Daniel Waddell
Associate Professor Educator
Rieveschl Hall
A&S Chemistry - 0172
Professional Summary
Assistant Professor of Chemistry - Educator
Courses taught
Fall 2014: CHEM 2041, CHEM 1041
Spring 2015: CHEM 2041, CHEM 1040, CHEM 2031L
Summer 2015: CHEM 1041
Fall 2015: CHEM 1040, CHEM 2041
Spring 2016: CHEM 1041
Fall 2016: CHEM 1040
Spring 2017: CHEM 1041
Fall 2017: CHEM 1040
Spring 2018: CHEM 1041
PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2012 (Organic Chemistry)
BS: Ohio Northern University Ada, OH, 2006 (Chemistry)
Research and Practice Interests
I am interested in studying how students learn and the best practices for engaging and motivating students. In part, I am interested specifically in the use of technology in the classroom and how this can foster learning.
Positions and Work Experience
08-2014 -To Present Assistant Professor of Chemistry - Educator, Teach General and Organic Chemistry courses along with any other department needs., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2012 -2014 Assistant Professor of Chemistry , Taught the following courses: Molecular Science Environmental Chemistry with lab General Chemistry lab Organic Chemistry lab Summer Introductory Chemistry Summer Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, Penn State Altoona, Altoona, PA
03-2012 -05-2012 Substitute Teacher, Substitute teacher for grades 3-12 at a small Mennonite school., Belleville Mennonite School, Belleville, PA
2011 -2011 Summer Instructor, Taught Organic Chemistry (CHEM 201), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2010 -2010 Summer Instructor, Taught General Chemistry (CHEM 101), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2006 -2007 High School Chemistry Teacher, Taught: 10th & 11th grade introductory chemistry 9th grade geophysical science Junior Varsity soccer coach, Marish School, Atlanta, GA
2007 -2012 Graduate Student, Graduate Student in James Mack's lab studying organic reactions under high speed ball milling reactions along with teaching organic chemistry labs and recitations., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Abbreviated Publications
Honors and Awards
2015 -2015 Invited to Darwin T. Turner Scholars Breakfast of Champions (two students) Type:Recognition
2015 -2015 eLearning Champion article published detailing recognition on 5/18/2015 Type:Recognition
2011 Harry B. Mark, Jr., Research Associate Award for great potential in research Status:Recipient Level:Department
2011 Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA) student of the year award Status:Recipient Level:Department
2011 Ciba Travel Award in Green Chemistry to attend the 15th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference Status:Recipient Level:National
2011 K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award - finalist chosen for final review - top 25 of over 200 applications Status:Nomination Level:National
2010 Ann P. Villalobos Fellowship for outstanding research performance by a graduate student Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Fellowship
2010 University Research Council’s Summer Graduate Student Fellowship Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Fellowship
2009 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Honorable Mention) Honorable Mention Status:Nomination Level:National
2009 NSF Student Scholar Travel Scholarship o attend the 13th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference Status:Recipient Level:National
2009 Milton Orchin Award for an outstanding graduate student in organic chemistry Status:Recipient Level:Department
2009 Henry Hochstetter Prize for an outstanding Teaching Assistant Status:Recipient Level:Department
2008 Selection to the American Chemical Society Summer School on Sustainability and Green Chemistry Status:Recipient Level:National
2006 Dankook Award for a top graduating senior, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH Status:Recipient Level:University
2005 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Status:Recipient Level:National
2020 IECE Award Outstanding Faculty Member Award IECE stands for Inclusive Excellence and Community Engagement https://ceas.uc.edu/about/inclusive-excellence-community-engagement/awards.html Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2022 -2022 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Breakfast of Champions Invited to Darwin T. Turner Scholars Breakfast of Champions Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
(IIAC ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2015 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
2009 -2011: Preparing Future Faculty Program Classes, workshops, and discussions focused on developing future faculty. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2005 -To Present: Member - American Chemical Society
2014 -To Present: AACU Associate Member
Courses Taught
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2041 ORGANIC CHEMISTRYII Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2041 ORGANIC CHEMISTRYII Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2041 ORGANIC CHEMISTRYII Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2031L SURVEY BIOCH LAB II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2020 READY FOR ORG CHEM Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2020 READY FOR ORG CHEM Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-5030 UNDERGRAD RESEARCH Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
Literature Research Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2020 READY FOR ORG CHEM Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-5030 UNDERGRAD RESEARCH Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-5030 UNDERGRAD RESEARCH Level:Undergraduate