Daniel D Wheeler


Associate Professor

Professional Summary

Dr. Wheeler received a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1969. He held a faculty appointment at the University of Texas at Austin (1969-71) before coming to the University of Cincinnati in 1971. His recent agenda has evolved from a focus on the cognitive dynamics of decision making to explorations of the uses of technology in education. He co-edited a volume on Practicum in Thinking and co-authored the book A Practical Guide for Making Decisions. He has published several book chapters as well as articles in Cryptologia, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, Journal of Research in Computing in Education, and other journals. He also has done extensive work on the development of web sites and on-line courses. He was one of the creators of KIDLINK, an electronic communications forum for school children, and is currently working on the development of a web site for fostering dialogues on human rights. Dr. Wheeler teaches courses on Human Learning, Cognition and Technology, and Models of Research.

Research Support

Grant: #PN-738586-03 Investigators:Wheeler, Daniel 07-01-2000 -12-31-2002 Ohio Board of Regents Teaching Human Rights Online Role:PI $49,955.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio