Stephen W. Thiel , Ph.D., P.E.
Professor Educator
Professor - Educator, Chemical Engineering
B.S.: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA, 1981 (Chemical Engineering)
M.S.: The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX, 1983 (Chemical Engineering)
Ph.D.: The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX, 1986 (Chemical Engineering)
Positions and Work Experience
2011 -2015 Associate Professor - Educator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2006 -2011 Research Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2005 -2006 Visiting Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2000 -2004 Manager, Process Technology, Cognis Corporation/Henkel Corporation, Cincinnati, OH
1998 -2000 Strategic Planning Analyst, Henkel Corporation, Cincinnati, OH
1990 -1998 Principal Process Engineer, Henkel Corporation, Cincinnati, OH
1986 -1990 Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1981 -1985 Research Associate, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
1981 - Unit Operations Instructor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
1980 -1981 Grader, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
1977 -1979 Cooperative Education Student, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
2015 -To Present Professor-Educator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #OCRC AY07-08-A3 Investigators:Degouvea-Pinto, Neville; Thiel, Stephen 09-01-2007 -09-30-2009 Ohio Department of Development Advanced Adsorbent for Direct Capture of Gas-Phase Toxics Role:PI $159,231.00 Completed
Grant: #OCRC AY07-08-A2 Investigators:Degouvea-Pinto, Neville; Thiel, Stephen 09-01-2007 -09-30-2008 Ohio Department of Development Advanced Adsorbents for Warm Gas Mercury Capture in Coal Gasification Role:PI $79,975.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #UT12214F / OCRC AY08-09-A2-C Investigators:Degouvea-Pinto, Neville; Thiel, Stephen 08-01-2008 -09-30-2011 Ohio Department of Development Advanced Adsorbents for the Warm-Gas Capture of Gas-Phase Toxics in Coal Gasification Role:PI $159,804.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #SRS 006926 Investigators:Degouvea-Pinto, Neville; Thiel, Stephen 06-15-2010 -06-14-2012 Babcock & Wilcox Y-12, LLC Thermodynamic Properties of Solvents for Carbon Dioxide Capture Role:PI $139,082.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #RCD 1481 / DE-FE0007716 Investigators:Thiel, Stephen 10-01-2011 -08-31-2012 Department of Energy Optimized Solvent For Energy-Efficient, Environmentally-Friendly Capture of CO2 At Coal-Fired Power Plants Role:PI $7,390.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 008099 Investigators:Thiel, Stephen 05-01-2012 -09-30-2013 Babcock & Wilcox Y-12, LLC Nanostructured Chelating Adsorbents for Direct Capture of Mercury From Coal Combustion Flue Gas Role:PI $50,812.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #DUE-1356656 Investigators:Kukreti, Anant; Matthews, Charles; Nistor, Vasille; Thiel, Stephen; Yeghiazarian, Lilit 07-01-2014 -06-30-2019 National Science Foundation S-STEM: "Bridging Our Students to Their Future" Role:Collaborator $599,855.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #14-01 Investigators:Smirniotis, Peter Panagiotis; Thiel, Stephen 08-08-2014 -08-31-2016 Ohio Coal Development Office Integrated Low-Temperature SCR, Mercury, and Trace Metal Capture for Power Plants Fired Using Ohio Coal Role:PI $160,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DE-EE0010836 Investigators:Sun, Yujie; Thiel, Stephen; Wu, Jingjie 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 Department of Energy Selective, Durable, and Energy-Efficient Electrolyzer for Carbon Dioxide to Ethylene Conversion Role:Collaborator 679003.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kim,J., Desch,R. J., Thiel,S. W., Guliants,V. V., Pinto,N. G. (2012. ) Adsorption of biomolecules on mesostructured cellular foam silica: Effect of acid concentration and aging time in synthesis .Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, , 149 (1 ) ,60 -68
Kim,J., Desch,R. J., Thiel,S. W., Guliants,V. V., Pinto,N. G. (2011. ) Energetics of lysozyme adsorption on mesostructured cellular foam silica: Effect of salt concentration .Journal of Chromatography A, , 1218 (38 ) ,6697 -6704
Kim,J., Desch,R. J., Thiel,S. W., Guliants,V. V., Pinto,N. G. (2011. ) Energetics of protein adsorption on amine-functionalized mesostructured cellular foam silica .Journal of Chromatography A, , 1218 (43 ) ,7796 -7803
Katiyar,A., Thiel,S. W., Guliants,V. V., Pinto,N. G. (2010. ) Investigation of the mechanism of protein adsorption on ordered mesoporous silica using flow microcalorimetry .Journal of Chromatography A, , 1217 (10 ) ,1583 -1588
Yadav,S., Wickett,R. R., Pinto,N. G., Kasting,G. B., Thiel,S. W. (2009. ) Comparative thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties of water interaction with human stratum corneum .Skin Research and Technology, , 15 (2 ) ,172 -179
Jaladi,H., Katiyar,A., Thiel,S. W., Guliants,V. V., Pinto,N. G. (2009. ) Effect of pore diffusional resistance on biocatalytic activity of Burkholderia cepacia lipase immobilized on SBA-15 hosts .Chemical Engineering Science, , 64 (7 ) ,1474 -1479
Yadav,S., Thiel,S. W., Kasting,G. B., Pinto,N. G. (2009. ) Thermodynamics of water interactions with human stratum corneum. II. Interpretation via the Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer isotherm .Chemical Engineering Science, , 64 (7 ) ,1480 -1487
Ji,L., Sreekanth,P. M., Smimiotis,P. G., Thiel,S. W., Pinto,N. G. (2008. ) Manganese oxide/titania materials for removal of NOx and elemental mercury from flue gas .Energy and Fuels, , 22 (4 ) ,2299 -2306
Peise,O., Ji,L., Thiel,S. W., Pinto,N. G. (2008. ) New adsorbents for direct warm-gas capture of mercury .Main Group Chemistry, , 7 (3 ) ,181 -189
Ji,L., Thiel,S. W., Pinto,N. G. (2008. ) Pyrrolidinium imides: Promising ionic liquids for direct capture of elemental mercury from flue gas .Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus, , 8 (3-4 ) ,349 -358
Ji,L., Thiel,S. W., Pinto,N. G. (2008. ) Room temperature ionic liquids for mercury capture from flue gas .Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, , 47 (21 ) ,8396 -8400
Radovanovic,P., Thiel,S. W., Hwang,S. -T (1992. ) Formation of asymmetric polysulfone membranes by immersion precipitation. Part I. Modelling mass transport during gelation .Journal of Membrane Science, , 65 (3 ) ,213 -229
Radovanovic,P., Thiel,S. W., Hwang,S. -T (1992. ) Formation of asymmetric polysulfone membranes by immersion precipitation. Part II. The effects of casting solution and gelation bath compositions on membrane structure and skin formation .Journal of Membrane Science, , 65 (3 ) ,231 -246
Thiel,S. W. (1990. ) Concentration-dependent solute activity coefficients and solute transport in pressure-driven membrane separation processes .Journal of Membrane Science, , 48 (2-3 ) ,127 -140
Thiel,S. W., Lloyd,D. R. (1990. ) Frictional and osmotic effects in the pressure-driven membrane separation of dilute solutions .Journal of Membrane Science, , 50 (2 ) ,131 -139
Radovanovic,P., Thiel,S. W. (1990. ) Partition coefficients at infinite dilution from Flory-Huggins theory .Journal of Liquid Chromatography, , 13 (8 ) ,1571 -1583
Radovanovic,P., Thiel,S. W., Hwang,S. -T (1990. ) Transport of ethanol-water dimers in pervaporation through a silicone rubber membrane .Journal of Membrane Science, , 48 (1 ) ,55 -65
Thiel,S. W., Lloyd,D. R. (1989. ) Multicomponent effects in the pressure-driven membrane separation of dilute solutions of nonelectrolytes .Journal of Membrane Science, , 42 (3 ) ,285 -302
Thiel,S. W., Lloyd,D. R. (1988. ) Application of the stefan-maxwell equations to the pressure-driven membrane separation of dilute multicomponent solutions of nonelectrolytes .Journal of Membrane Science, , 37 (3 ) ,233 -249
Thiel,S. W., Lloyd,D. R., Dickson,J. M. (1985. ) Analysis of transport in a pressure-driven membrane separation process. eds., Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Am. Chem. Soc., 1985, Paper 9, p.113 -123.
Thiel, S.W. (1989. ) Linear relationships between rejection and flux in pressure-driven membrane separation processes .Journal of Membrane Science, , 43 ,307 -311
He, J., Reddy, G.K., Thiel, S.W., Smirniotos, P.G., Pinto, N.G. (2011. ) Ceria-modified manganese oxide/titania materials for removal of elemental and oxidized mercury from flue gas .Journal of Physical Chemistry C, ,
Thiel,S. W., Lloyd,D. R., Dickson,J. W. (1985. ) Physicochemical interpretation of the behaviour of a pressure-driven membrane separation process. eds., Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Am. Chem. Soc., 1985, Paper 10, p.126 -139.
Horner, D.E., Mailen, J.C., Thiel, S.W., Scott, T.C., Yates, R.G. (1980. ) Interphase transfer kinetics of uranium using the drop method, Lewis cell, and Kenics mixer .Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, , 19 ,103 -109
Babai-Pirouz,M., Thiel,S. W., Lloyd,D. R., Dickson,J. M. (1984. ) The effect of solute-membrane affinity on cyclic hydrocarbon-water transport in pressure-driven membrane separation processes .Journal of Membrane Science, , 21 (1 ) ,21 -33
Thiel,S. W., Lloyd,D. R. (1983. ) Physicochemical interactions in pressure-driven membrane separation of glucose, ascorbic acid, citric acid, and mannitol from single solute aqueous solution .Desalination, , 46 (1-3 ) ,399 -406
Horner,D. E., Mallen,J. C., Coggins Jr.,J. R., Thiel,S. W., Scott,T. C., Pih,N., Yates,R. G. (1980. ) Interphase transfer kinetics of thorium between nitric acid and tribultyl phosphate solutions using the single drop and the Lewis cell techniques .Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, , 19 (3 ) ,287 -291
Honors and Awards
2019 Distinguished Teaching Professor
2017 Neil Wandmacher Teaching Award
2010 CEAS Tribunal Professor of the Year
Courses Taught
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Principles of Heat Transfer
Transport I
Principles of Mass Transfer
Process Design I
Process Design II
Process Dynamics and Controls
Separation Processes
Biochemical Engineering
Adsorption Processes
Membrane Science