Reginald C Tsang


Research and Practice Interests

The first area of research involves the examination of vitamin D and calcium regulating hormones in mother and infant. Particular focus involves the vitamin D status of lactating women and breast-fed infants and changes that occur during pregnancy in calcium regulating hormones, particularly in conditions that affect calcium homeostatis, such as diabetes. The effect of transition from intrauterine to postnatal life is examined in regard to calcium regulation, as well as the adaptation of infants to various dietary alterations in infancy. Secondary research is the prevention of morbidity, mortality and malformations in infants of diabetic mothers through the study of factors affecting diabetic control and management during diabetic pregnancy. Another areaof research during pregnancy involves those pregnancies diagnosed to be intrauterine growth retarded. A third area of interest is lipid and lipoprotein disturbances in infancy and pregnancy.My interests also include the following:calcium;vitamin D;lactation;pregnancy;newborn;diabetes;lipids;nutrition.


Birth Defect,Bone,Bone Disease,Care of the Newborn,Cholesterolemia,Congenital Birth Defect,Diabetes,Diet,Dietary Requirement,Fetal,Fetal Physiology,Fetus,Hormone,Infant,Lipemia,Low Birth Weight Infant,Metabolic Balance,Metabolic Bone Disease,Metabolism,Neonatology,Newborn,Nutrient,Osteomalacia,Parathyroid Gland,Perinatology,Placenta,Premature Birth,Vitamin