Carol G. Tonge Mack , Masters of Arts, Teaching; Masters of Education, Counseling
Asst Dir Academic
Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Langsam Library
Acad Aff Academic Affairs - 0037
Professional Summary
Carol Tonge Mack is a bold leader, student advocate, and visionary in her non-traditional methods to help retain and graduate students. Carol is the Quarterback on her team; when given the opportunity, she is always on the winning team.
She is the Assistant Dean of Retention in the College of Arts and Science of Arts and Sciences (A&S). Carol’s primary focus is to provide creative and innovative strategies while collaborating with campus stakeholders to retain and graduate students. Most recently, she also served as the Assistant Dean for Recruitment and was responsible for 9% increase with incoming first year students which was the largest enrollment in the college’s history. Additionally in 2014, her team increased the yield by 4% for transfer students. She is the architect of the first Cultural Competence Workshop Series for the academic advising staff. Three years after the series was created, the advising team received the Marian Spencer Diversity Ambassador Award. In the fall of 2015, Carol was one of the co-founders of UC Black Women on the Move; an Employee Resource Group designed to create systematic and holistic changes university-wide to support and empower Black female staff members. As she continued to build her leadership skills, Carol was selected for WE Succeed and the C-Change Young Professionals Leadership Programs with the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber. She was also a participant in the nationally known Kaleidoscope Leadership Institute for Women of Color.
Carol received her Bachelor’s Degree in History from Middlebury College in Vermont, her Masters of Arts in Teaching, as well as a Masters of Education in Counseling from the University of New Hampshire. A native of the Caribbean island of Antigua, Carol grew up in the South Bronx, New York City; her extended family resides in Harlem, New York. She has two amazing children and also married to an Organic Chemistry professor at the University of Cincinnati.
BA: Middlebury College Middlebury, VT, 1995 (History (Latin America and the Caribbean) with a concentration in Teaching)
Masters of Arts: University of New Hampshire Durham, NH, 1997 (Teaching)
Masters of Education: University of New Hampshire Durham, NH, 1999 (Counseling)
Positions and Work Experience
2003 -2010 Associate Academic Director, •Co-creator, Center for Exploratory Studies designed to retain undeclared and Exploratory students •Developed the University’s first Cincinnati Sophomore Initiative (CSI) to increase the graduation rate of second-year/sophomore students •Created Sophomore Learning Communities to provide academic support for students taking “killer courses” in their majors •Teach “Discovering UC” course •Implemented the College Advising Retention Team to evaluate students academically at-risk •Established the High School Outreach Program •Provide advising to underprepared students with the Wise Choices Program , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1999 -2003 Assistant Director, •Supervise and train student staff •Provide academic advising to undeclared and provisional majors •Monitored student records and tracked academic progress •Assisted with marketing and distribution of promotional literature , University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
1999 -2003 Program Coordinator, •Implemented the CONNECT and RECONNECT Program •Collaborated with admissions to recruit students of color •Hired, trained, and supervised CONNECT staff and mentors •Provided academic support for the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs , University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
1997 -1999 Recruitment and Retention Specialist, •Researched and developed strategies to increase the number of graduate students of color •Consulted with the Dean and Associate Dean for program implementation •Participated in college fairs and attended professional conferences •Identified social and cultural activities to foster interaction among students of color •Served as liaison between the graduate school and prospective students , University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
2011 - Director, Student Retention Initiatives, Plan, coordinate, and implement student academic support programs for undergraduates students to increase retention, success, and graduation rates; Retention programming for students of color, and under-represented students; Coordinator, Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program to increase the persistence and graduation of STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine) students; Collect, analyze, and report data for state-funded scholarship, and mentoring programs; College liaison to GEN-1 Theme House; First Year probation and Early Intervention programs; Oversight of the First Year Experience course College Success Seminar; Co-Director, PRIZE Faculty/Staff Mentoring; Program; Evaluate program delivery and effectiveness and modify services as needed; University Coordinator, S.T.E.E.R Mentoring Program , University of Cincinnati, College of Arts and Sciences
Abbreviated Publications
In Press
Tara Stopfel and Carol Tonge Mack. "Advising Special Populations." National Academic Advising Association (2007): 203, 208.
Carol Tonge. "Hail I, Jah Rastarafi." Skin Deep 2 (1995).
Published Abstracts
Simonson, Kenneth, Carol Tonge Mack (2011. ) The Transformation of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Summer-Bridge Program to a STEMM Summer-Bridge Program for Historically Under-represented Ethnic Students .[Abstract]The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange, Co-Author
Other Publications
Carol Tonge Mack and Tara Stopfel Warden (2011. ) Creating a Climate of Cultural Competence .Voices from the field, National Academic Advising Association
Carol Tonge Mack and Tara Stopfel (2007. ) Advising Special Populations . National Academic Advising Association
Invited Presentations
Carol Tonge Mack (2008. ) (In Press. ) Keeping the Marriage Alive: Strategies to Enhance the Sophomore Experience .Chicago. Conference. . Level:National
Yolanda Cooper, Carol Tonge Mack (2008. ) (In Press. ) Does Access Mean Acceptance: Helping Under-prepared Student Make Wise Choices .University of South Carolina. Conference. . Level:National
Elizabeth Fisher, Carol Tonge Mack (2007. ) (In Press. ) CSI is on the case: Investigating the sophomore slump .Conference. . Level:National
Tyree Gaines, Carol Tonge Mack (2007. ) (In Press. ) The Professional Parent in the 21st Century .University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:Local
Tyree Gaines, Carol Tonge Mack (2008. ) (In Press. ) Out of the Box and into the Deep .University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:Local
Tonge Mack (2006. ) (In Press. ) Need Help Choosing a Major? Strategies to help Undecided/Exploratory Student succeed by choosing the best fit major .Ohio College Access Network, Coumbus, OH. Conference. . Level:Regional
Tara Stopfel, Sherry Spokas, and Carol Tonge Mack (2006. ) (In Press. ) Comprehensive Exploratory Advising:Creating High Student Satisfaction .Indiana. Conference. . Level:National
Carol Tonge Mack (2008. ) (In Press. ) The Power of Potential Partnerships .Cincinnati Youth Collaborative . Workshop. . Level:Local
Carol Tonge Mack (2009. ) (In Press. ) College Access and Success .Cincinnati Youth Collaborative. Workshop. . Level:Local
Carol Tonge Mack and Dr. Kenneth Ghee (2009. ) (In Press. ) Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize: Correlates of African-American Student Achievement and Implications for College Retention and Graduation .Conference. . Level:University
Carol Tonge Mack (2006. ) (In Press. ) Need Help Choosing a Major? Strategies to assist Undecided/Exploratory Students succeed by choosing the "best fit" Major. Columbus, Ohio. Conference. . Level:Regional
Carol Tonge Mack and Tara Stopfel Warden (2010. ) Cultural Competence Training for Advisors .Orlando, FL. Level:National
Carol Tonge Mack and Tara Stopfel Warden (2010. ) Diversity Training that People Enjoy .UC Diversity Conference, University of Cincinnati. Level:University
Simonson, Kenneth, Carol Tonge Mack (2011. ) (In Progress. ) The Transformation of a College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Summer-Bridge Program to a STEMM Summer-Bridge Program for Historically Under-represented Ethnic Students .Charleston, South Caroilna. Conference. . Level:National
Event Organized
PR1ZE Faculty Mentoring ProgramPR1ZE Faculty Mentoring Program Other 2008 2009 Level:College
PR1ZE Faculty Mentoring ProgramPR1ZE Faculty Mentoring Program Other 2008 2009 African-American Cultural and Research Center Level:Department
PR1ZE Faculty Mentoring Program Award CeremonyPR1ZE Faculty Mentoring Program Award Ceremony Other 2008 2009 African-American Cultural and Research Center Level:College
Academic Advising Diversity and Cultural Competence TrainingAcademic Advising Diversity and Cultural Competence Training Workshop 2006 2007 Level:College
Academic Advising Diversity and Cultural Competence TrainingAcademic Advising Diversity and Cultural Competence Training Workshop 2009 Level:College
HYPE Ambassador ProgramHYPE Ambassador Program Other 2008 Level:Local
P&G Mentoring ProgramP&G Mentoring Program Workshop 2011 National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Level:Local
Honors and Awards
2003 -To Present Carol Tonge Award This award was named in honor of the former advisor of the Black Student Union and coordinator of the CONNECT program. It recognizes graduating seniors at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) who demonstrated outstanding dedication and service to the Black Student Union and was committed to making a difference in the UNH community while promoting education of Black cultures. Level:Honorary Type:Recognition
2003 Academic Advisor of the Year Status:Recipient Level: University Type:Recognition
2007 -2008 Cincinnati Sophomore Initiative The University of Cincinnati Alumni Association grant was awarded to provide support and investigate the needs of sophomore students at the university. The Cincinnati Sophomore Initiative (CSI) was designed to facilitate programming to retain sophomore students while fostering connection with alumni through the Alumni Mentoring Program. University of Cincinnati Alumni Association Status:Recipient Level: University Type:Grant
2005 -2009 Award of Appreciation African-American Cultural and Research Center Status:Recipient Type:Recognition
2005 Award of Appreciation For Exceptional Academic Advising and Support of the Center For Access and Transition Students Status:Recipient Level: University Type:Recognition
2006 Exceptional Performance Award Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2009 Breakfast of Champions Award Recognized by Darwin T Turner Scholar for dedicated student support Status:Recipient Level: University Type:Recognition
2010 Marian Spencer Diversity Ambassador Award to highlight the advising team impact on diversity and continued efforts to learn more about the university's diverse student body Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2010 Diversity Hall of Fame Alumni Award to recognize the accomplishments and commitment to social justice and equity of the University of New Hampshire alumni Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2010 Diversity Investment Grant to support enhanced student recruitment and retention with a focus on strengthening racial and ethnic diversity. Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant
2011 Diversity Investment Grant to support enhanced student recruitment and retention with a focus on strengthening racial and ethnic diversity. Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant
Professional Affiliation
1999 -To Present: National Academic Advising Association University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2008 -2010: Board Member, Middlebury College Alumni Association Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
2008 -To Present: Community Impact---Program Review Committee United Way of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2006 -To Present: Regional and National Chair Middlebury College Admissions Alumni Program Middlebury College, Cincinnati, OH
09-29-2005 -10-06-2005: The Managerial Assessment of Proficiency University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2007 -2009: North Central Association/Higher Learning Commission Self Study The University of Cincinnati sought re-accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission. The self-study was used to examine institutional examples of excellence, the challenges ahead, and action steps leading to improvement. University of Cincinnati,
2008: The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber C-Change is a year-long program for emerging leaders seeking meaningful change for themselves, for other young professionals and for the community. Develop leadership skills, connect to established leaders and community resources and improve the quality of life for Cincinnati USA's young professionals. Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber,
2001 -2003: President' Commission on the Status of People of Color University of New Hampshire,
2001 -2003: Co-Chair Diversity Team University of New Hampshire,
1999 -2001: Women of Color Support Group University of New Hampshire,
2007 -To Present: Co-Chair Strategic Enrollment Management Access Committee University of Cincinnati,
2009: Diversity Recruitment Training Institute Sustaining Diversity in a Tough Economy University of Cincinnati, Career Development Center, Cincinnati, OH
2008 -To Present: WE Celebrate Examine applicants who were nominated for women and women-owned businesses of the year. Nominees were awarded based on their achievement, innovation, social responsibility and mentoring. Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, Hyatt Regency Hotel
12-02-2009 -12-06-2009: Kaleidoscope Leadership Institute Kaleidoscope is a leadership institute designed to celebrate and enhance the achievements of women of color in higher education. Within the context and experiences of women of color, Kaleidoscope offers attendees a forum for: discussing issues facing leaders of educational institutions; exploring the workplace challenges within higher education ; creating national networking and mentoring opportunities; providing guidance and strategies for career planning; building skills for success; and increasing communication about women of color leaders California
2010: Sophomore Institute National workshop to discuss, redesign, and implement sophomore year experiences to help prevent the "sophomore slump" National Resource Center for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition, Savannah, GA
Courses Taught
15-MLTI-175 DISCOVERING UC Level:Undergraduate