell Culture,Genetic Polymorphism,Pneumocystis Carinii,Genetic Recombination,Nucleic Acid Sequence,Embryo Fetus Cell Culture,Polymerase Chain Reaction,Histochemistry Cytochemistry,Transposon Insertion Element
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