Michele Vialet

Michele E Vialet , PhD University of Pennsylvania (1985)


Professor of French and Francophone Literatures

Professional Summary

I teach and do research in French and Francophone studies, especially French Classicism (comic novels; Classical theater; the Moralists; the power of laughter) and 20th- 21st century colonial and post-colonial literatures, cultures and films (Maghreb, Rwanda, exile and immigration, racism, and the representation of Africa in pictures and films). On 17th-century literature, I am the author of various articles and book chapters as well as a monograph on Le roman bourgeois (1666), an iconoclastic novel by Antoine Furetière, Triomphe de l'iconoclaste: “Le roman bourgeois” et les lois de cohérence romanesque. In Francophone studies, I have published articles on contemporary women writers, co-edited a volume on Assia Djebar, Assia Djebar: écrivaine entre deux rives (2011), and most recently a volume on Julia Kristeva, Kristeva in Process: The Fertility of Thought (both available online at www.cromrev.com).

I also enjoy teaching introduction to literary analysis, intermediate and advanced linguistic and cultural literacy. I have coauthored two intermediate and advanced college books: Bravo! [1989] (Cengage, 8th rev. ed. 2015) and À vous d’écrire: atelier de francais (McGraw-Hill, 1996).


PhD: University of Pennsylvania 1985

Maîtrise de linguistique: Université de Besançon Besançon,

Research and Practice Interests

Teaching and Research Interests: 
-  French and Francophone studies, especially 17th century and (post)colonial 20th century literatures, cultures and cinema (France/Europe, the Maghreb, and Rwanda).  Specific focus on (post)colonial identity issues; exile and immigration; civil war.
In 17th-Century French Literature, my interests lie in Comic Novels; Classical Theater; the Moralists; the Power of Laughter.
-  Intermediate and advanced language skills: composition, phonetics, and literary analysis

Abbreviated Publications


Michèle Vialet, Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Azucena G. Blanco, and Stefan Hollstein, eds. Kristeva in Process: The Fertility of Thought - La pensée féconde - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Special issue of Cincinnati Romance Review 36 (Spring 2013).

Carla Calargé and Michèle Vialet, eds. Special issue of Cincinnati Romance Review 31 (2011): Assia Djebar: écrivaine entre deux rives. 1-172.

Michèle Vialet. Triomphe de l'iconoclaste. "Le roman bourgeois" et les lois de cohérence romanesque. Paris-Seattle-Tübingen: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 1989

Textbooks Authored

Judy Muyskens, Linda Harlow, Michèle Vialet, and Jean-François Brière. Bravo! 8e édition (2013). Boston: Thompson Cengage Learning.

Judy Muyskens, Linda Harlow, Michèle Vialet, and Jean-François Brière. Bravo! 7eédition (2011). Boston: Thompson Cengage Learning. xvi + 518 pp.

Judy Muyskens, Linda Harlow, Michèle Vialet & Jean-François Brière. Bravo! 6th edition.  Boston: Thompson Cengage Learning, 2009. xiv + 512 pp. First edition: Muyskens/Harlow/Vialet, 1989.

Gisèle Loriot-Raymer and Michèle Vialet (sous la direction de Judith Muyskens). A vous d'écrire. Atelier de français. A French Composition textbook. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1996. xvi + 266 pp.

Electronic Journal

Michèle Vialet and Andrés Perez-Simon, eds. Cincinnati Romance Review 36 (2013).

Michèle Vialet and Andrés Perez-Simon, eds. Cincinnati Romance Review 34 (2012).

Maria-Paz Moreno and Michèle Vialet, eds. Cincinnati Romance Review 32 (2011).

Maria-Paz Moreno and Michèle Vialet, eds. Cincinnati Romance Review 29 (2010).

Book Chapter

Irene Ivantcheva-Merjanska et Michèle Vialet. “Entretien avec Julia Kristeva: Penser en nomade et dans l’autre langue le monde, la vie psychique et la littérature [A Conversation with Julia Kristeva: Thinking the World, the Life of the Mind, and Literature as a Nomad and in the Language of the Other].” Kristeva in Process: The Fertility of Thought - La pensée féconde - Die Fruchtbarkeit des Denkens. Eds. Michèle Vialet et al. Special issue, Cincinnati Romance Review 35 (Spring 2013): 158-89.

Michèle Vialet. "Inheriting Exile: Leïla Sebbar's Literary Representation of Immigrant Children." Dimensions of International Migration. Eds. Paivi Hoikkala and Dorothy D. Wills. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2011. 221-40.

Michèle Vialet. “Filles et mères dans Vaste est la prison : un ethos de survie.” Assia Djebar, nomade entre les murs. Pour une politique transfrontalière (Actes du Colloque International Assia Djebar, Paris, Novembre 2003). Ed. Mireille Calle-Gruber. Paris : Maisonneuve et Larose, 2005. 261-66.

Michèle Vialet & Buford Norman. “Sexual and Artistic Politics under Louis XIV: The Persephone Myth in Quinault's and Lully's Prosperpine.” Images of Persephone. Feminist Readings in Western Literature. Ed. Elizabeth Hayes. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1994A. 47-74.

Michèle Vialet. “Cohérence et fonction-auteur: Les Conjectures académiques de l'abbé d'Aubignac.” Alteratives. Ed. Warren Motte and Gerald Prince. Lexington: French Monographs, 1993. 203-214.

Michèle Vialet. “Langage d'Esther et transcendance d'Iphigénie: Commentaire.” Actes de Colombus: Racine, Fontenelle, Histoire et littérature. Ed. Charles G. S. Williams. Paris-Seattle-Tübingen: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 1990. 97-108

Michèle Vialet. “Jealousy.” Dictionary of Literary Themes and Motifs. Ed. Jean-Charles Seigneuret. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1988. 2 vol. Vol. I: 675-690.

Michèle Vialet. “Le roman bourgeois: écriture de l'incohérence.” Les contes de Perrault, la contestation et ses limites, Furetière (Actes de Banff-1986). Ed. Michel Bareau et al. Paris-Seattle-Tübingen: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 1987. 373-388.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Michèle Vialet. " 'La nuit de la langue perdue': défaite et legs des mères dans Vaste est la prison d'Assia Djebar." Cincinnati Romance Review 31 (2011): 35-56.

Michèle Vialet. “Between Sound and Fury: Assia Djebar’s Poetics of l’entre-deux-langues.” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Foreign Literatures 56.3 (Fall 2002): 149-62.

Michèle Vialet. “Connais-toi toi-même: Identité et sexualité chez Maryse Condé.” Notre librairie: Nouvelles écritures féminines 118 (1994): 70-76.

Michèle Vialet. “Portrait d'un poète en prison: ‘La lettre de Théophile à son frère’.” Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature 40 (1994): 30-43

Michèle Vialet. “L'opéra en classe de français: du rock au baroque.” The French Review 65.4 (1992): 589-601.

Michèle Vialet. “Le bourgeois gentilhomme en contexte: du texte au spectacle.” Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 32 (1990): 51-58.

Michèle Vialet. “Adolphe: échec en amour ou temporisation politique?” Annales Benjamin Constant 5 (1985): 51-71.


Michèle Vialet et Carla Calargé. "D'une rive à l'autre ou la liberté d'écrire: Assia Djebar." Cincinnati Romance Review 31 (2011): 1-8.

Invited Publication

Michèle Vialet. “Assia Djebar: A Bibliographical Update.” African Literature Association Bulletin 27.1 (Winter 2000): 43-60. (Invited contribution)

Other Publication

Gisèle Loriot-Raymer and Michèle VialetInstructor’s Manual to Accompany “A vous d'écrire.” San Francisco: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1996. 31 pp

Gisèle Loriot-Raymer, Michèle Vialet and Nicole Fandel. A vous d'écrire. Cahier d'exercices. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1996. 134 pp.

Michèle Vialet with Linda Woodson, John C. Rechtien, Médoune Guèye and William E. Hull. "Stylistics Annotated Bibliography for 1987-88." Style 23.4 (Winter 1989): 618-656.

Creative Translation

Michèle Vialet, Trans of: Charles Bernheimer, “L'Exhubérant textual: castration et sublimation chez Huysmans.” Romantisme 45 (1984): 105-11.


Invited Presentations

(11-2005. ) The 2005 French Urban Riots: Representation of the Youth and Minority Rights in the Media .The National Jewish Committee Executive Board, Cincinnati, OH.

(10-2005. ) Witnessing and Writing: Testimony vs. Fiction in Remembering .Department of Modern languages, University of South Carolina-Upstate, Spartanburg, SC.

(04-2005. ) Langue de colonisation et langue d’élection: le français au Maghreb et au Moyen Orient .Séminaire sur la francophonie (Invitation de Dr. Ames et Dr. Picanço), U. of Cincinnati.

(04-2004. ) The ‘Events of Algeria,’ France and the media in the late 1950s: Gillo Pontecorvo’s Battle of Algiers .Seminar in Prof. Frierson’s class, Department of History, U of Cincinnati.

Paper Presentations

Vialet, Michèle (03-2014. ) "Motherhood as a Structural Experience in the Construction of the Feminine Subject: Kristeva’s Dialogic Contribution” .Vanderbilt University. Conference. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (10-2013. ) "La passion maternelle selon Kristeva" .New Orleans. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (03-2013. ) "Le jeu des codes dans "La graine et le mulet" d'Abdlellatif Kechiche" .Charleston SC. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (04-28-2012. ) "Silenced Victims, Memory Killers, and Afterward Third-Party We’s" .U of Missouri, Columbia. Other Institution. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (04-13-2012. ) "Zahia Rahmani: Shame and Abjection in Post-WWII France" .Dallas, Southern Methodist University. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (04-2011. ) "Revisiting the harki Question: Zahia Rahmani’s Ironic Approach" .Ohio U, Athens, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (11-2010. ) “La catharsis de l’anostalgie dans les romans de Malika Mokeddem.” .Atlanta. Conference. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (06-2010. ) “Androgynie, identité culturelle, et maternité chez Assia Djebar.” .Montréal. Conference. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (04-2010. ) “Ashamed of My Shame: Zahia Rahmani.” .U of Lexington. Conference. Level:International

Michèle Vialet (03-2010. ) “Infanticide in Malika Mokeddem’s Je dois tout à ton oubli” .University of Arizona, Tucson. Conference. Level:International

Event Organized

Adlai H. Murdoch. “Framing Difference: Migration and Creolization in the French Caribbean”

Adlai H. Murdoch. “Framing Difference: Migration and Creolization in the French Caribbean” Lecture 05-06-2011 05-08-2011 U of Cincinnati Level:International

Nnamdi Elleh. Architecture and Power in Africa: Reflections on the Landscapes of Contemporary African Revolutions

Nnamdi Elleh. Architecture and Power in Africa: Reflections on the Landscapes of Contemporary African Revolutions Lecture 05-05-2011 05-07-2011 Level:International

Hafid Gafaïti. "The Return of the Text: Islam in North African Francophone Literature

Hafid Gafaïti. "The Return of the Text: Islam in North African Francophone Literature Lecture 05-2010 U of Cincinnati Level:College


European Studies Director Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2013 -08-2015

Cincinnati Romance Review Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:Prof. Org. 08-2013 -12-2014

UC International Programs (Europe Strategy Group ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 10-2012

Alliance Française de Cincinnati Secretary-Elect Type:Community Service Level:Regional 05-2012 -05-2013

(RPT WGSS ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2012 -2013

Cincinnati Romance Review Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:Department 2012 -2013

RPT Ccommittee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2011 -08-2012

Asian Studies/GRMN Studies (Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2012

Cincinnati Romance Review Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:Department 2011 -2012

(Film and Media Studies in A&S ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2010

(French Program Ad hoc committee: assessment ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2010 -01-2011

Cincinnati Romance Review Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:Department 06-2010

(Mary and Isabel Neff Shcolarship ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:College 03-2010 -04-2010

RPT RLL Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2010 -2014

Cincinnati Romance Review Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:Department 2010 -2011

Asian Studies / GRMN Studies (RPT committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2011 -06-2012

Asian Studies / GRMN Studies (RPT Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-2012 -03-2013

(Freshmen Cohort Welcome Day (September 2010). ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:University

Conseil international d'études francophones Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International

South Atlantic MLA Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International

Kentucky Foreign Language Conferecne Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International

African Literature Association Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International

Freshman Summer Reading Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

(Asian Studies/GRMN RPT committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2013 -06-2014

European Studies Coordinator Type:University/College Service Level:University 03-12-2014


Seventeenth-Century French Literature and History of Ideas (Novel,Theater, and the Moralists)
Francophone Literature and Film (Women, Maghreb, Immigration and "Beur" Literature)
French Linguistics and French Composition

Courses Taught

-FREN-3034 AFRICA IN PICS/FILM Level:Undergraduate

FREN3002 Speaking in French about French-Speaking Cultures Level:Undergraduate

-FREN-3041 INTRO FRENCH LIT Level:Undergraduate

FREN7023 L’explication de texte : L’âge de Molière Level:Graduate

FREN7083 Introduction à la littérature du Maghreb Level:Graduate

17th Century French Narrative Fiction Level:Graduate

15-FREN-253 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate

Francophone Literature: Topics Level:Graduate