Gloriajean Wallace

Gloriajean Wallace , PhD


Professor Emeritus


B.S.: Miami University Oxford, Ohio, 1974 (Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders)

M.A.: University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado, 1976 (Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Ph.D.: Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois, 1981 (Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (Specialization: Adult Aphasia))

Positions and Work Experience

1997 -To Present tenured Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, , Univeristy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

2000 -To Present Adjunct Graduate Professor and Summer Visiting Professor, Speech Pathology and Audiology Program (SPA), University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii

- 1989-1997 tenured Professor, U. Tennessee, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Knoxville, Tennessee (tenured 1993; Associate Professor 1989-1995; full Professor 1995-1997),

- 1984-1989 Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Lansing, Michigan ,

- 1993-1995 Consultant, Great Starts Drug Rehabilitation Program (for mothers and prenatally-exposed infants and children), Lansing, Michigan,

- 1987-1988 Adjunct Professor, Lansing Community College (program for traumatically brain injured students), Lansing, Michigan,

- Summer 1986 Summer Post Doctoral Fellow, Boston V.A. Medical Center, Boston, Mass. ,

- 1983-1984 Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Arizona, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Tucson, Arizona,

- 1982-1983 Lecturer, San Diego State University, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, San Diego, Ca. ,

- 1981-1982 Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hi,

- 1980-1981 Consultant, Department of Mental Health, Chicago, Ill.,

- 1980-1981 Speech-Language Pathologist, Visiting Nurses Association, Evanston, Ill.,

- 1980-1981 Speech-Language Pathologist, Evanston Hospital, Evanston, Ill.,

- 1978-1979 Speech-Language Pathology Trainee, V.A. Hospital, North Chicago, Ill.,

- 1977-1980 Research Assistant, Northwestern University, Evanston Ill.,

- 1977-1980 Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.,

- 1976-1977 Speech-Language Pathologist (CFY, Clinical FellowshipYear), Columbus Speech and Hearing Center, Columbus, Oh. ,

Research Support

Grant: #1004064 Investigators:Wallace, Gloriajean 09-01-2005 -08-31-2008 Health Resources and Services Administration Cincinnati State Health Careers Opportunity Program (CSHCOP) Role:PI $35,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Investigators:Wallace, Gloriajean 08-01-2005 -07-31-2008 American Speech Language and Hearing Association Outcomes for African-Americans with Chronic Nonfluent Aphasia Role:PI $14,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Investigators:Wallace, Gloriajean 09-01-2002 -08-31-2003 American Speech Language and Hearing Association Developing Clinical Leadership Skills Among SLP Students Role:PI $10,462.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit


Peer Reviewed Publications

Kent, B.P., and Wallace, G. L. (2006). Aphasia awareness among the Honolulu Chinese population. Hawaii Medical Journal, 65, 141-144. .

Wallace, G. 2006. Blast Injury Basics: A Primer for the Medical Speech-Language Pathologist, The ASHA Leader, 11 (9), 26-28.

Wallace, G. and Creaghead, N. 2005. The University of Cincinnati’s Innovative Doctoral Program: Year End Updates. American Speech-Language and Hearing Association’s (ASHA) Academic and Administration, Perspectives on Issues in Higher Education, ASHA Division 10, Vol. 7, No. 2.

Wallace, G., Westby, C., Tomoeda, C., and Davis-McFarland, A. 2005. Rationale and Membership Survey: the Need for Cultural Competence Training Among Speech-Language Pathology Professionals. American Speech-Language and Hearing Association’s Diversity Perspectives. ASHA Division 12 (April issue).

Wallace, G. 2004. Competition spurs Enhanced doctoral raining Opportunities: The University of Cincinnati’s Approach to Solving the Problem of Ph.D. Shortages, The ASHA Leader, Vol., 9, No. 9, May 11, pg. 1, 22, 23.

Wallace, G. and Creaghead, N. 2004. The University of Cincinnati’s Innovative Doctoral Program Set to Begin In Fall 2004. ASHA’s Academic and Administration, Perspectives on Issues in Higher Education, ASHA Division 10, Vol.7, No 2.

Wallace, G. 2001. The ICIDH-2 International Classification of Functioning and Disability. Hearsay, Vol. 14, pg. 19-20.

Wallace, G. 2000. An Inclusion Approach to the Management of Individuals with Right Hemisphere Deficit. Topics in Speech and Language Disorders, Vol. 20, No. 4, pg. 343-354.

Gerwin, L. and Wallace, G. 1999. Transitioning from Home to Nursing Home for the Person with ALS: Observations about Communication Opportunities in the New Life Setting. Ohio Speech Language and Hearing Association Journal. Fall Issue.

Wallace, G. and Holmes, S. 1993. Cognitive-Linguistic Assessment and MRI of Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Archives of Phys. Med. And Rehab., 74, 637-643.

Wallace, G. 1993. Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury (mai’ulu) in Amerika Samoa. Hawaii Medical Journal, 52, 9, 234-250.

Wallace, G. 1993. Neurological Impairment Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents. J. of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 4, 1, 40-50.

Wallace, G. 1991. Assessment of Oral Peripheral Structure and Function in Normal Aging Individuals with the Frenchay. Journal of Communication Disorders, 24, 101-109.

Wallace, G. and Bridges, S. 1991. Adults with Neurological Impairments from Multicultural Populations. ASHA, 33, 6-7 and 58-60. .

Wallace, G. and Stapelton, W. 1991. Analysis of Auditory Comprehension Performance in Individuals with Severe Aphasia. Archives of Phys. Med. And Rehab., 72, 674-678. .

Wallace, G. and Canter, G. 1985. Comprehension of Neutral Melodically-Intoned and Affectively-Intoned Sentences in Adults with Aphasia. J. of Communication Disorders, 18, 321-327.

Wallace, G. and Canter, G. 1985. Effects of Personally Relevant Language Materials on the Performance of Severely Aphasic Individuals. J. of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 50, 385-390.

Published Books

Wallace, G. 1996. (Ed.) Adult Aphasia Rehabilitation. Butterworth Heinemann: Boston, Mass.

Wallace, G. 1996. (Ed.) Multicultural Neurogenics: A Resource for Speech-Language Pathologists Providing Services to Neurologically Impaired Adults from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. Psychological Corporation: San Antonio, Tx.

Book Chapter

Wallace, G. 1998. Adult and Pediatric Neurogenic Disorders. In D. Battle. Multicultural Issues and Speech-Language Pathology (Second Edition). Andover Medical Publishers: North Potomac, Md.

Cheng, L., Nakasato, and Wallace, G. 1995. The Pacific Islander Population and the Challenges they Face. In L.L. Cheng (Ed.). Integrating Language and Learning for Inclusion. San Diego: Singjular Publishing Group, Inc.

Wallace, G. 1993. Profile of African-American Students. In Lynne W. Clarke, Faculty and Student Challenges in Facing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas, 63-87.

Wallace, G. 1992. Adult Neurogenic Disorders. In D. Battle, Multicultural Issues and Speech-Language Pathology. Andover Medical Publishers: North Potomac, Md. Pg. 239 – 255.


Invited Presentations

Wallace, G. 2007. The Power of Plasticity: Nurturing the Brain’s Potential for Recovery after Stroke and Aphasia. Invited paper presented to the Neurology and Neurosurgery Section, National Medical Association (NMA) Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii. .

Wallace, G. 2006. WHO ICF-based Outcomes Profiling for People with Chronic Nonfluent Aphasia. Miniseminar, American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, Miami, Fl.

Wallace, G. 2005. A Discussion of the Mechanism of Blast Injuries, and Resulting Clinical Profiles. Invited paper presented to the Neurology and Neurosurgery Section, NMA Convention, New York, New York.

Wallace, G. 2005. Clinical Evidence Supporting Brain Plasticity in a Person with Chronic Severe Nonfluent Aphasia. Cincinnati Translational Neuroscience Symposium, Cincinnati Neurofest, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wallace, G., and Betts, D. 2005. Impact of Context on Dysphagia Management. Poster presentation, Ohio Speech-Language and Hearing Convention, Columbus, Ohio. .

Wallace, G. and Breen, P. 2004. Developing Clinical Leadership Skills Among SLP Students from Diverse Backgrounds. Miniseminar presented at the ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, Pa.

Wallace, G., Creaghead, N., Yates, J., Masterson, J., Melcher, J., and Johnson, I. 2004. University of Cincinnati’s IP-DLE-# Innovative Doctoral Training Program. 2 hour miniseminar presented at the ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, Pa.

Wallace, G. 2004. Innovative Approaches for Increasing the Number of SLPs with Ph.D. Credentials. Invited panel discussant at the ASHA Town Hall Meeting. ASHA Convention, Philadelphia, Pa. .

Wallace, G. 2004. Multicultural Issues in Aphasia for the Professional. Invited short course, National Stroke Association (NSA), Tampa Florida.

Wallace, G. Niels-Strunjas, J., Ball, A., and Kelchner, L. 2004. Enhancing Functional Outcomes After Acquired Neurological Impairment Using a WHO-CF Based Approach. Miniseminar presented at the Ohio Speech-Language and Hearing Association (OSLHA) Convention, Columbus, Ohio.

Wallace, G. 2004. Aphasia Treatment for Providers: Evidence from Chronic and Severe Aphasia Treatment Outcomes. Invited presentation. Speaking Out Convention, National Aphasia Association (NAA), Orlando, Florida.

Wallace, G. 2004. Life Beyond Stroke: Report of Functional Outcomes/Quality of Life Data. Invited paper, Neurology and Neurosurgery Section, NMA Convention, San Diego, Ca.

Wallace, G. 2003. Enhancing Aphasia Profiling Using the ICF-Based RAINBO Assessment System. Short Course sponsored by the NBASLH Neurogenics Special Interest Group (NSIG), NBASLH Convention, Birmingham, Al.

Wallace, G. 2003. Foundation for Motor Speech Disorders for the Otolaryngologist. Short course for ENT residents, Tripler Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 2003. Foundations in Adult Aphasia for the Otolaryngologist. Short course for ENT residents, Tripler Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 2003. Functional Outcomes after Stroke and Aphasia. Invited paper presented to the Neurology and Neurosurgery Section, NMA Convention, Philadelphia, Pa.

Wallace, G., and the U.C. Neuro-Language Class. 2003. The Power of One. Presented to the U.C. College of Allied Health Faculty, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wallace, G. 2003. Aphasia Group Treatment. Poster presented at the OSHA Convention, Columbus, Ohio.

Wallace, G. 2003. The State of Neurogenics for Blacks in the Year 2003. Invited paper presented at the NBASLH Convention, Atlanta, Ga.

Wallace, G. 2003. Enhancing Aphasia Profiling using the ICF-based RAINBO Assessment System. Short course presented at the Mississippi Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Fall Conference, Jackson, Mississippi.

Wallace, G. 2003. Enhancing Functional Outcomes after aphasia using the ICF-Based RAIBO Assessment System. Invited short course, NBASLH Convention, Atlanta, Ga. .

Wallace, G. 2003. Aphasia Groups. Poster session, NBASLH Convention, Atlanta, Ga.

Wallace, G., Berninger. L., Lucas, J., Sparks, S., Stansbury, M., and Upite, K. 2003. Enhancing Aphasia Awareness Among the General Public: the Cincinnati Model, poster session, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G. 2002. Enhancing Aphasia Profiling using the ICF-Based RAINBO Assessment System, invited paper presented at the 10th International Aphasia Conference, Brisbane, Australia. .

Wallace, G. 2002. A.P.H.A.S.I.A. (All People Have a Say…If Accommodated) Group, poster presented at the 10th International Aphasia Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

Wallace, G. 2002 Communication partnering Between Physician and Patient. Invited paper presented to the Neurology/Neurosurgery Section, NMA Convention.

Wallace, G. 2001. ICIDH-2 Aphasia Profiling Using the Reliable Assessment Inventory of Neuro-Behavioral Organization (RAINBO). Invited paper presented to the Neurology and Neurosurgery Section, NMA Convention, Nashville, Tn.

Wallace, G. 2001. ICIDH-2 Profiling Using the Reliable Assessment Inventory of Neuro- Behavioral Organization, Miniseminar, ASHA Convention, New Orleans, La.

Threats, T., and Wallace, G. 2001. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Miniseminar, ASHA Convention, New Orleans, La.

Wallace, G. 2001. Health and Diversity Issues relating to Communication Sciences and Disorders. Keynote Dr.Lynda Campbell Symposium Speaker. Two day symposium, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. .

Wallace, G. 2000. Measuring and Enhancing Functional Outcomes: Quality of Life for African American Stroke Survivors. Invited paper presented to the Neurology and Neurosurgery Section, NMA Convention, Washington, D.C.

Wallace, G. 2000. (Expert Witness Testimony Paper). The Reliable Assessment Inventory of Neuro-Behavioral Organization (RAINBO) and the RAINBO-BAPS (Body Part, Activities, and Participation Screening): Practical Applications of the ICIDH-2. Invited Expert Witness Testimony paper, presented to the World Health Organization, Washington, D.C.

Wallace, G. and Threats, T. 2000. Aphasia Functional Outcomes Using the WHO Participation Model. Poster session, ASHA Convention, Washington, D.C. .

Wallace, G. and Threats, T. 2000. Functional Outcomes Using the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Participation Model. Miniseminar, NBASLH Convention, Jackson, Mississippi.

Threats, T., and Wallace, G. 2000. The Revised WHO Model of Functioning and Disability. 90 minute Miniseminar, ASHA Convention, Washington, D.C.

Wallace, G., Fairley-Harris, D., and Withers, B. 2000. Career Concerns of African-American Medical Speech Pathologists: Issues/Prospects. Miniseminar, NBASLH Convention, St. Louis, Mo. .

Fairley-Harris, D., and Wallace, G. 2000. Incidence of Crack Cocaine Related Strokes in a Major Cincinnati Hospital. Technical paper, NBASLH Convention,, St. Louis, Mo. .

Wallace, G. 2000. An Inclusion Approach to the Management of Adult Aphasia for the 21st Century. Invited workshop, NBASLH convention, St.Louis, Mo.

Lyons, J., Vickers, C., and Wallace, G. 1999. Continuum of Care for Aphasia: Long-Term Management Phase. Invited telephone seminar sponsored by ASHA.

Wallace, G. 1999. An Inclusion Approach to Stroke Rehabilitation for the 21st Century. Invited all day workshop presented at the New York Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention, Syracuse, NY.

Battle, D., and Wallace, G. 1999. Multiculturalism and Diversity: How Far Have We Come and Where are We Going? Invited panel discussion presented at the New York State Speech- Language and Hearing Association (NYSLHA) Convention, Syracuse, NY.

Wallace, G. 1999. The Reliable Assessment Inventory of Neuro-Behavioral Organization (RAINBO). Invited presentation at the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for the Classification of Disease for North America 6th Annual NACC Meeting on ICIDH, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Wallace, G. 1999. Enhancing Communication Among Health Care Professionals and People with Severe Aphasia: Unmasking Communicative Competence. Invited paper presented to the Neurology/Neurosurgery, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sections, NMA Convention, Los Vegas, Ne.

Wallace, G., and Kesterman, M. 1999. International Rehabilitation Needs and Services: The South Africa Experience. Paper presented at the 1000 U.C. Worldfest, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wallace, G. 1999. An Inclusion Approach to Aphasia Rehabilitation for the 21st Century miniseminar, NBASLH convention, St. Louis, Mo.

Wallace, G. 1998. Dysphagia Management: What Every Physician Should Know. Invited presentation to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Section, NMA convention.

Wallace, G. 1998. Functional Outcomes After Aphasia Among African American Stroke Survivors: Evidence based on the Reliable Assessment Inventory of Neuro-Behavioral Organization (RAINBO). Invited paper presented to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Section of the NMA, National Medical Association convention, New Orleans, La.

Wallace, G. 1998. The Reliable Assessment Inventory of Neuro-Behavioral Organization (RAINBO): An Inclusion Approach to the Assessment of Aphasic Adults. Paper presented at the 8th International Aphasiology Conference in Kwa Maritane Pilanesburg, South Africa.

Kesterman, M., and Wallace, G. 1998. Neurogenics Rehabilitation Services and Needs: An International Perspective. Poster session presentation at the 8th International Aphasiology Conference in Kwa Maritane Pilanesburg National Park, South Africa.

Kesterman, M., and Wallace, G. 1998. Globalization: A perspective on International Neurogenics Rehabilitation Needs and Services. Poster presentation, ASHA Convention, San Antonio, Tx.

Gerwin, L., and Wallace, G. 1998. SLP Management of Swallowing Impairments Among Tracheotomy and Ventilator Cases. Poster presentation, ASHA Convention, San Antonio, Tx. .

Wallace, G. 1998. Multicultural Neurogenics: An Inclusion Approach to the Clinical Management of Adult Cases. Invited workshop presented to the S. Carolina Speech-Language and Hearing Association (SCSLHA), Charleston, S. Carolina.

Wallace, G. 1998. Measuring Communication Ability in Adult Neurogenics Cases. Invited workshop presented to the SCSLHA, Charleston, S. Carolina.

Wallace, G. 1998. Multicultural Neurogenics: An Inclusion Approach to the Clinical Management of Adult Neurogenics Cases. Invited all-day workshop presented at the Connecticut Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention.

Wallace, G. 1998. Caring for Communication: A Progressive Approach for Enhancing the Functional Communication of Aphasic Individuals. Invited presentation at the Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association (SWOSHA) meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wallace, G. 1998. Invited cracker barrel presentation – on current neurogenics topic, presented to SWOSHA, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Fairley-Harris, D, and Wallace, G. 1998. Dysphagia Management in Nursing Homes: The Importance of Team Collaboration. Paper presented at the NBASLH Convention, Washington, D.C.

Brown-Bell, A, and Wallace, G. 1998. Lestress: A Practical Program to Reduce Stress in Your Life. Paper presented at the NBASLH Convention, Washington, D.C.

Wallace, G. 1997. The Reliable Assessment Inventory of Neuro-Behavioral Organization (RAINBO): Assessing the Stroke Rehabilitation Needs of Minority Populations. Invited paper presented to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Section, NMA Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Collins, K., and Wallace, G. 1997. Conversational Discourse and Adult Aphasia. Miniseminar presented at the ASHA Convention.

Collins, K., and Wallace, G. 1997. Investigation of the Use of Communication Acts by Aphasic Adults. Clinical Aphasiology Conference (CAC). .

Wallace, G., Cole, T., Fairley, D., Maiden, J., Nunn, S., Terry, A., and Redden, E. 1997. Embracing Healthy Lifestyles for the Prevention of Stroke. Miniseminar, NBASLH Convention.

Wallace, G., Hughes, C., Paige, S., Sangster, A., and Tebbe, L. 1997. Action Agenda 2000 and Clinical Preparedness for the 21st Century, Miniseminar, NBASLH Convention.

Wallace, G., Fairley, D., and Harris, A. 1997. Marketing Speech-Language Pathology to Young African American Students. Technical paper, NBASLH Convention. .

Wallace, G. 1995. Prevention of Stroke and Aphasia in the African American Community Poster session, ASHA Convention, Orlando, Fl.

Wallace, G., Tilo, J., and Wilson, M. 1995. Programming for Partnership: Speech-Language Services in American Samoa. Poster session, ASHA Convention, Orlando, Fl.

Bland, L., Wallace, G., et al. 1995. Language Development in African American Toddlers Prenatally Exposed to Cocaine. Miniseminar, ASHA Convention, Orlando, Florida. .

Wallace, G. 1995. Adults: Assessment and African American Cultures. Invited presentation presented at the Institute on Multicultural Skills on Communication Sciences and Disorders. Sponsored by ASHA, Boston, Mass. .

Wallace, G. 1995. Adults: Intervention African American Cultures. Invited presentation presented at the Institute on Multicultural Skills on Communication Sciences and Disorders, Sponsored by ASHA, Boston, Ma.

Wallace, G. 1995. The Rules of the Speech-Language Pathologist in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Acquired Neurologically-based Communication and Feeding Impairments. Invited paper presented to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Section, NMA Convention, Atlanta, Ga.

Wallace, G. 1995. Inter-agency Programming for Partnership to Enhance the Quality of Life for Individuals with Communication and Feeding Impairments in American Samoa. Invited workshop, American Samoa Government, Pago Pago, American Samoa.

Wallace, G. 1995. Domestic Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Major Woman’s Health Issue. Invited paper, International Women’s Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 1995. Providing Aphasia Rehabilitation Services in a Managed Care World: An Introductory Discussion. Invited colloquium presentation, University of Hawaii, Speech Pathology and Audiology Program, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 1995. Rehabilitation of Traumatically Brain Injured Adults: The Impact of Cognition, Communication and Culture. Invited Workshop. Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific and the Hawaii Speech-Language Hearing Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 1995 Management of Neurologically-based Communication Impairments in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Adult Populations. Invited Workshop. U. of the Pacific, Stockton, Ca.

Wallace, G. and Marshall, M. 1995. Traumatic Brain Injury Resulting from Domestic Violence. Invited miniseminar, Tennessee Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Nashville, Tn.

Wallace, G. 1995. Writing a Winning Presentation. Two-part invited miniseminar. NBASLH Convention, Vienna, Va.

Wallace, G. 1995. Multicultural Neurogenics. Invited presentation at ASHA’s Multicultural Institute, Chicago, Illinois.

Wallace, G. 1995. Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury in African American Populations: Clinical Considerations. Invited presentation at the ASHA Sea Island Conference, Sea Island, Ga.

Wallace, G., Spelman, S., Friedlander, R., Reyes, B., and Moss, S. 1994. Management of Neurologically-based Communication Impairments Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations (Part I and Part II). Two invited miniseminars, ASHA Convention, New Orleans, La.

Bruce, K., and Wallace, G. 1994. Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure on Communication Skills. Poster Session, ASHA Convention, New Orleans, La.

Wallace, G. 1994. Key Note Speaker, Colorado Speech-Language and Hearing Association (CSLPA) Convention, Denver, Colorado.

Wallace, G. 1994. Neurogenic Communication Disorders Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations (Workshop Part I). Invited miniseminar, CSLHA Convention, Denver, Colorado.

Wallace, G. 1994. Management of Neurogenic Communication Disorders Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations (Workshop Part II). Invited miniseminar, CSLHA Convention, Denver, Colorado.

Wallace, G. 1994. Current Clinical Issues in the Area of Traumatic brain Injury. Invited Round Table Discussion Leader, CSLHA Convention, Denver, Colorado. .

Wallace, G. 1994. Rehabilitation of Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury in the African American Population. Invited paper presented to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Section, NMA Convention.

Wallace, G. 1994. Rehabilitation of Stroke and traumatic Brain Injury in Pacific Island Populations: Clinical Considerations. Two invited workshops, American Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Maui, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 1994. Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive-Linguistic Deficits Resulting from Traumatic Brain Injury. Invited presentation, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tucker, F., Wallace, G., and Hubner, K. 1994. Control of Auditory Stimulus Variables During Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Poster session, Tennessee Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention, Gatlinberg, Tn.

Wallace, G. 1994. Management of Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations. Invited workshop. Sea Island Conference, sponsored by ASHA, Sea Island, Ga. .

Wallace, G. 1994. Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Students and Professionals. Invited Workshop. Sea Island Conference, sponsored by ASHA, Sea Island, Ga. .

Wallace, G. 1993. Rehabilitation for Patients with Neurogenic Communication Disorders. Invited panel discussant, U.S. Public Health Service, Rehabilitation Conference, Atlanta, Ga.

Tucker, F., Wallace, G., and Hubner, K. 1993. Control of Auditory Stimulus Variables During Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Poster session presented at the ASHA Convention, Los Angeles, Ca.

Wallace, G. 1993. Speech-Language Rehabilitation Services in Amerika Samoa: Programming for Partnership. Invited Symposium and poster session presenter at the First USCIR Rehabilitation International Symposium, Atlanta, Ga.

Woods, D., Wallace, G., et al. 1993. Fifteen Years of an International Project: What Does It Mean to be an Internationalist in Rehabilitation. Invited symposium presenter and invited poster session presenter. First USCIR Rehabilitation International Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia. .

Tucker, F., Wallace, G., and Hubner, K. 1993. Control of Auditory Stimulus Variables During Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Technical session presented at the Missouri Speech- Language and Hearing Association, St. Louis, Missouri.

Wallace, G. 1993. CVA and TBI in Amerika Samoa: Rehabilitation Needs and Services. Miniseminar, ASHA Convention, San Antonio, Texas.

Wallace, G. 1992. Illegal and Prescribed Drugs Associated with Neurologically-based Communication Impairment: Part I-Assessment and Treatment of Communication Impairments Secondary to Substance Abuse. Part II- Drug/Alcohol Prenatally Exposed Infants and Children Assessment and Intervention Approaches. Invited presenter for Teleconference workshop, sponsored by ASHA and NBASLH, Chicago, Ill.

Wallace, G. 1992. Strategies to Facilitate learning for Children Who have been Drug Exposed. Invited presentation at the Knoxville Public Schools Drug Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Wallace, G. 1992. Diversity issues in Adult Neurogenic Populations. Invited technical paper presented to the NIH-NIDCD Conference on Research and Research Training Needs of Minority Persons and Minority Health Issues. The NIH, Bethesda, Md.

Wallace, G. 1992. Crack Cocaine Use During Pregnancy and Risks for Developmental Disability. Invited short course. Massachusetts State Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention. .

Wallace, G. 1992. Neurological Communication Impairment and the Multicultural Community. Invited miniseminar, Massachusetts State Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention.

Wallace, G. 1992. Risks for Developmental Delay after Prenatal Exposure to Crack Cocaine. Invited presentation at the University of Tennessee Speech-Language –Hearing Annual Symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Wallace, G. 1991. Understanding African American Culture and Language: A Necessary Prerequisite to Effective Student Recruiting, Faculty Retention, and Clinical Intervention. Invited short course presentation at the Hunter College Multicultural Conference, New York.

Wallace, G. 1991. Neurological Impairment Among African American Adults: Clinical Implications for Speech Language Pathologists. Invited short course presentation at the Hunter College Multicultural Conference, New York.

Wallace, G. 1991. Risk Factors and Clinical Management of Infants Exposed to Crack-Cocaine. Invited two-day workshop presenter at the NBASLH Convention, Los Angeles, Ca.

Wallace, G. 1991. Management of Adults from the Multicultural Community Who Have Neurological Communication Impairments. Invited three-hour short course, presented at the New York State Speech Language and Hearing Convention, New York.

Wallace, G. 1991. Invited discussant leader for round table discussion on topic of “adult aphasia.” New York State Speech-Language and Hearing Convention, New York.

Wallace, G. 1991. Neurological Communication Disorders and the Multicultural Community: Clinical Implications. Invited miniseminar, Tennessee Speech-Language and Hearing Association (TSLHA) Convention, Nashville, Tennessee.

Wallace, G. 1991. Assessing Comprehension and Limb Praxis in Severe Aphasia. Miniseminar, TSLHA Convention, Nashville, Tennessee.

Melzler, D., Wallace, G., Fain, M., Vasai Tilo, J., and Wallace, T. 1991. Assessing Speech and Language in School-Age Samoan Children. Technical session, TSLHA Convention, Nashville, Tennessee. .

Wallace, T., Wallace, G., and Metzler, D. 1991. Assessing Hearing in School-Age Samoan Children. Technical session, TSLHA Convention, Nashville, Tennessee.

Fain, M., Wallace, G., and Vasai Tilo, J. 1991. Conducting Speech-Language Pathology Research in American Samoa. Technical session, Society for Applied Anthropology (SFAA) Convention, Charleston, SC.

Metzler, D., and Wallace, G. 1991. Speech and Language Screening of School-age Children in American Samoa. Technical session, SFAA Annual Convention, Charleston, SC.

Wallace, G. 1991. Stroke, Head Injury, and Rehabilitation Services in American Samoa. Technical session, SFAA Annual Convention, Charleston, SC.

Wallace, T., and Wallace, G. 1991. Hearing Screening of School-age Children in American Samoa. Technical session, SFAA Annual Convention, Charleston, SC.

Wallace, G. 1991. Cortical and Subcortical Influences in Language Recovery in Severely Aphasic Individuals. Bi-monthly Scientific Seminar of the Biomedical Imaging Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Wallace, G. 1991. Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Crack-cocaine on the Development of Speech and language. Invited conference faculty member and workshop presenter for the Substance Abuse and Pregnancy: Children Deserve Better Conference, sponsored by Operation PAR, Inc., St. Petersburg, Florida.

Wallace, G. 1991. Neurological Effects of Crack Cocaine and Risks for Speech and Language Impairment Among Children with Prenatal Exposure. Invited presentation at the At-Risk Child Conference, sponsored by San Jose State University, San Jose, Ca.

Wallace, G. 1991. Infusing Multicultural Neurogenics into the Curriculum. Invited presentation at the ASHA Multicultural Conference, Sea Island, Ga.

Wallace, G. 1990. Risk Factors for Speech and Language Impairment Among Children with Prenatal Exposure to Crack Cocaine. Paper presented at the “Challenge of the 90’s: Children at Risk” Parent and Risk Conference, sponsored by the National Association for Perinatal Addiction Research and Education (NAPARE).

Wallace, G. 1990. Risk Factors and Developmental Assessment of Infants with Prenatal Exposure to Crack Cocaine. (One of three) Invited workshop presentation at the Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on the Development of Speech-Language Learning in Infants and Children’s Conference, sponsored by NBASLH and ASHA. .

Wallace, G. 1990. Treatment Programs and Treatment Techniques for the Addicted Mother and Cocaine Exposed Infant: Team Models that Work. (One of three) Invited workshop presentation at the Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on the Development of Speech- Language Learning in Infants and Children’s Conference, sponsored by NBASLH and ASHA.

Wallace, G. 1990. The Missing Link: Speech-Language and Audiological Services as an Important Component of Clinical Treatment. (One of three) Invited workshop presentation at Infants and Children’s Conference, sponsored by NBASLH and ASHA.

Wallace, G., Metzler, D., Vasai Tilo, J., Wallace, C., and Fain, M. 1990. Conducting Research in Rural Settings: The Summer 1990 Studies in American Samoa. Colloquium presentation, University of Tennessee, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Wallace, G. 1990. Infusing Multicultural Neurogenics into the Traditional Curriculum. Invited presentation at the ASHA Multicultural Conference, Los Angeles, Ca.

Wallace, G. 1990. Rehabilitation Services for African American Adults with Neurological Impairment. Invited presentation to the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health, Research Collaboration Committee, Knoxville, Tn.

Wallace, G., and Cloud, S. 1990. Management of Bilingual/Bicultural Neurologically Impaired Adults: A Clinical Model. Poster session, NBASLH Convention, New Orleans, La.

Wallace, G., and Bridges, S. 1990. Acquired Neurological Impairment Among African American Adults and Children. Miniseminar presented at the NBASLH Convention, New Orleans, La.

Wallace, G., and Bridges, S. 1990. Neurological Communication Impairment and African American Adults. Invited miniseminar, Communication Disorders Among Minority Populations Conference, sponsored by the NBASLH, Jackson State University, Jackson, Ms.

Wallace, G. 1988. Incidence of Neurological Impairment Among Low-Socioeconomic Nursing Home Residents. Technical Session, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G. 1988. Structure and Function of the Oral Peripheral Mechanism in Aging Individuals. Technical paper, Michigan University-Based Research Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

Wallace, G. 1988. Incidence of Neurological Impairment Among Low-Socioeconomic Nursing Home Residents. Poster session, Michigan University-Based Research on Aging Conference, East Lansing, Michigan.

Wallace, G. 1988. Team Management of Stroke Patients. Workshops and home visit demonstrations presented to Health Care professionals in Pago Pago, American Samoa. (Invited team member, University of Hawaii School of Medicine/Public Health Care Team.) .

Wallace, G. 1988. Comprehension in Severe Aphasia. Invited colloquium presentation, University of Washington, Seattle, Wa.

Wallace, G. 1987. Islands of Preserved Auditory Comprehension in Severely Aphasic Individuals. Technical session, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G., and Bridges, S. 1987. Clinical Management of Multicultural Neurologically Impaired Adults: Survey Results. Technical Session, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G. 1987. Analysis of Langue Style Using Two Classification Systems. Technical Session, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G. 1987. Adult Language and Cognitive Disorders. Invited presentation made at the ASHA CCC Review Workshop, East Lansing, Mi.

Wallace, G. 1987. Motor Speech Disorders in Adults. Invited presentation made at the ASHA CCC Review Workshop, East Lansing, Mi.

Wallace, G. 1987. Clinical Management of Dysarthric Speakers. Invited half-day workshop sponsored by the Hawaii Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 1987. Severe Aphasia. Invited colloquium presentation. Sponsored by the Hawaii Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G. 1986. Current Issues in Aphasia Rehabilitation. Invited miniseminar, presented at the Michigan Speech-Language Association Continuing Professional Development Workshop, Lansing, Michigan.

Wallace, G. 1986. Islands of Preserved Ability in Severe Aphasia. Invited paper, Michigan University-Based Research on Aging Conference, East Lansing, Michigan.

Wallace, G. 1985. Language Disorders in Adults. Invited presentation made at the ASHA CCC Review Workshop, Kalamazoo, Mi.

Wallace, G. 1984. Performance of Severely Aphasic Individuals to Personally Relevant and Non-personal Language Materials. Colloquium presentation at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

Wallace, G. 1984. Defining and Comparing the Langue Style of Normally-Developing children, Language Impaired children, and their major caregivers. Colloquium presentation at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Az.

Wallace, G., and Canter, G. 1982. Comparative Performance of Severe Aphasics with Personally-Relevant Versus Extrapersonal language. Technical paper, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G. 1981. The Language Disordered Adolescent: Issues in Identification and Treatment. Invited presentation, Hawaii Speech and Hearing Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wallace, G., and Wallace, J. 1981. Communication Deficits in Some Patients with Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy). Technical session, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G. 1981. The Black Stroke Patient: Language and Speech Treatment Considerations. Technical session, NBASLH Convention.

Wallace, G. 1981. Functional Approaches for the Diagnosis of Moderately-Severe Adult Aphasic Patients. Illinois Speech and Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.

Wallace, G., Canter, G., and Shewan, C. 1980. Comprehension of Neutral, Affectively-Toned, and Melodically Intoned Sentences by Aphasics. Technical session, ASHA Convention.

Wallace, G., and Wallace, J. 1980. Abberant Articulation, Resonance, and Voice Characteristics of Some Patients with Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy). Technical paper, NBASLH Convention.

Honors and Awards

University of Cincinnati Martin Luther King Scholarship Award for Special Service Contributions, 2003

Linda Campbell Distinguished Lecturer Award, Department of Communication Sciences, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., 2002

ERRIS Grant Writers Workshop Fellowship Award, 2002

University of Cincinnati Sponsored Research Office Grant Writers Fellowship Award, 2000

Robert Woods Johnson Foundation Health Care Policy Research Fellowship semi-finalist (one of twelve semifinalists for this competitive program whose participants are primarily comprised of physicians from the United States and abroad), 2000

National Black Association of Speech-Language and Hearing Association’s (NBASLH) Scholar Mentor Award (highest award of the Association), 1999

University of Cincinnati Library Guild Recognition of 2 textbook publications, 1998

University of Tennessee Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence, 1995

Fellow, American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA), 1992


Co-Chair UC 21 Sense of Place University-wide Team (2003-2004) (included a 4-6 hour/week Commitment November through mid February to prepare seven grant proposal concept papers with budgets; also, served as ghost writer for newspaper article about the team’s activities)

College of Medicine’s Martin Luther King Day Planning Committee member

College of Medicine’s Martin Luther King Day Awards Ceremony Committee member

Member, campus-wide Just Community Steering Committee

Netwellness Consultant

Racial Dialogue Committee member

U.C. SEM Retention Committee member

Bridging from CAHS Application to CAHS Acceptance Committee member

CAHS Faculty Senate Representative

CAHS representative for the College of Medicine’s Alternative Medicine Committee

CAHS representative to prepare HCOP grants in collaboration with Cincinnati Career and Technical College. Also prepared a series of small internal grants for the CAHS to support activities within the CAHS in preparation for submission of the HCOP grants.

Data Dictionary Course Planning Committee, Chair

Dean’s Search Committee member

FIPSI Committee

Retention, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Committee member

Advisor, National Student Speech-Language and Hearing Association, U. of Cincinnati Chapter

Coordinator of the ASHA IP-DLE-3 Innovative Doctoral Training Program Activities

Clinical Leaders Program (Co-Facilitator with Ms. Phyllis Breen) –bi-monthly meetings (with 8- 10 students) and individual coaching sessions/meetings/advising of students from diverse backgrounds to provide mentoring, support and clinical information, as needed.

Course Related Practicum Experiences – Routinely supervised students enrolled in annual aphasia and motor speech courses (approximately 26 in each course) as they engaged in clinical assessment and treatment practicum experiences designed to augment course lecture material, (Total of approximately 52 students supervised in this manner, per academic year)

Graduate Admissions Committee member

General Clinical Supervision – Supervised students providing clinical services primarily to cases with neurogenic communication and swallowing disorders (including supervision of assessment, treatment and aphasia conversation and support groups).

Special Community Outreach Projects - Pro bono provision of clinical services to adult neurogenics cases throughout the greater Cincinnati area who have the potential to benefit from treatment but who were unable to pay for services (patients are referred from numerous sources throughout the community and from the pool of subjects enrolled in the IRB approved Wallace Aphasia Research investigations).

RPT Committee member

Professional Affiliation

American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) – also current member of Special Interest Divisions (SID) #2, #13, and #14 ,

Academy of Neurologic Communication Sciences and Disorders (ANCDS) – also, current Chairperson, Membership Committee,

National Black Speech-Language and Hearing Association (NBASLH),

Ohio Speech-Language and Hearing Association (OSLHA),

Hawaii Speech-Language and Hearing Association (HSLHA),

Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (ANCDS) – organization member, and member Board of Directors (2 terms)

Acoustical Society – member

American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) – Service on numerous committees, including: Chair, Committee on Drug Exposure in Infants and Children; member Clinical Certification Board; Chair of the Specialty Credentialing Committee for the ASHA Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CD) Populations Special Interest Division # 14; Chair, Neurogenic Language Disorders Convention Planning Committee (3 times) and member of ASHA Planning Committee (2 times); member Social and Political Responsibility Committee Member; member, Elections Committee; and Review Panel member for the NESPA; selected by ASHA to serve as a funded Summer research mentor for a student from the University of Illinois

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – journal manuscript reviewer

Department of Education – grant reviewer

International Neuropsychological Society (INS) – member

Michigan Speech-Language and Hearing Association – Executive Board member; Vice President for Standards and Ethics, 2 years/2 terms

National Association for Perinatal Addiction Research and Education (NAPARE) – member

National Black Speech-Language and Hearing Association (NBASLH) – Former member Board of Directors; Scholarship Committee member; Mentoring Committee member; Founder and President of the Neurogenics Special Interest Division; Chair, Special Interest Committee – where monitored all special interest divisions; editorial consultant for the ECHO professional Magazine, Survey Committee member, and other committee involvements

National Institutes of Health (NIH, NIDCD) – member of scientific panel for updating the National Strategic Research Plan, Research Steering Committee and Committee Writing Group; member, Steering Committee for Research with Multicultural Populations.

Ohio Master’s Network Initiatives in Education (OMNIE) – Volunteer Instructor for the Introduction to Communication Disorders courses

Ohio Speech-Language and Hearing Association (OSHLA) – Program Planning Committee member

Pro bono Speech-Language Pathologist – provided community-based pro bono SLP services for neurologically-involved cases who were in need of SLP services but who were not eligible for rehabilitation through traditional sources because of uninsured or under-insured status

Professional Reviewer, dissertations and theses for national and international universities (ex. for the Division of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Capetown, South Africa), and national and international journals (ex. Aphasiology, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Journal of Speech Pathology, Schizophrenia Research, ASHA SID Division 2 and ASHA SID Division 12 newsletters; Advisory Board

Society for Applied Anthropology - member

Tennessee Association for Speech-Language and Hearing – member; Committee on Inclusiveness, 3 years; and other committee memberships; alternate Legislative Council Member

World Health Organization – Expert witness and contributor to the development of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)

Courses Taught

Adult language disorders

Adult cognitive disorders

Motor speech disorders

Dysphagia in adult populations

Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology

Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders

Distance Learning Program – Maine

Distance Learning Program – New York

Distance Learning Program OMNI

Aphasia module for the First Year Medical Students’ Neuroscience Course (U.C. College of Medicine)

Directed Undergraduate Honor’s student projects

Directed Undergraduate Capstone Student Projects

Independent study courses in the area of neurogenics for doctoral, master’s level, and undergraduate students