George Vredeveld

George M. Vredeveld


Professional Summary

George Vredeveld is the Alpaugh Professor of Economics and Director of the Economics Center for Education & Research, ranked number one of more than 200 centers in the nation. It provides teacher training for area schools and applied research for businesses and public organizations.


Ph D: Indiana University Bloomington, IN, 1973 (Economics)

Research and Practice Interests

Regional economics, economic development

Positions and Work Experience

07-01-2006 - Field Service Professor of Economics, University of Cincinnati,

09-01-1990 -06-30-2006 Professor of Economics, University of Cincinnati,

07-01-1977 -09-01-1990 Associate Prof of Economics, University of Cincinnati,

07-01-1972 -06-30-1977 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Missouri,

Research Support

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff Cincnnati Metropolitan Sewer Distric Towards Sensible Investment in Ohio"s Water Quality Type:Sponsored Research Level:Local

Investigators:Vredeveld, George 10-15-2008 Economic Impact of Queen City Square Tower on Cincinnati MSA 21000 Funded Type:Contract

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Pitzer Jennifer 08-2008 -12-2008 SORTA Economic Analysis of Metro"s Revenue Options 20000 Type:Grant Level:Local

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen, Jeff -2008 Clermont County, Ohio An Analysis of Economic and Workforce Development Alternative,” Sponsored by Clermont County, OH 87000 Funded Type:Contract Level:Local

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen, Jeff -2008 City of Cincinnati Revenue and Expenditure Forecast for the City of Cincinnati,” Sponsored by the City of Cincinnati 47000 Type:Contract Level:Local

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff 02-2008 -11-2008 Cincinnati USA Partnership Economic Outlook and Business Retention Analysis 21000 Type:Contract Level:Private

Investigators:Vredeveld, George 05-15-2008 -10-15-2008 Cincinnati USA Partnership Analysis of Economic Growth in the Cincinnati MSA Type:Contract Level:Private

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff 05-2008 -09-2008 Cincinnati Public School District Projecting Enrollment in Cincinnati Public Schools 25000 Type:Contract Level:Local

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff 07-2008 -08-2008 Tri-county Economic Development Corp Analysis of the Impact of Business Growth in Northern Kentucky 2000 Type:Sponsored Research Level:Private

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff 03-2008 -08-2008 Success by Six Early Child Care Cost Model 13000 Type:Contract Level:Other

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff 05-2008 -06-2008 Cincinnati Christian University Economic Impact of Cincinnati Christian University 2500 Type:Contract Level:Other

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff 03-2008 -06-2008 City of Cincinnati City of Cincinnati Revenue and Expenditure Forecast 47000 Funded Type:Contract Level:Local

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen Jeff; Yelkenci Irem 02-2008 -03-2008 Medpace Economic and Fiscal Impact of Medpace on Ohio 3000 Type:Contract Level:Private

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen, Jeff -2007 Catholic Healthcare Partners The Impact of Catholic Healthcare Partners’ Health Care Facilities on the Economy of the State Of Ohio 12280 Funded Type:Contract Level:State

Investigators:Kelton, Chris; Vredeveld, George; Ferrand, Yann; Rexhausen, Jeff -2006 Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber A Fortune 500 Benefits Index 10000 Funded Type:Contract Level:Local

Investigators:Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen, Jeff -2006 Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association The Impact of Non-Profit and Governmental Hospitals on the Economy of the Greater Dayton Region 21330 Funded Type:Contract Level:Local

Investigators:Kelton, Chris; Rexhausen, Jeff; Vredeveld, George -2004 Cincinnati USA Partnership Cincinnati USA Industry Cluster Profile: Biotechnology 9000 Funded Type:Contract Level:Local

Investigators:Kelton, Chris; Rexhausen, Jeff; Vredeveld, George -2004 Cincinnati USA Partnership Identification of Industry Clusters for Guiding Economic Development Efforts in Cincinnati USA 35000 Funded Type:Contract Level:Local


Other Publications

Kelton, Chris; Rexhausen, Jeff; Vredeveld, George (2006. ) The Spatial Distribution of Chemical Production in the USA .1 , Regions & Locations Guide

Ferrand, Yann; Kelton, Chris; Vredeveld, George; Rexhausen, J (02-2006. ) A Fortune 500 Benefits Index . Economics Center for Education & Research Report, University of Cincinnati

Kelton, Chris; Rexhausen, Jeff; Vredeveld, George (2004. ) Cincinnati USA Industry Cluster Profile: Biotechnology . Economics Center for Education & Research

Kelton, Chris; Rexhausen, Jeff; Vredeveld, George (2004. ) Identification of Industry Clusters for Guiding Economic Development Efforts in Cincinnati USA . Economics Center for Education & Research

Honors and Awards

10-20-2009 John C Schramm Leadership Award Level:National Type:Leadership

10-2006 Beekhuis Award Top Economics Center in the nation (out of about 200 centers) Level:National Type:Leadership

03-1973 Theory Award Top theory student at Indiana University Type:Scholarship/Research


Home Builders Assn of Greater Cincinnati (serve on the board of the organization ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Public

National Council on Economic Education (Serve on the board of the organization ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Public

Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber (Serve on a panel of economist to prepare an economic outlook report. Also serve as an advisor to the Chambers economic development Agenda 360 program. ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Public 2007

Entreprep Advisory Panel (Advise on the development of a high school entreprenuership curriculum. ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Public 2007

Citizens for Civic Renewal Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Public 2006

HCL Reaccreditation (Prepare response for the HCL Reaccreditation team. ) Committee Member Type:University Level:University

Corporate Relations (Consider the University"s proper role and relationship with the business community. ) Committee Member Type:University Level:University 08-2008 -02-2009

Ad hoc group on Steamlining Business Engagement (Chaired a small group that looked at ways to streamline the process for faculty and staff to collaborate with potential business partners. ) Chairperson Type:University Level:University 01-2008 -09-2008

Business Engagement Task Force (Investigate more effective ways to engage businesses in the work of the university ) Committee Member Type:University Level:University 10-2006 -08-2008

Governance Task Force (Recommend to the President a more streamlined governance process ) Committee Chair Type:University Level:University 2006 -2007

College Development Strategy (Investigate fund-raising approaches for the College of Business ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

Executive MBA design committee (Purpose was to explore possible design of an Executive MBA program. ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2005 -2006

ON Mutual Funds (I serve as the Lead Independent Director of the Funds board. ) Board of Directors of a Company Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 02-1999

Professional Affiliation

Speaker I annually give about 20 speeches about the economy in the community. various, Cincinnati, OH

Bad Format: 19860300: President Group of 15 economic educators who have formed a society to discuss ways in which to improve the teaching of economics. Society of Economic Educators, National

Bad Format: 19770700: American Economics Association,

Courses Taught

Foundations in Economics

Foundations in Economics

Introduction to Macroeconomics

Introduction to Microeconomics

Introduction to Microeconomics

Masters Special Topics

Foundations in Economics

Introduction to Microeconomics

Introduction to Microeconomics

Individual Study