Amy Vann

Amy R Vann

Instructor - Adj Clin CON

Assistant Professor of Clinical- Affiliated

Medical Sciences Building

CON CRNA - 0038


Msters of Science in Nursing with an emphasis in Anesthesia: University of Cincinnati OH, 12-2009

Bachelors of Science in Nursing: Marshall University Huntington, West Virginia, 2004


American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (Certification Date: 01-22-2010 ) - (Recertification Date: to 08-14-2024 )

Clinical Interests


Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Positions and Work Experience

2010 -To Present Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist – UCP at University of Cincinnati, - Perform anesthesia at University Hospital, Holmes Hospital, and Westchester Hospital. These facilities provided experience in general and MAC anesthesia, regional, Aline insertion, double lumen ETTs, and FOI. - University Hospital: Level 1 Trauma center with high acuity patients and frequent experience with difficult airways and anesthesia situations. Trauma, Ortho, Spines/Neck, Neuro, Eyes, ENT, Gyn, Chest, Cysto, General surgery, Vascular, Endo, IR/MRI/CT, ECTs, Robotic cases, and soon to start training in OB. Cinical instructor to RNSAs. - Holmes Hospital: 5 OR outpatient facility with same day surgery patients. Cases include Eyes, Hands, Dental, ENT, and Ortho. - Westchester Hospital: 9 OR facility with a mixture of healthy and high acuity patients. Many Spine/Neck (DLTs) and ortho cases requiring regional. Cases also include Gyn, General, Cysto, Cardioversion/TEE, and Endo. This facility teaches fast turnover and CRNA autonomy. ,

08-2007 -2009 Clinical Experience in Nurse Anesthesia Program, University of Cincinnati, - Rotated through a wide variety of clinical settings including: The University Hospital (Level 1 Trauma Center), Cincinnati Veterans Administration Hospital, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda Hospital, & Mercy Anderson Hospital - Developed & implemented anesthesia plans for a variety of cases including: pediatric surgery, neurosurgery, obstetrics, trauma, vascular, cardiac, general, orthopedics, ENT, and eye surgeries - Performed numerous general as well as regional techniques including epidural, spinal, axillary, peripheral and IV regional blocks. - Documented over 2000 anesthesia clinical hours and 800 case experiences. Comfortable with electronic record keeping. ,

06-2005 -08-2007 Staff Nurse, Med-Surg ICU ~ Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA, - Responsibilities include working as a staff and charge nurse caring for 2-3 intubated or trached patients with multi-system complications or failure including pulmonary embolus, pneumonia, respiratory failure, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, sepic/hypovolemic shock, DIC, head trauma/brain aneurysm, hypo/hypertensive crisis, overdose, post-op GI, ortho, and AAA repair. - One-on-one care of demanding patients including those requiring continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), liver, kidney, and pancreas transplants, post-op craniotomy with ventriculostomy drains, and postpartum bleeding or complications. - Daily titrating of vasoacitve medications, as well as analgesic, sedative and anticoag drips. Assistance with intubations, line/chest tube insertion, bedside trachs, EGDs, para/thoracentesis. Patients often have Swan-Ganz, other central/arterial lines, chest tubes and multiple vasoactive drips. - Participate in interdisciplinary meetings each morning with residents, attendings and ICU intensivists to optimize patient care and outcomes. - Serve on unit practice committee for both years writing policies as well as reviewing and managing standards of practice for the unit. Served 1 year as code responder and rapid response nurse for the hospital. ,

12-2004 -06-2005 Staff Nurse, Med-Surg ICU ~ East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, AL, Responsibilities included care for 2-3 patients, usually vented or trached. - Single ICU hospital with wide variety of intensive care patients, including cardiac: post-op carotid, AAA repair, Fem-pop bypass; Trauma: MVI, Gunshot/stab wound, head injury, suicide attempt; and all medical and surgical patients besides pediatrics. - Titrated vasoactive, analgesic, sedative, and antithrombin drips. - Experience with Swan-Ganz catheters, balloon pumps, central/arterial lines, chest tubes. Assisted with intubation, insertion of lines/chest tubes. ,

06-2004 -12-2004 Staff Nurse, Med-Surg Floor ~ East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, AL , - Responsibilities included care for 6-8 cardiac monitored patients. - Patients often included various post-operatives, GI bleeds requiring blood transfusions, pneumonia, overdoses/withdraw, dehydration, end-of-life care, patients with peg or j-tubes, dressing changes, IV starts, trach care. ,

Honors and Awards

Graduated Cum Laude (Undergraduate and Graduate)

2000 -2004 Marshall University Presidential Scholarship Award Recipient

2000 -2001 Pleasant Valley Hospital Foundation Scholarship Recipient

Professional Affiliation

2008 -BAD DATE: AANA member


Courses Taught

Assistant teacher for the RNSA Neuroanesthesia course

Faculty Development Activities

Attend 1 hr QA/Educational meetings at University Hospital ~3x/month,

Registered for a week long “Reviews of Anesthesia” Course 11/2011 ,