Peter Suranyi

Peter Suranyi


Emeritus Faculty

Professional Summary

Peter Suranyi, Professor Emeritus of Physics

Physics Diploma (approximately equal to M.S.), Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary, 1958 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (approximately equal to Ph.D.), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, U.S.S.R., 1964

Junior Research Fellow, Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 1958 61 Research Fellow, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, U.S.S.R., 1961-64 Senior Research Fellow, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, U.S.S.R., 1964-65 Senior Research Fellow, Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 1965-68 Research Associate and Visiting Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, 1969-71 Associate Professor of Physics, University of Cincinnati, 1971-74 Professor of Physics, University of Cincinnati, 1974 Department Head, Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, 1995-1998 Professor Emeritus of Physics 2003-

Schmidt Award of the Hungarian Physical Society, 1968
Fellow of the Graduate School of the University of Cincinnati, 1977
Senior Visiting Fellow, National Research Council, Great Britain, 1978-79
Senior Visiting Fellow, National Reseach and Engineering Council, United Kingdom, 1987-88
Visiting Research Professor, University of Wales, 1994
Senior Fulbright Fellowship, 1998-99

1) Symposium "Topics on Quantum Gravity and Beyond," Cincinnati, 1992
2) Meeting of the Ohio Session of the American Physical Society: "Particle Physics in the Nineties and Beyond," Cincinnati, 1992.
3) 3rd International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Cincinnati, 2003

Continuously funded by the U.S. Department of Eenergy or its from 1975-2003.

Andras Pap, Athula Heart, Ricardo Rademacher, Tsegaye Takele

“Simulation of gauge theories in the world line representation,”Physics Department, Universidad Autonoma di Barcelona, Spain, January 1999
“Field theories with an energy current,” Institute of Physics, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, April 1999.
“Models for confinement in QCD” Toronto University, Canada, April 2000.
“Topology, Classical solutions, lattices, and quar


PhD: Academy of Sciences of USSR 1964

Research and Practice Interests

Study of symmetry breaking in three dimensional quantum field theories
The symmetry breaking phase transitions is studied in field theories with flavor and color quantum numbers. These investigations may cast light on the order of the chiral symmetry breaking phase transition in gaue theories. Theories of mass generation require a second order phase transition, to be able to explain the large variety of quark masses. Theories of baryogenesis, however, require a first order phase transition with the accompanying non-equilibrum phenomena.

Lattice field theory studies using path formulation
Lattice field theories are simulated using a quantum mechanical proper time path integral formalism. As an example phase transitions in U(1) Higgs theories are simulated. Nonabelian gauge theories are investigated using analytic approximations.

Loop expansion of field theories in Schrodinger representation.
Loop expansion of the ground and excited state wave functionals is investigated for theories containing fermions and/or gauge bosons.

Nonequilibrium Field Theories.
Nonequilibrium field theories are investigated by including a driving term in the Hamiltonian. Phase transitions are observed as coefficients of driving term are increased. The vacuum of the broken phase is not translation invariant and correlations in this state have infinite range, due to the appearanve of Goldstone bosons.

Confinement in QCD.
Confinement in nonabelian gauge theories is investigated on the lattice. New abelian and center gauges appropriate for bringing out the underlining dynamical structure of these theories are studied. The connection of Higgs theories and gauge fixed pure gauge theories is investigated. New vortex solutions and properties of known vortex soluteions are also studied .

Properties of black holes in compactified spaces are studied. These black holes may become the source of baryogenesis and of dark matter.